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Pulvini of excised stem segments from barley (Hordeum vulgare cv `Larker') were pretreated with 1 millimolar coumarin before gravistimulation to reduce longitudinal cell expansion and exaggerate radial cell enlargement. The cellular localization and pattern of graviresponse across individual pulvini were then evaluated by cutting the organ in cross-section, photographing the cross-section, and then measuring pulvinus thickness and the radial width of cortical and epidermal cells in enlargements of the photomicrographs. With respect to orientation during gravistimulation, we designated the uppermost point of the cross-section 0° and the lowermost point 180°. A gravity-induced increase in pulvinus thickness was observable within 40° of the vertical in coumarin-treated pulvini. In upper halves of coumarin-treated gravistimulated pulvini, cells in the inner cortex and inner epidermis had increased radial widths, relative to untreated gravistimulated pulvini. In lower halves of coumarin-treated pulvini, cells in the central and outer cortex and in the outer epidermis showed the greatest increase in radial width. Cells comprising the vascular bundles also increased in radial width, with this pattern following that of the central cortex. These results indicate (a) that all cell types are capable of showing a graviresponse, (b) that the graviresponse occurs in both the top and the bottom of the responding organ, and (c) that the magnitude of the response increases approximately linearly from the uppermost point to the lowermost. These results are also consistent with models of gravitropism that link the pattern and magnitude of the graviresponse to graviperception via statolith sedimentation.  相似文献   
Of the biogeochemical processes, denitrification has perhaps been the most difficult to study in the field because of the inability to measure the product of the process. The last decade of research, however, has provided both acetylene and15N based methods as well as undisturbed soil core andin situ soil cover sampling approaches to implementing these methods. All of these methods, if used appropriately, give comparable results. Thus, we now have several methods, each with advantages for particular sites or objectives, that accurately measure denitrification in nature. Because of the general usefulness of the acetylene methods, updated protocols for the following three methods are given: gas-phase recirculation soil cores; static soil cores; and the denitrifying enzyme assay also known as the phase 1 assay. Despite the availability of these and other methods, denitrification budgets remain difficult to accurately establish in most environments because of the high spatial and temporal variability inherent in denitrification. Appropriate analysis of those data includes a distribution analysis of the data, and if highly skewed as is typically the case, the most accurate method to estimate the mean and the population variance is the UMVUE method (uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator). Geostatistical methods have also been employed to improve spatial and temporal estimates of denitrification. These have occasionally been successful for spatial analysis but in the attempt described here for temporal analysis the approach was not useful.Discussions of the importance of denitrification have always focused on quantifying the process and whether particular measured quantities are judged to be a significant amount of nitrogen. A second line of evidence discussed here is the extant genetic record that results from natural selection. These analysis lead to the conclusion that strong selection for denitrification must currently be occurring, which implies that the process is of general significance in soils.  相似文献   
Simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome (SAIDS) caused by the type D retrovirus SRV-1 results in opportunistic infections and a spectrum of oral lesions similar to those seen in humans with AIDS. To better understand the pathogenesis of these oral lesions we have retrospectively examined the oral mucosa from ten rhesus monkeys that died with SAIDS and prospectively examined the oral mucosa of ten additional animals inoculated with SRV-1 to determine at what time, and in what cells SRV-1 infection of the oral mucosa occurs. Using single and double label immunohistologic techniques, and electron microscopy we detected SRV-1 in clusters of oral epithelial cells and rare Langerhans cells as early as 1 month postinoculation.  相似文献   
An important component of computer programs for determining the solution conformation of proteins and other flexible molecules from nuclear magnetic resonance data are the so-called “bound smoothing algorithms”, which compute lower and upper limits on the values of all the interatomic distances from the relatively sparse set which can usually be measured experimentally. To date, the only methods efficient enough for use in large problems take account of only the triangle inequality, but an appreciable improvement in the precision of the limits is possible if the algebraic relations between the distances among each quadruple of atoms are also considered. The goal of this paper is to use a recently improved algorithm for computing these “tetrangle inequality limits” to determine just how much improvement really is possible, given the types of experimental data that are usually available.  相似文献   
Luteolysis in the cow depends upon an interaction between prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) and oxytocin. The objectives of our study were 1) to determine oxytocin concentrations in postpartum dairy cows and 2) to identify the temporal relationship between oxytocin and PGF(2alpha) release patterns during luteolysis in normal and abbreviated estrous cycles in the postpartum period. Serum oxytocin and PGF(2alpha) metabolite (PGFM) concentrations from nine cows which had short estrous cycles (< 17 d) were compared with those of six cows which had normal estrous cycles. Serum basal oxytocin concentrations in short estrous cycle cows (23.7 to 31.1 pg/ml) were higher (P<0.05) than those of normal estrous cycle cows (14.6 to 19.8 pg/ml). Oxytocin concentrations increased to peak values in both short and normal cycle cows, during luteolysis. Basal PGFM concentrations (112.2 to 137.4 pg/ml) were higher in cows with short cycle (P<0.05) than in cows with normal cycles (62.9 to 87.5 pg/ml). The increase in PGFM concentrations during luteolysis was significant in both normal cycle and short cycle cows (P<0.05). Increases in serum PGFM concentrations were always associated with increases in serum oxytocin concentrations in normal cycle and short cycle cows and the levels decreased simultaneously before the subsequent estrus. Results support the idea of a positive relationship between PGF(2alpha) and oxytocin concentration during the estrous cycle as well as a possible synergistic action of these hormones in the induction of luteolysis in dairy cattle.  相似文献   
