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Amount, composition, and rate of turnover of soil organic carbon (SOC) in mountainous cold regions is largely unknown, making predictions of future responses of this carbon (C) to changing environmental conditions uncertain. We hypothesized increasing amounts and declining turnover times of soil organic matter (SOM) under permanent grassland with increasing elevation and decreasing temperature. Samples from an irrigated transect in the Swiss Alps (880 to 2200 m elevation, mean annual temperatures +8.9 to +0.9 °C) were analyzed. Soil C stocks ranged from 49 to 96 t C ha−1 (0–20 cm) and were not related to elevation, though the highest site stored least C. Particulate organic carbon (POC) increased significantly with elevation and accounted for > 80% of the total soil C at 2200 m (0–5 cm). Mean residence times (MRTs) of POC computed by means of radiocarbon dating were in the order of years to decades and were positively related to elevation in the topsoil. At higher elevations, the estimated total C flux through the soil profile mainly depended on this fraction. MRT of mineral-associated matter ranged from decades to centuries and was not systematically related to elevation, but positively related to the soil mineral surface area and it increased with soil depth. Turnover rates from simulations with the soil C model RothC exceeded those from 14C measurements by a factor of 1.7–3.3 which suggests that C dynamics at these sites is overestimated by the model. Size of model pools and amount of C in soil fractions were only weakly correlated, thereby challenging previously postulated hypotheses concerning the correspondence of pools and fractions for grasslands at higher elevations.  相似文献   
Leaf photosynthesis of the sensitive plant Mimosa pudica displays a transient knockout in response to electrical signals induced by heat stimulation. This study aims at clarifying the underlying mechanisms, in particular, the involvement of respiration. To this end, leaf gas exchange and light reactions of photosynthesis were assessed under atmospheric conditions largely eliminating photorespiration by either elevated atmospheric CO2 or lowered O2 concentration (i.e. 2000 μmol mol?1 or 1%, respectively). In addition, leaf gas exchange was studied in the absence of light. Under darkness, heat stimulation caused a transient increase of respiratory CO2 release simultaneously with stomatal opening, hence reflecting direct involvement of respiratory stimulation in the drop of the net CO2 uptake rate. However, persistence of the transient decline in net CO2 uptake rate under illumination and elevated CO2 or 1% O2 makes it unlikely that photorespiration is the metabolic origin of the respiratory CO2 release. In conclusion, the transient knockout of net CO2 uptake is at least partially attributed to an increased CO2 release through mitochondrial respiration as stimulated by electrical signals. Putative CO2 limitation of Rubisco due to decreased activity of carbonic anhydrase was ruled out as the photosynthesis effect was not prevented by elevated CO2.  相似文献   
Atherosclerosis is a complex disease initiated by the vascular accumulation of lipoproteins in the sub-endothelial space, followed by the infiltration of monocytes into the arterial intima. Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) plays an essential role in the regulation of cellular cholesterol metabolism and of various signaling pathways. In order to study specifically the role of macrophage Cav-1 in atherosclerosis, we used Cav-1 ?/? Apoe ?/? mice and transplanted them with bone marrow (BM) cells obtained from Cav-1 +/+ Apoe ?/? or Cav-1 ?/? Apoe ?/? mice and vice versa. We found that Cav-1 +/+ mice harboring Cav-1 ?/? BM-derived macrophages developed significantly larger lesions than Cav-1 +/+ mice harboring Cav-1 +/+ BM-derived macrophages. Cav-1 ?/? macrophages were more susceptible to apoptosis and more prone to induce inflammation. The present study provides clear evidence that the absence of Cav-1 in macrophage is pro-atherogenic, whereas its absence in endothelial cells protects against atherosclerotic lesion formation. These findings demonstrate the cell-specific role of Cav-1 during the development of this disease.  相似文献   


Phloem feeding insects, such as aphids, feed almost continuously on plant phloem sap, a liquid diet that contains high concentrations of sucrose (a disaccharide comprising of glucose and fructose). To access the available carbon, aphids hydrolyze sucrose in the gut lumen and transport its constituent monosaccharides, glucose and fructose. Although sugar transport plays a critical role in aphid nutrition, the molecular basis of sugar transport in aphids, and more generally across all insects, remains poorly characterized. Here, using the latest release of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, genome we provide an updated gene annotation and expression profile of putative sugar transporters. Finally, gut expressed sugar transporters are functionally expressed in yeast and screened for glucose and fructose transport activity.


In this study, using a de novo approach, we identified 19 sugar porter (SP) family transporters in the A. pisum genome. Gene expression analysis, based on 214, 834 A. pisum expressed sequence tags, supports 17 sugar porter family transporters being actively expressed in adult female aphids. Further analysis, using quantitative PCR identifies 4 transporters, A. pisum sugar transporter 1, 3, 4 and 9 (ApST1, ApST3, ApST4 and ApST9) as highly expressed and/or enriched in gut tissue. When expressed in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae hexose transporter deletion mutant (strain EBY.VW4000), only ApST3 (previously characterized) and ApST4 (reported here) transport glucose and fructose resulting in functional rescue of the yeast mutant. Here we characterize ApST4, a 491 amino acid protein, with 12 predicted transmembrane regions, as a facilitative glucose/fructose transporter. Finally, phylogenetic reconstruction reveals that ApST4, and related, as yet uncharacterized insect transporters are phylogenetically closely related to human GLUT (SLC2A) class I facilitative glucose/fructose transporters.


