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Zusammenfassung An 1047 Silbermöwen-Nestern auf den Watteninseln Mellum und Memmert wurden 1979/80 ermittelt (Abb. 1): Grenzrichtungen der Vegetationsstände 1–3 (1: Vegetationsstand größter Winkelgröße) und Nest-Zugänge 1–3, ihre Winkelgrößen und mittleren Richtungen. Mehr als 80% der Nester waren zu 40–90% von Vegetation umstanden (Abb. 2). Die Winkelgröße des Gesamtvegetationsstandes betrug auf Mellum 212°, auf Memmert 205° (Tab. 1). Die Nestzugänge hatten eine geringere Winkelgröße als die Vegetationsstände (Tab. 1, Abb. 3). Die Silbermöwe bevorzugte demnach Nestplätze, die von Vegetation schützend umgeben sind. Der Vegetationsstand 1 befand sich bevorzugt auf der westlichen (= Hauptwindrichtung), der Zugang 1 auf der östlichen Nestseite (Tab. 2, Abb. 4). Die Verteilung der Gesamtvegetation zeigte entsprechende Vorzugsrichtungen (Abb. 6). Im Vergleich zu 1979 war 1980 eine Verlagerung der Vorzugsrichtung des Vegetationsstandes 1 um 50–60° von West nach Nord festzustellen (Tab. 2, Abb. 4). Ein Vergleich der mittleren Windrichtungen beider Jahre zeigte eine gleichsinnige Richtungsänderung (Abb. 5). Auf den zwei untersuchten Probeflächen Mellums ließ sich eine Auswahl des Nestplatzes im Hinblick auf Sichtschutz gegen Nachbarn nicht nachweisen (Tab. 3). Die mögliche Funktion der nestumgebenden Vegetation als Wind- und Wetterschutz wird diskutiert.
Vegetation surrounding Herring Gulls'(Larus argentatus) nests in relation to wind direction
Summary The following measurements were taken for a total of 1047 Herring Gulls' nests on the North Sea islands Mellum and Memmert (West Germany) in 1979 and 1980 (cf. Fig. 1 for terminology): limiting directions, angular sizes, and mean directions of the surrounding vegetation-stands 1 to 3 (1 = vegetation-stand with largest angular size), and of the entrances 1 to 3. For more than 80% of the nests, 40–90% of the circumference were surrounded by vegetation (Fig. 2). The mean angular size of the total vegetation-stand was 212° on Mellum and 205° on Memmert (Tab. 1). The nest entrances had a smaller angular size than the vegetation-stands (Tab. 1, Fig. 3). This shows the Herring Gull's preference for nest sites protected by surrounding vegetation.Vegetation-stand 1 was preferably orientated towards the west (= main wind direction), nest entrance 1 towards the east (Tab. 2, Fig. 4). The distribution of the total vegetation showed corresponding preferred directions (Fig. 6). A comparison of the years 1979 and 1980 revealed a shift of 50°–60°, from west to north, for the preferred direction of vegetation-stand 1 (Tab. 2, Fig. 4). A similar shift could be found for the mean wind direction (Fig. 5). For the two study plots on Mellum, a nest site selection favouring visual isolation from neighbours' nests could not be demonstrated (Tab. 3). The possible function of nest-surrounding vegetation as a shelter against wind and weather is discussed.

Herrn Dr. Friedrich Goethe zur Vollendung des 70. Lebensjahres gewidmet  相似文献   
A technique for the collection of stable hemolymph from larvae of Manduca sexta has been developed. The method avoids the cell clumping and melanization reactions commonly encountered with insect hemolymph by minimizing contact between hemocytes and surfaces which provoke defensive or repair responses. The circulating hemocyte population of second-day, fifth-instar larvae (2dL5) of M. sexta consisted of 4.5 ± 2.5 × 106 cells/ml (n = 15, range 2–7 × 106 cells/ml) and contained five cell types: prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, spherulocytes, and oenocytoids. Two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa which differ in pathogenicity (P11-1 and 9027) and Escherichia coli D31 grew well at 26°C in cell-free hemolymph prepared from naive (nonimmunized) 2dL5 M. sexta. When viable cells of any of the three bacteria were injected into M. sexta larvae, changes in both the total hemocyte count (THC) and differential hemocyte count were observed. Viable bacteria were not required to produce these changes since formalin-killed cells of P. aeruginosa 9027 produced a qualitatively and quantitatively similar response. Following injection of bacteria, the THC increased, reaching a maximal level at 1 hr postinjection, and remained elevated for at least 4 hr after injection. While prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, and spherulocytes all increased in number, 80% of the increased cell population at 1 hr postinjection of bacteria were the latter two cell types. Granulocytes and spherulocytes are cells with recognized defensive capabilities. The increased numbers of these cells in circulation soon after injection of bacteria may confer an advantage on M. sexta larvae in dealing with bacterial infections. This could explain in part the unusual resistance of M. sexta to certain bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   
In a population at equilibrium in a stable environment under natural selection there can be very little heritability of fitness. In some species, for example, those with leks, females exhibit strong preferences for certain characteristics in their mates, though all they obtain are his genes and these cannot contribute much to the fitness of their offspring. In paternal species, where there are often clear economic benefits in obtaining good mates, mate choice mechanisms do not seem so highly developed. This is the lek paradox. We examine three forces, mutational load, migrational load, and two kinds of linkage disequilibrium, which might generate enough heritability to maintain a mating convention in a nonpaternal species, and we evaluate the strength of the selective forces they generate. Only under rather extreme conditions can these forces be of more than negligible strength.  相似文献   
