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rG-CSF reduces endotoxemia and improves survival during E.coli pneumonia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Freeman, Bradley D., Zenaide Quezado, Fabrice Zeni, CharlesNatanson, Robert L. Danner, Steven Banks, Marcello Quezado, YvonneFitz, John Bacher, and Peter Q. Eichacker. rG-CSF reduces endotoxemia and improves survival during E. coli pneumonia. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(5): 1467-1475, 1997.We investigatedthe effects of recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(rG-CSF) during canine bacterial pneumonia. Beagles with chronictracheostomies received daily subcutaneous rG-CSF (5 µg/kg body wt)or placebo for 14 days, beginning 9 days before intrabronchialinoculation with E. coli. Animalsreceived antibiotics and fluid support; a subset received humidifiedoxygen (fractional inspired O20.40). Compared with controls, rG-CSF increased circulating neutrophil counts (57.4 vs. 11.0 × 103/mm3,day 1 after infection;P = 0.0001), decreased plasmaendotoxin (7.5 vs. 1.1 EU/ml at 8 h; P < 0.01) and serum tumor necrosis factor- (3,402 vs.729 pg/ml at 2 h; P = 0.01) levels,and prolonged survival (relative risk of death = 0.45, 95% confidenceinterval 0.21-0.97; P = 0.038).Also, rG-CSF attenuated sepsis-associated myocardial dysfunction(P < 0.001). rG-CSF had no effect onpulmonary function or on blood and lung bacteria counts (allP = not significant). Other animalschallenged with endotoxin (4 mg/kg iv) after similar treatment withrG-CSF had lower serum endotoxin levels (7.62 vs. 5.81 log EU/ml at 6 h; P < 0.01) and less cardiovasculardysfunction (P < 0.05 to < 0.002)but similar tumor necrosis factor- levels (P = not significant) compared withcontrols. Thus prophylactic rG-CSF sufficient to increase circulatingneutrophils during bacterial pneumonia may improve cardiovascularfunction and survival by mechanisms that in part enhance the clearanceof bacterial toxins but do not improve lung function.

A new genus and species of fossil angiosperm (Appomattoxia ancistrophora) is established based on well-preserved fruiting units and associated pollen from the Early Cretaceous (Early or Middle Albian) Puddledock locality in the Potomac Group sequence of Virginia, eastern North America. Fruiting units are small, unilocular, and with a single, pendulous, orthotropous seed. The fruit surface is characterized by densely spaced unicellular spines with hooklike tips, which probably functioned in biotic dispersal. Pollen grains adhering to the stigmatic area of many specimens are monocolpate and tectate with granular to columellate infratectal structure, and are similar to dispersed grains assigned to Tucanopollis and Transitoripollis. Comparison of fossil Appomattoxia ancistrophora with extant plants reveals an unusual combination of characters that includes similarities with some magnoliid taxa, particularly Piperales (Piperaceae, Saururaceae) and Laurales (Chloranthaceae), as well as the monotypic ranunculid family Circaeasteraceae. Appomattoxia ancistrophora differs from extant Piperales in having a pendulous rather than erect ovule, and differs from extant Circaeaster in details of the fruit wall, as well as the presence of monosulcate rather than tricolpate pollen.  相似文献   
Repeated administration of prostaglandin is the treatment of choice for the termination of pregnancy in mares more than 40 days pregnant. Even though it is well documented that PGF-2 or analogue needs to be administered every 12–24 h for successful induction of abortion, little is known about the underlying endocrine changes and the mechanism by which abortion occurs. The aim of this study was to characterize the changes in PGF-2, progesterone and estrogen secretion during prostaglandin-induced abortion. Six mares, 82–102 days pregnant, were treated daily with 250 μg cloprostenol, blood was collected at 1-h intervals until fetal expulsion and pregnancy examination was performed daily. Four mares, 92–97 days pregnant, received no treatment but were subjected to the same hourly blood collections and daily genital examinations described for cloprostenol-treated mares for 3 days. Mean time from first cloprostenol administration until fetal expulsion was 48.6 ± 5.6 h and required 2.8 ± 0.2 cloprostenol administrations. In all mares, progesterone concentrations decreased in a near linear manner after the first cloprostenol administration and were invariably low (1.3 ± 0.2 ng ml−1, mean ± SEM) at the time of fetal expulsion. Mean estrogen secretion remained unchanged until 5 h before fetal expulsion and then decreased rapidly to non-pregnant levels. Endogenous PGF-2 secretion rate increased with each cloprostenol administration and culminated in sustained PGF-2 secretion which persisted until fetal expulsion was completed. From these results we conclude that cloprostenol-induced abortion is associated with endogenous PGF-2 secretion, fetal expulsion coincides with sustained PGF-2 secretion and low progesterone concentrations and plasma estrogen concentrations remain unchanged until hours before fetal expulsion.  相似文献   
