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The validity of the structure of the Escherichia coli MsbA lipid transporter as a model from the mdr1 P-glycoprotein has been evaluated. Comparative sequence analyses, motif search and secondary structure prediction indicated that each of the two P-glycoprotein halves is structurally similar to the MsbA monomer and also suggested that the open dimer structure is valid for P-glycoprotein. Homology modeling was used to predict the structure of P-glycoprotein using MsbA as a template. The resulting modeled structure allowed a detailed study of the interactions between the intracellular domain and the nucleotide binding domain and suggested that these contacts are involved in mediating the coupling between nucleotide binding domain conformational changes and transmembrane helices reorientation during transport. In P-glycoprotein, the internal chamber open to the inner leaflet and the inner medium is significantly different in size and charge than in MsbA. These differences can be related to those of the transported substrates. Moreover an ensemble of 20 conserved aromatic residues appears to border the periphery of each side of the chamber in P-glycoprotein. These may be important for size selection and proper positioning of drugs for transport. The relevance of the modeled conformation to P-gp function is discussed.  相似文献   
Microtubules are cylindrical organelles that play critical roles in cell division. Their subunit protein, tubulin, is a target for various antitumor drugs. Tubulin exists as various forms, known as isotypes. In most normal cells, tubulin occurs only in the cytosol and not in the nucleus. However, we have recently reported the finding of the beta(II) isotype of tubulin in the nuclei of cultured rat kidney mesangial cells. Mesangial cells, unlike most normal cell lines, have the ability to proliferate rapidly in culture. In efforts to determine whether nuclear beta(II)-tubulin occurred in other cell lines, we examined the distribution of the beta(I), beta(II), and beta(IV) mammalian tubulin isotypes in a variety of normal and cancer human cell lines by immunofluorescence microscopy. We have found that, in the normal cell lines, all three isotypes are present only in the cytoplasm. However, the beta(II) isotype of tubulin is located not only in the cytoplasm, but also in the nuclei of the following cell lines: LNCaP prostate carcinoma, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435, and Calc18 breast carcinoma, C6 and T98G glioma, and HeLa cells. In contrast, the beta(I) and beta(IV) isotypes, which are also synthesized in cancer cells, are not localized to the nucleus but are restricted to the cytoplasm. We have also seen beta(II) in breast cancer excisions. In most of these cells, beta(II) appears to be concentrated in the nucleoli. These results suggest that transformation may lead to localization of beta(II)-tubulin in cell nuclei, serving an as yet unknown function, and that nuclear beta(II) may be a useful marker for detection of tumor cells.  相似文献   
Following caspase-8 mediated cleavage, a carboxyl-terminal fragment of the BH3 domain-only Bcl-2 family member Bid transmits the apoptotic signal from death receptors to mitochondria. In a screen for possible regulators of Bid, we defined Bfl-1/A1 as a potent Bid interacting protein. Bfl-1 is an anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member, whose preferential expression in hematopoietic cells and endothelium is controlled by inflammatory stimuli. Its mechanism of action is unknown. We find that Bfl-1 associates with both full-length Bid and truncated (t)Bid, via the Bid BH3 domain. Cellular expression of Bfl-1 confers protection against CD95- and Trail receptor-induced cytochrome c release. In vitro assays, using purified mitochondria and recombinant proteins, demonstrate that Bfl-1 binds full-length Bid, but does not interfere with its processing by caspase-8, or with its mitochondrial association. Confocal microscopy supports that Bfl-1, which at least in part constitutively localizes to mitochondria, does not impede tBid translocation. However, Bfl-1 remains tightly and selectively bound to tBid and blocks collaboration between tBid and Bax or Bak in the plane of the mitochondrial membrane, thereby preventing mitochondrial apoptotic activation. Lack of demonstrable interaction between Bfl-1 and Bak or Bax in the mitochondrial membrane suggests that Bfl-1 generally prevents the formation of a pro-apoptotic complex by sequestering BH3 domain-only proteins.  相似文献   
Objective and Methods Endothelium produces oxygen-derived free radicals which play a major role in vessel wall physiology and pathology. Whereas NO· production from endothelium has been extensively characterized, little is known about endothelium-derived O2. In the present study, we determined the O2 production of bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) using the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1 pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy.