In this study, experiments are described that were designed to investigate whether fish have an immune regulatory systems similar to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in higher vertebrate species. From combinations of gynogenetic carp showing either slow of fast rejection of skin transplants, the latter were chosen for alloantiserum production by hyperimmunization with peripheral blood leucocytes. The resulting alloantisera were analyzed for hemagglutinating reactivity with gynogenetic siblings and proved to be operationally monoscpecific in absorption experiments. The serologically determined carp erythrocyte specificites were shown to correspond to two codominantly expressed allelic products of a single locus and were designated K1 and K2, respectively. Flow cytometer analysis revealed that the same products are also present on leucocytes from peripheral blood, thymus, spleen, and pronephros.K1-andK2-homozygous second-generation gynogenetic siblings were used to study the histocompatibiligy nature of the K locus products. Skin transplants between K-allogeneic gynogenetic siblings were rejected significantly faster than within K-syngeneic combinations. Taken together, these data suggest that theK locus incorporates MHC class I-like characteristics.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to study the genetic basis of histocompatibility antigens encoded by the mouse minor histocompatibility (H) locusH-3. Both class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and class II MHC-restricted helper T cells (TH) specific for antigens encoded by genes within theH-3 locus were isolated and analyzed. Typing a number of mouse strains for expression of antigens recognized by these TH and CTL suggested that there was a different strain distribution pattern of expression of the antigens recognized by TH compared with those recognized by CTL. Separation of the genes whose products stimulate TH from those whose products stimulate CTL was suggested by: (1) analysis of the strain B10.FS(92NX)/Grf that has undergone recombination within theH-3 region; (2) genetic segregation studies of (B10.UW-H-3 b/Sn×C57BL/10Sn)F2 mice; and (3) F1 complementation studies in which CTL specific for products of the TH-defined gene(s) could not be detected, even in the absence of immune responses to products of the CTL-defined genes. Taken together, these data suggest that in addition to two genes (B2m andCd-1) within theH-3 region whose products typically stimulate class I MHC-restricted CTL, there is at least one additional gene whose product selectively stimulates class II MHC-restricted TH. This new gene is located telomeric from the CTL-defined genes and between the lociwe andun on chromosome 2. These data demonstrate a novel degree of complexity of theH-3 “locus” and suggest selective presentation of minor H gene products in the context of class I or class II MHC proteins.  相似文献   
Summary The coevolution of competitors has been analyzed by two different types of fitness-maximization techniques; ESS methods (Lawlor and Maynard Smith, 1976), and CSS methods (Roughgarden, 1979). This paper argues that CSS methods generally do not predict the outcome of competitive coevolution. Even when there is relatively little variability within species, fitness maximization leads to an ESS rather than a CSS. A simple model is analyzed to show that ESS and CSS predictions about character displacement can differ qualitatively. Previous results of CSS analyses are discussed.  相似文献   
Decreasing functional responses as a result of adaptive consumer behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Several different mechanisms that may produce decreasing functional responses are investigated using models that assume that an optimally foraging consumer is exploiting one or two resources. Decreasing functional responses are associated with situations in which there are costs to resource consumption. If the process of resource acquisition has costs, decreasing functional responses may occur when there is a single homogeneous resource. If the cost is solely a function of the amount of resource ingested, decreasing functional responses on a single resource do not occur. Both types of cost can produce decreasing functional responses when there are two resource types and a trade-off relationship between consumption of one and consumption of the other. Decreasing functional responses seem to be most likely to occur on a food that yields high benefits and costs per unit of foraging time or effort when there is an alternative resource which yields low benefits and costs. Given this type of foraging choice, the functional response is most likely to decrease when the benefits of ingestion increase at a decreasing rate, and the costs of ingestion increase at an increasing rate with amount ingested. An important and unique consequence of decreasing functional responses is the possibility of population cycles in differential equation models of consumer-resource systems with non-reproducing resources; this is illustrated with a simple comsumer-resource model.  相似文献   
Two studies were conducted in 83 college men to determine the degree of generality of individual differences in upper body muscular strength assessed by different testing modes. In study 1 (N = 43), correlations were computed between four measures of upper body strength using the bench press movement, maximal isokinetic (0.09 rad.s-1), maximal fast (0.126 m.s-1) and slow (0.037 m.s-1) hydraulic, and one repetition maximum (1-RM) free weight bench press (BP). Compared to free weight BP, maximal strength during isokinetic and slow hydraulic BP was approximately 29% and approximately 8% larger, and fast hydraulic BP strength was approximately 63% lower (p less than 0.05). Simple linear regression of isokinetic BP on 1-RM BP yielded r = 0.79, error of prediction (SE) = 12%, and generality = 81%. The corresponding averaged values for the regression of slow and fast hydraulic BP on free weight 1-RM BP were r = 0.77, SE = 13.5%, and generality = 84%. In Study 2 (N = 40), testing included maximal isokinetic concentric and eccentric arm flexion and extension at 0.524, 1.570, and 2.094 rad.s-1. The ratio of concentric to eccentric torque at the 3 speeds averaged 0.68 (flexion) and 0.70 (extension), and eccentric torques were 32% and 30% greater than concentric torques (p less than 0.05). The linear regression between concentric vs. eccentric flexion and extension torques at the three velocities yielded an average r = 0.80, SE = 13.7%, and generality = 73%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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