A photoreactive analog of aminopterin, 2′-azidoaminopterin (VI), was synthesized and evaluated as a potential inhibitor and photoaffinity label of folate-utilizing enzymes. The compound was tightly bound to dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) from escherichia coli (MB 1428) with K1 equal to 3 × 10?11M and to the enzyme from mouse (S-180) cells with K1 approximately equal to 2 × 10?10M. Dissociation constants measured by equilibrium dialysis using radioactive 2′-azidoaminopterin gave a value of KD = 3.2 × 10?9M for the bacterial enzyme. The presence of NADPH enhanced the affinity by more than an order of magnitude. Azidoaminopterin is also an inhibitor of thymidylate synthetase from Lactobacillus casei, competitive with methylene-tetrahydrofolate (Ki 7 × 10?7M). Photolysis of the radioactive inhibitor in complex with DHFR from E. coli led to approximately 3% covalent incorporation of label into protein. The greater part of this attachment was nonspecific as shown by the lack of protection in the presence of methotrexate. Thymidylate synthetase from L. casei was not significantly inactivated upon photolysis in the presence of the inhibitor and deoxyuridylate. Model studies showed that photoreaction of the inhibitor led to covalent linkages with thiol, lysyl amino groups, and the hydroxyl groups of alcohols. Azidoaminopterin may be useful in labeling other enzymes of folate metabolism, although a minor photoproduct reacts nonspecifically with many proteins. The antifolate can be photoconjugated to polylysine as well as to proteins. The polylysine conjugates inhibit DHFR. Difference spectrum analysis of the photoproducts from the irradiation of the DHFR I complex indicates that water reacts efficiently with the enzyme-bound nitrene and must therefore have access to at least part of the bound p-aminobenzoyl group. This analysis suggests that azide analogs of protein ligands may be useful as reporter groups in probing the hydrophobicity of binding sites.  相似文献   
Peter A. Lawrence 《Cell》1982,29(2):493-503
The thorax of the adult Drosophila contains about 80 muscles, which develop from the mesoderm. A new genetic marker was used to map the cell lineage of the myoblasts that form these muscles. Clones of marked cells were produced by irradiation of embryos and larvae, and these were detected in the adult by histochemical staining. The principal findings are that the muscles of each segment have separate origins, and that each becomes compartmented precisely into a dorsal-lineage and a ventral-lineage set of muscles, each set probably being formed by the adepithelial cells found in one imaginal disc. In contrast with the epidermis, the muscles of each thoracic segment are not subdivided into anterior and posterior compartments, and clones of muscle cells that are homozygous for recessivelethal alleles of engralled develop normally.  相似文献   
KCN-treated spinach chloroplasts, their photosystem I being ineffective, exhibit a single reaction site for silicomolybdate. Using this heteropolyanion as electron acceptor, photosynthetic oxygen evolution is partially inhibited by ureas, triazines, or phenylpyridazinone herbicides, their inhibitory effect depending on the concentration of silicomolybate. Labelled atrazine attached to isolated chloroplast material is competitively replaced by silicomolybdate in the same manner as e.g. ureas complete with a triazine herbicide. – It is concluded (1) that silicomolybdate is bound and reduced at the herbicide-binding protein, and (2) that the inhibition of silicomolybdate reduction by herbicides such as DCMU is due to loss of reaction sites for silicomolybdate.  相似文献   
The structures of two new triterpene glycosides from Bryonia dioica have been shown, on the basis of chemical and FDMS and 1H and 13C NMR s  相似文献   
When dark-grown maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings were exposed to red light (R), Golgi-localized glucan synthetase activity in the mesocotyl began to decrease within 1 h, and fell by approx. 70% in 12 h. The response required at least 10-2 mol m-2 R and saturated at 100 mol m-2. Far-red light (FR) alone inhibited glucan synthetase, and FR reversed the inhibition by R back to the level caused by FR alone. Density gradient fractionation indicated that of the major membrane markers only the Golgi-localized glucan-synthetase activity was affected by R. Golgi-localized latent inosine-diphosphatase activity was unaffected. The kinetics of the response, the photon fluence dependence, and the reversibility by FR all correlated with the inhibition by light of elongation of the mesocotyl, indicating that light inhibits growth and glucan synthetase activity by a similar mechanism.Abbreviations FR far-red light - GS glucan synthetase - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - R red light  相似文献   
The gibberellins (GAs) of both vegetative (leaves and stems) and reproductive (pods and seeds) tissue of the G2 strain of peas Pisum sativum L. were characterized in purified extracts by a combination of sequential silicic-acid partition column chromatography, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Gibberellins A19, A20, A29 and an A29 catabolite were identified in both types of tissue. Gibberellins A9, A17 and A44 were also found in pods and seeds.Abbreviations FID Ilame ionization detector - GA(s) gibberellin(s) - GC gas chromatograph(y) - HPLC high performance liquid chromatograph(y) - LD long day - MS mass spectrum(a) or mass spectrometer(ry) - SD short day  相似文献   
The membranes from the chromoplasts of Narcissus pseudonarcissus L. which are derived from the inner envelope membrane are the site of -carotene synthesis from [1-14C]isopentenyl diphosphate. The enzymes involved are partly peripheral membrane proteins (prenyltransferase, phytoene synthase) and partly integral membrane proteins (cis-trans isomerase, dehydrogenase(s), cyclase(s)). Metabolic channeling is suggested.Abbreviations IPP isopentenyl diphosphate - GGPP geranylgeranyl diphosphate  相似文献   
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