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The growth of purified populations of murine neuroepithelial cells isolated from 10 day embryonic (E10) telencephalon and mesencephalon can be specifically enhanced by supplementing growth culture media with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). One effect of bFGF on cultured neuroepithelial cells was to enhance the amount of laminin expressed at the protein level as detected by immunofluorescence. This was correlated with significant upregulation of steady-state levels of laminin B1 and B2 chain expression as analyzed at the mRNA level. When E12 neuroepithelial cells were split into precursor neuronal or glial subpopulations on the basis of differential expression of major histocompatibility class-1 antigens, only the glial progenitor fraction was found to be capable of detectable laminin synthesis. It is thus possible that a primary action of FGF is to increase the synthesis and release of extracellular matrix molecules from neural cells which act back in a paracrine manner to stimulate differentiation.  相似文献   
The low-Ca2+ response is a multicomponent virulence regulon of the human-pathogenic yersiniae in which 12 known virulence genes are coordinately regulated in response to environmental cues of temperature, Ca2+, and nucleotides such as ATP. Yersinial growth also is regulated, with full growth yield being permitted at 37 degrees C only if Ca2+ or a nucleotide is present. In this study, we constructed and characterized a mutant Yersinia pestis specifically defective in the gene encoding the V antigen, one of the virulence genes of the low-Ca2+ response. An in-frame internal deletion-insertion mutation was made by removing bases 51 through 645 of lcrV and inserting 61 new bases. The altered lcrV was introduced into the low-Ca2+ response plasmid in Y. pestis by allelic exchange, and the resulting mutant was characterized for its two-dimensional protein profiles, growth, expression of an operon fusion to another low-Ca2+ response virulence operon, and virulence in mice. The mutant had lost its Ca2+ and nucleotide requirement for growth, showed diminished expression of Ca2(+)-and nucleotide-regulated virulence genes, and was avirulent in mice. The mutation could be complemented with respect to the growth property by supplying native V antigen operon sequences in trans in high copy number (on pBR322). Partial complementation of the growth defect and almost complete complementation of the virulence defect were seen with a lower-copy-number complementing replicon (a pACYC184 derivative). The data are consistent with the interpretation that V antigen is bifunctional, with a role in regulating growth and expression of low-Ca2+ response virulence genes in addition to its putative role as a secreted virulence protein.  相似文献   
Sequence data from three previously-uncharacterized members of the snRNP E protein multigene family suggest that each is a non-transcribed processed pseudogene, even though one clone has the potential to code for a full-length protein with greater than 90% similarity to previously-characterized E protein cDNAs. Each of the newly-analyzed family members is without introns, contains a tract of polyadenylic acid residues, and is flanked by short direct repeats. In addition, the three sequences all contain point mutations that distinguish them from the E protein coding sequence. Seven point mutations are common to the three sequences described here and to two previously-described E protein pseudogenes. Although all of these mutations are transitions, only 5 of 7 could have been generated by deamination of methylated cytosines in inactive genes. Thus, the common mutations in the pseudogenes suggest an origin other than the expressed gene that we have described. Allelic variants for two of the pseudogenes were detected and repetitive elements are located near four of the five E protein pseudogenes that have been characterized.  相似文献   
The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Klebsiella serotype O2 is antigenically heterogeneous; some strains express multiple antigenic factors. To study this heterogeneity, we determined the structure of the O-antigen polysaccharides in isolates belonging to serotypes O2(2a), O2(2a,2b), and O2(2a,2c), by using composition analysis, methylation analysis, and both 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The repeating unit structure of the 2a polysaccharide was identified as the disaccharide [----3)-beta-D-Galf-(1----3)-alpha-D-Galp-(1----] and was identical to D-galactan I, one of two O polysaccharides present in the LPS of Klebsiella pneumoniae serotype O1 (C. Whitfield, J. C. Richards, M. B. Perry, B. R. Clarke, and L. L. MacLean, J. Bacteriol. 