The gut enhanced expression of ApST4, and the transport specificity of its product is consistent with ApST4 functioning as a gut glucose/fructose transporter. Here, we hypothesize that both ApST3 (reported previously) and ApST4 (reported here) function at the gut interface to import glucose and fructose from the gut lumen.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-647) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Methylglyoxal is a highly reactive dicarbonyl degradation product formed from triose phosphates during glycolysis. Methylglyoxal forms stable adducts primarily with arginine residues of intracellular proteins. The biologic role of this covalent modification in regulating cell function is not known. Here, we report that in retinal Müller cells, increased glycolytic flux causes increased methylglyoxal modification of the corepressor mSin3A. Methylglyoxal modification of mSin3A results in increased recruitment of O-GlcNAc transferase to an mSin3A-Sp3 complex, with consequent increased modification of Sp3 by O-linked N-acetylglucosamine. This modification of Sp3 causes decreased binding of the repressor complex to a glucose-responsive GC box in the angiopoietin-2 promoter, resulting in increased Ang-2 expression. A similar mechanism involving methylglyoxal-modification of other coregulator proteins may play a role in the pathobiology of a variety of conditions associated with changes in methylglyoxal concentration, including cancer and diabetic vascular disease.  相似文献   
Cyclin D1 is overexpressed in human tumors, correlating with cellular metastasis, and is induced by activating Rho GTPases. Herein, cyclin D1-deficient mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) exhibited increased adhesion and decreased motility compared with wild-type MEFs. Retroviral transduction of cyclin D1 reversed these phenotypes. Mutational analysis of cyclin D1 demonstrated that its effects on cellular adhesion and migration were independent of the pRb and p160 coactivator binding domains. Genomewide expression arrays identified a subset of genes regulated by cyclin D1, including Rho-activated kinase II (ROCKII) and thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1). cyclin D1(-/-) cells showed increased Rho GTP and ROCKII activity and signaling, with increased phosphorylation of LIM kinase, cofilin (Ser3), and myosin light chain 2 (Thr18/Ser19). Cyclin D1 repressed ROCKII and TSP-1 expression, and the migratory defect of cyclin D1(-/-) cells was reversed by ROCK inhibition or TSP-1 immunoneutralizing antibodies. cyclin E knockin to the cyclin D1(-/-) MEFs rescued the DNA synthesis defect of cyclin D1(-/-) MEFs but did not rescue either the migration defect or the abundance of ROCKII. Cyclin D1 promotes cellular motility through inhibiting ROCK signaling and repressing the metastasis suppressor TSP-1.  相似文献   
Obstacles to the expansion of cells with proliferative potential include the induction of cell death, telomere-based senescence, and the pRb and p53 tumor suppressors. Not infrequently, the molecular pathways regulating oncogenesis recapitulate aberrations of processes governing embryogenesis. The genetic network, consisting of the dachshund (dac), eyes absent (eya), eyeless, and sine oculis (so) genes, regulates cell fate determination in metazoans, with dac serving as a cointegrator through a So DNA-binding factor. Here, DACH1 inhibited oncogene-mediated breast oncogenesis, blocking breast cancer epithelial cell DNA synthesis, colony formation, growth in Matrigel, and tumor growth in mice. Genetic deletion studies demonstrated a requirement for cyclin D1 in DACH1-mediated inhibition of DNA synthesis. DACH1 repressed cyclin D1 through a novel mechanism via a c-Jun DNA-binding partner, requiring the DACH1 alpha-helical DS domain which recruits corepressors to the local chromatin. Analysis of over 2,000 patients demonstrated increased nuclear DACH1 expression correlated inversely with cellular mitosis and predicted improved breast cancer patient survival. The cell fate determination factor, DACH1, arrests breast tumor proliferation and growth in vivo providing a new mechanistic and potential therapeutic insight into this common disease.  相似文献   
Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is a critical regulator of tumor progression in a variety of cancers where it has been shown to act as either a tumor suppressor or tumor promoter. In glioblastoma multiforme, it has been previously demonstrated to function as a putative tumor suppressor. Our studies here, using the human glioblastoma-derived cell line U-87MG, further support the role of Cav-1 as a negative regulator of tumor growth. Using a lentiviral transduction approach, we were able to stably overexpress Cav-1 in U-87MG cells. Gene expression microarray analyses demonstrated significant enrichment in gene signatures corresponding to downregulation of MAPK, PI3K/AKT and mTOR signaling, as well as activation of apoptotic pathways in Cav-1-overexpressing U-87MG cells. These same gene signatures were later confirmed at the protein level in vitro. To explore the ability of Cav-1 to regulate tumor growth in vivo, we further show that Cav-1-overexpressing U-87MG cells display reduced tumorigenicity in an ectopic xenograft mouse model, with marked hypoactivation of MAPK and PI3K/mTOR pathways. Finally, we demonstrate that Cav-1 overexpression confers sensitivity to the most commonly used chemotherapy for glioblastoma, temozolomide. In conclusion, Cav-1 negatively regulates key cell growth and survival pathways and may be an effective biomarker for predicting response to chemotherapy in glioblastoma.  相似文献   
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