Results An ESR adduct DMPO-OH detected in the supernatant of BAEC after stimulation with the calcium ionophore A23187 originated from the trapping of extracellular O2, because coincubation with superoxide dismutase (30 U/ml) completely suppressed the ESR signal, whereas catalase (2000 U/ml) had no effect. A23187 stimulated extracellular O2 production in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The coenzymes NADH and NADPH both increased the ESR signal, whereas a flavin antagonist, diphenylene iodonium, abolished the ESR signal. Phorbol myristate acetate potentiated, whereas bisindolylmaleimide I inhibited the A23187-stimulated O2 production, suggesting the involvement of protein kinase C. These signals were not altered L-NAME, a NO-synthase inhibitor, suggesting that the endogenous production of NO· did not alter O2 production. Finally, the amount of O2 generated by A23187-stimulated post-confluent BAEC was one order of magnitude higher than that evoked by rat aortic smooth muscle cells stimulated under the same conditions.  相似文献   
Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) can promote microtubule assemblyin vitro. One of these MAPs (MAP2) consists of a short promoter domain which binds to the microtubule and promotes assembly and a long projection domain which projects out from the microtubule and may interact wth other cytoskeletal elements. We have previously shown that MAP2 and another MAP, tau, differ in their interactions with tubulin in that tau, but not MAP2, promotes extensive aggregation of tubulin into spiral clusters in the presence of vinblastine and that microtubules formed with MAP2 are more resistant than those formed with tau to the antimitotic drug maytansine [Luduena, R. F.,et al. (1984),J. Biol. Chem. 259, 12890–12898; Fellous, A.,et al. (1985),Cancer Res. 45, 5004–5010]. Here we have used chymotryptic digestion to remove the projection domain of MAP2 and examined the interaction of the digested MAP2 (ctMAP2) with tubulin in the presence of vinblastine and maytansine. We have found that ctMAP2 behaves very much like tau, but not like undigested MAP2, in the presence of vinblastine, in that ctMAP2 causes tubulin to polymerize into large clusters of spirals. In contrast, microtubule assembly in the presence of ctMAP2 is much more resistant to maytansine inhibition than is assembly in the presence of tau or undigested MAP2. Our results suggest that the projection domain of MAP2 may play a role in the interaction of tubulin with MAP2 during microtubule assembly.Abbreviations MAPs microtubule-associated proteins - ctMAP2 MAP2 digested with-chymotrypsin - nMAP2 untreated MAP2 - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - GMPCPP guanosine-5-(,-methylene)triphosphate  相似文献   
The interaction of Cu(II) with the protamine clupeine YII (containing proline at the N-terminal) and with four peptides (H-Ala-Arg-OMe, H-Ala-Arg2-OMe, H-Pro-Arg-OMe, and H-Arg4-Tyr) has been studied by means of absorption, CD, and pH neasurements. The first two peptides mimic clupeine YI and Z N-terminals; the third, the clupeine YII N-terminal. At 1:1 molar ratio, clupeine YII yields two complexes: the first (I), at pH 6.6, through coordination via the N-terminal and the contiguous peptide nitrogen forming a five-membered chelate; the second (II), at pH 8.5, through the occupancy of the other two corners of the coordination square by amino nitrogens of the lateral chains. These complexes are strictly analogous and occur at the same pH as those formed with clupeine Z. Under the same conditions, all the peptides yield complex I in the first step, although the pH at which this complex is fully defined depends on the number of residues in the chain. It is 8.5 for dipeptides, decreases to 6.5 by the addition of a third residue to the chain, and remains constant when the number of residues is three or more. The amino nitrogens of lateral chains are unable to coordinate to the metal in a second step unless one additional peptide bond lies between the N-terminal residue and that containing the lateral chain bound to the metal. Thus, H-Ala-Arg-OMe and H-Pro-Arg-OMe form hydroxyl complexes in a second step (pH 11), by deprotonation of one of the water molecules coordinated to the metal; one of the lateral chains of H-Ala-Arg2-OMe is able to coordinate in a second step (pH 8.5), but it is only with H-Arg4-Tyr that a second complex (II) is obtained in which two amino nitrogens of lateral chains supersede the oxygens of water molecules in I, at pH 8.5.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to determine the conformation adopted in solution by adozelesin, carzelesin, and their derivatives obtained under basic or acidic conditions. Circular dichroism in the 270–330 nm wavelengths region was studied. In solution adozelesin can adopt two different conformations: a left-handed one which is thermodynamically favoured at low temperature and is mainly present at room temperature, and a right-handed one which is observed either at high temperature or at room temperature in the presence of DNA. This was ascertained by the presence of circular dichroism signals of the couplet type. The active form of carzelesin, i.e., U-76074, also exhibited a left-handed conformation in solution. Carzelesin and the derivatives obtained under acidic conditions that lack the cyclopropyl ring, and cyclopropylpyrroloindole, obtained under basic conditions, cannot adopt such a conformation. Chirality 8:585–589, 1996. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract Numerous structural families of naturally occurring glycopeptides and oligosaccharides have been evaluated as potential inhibitors of hemagglutinations mediated by CFA/I- and CFA/II-positive enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains. Among the preparations tested were glycopeptides with short O-linked (mucin-type) chains, various mixtures containing N-linked glycans (either oligomannoside-, hybrid- or complex-type), three fractions of human milk oligosaccharides, and glycopeptides derived from either pooled new-born meconiums or pooled human red blood cell membranes. In almost all cases, the same inhibitory preparations were active toward all E. coli strains. This emphasizes the close analogy between the carbohydrate specificities of the colonization factors concerned. Such inhibitors always contained lactosamine units in their oligosaccharide backbones, but this structural requirement alone was not sufficient for activity. The glycopeptide mixture derived from human erythrocyte membranes (known to contain blood group-related carbohydrate antigens carried by a lactosaminoglycan backbone) behaved as a potent hemagglutination inhibitor, especially towards CFA/II-expressing strains. This last result clearly indicates the structural family in which complex carbohydrates should be selected to establish precisely the specificity of these CFA/II adhesins.  相似文献   
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