173:1420-1431, 1991). LPS from serotype O2(2a,2b) also contained D-galactan I as the only O polysaccharide, suggesting that the 2b antigen is not an O antigen. The LPS of serotype O2(2a,2c) contained a mixture of two structurally distinct O polysaccharides and provides a second example of this phenomenon in Klebsiella spp. One polymer was identical to D-galactan I, and the other polysaccharide, the 2c antigen, was a polymer with a disaccharide repeating unit structure, [----3)-beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1----5)-beta-D-Galf-(1----]. The 2c structure does not resemble previously reported O polysaccharides from Klebsiella spp. Periodate oxidation confirmed that D-galactan I and the 2c polysaccharide are distinct glycans, rather than representing domains within a single polysaccharide chain. Monoclonal antibodies against the 2c antigen indicated that only LPS molecules with the longest O-polysaccharide chains contained the 2c epitope.  相似文献   
Rats were pair-fed isocaloric diets containing either 25% (control diet) or 6% protein (low-protein diet) during the 5 weeks prior to conception and through the gestation and lactation periods; then, carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT-I) activity was determined in liver and skeletal muscle mitochondria isolated from the corresponding pups. Maternal protein undernutrition increased the activity of hepatic CPT-I all along the suckling period, whereas the activity of the skeletal muscle enzyme was unaffected. Moreover, the sensitivity of hepatic CPT-I to inhibition by both malonyl-CoA and 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate was decreased in the low-protein group. These alterations in the properties of hepatic CPT-I may be involved in the appearance of hyperketonemia in the rat pup upon maternal administration of low-protein diets.  相似文献   
The levels of NGF and NGF receptor mRNA, the degree of macrophage recruitment, and the ability of sensory and motor axons to regenerate were measured in C57BL/Ola mice, in which Wallerian degeneration following a nerve lesion is very slow. Results were compared with those from C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice, in which degeneration is normal. We found that in C57BL/Ola mice, apart from the actual lesion site, recruitment of macrophages was much lower, levels of mRNA for both NGF and its receptor were raised only slightly above normal, and sensory axon regeneration was much impaired. Motor axons regenerated quite well. These results provide in vivo evidence that macrophage recruitment is an important component of NGF synthesis and of sensory (but not motor) axon maintenance and regrowth.  相似文献   
We used bedrock geology and prior water chemistry data to classify and choose 4 conduit and 4 diffuse flow springs in a karst region of southeast Minnesota. Decomposition processes and chemical/physical conditions were compared between spring classes during two seasons (May and September, 1987).Although large storms and conduit run-in events did not occur during our sampling, baseline water chemistry supported our a priori spring classification. Baseline nitrate and atrazine levels were significantly higher in conduit than in diffuse springs. During a minor run-in event, atrazine levels increased significantly to at least 1.2 µg L–1 in all conduit systems, but remained unchanged in diffuse systems.Decay rates of the two predominant litter sources in the springs (watercress [Nasturtium officinale R.Br.] in May and box elder [Acer negundo L.] in September) were used to assess differences in biological activity between the spring classes. During May, watercress decayed (1 mm coarse mesh bags) at approximately the same rate in conduit and diffuse systems, k = 0.094 and 0.099 respectively. This result was unexpected since shredder colonization was much greater on litter bags in diffuse systems. In September, boxelder decay rate was significantly higher in diffuse (k = 0.018) than in conduit (k = 0.013) springs; and decay rates seemed to reflect significantly higher shredder colonization on bags in diffuse systems. Microbial activity on watercress and boxelder litter, measured as electron transport system (ETS) activity, was seldom significantly different between spring classes. Also, both watercress and boxelder litter decay rates for fine mesh bags (240µm) were similar between conduit and diffuse springs, suggesting that microbial processing did not differ greatly between spring classes.In conduit springs, low shredder colonization was apparently the result of low benthic shredder densities. Shredders and other macroinvertebrates may be adversely affected by discharge fluctuations from conduit run-in events. We suspect that, during times of low flow, watercress standing stock was also an important influence on shredder abundance.  相似文献   
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