The proteinases in the midguts of three scarab white grub species, Lepidiota noxia, L. negatoria, and Antitrogus consanguineus, were investigated to classify the proteinases present and to determine the most effective proteinase inhibitor for potential use as an insect control agent. pH activity profiles indicated the presence of serine proteinases and the absence of cysteine proteinases. This was confirmed by the lack of inhibition by specific cysteine proteinase inhibitors. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, and leucine aminopeptidase activities were detected by using specific synthetic substrates. A screen of 32 proteinase inhibitors produced 9 inhibitors of trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elastase which reduced proteolytic activity by greater than 75%. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
SchistoFLRFamide (PDVDHVFLRF-NH2) is one of the major endogenous neuropeptides of the FMRF-amide family found in the nervous system of the locust,Schistocerca gregaria. To gain insights into the potential physiological roles of this neuropeptide we have examined the distribution of SchistoFLRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the ventral nervous system of adult locusts by use of a newly developed N-terminally specific antibody. SchistoFLRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the ventral nerve cord is found in a subgroup of the neurones that are immunoreactive to an antiserum raised against bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP). In the suboesophageal ganglion three groups of cells stain, including one pair of large posterior ventral cells. These cells are the same size, in the same location in the ganglion and have the same branching pattern as a pair of BPP immunoreactive cells known to innervate the heart and retrocerebral glandular complex of the locust. In the thoracic and abdominal ganglia two and three sets of cells, respectively, stain with both the SchistoFLRFamide and BPP antisera. In the abdominal ganglia the immunoreactive cells project via the median nerves to the intensely immunoreactive neurohaemal organs.  相似文献   
An immunohistological study of L3T4(CD4)+ and LYT-2(CD8)+ lymphocytes, Mac-1(CD11b)+ monocytes and granulocytes in experimental murine cryptococcal meningoencephalitis was conducted. To assess the concomitant inflammatory reaction in an extracerebral site, livers were examined in parallel. Mice were infected i.v. withCryptococcus neoformans, group A/D, and organs were examined immunohistologically for CD4-, CD8- and monocyteand granulocyte-specific CD11b-phenotypic leukocytes over a period of 60 days. Intracerebrally, agglomerations of cryptococci formed pseudocysts that were surrounded by CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes at the end of the second week post-infection, followed by the invasion of monocytes and granulocytes into the lesions. After the fourth week post-infection, most of the invaded lesions were transformed into glious scars. Meningitis was usually marked and showed a homogenous distribution of CD4-, CD8- and CD11b-phenotypic cells, with a predominance of monocytes and CD4+ lymphocytes. Inflammatory infiltrates in the liver were found already 4 days post-infection. CD4+ lymphocytes and monocytes were distributed homogenously in the infiltrates, with a lower number of CD8+ lymphocytes being located rather in the periphery of the infiltrates. Comparing leukocyte kinetics in brain and liver, an important observation was the delayed immigration of immune cells at the intracerebral cryptococcal lesions as compared with the liver, and the different migration patterns of T-lymphocyte subgroups and macrophages. These results suggest that there are differential leukocyte migration patterns in the liver and brain following disseminated cryptococcosis. The immunological aspects of the observed leukocyte kinetics are discussed.  相似文献   
Klebsiella aerogenes forms electron-dense partieles on the cell surface in response to the presence of cadmium ions in the growth medium. These particles ranged from 20 to 200 nm in size, and quantitative energy dispersive X-ray analysis established that they comprise cadmium and sulfur in a 1:1 ratio. This observation leads to the conclusion that the particles are cadmium sulfide crystallites. A combination of atomic absorption spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and acid-labile sulfide analysis revealed that the total intracellular and bound extracellular cadmium:sulfur ratio is also 1:1, which suggests that the bulk of the cadmium is fixed as extracellular cadmium sulfide. The tolerance of K. acrogenes to cadmium ions and the formation of the cadmium sulfide crystallites were dependent on the buffer composition of the growth medium. The addition of cadmium ions to phosphate-buffered media resulted in cadmium phosphate precipitates that remove the potentially toxic cadmium ions from the growth medium. Electrondense particles formed on the surfaces of bacteria grown under these conditions were a combination of cadmium sulfide and cadmium phosphates. The specific bacterial growth rate in the exponential phase of batch cultures was not affected by up to 2mM cadmium in Tricine-buffered medium, but formation of cadmium sulfide crystallites was maximal during the stationary phase of batch culture. Cadmium tolerance was much lower (10 to 150 M) in growth media buffered with Tris, Bistris propane, Bes, Tes, or Hepes. These results illustrate the importance of considering medium composition when comparing levels of bacterial cadmium tolerance.Abbreviations EDXA Energy dispersive X-ray analysis - AAS Atomic absorption spectroscopy - TEM Transmission electron microscopy - SEM Scanning electron microscopy - ICP-MS Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry - ALSA Acid-labile sulfide analysis  相似文献   
