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During mouse spermiogenesis, two protamines, mP1 and mP2, are synthesized in replacement of histones. One of them (protamine mP2, 63 residues) appears at first in elongating spermatid nuclei as a pro-protamine of 106 residues (pmP2) with an amino-terminal extension that is progressively excised. The two protamines were previously described as the only proteins associated with DNA in sperm chromatin. This paper shows that the nuclear proteins of mouse spermatozoa are indeed heterogeneous: at least six minor polypeptides in addition to protamines can be identified. The primary structure of four of them has been established. They are intermediate in the maturation of the precursor of protamine mP2 and correspond to polypeptides pmP2/11, pmP2/16, pmP2/20, and pmP2/32, characterized previously in mouse testis. Therefore, these intermediates of proteolysis generated from pmP2 inside spermatid nuclei persist in mature sperm, whereas the largest precursors, pmP2 and pmP2/5, disappear. These findings clearly indicate that limited proteolysis events still occur outside of the testis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In Chrysanthemum segetum, a quantitative long-day plant grownunder long-day conditions, three stages of ontogenic developmentwere characterized by scanning electron microscopy and two-dimensionalmini-gel electrophoresis. Ten µg of protein and silver-stainingallowed the detection of 542 different polypeptidic spots, moredensely distributed in the acidic region of the gel than inother regions. In the prefloral meristem, in a comparison withthe vegetative shoot apex, 10 new polypeptides were identifiedand 2 polypeptides, unique to the shoot apex, were no longerdetectable. In the reproductive meristem, 4 new spots were identifiedand 2 spots were missing, one of which was present in both thevegetative and prefloral meristems and the other which was specificto the prefloral meristem. The major qualitative changes inthe population of polypeptides occurred, in the transition toflowering, during the prefloral stage which has previously beenidentified as a point of no return in ontogenetic development. (Received July 26, 1988; Accepted January 24, 1989)  相似文献   
Summary A new technique of exploitation of the data was proposed after DNA scanning microdensitometry. By using all of the measurements obtained from the seriated sections of a single nucleus, this method made it possible to estimate six characteristic parameters during the different phases of the cell cycle in the various shoot apical cells. The cells whose rate of proliferation was the highest showed the biggest variations of their nuclear and nucleolar volumes during the cell cycle. In the axial zone, where the cells have a slow cell cycle and display the longest duration of the G1 phase, the volume occupied by dispersed DNA was greater than in the cells of the lateral zone and of the rib meristem, where the cell cycle and the G1 phase were short. No matter what the cell type, the proportion of the dispersed and condensed DNA varied little when the G1 and G2 phases were compared. In the Z phase, characterized by a decondensation of the DNA, the mean DNA amount was 3.4 C. The evolution of the nuclear density during the interphase was also estimated. It is demonstrated that the main feature of the shoot apex zonation was the decondensation of the condensed DNA in the axial zone in both the G1 and G2 phases.  相似文献   
The localization of phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase (EC in the leaf cells of Sorghum vulgare was investigated by using three techniques: the conventional aqueous and non aqueous methods gave conflicting results; the immunocytochemical techniques clearly showed that the enzyme is predominantly located in the cytoplasm of mesophyll cells.Abbreviations PEP phosphoenol pyruvate - PAG polyacrylamide gel - NADP MDH NADP malate dehydrogenase - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - SAB serum albumine bovine - DTT dithiothreitol - MDH malate dehydrogenase - ME malic enzyme - PBS phosphate buffer saline - PAP peroxidase anti-peroxidase  相似文献   
The state of aggregation and the activity of polyribosomes as well as the activity of the pH 5 enzyme fraction were studied at two stages of postnatal brain development, 9 and 50 days after birth. When the polyribosomes were prepared at 0°C in the presence of 5 mm -Mg2+, more than 85 per cent of the polyribosome material exhibited a sedimentation coefficient higher than 110 S. High Mg2+ concentrations are, therefore, unnecessary to obtain highly aggregated brain polyribosomes. The basal amino acid incorporating activity of both 9- and 50-day-old rat brain preparations is at least equal to that of rat liver. When prepared by the same procedure as above, 9-day-old rat brain polyribosomes seem to be more active (20 per cent) than those of adult brain. However, this difference in activity depends on the presence of a non-ribosomal inactive contaminant which is always present in higher amounts in adult brain preparations. When purified from this contaminant, the preparations do not differ in activity. High Mg2+ concentrations are also not necessary for optimal protein synthetic activity and, in fact, are inhibitory. When assayed with both types of highly aggregated polyribosomes, the pH 5 enzyme fraction from adult brain is clearly less active than that of 9-day-old rats. These results suggest that the loss of brain protein synthesis during development does not depend on the stability of the messenger RNA-ribosome complex but only on the soluble pH 5 enzyme fraction.  相似文献   
Total poly(A)-containing RNA in different polysomal and supernatant cytoplasmic fractions was analysed after pulse-labelling in dividing myoblasts and fused myotubes. In particular, the peak of 26 S RNA (putative messenger for the large subunit of myosin) is located in a light region of the gradient coinciding with the monosome-trisome fractions prior to fusion, and is found in the heavy polysomes only after fusion. These heavy polysomes are free (i.e. not membrane bound). Treatment of the light part of the polysome gradient with EDTA shows that the 26 S RNA found here does not exist as part of a polysomal complex, but is present as a ribonucleoprotein particle cosedimenting in this region. Previous experiments had indicated that in actively dividing myoblasts 26 S RNA has a relatively short half-life but that it becomes “stable” after the cessation of mitosis just prior to fusion. RNA chase experiments performed in the present study show that the “short-lived” 26 S RNA from dividing myoblasts, which is present as a ribonucleoprotein particle, does not enter the heavy polysomes. In contrast, the more stable 26 S RNA also initially present as a ribonucleoprotein, just prior to and in the early stages of fusion, can be shown by chase experiments to enter the heavy polysomes later in fusion. Hence accumulation of 26 S RNA seems to precede its activation as a messenger.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The pericentromeric heterochromatin is an important element for the regulation of gene silencing. Its spatial distribution during interphase appears to be cell-type specific. This study analyzes three-dimensional (3D) centromere distribution patterns during cellular differentiation along the neutrophil pathway. METHODS: Differentiation of the promyelocytic leukemia cell line NB4 was induced by retinoic acid. Centromeres in interphase nuclei were visualized by immunofluorescence staining of centromere-associated proteins with CREST serum. 3D images of nuclei were obtained by confocal microscopy. Automated methods for the segmentation of point-like objects in 3D images were implemented to detect the position of centromeres. Features of centromere localization patterns were determined by constructing the minimal spanning tree of the centromere distribution. RESULTS: In differentiated NB4 cells, the number of centromere conglomerates (chromocenters) was decreased and the distance between chromocenters was increased as compared with untreated controls. The nuclear volume did not differ between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: The measured rearrangement of centromeres indicates a progressive clustering of heterochromatin and a global remodeling of interphase chromosome territories during differentiation of NB4 cells. The developed methods for the analysis of 3D centromere distribution patterns provide the opportunity for a fast and objective analysis of heterochromatin remodeling.  相似文献   
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