Chloroplasts of land plants have an active transfer RNA processing system, consisting of an RNase P-like 5 endonuclease, a 3 endonuclease, and a tRNA:CCA nucleotidyltransferase. The specificity of these enzymes resembles more that of their eukaryotic counterparts than that of their cyanobacterial predecessors. Most strikingly, chloroplast RNase P activity almost certainly resides in a protein, rather than in an RNA protein complex as in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. The chloroplast enzyme may have evolved from a preexisting chloroplast NADP-binding protein. Chloroplast RNase P cleaves pre-tRNA by a reaction mechanism in which at least one of the Mg2+ ions utilized by the bacterial ribozyme RNase P is replaced by an amino acid side chain.Abbreviations pre-tRNA precursor to tRNA - pCp cytidine 5, 3-bisphosphate - IC50 inhibitor concentration giving 50% inhibition - GAPDH glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase  相似文献   
The proteasome (multicatalytic proteinase complex) is a large multimeric complex which is found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It plays a major role in both ubiquitin-dependent and ubiquitin-independent nonlysosomal pathways of protein degradation. Proteasome subunits are encoded by members of the same gene family and can be divided into two groups based on their similarity to the and subunits of the simpler proteasome isolated fromThermoplasma acidophilum. Proteasomes have a cylindrical structure composed of four rings of seven subunits. The 26S form of the proteasome, which is responsible for ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis, contains additional regulatory complexes. Eukaryotic proteasomes have multiple catalytic activities which are catalysed at distinct sites. Since proteasomes are unrelated to other known proteases, there are no clues as to which are the catalytic components from sequence alignments. It has been assumed from studies with yeast mutants that -type subunits play a catalytic role. Using a radiolabelled peptidyl chloromethane inhibitor of rat liver proteasomes we have directly identified RC7 as a catalytic component. Interestingly, mutants in Prel, the yeast homologue of RC7, have already been reported to have defective chymotrypsin-like activity. These results taken together confirm a direct catalytic role for these -type subunits. Proteasome activities are sensitive to conformational changes and there are several ways in which proteasome function may be modulatedin vivo. Our recent studies have shown that in animal cells at least two proteasome subunits can undergo phosphorylation, the level of which is likely to be important for determining proteasome localization, activity or ability to form larger complexes. In addition, we have isolated two isoforms of the 26S proteinase.  相似文献   
 Smooth-pursuit eye movements were recorded in two rhesus monkeys in order to compare the influence of structured visual backgrounds on smooth-pursuit initiation, steady-state pursuit and pursuit termination. Different target trajectories were used in order to study smooth-pursuit initiation and termination. The influence of visual backgrounds on pursuit initiation was characterized by recording ocular responses elicited by step-ramp target displacements starting from straight ahead. Pursuit termination was characterized by analysing the transition from steady-state smooth-pursuit to fixation when a centripetally directed target ramp was terminated by a small target step in the direction of the ramp as soon as the target had come close to the straightahead position. The quantification of steady-state pursuit was based on ocular responses elicited by either paradigm. In accordance with previous work, we found that the onset of smooth-pursuit eye movements was delayed and initial eye acceleration reduced in the presence of a structured visual background. Likewise, mean eye velocity during steady-state pursuit was reduced by structured visual backgrounds. However, neither the latency nor the time course of smooth-pursuit termination was altered when the homogeneous background was replaced by a structured visual background. The lack of sensitivity of pursuit termination to the presence of visual structured backgrounds supports a previous contention that pursuit termination is mediated by a process which is different from the ones mediating smooth-pursuit initiation and steady-state pursuit. The absence of any noticeable effect of structured backgrounds on pursuit termination suggests that at least the fast component of the optokinetic reflex is suppressed during pursuit termination. Received: 24 October 1994/Accepted in revised form: 16 December 1994  相似文献   
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