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Control of glyphosate uptake and metabolism in Pseudomonas sp. 4ASW   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The tandem mini-exon gene repeat is an ideal diagnostic target for trypanosomatids because it includes sequences that are conserved absolutely coupled with regions of extreme variability. We have exploited these features and the polymerase chain reaction to differentiate Phytomonas strains isolated from phloem, fruit or latex of various host plants. While the transcribed regions are nearly identical, the intergenic sequences are variable in size and content (130–332 base pairs). The mini-exon genes of these phytomonads can therefore be distinguished from each other and from the corresponding genes in insect trypanosomes, with which they are oft confused.  相似文献   
Glutathione reductase (GR) (EC was studied in crude and partially purified extracts from nonhardened (25/20 °C D/N) and hardened (5/5 °C D/N) spinach-leaf tissue. Crude extracts of hardened tissue showed a 66% increase in glutathione reductase activity over that of nonhardened tissue. The enzyme was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, Sephadex G-150 chromatography, 2′, 5′ ADP-Sepharose affinity chromatography, and DEAE-Sephadex A-50 ion-exchange chromatography. The partially purified enzyme from the two sources showed different kinetic characteristics, heat inactivation, freezing inactivation, and electrophoretic mobilities. Hardened leaves contain different forms of glutathione reductase than do nonhardened leaves. GR from hardened spinach has greater stability against freezing and a higher affinity for substrates at low temperature than does GR from nonhardened spinach.  相似文献   
The diets of larval Rhyacophilidae (Rhyacophila inculta), Polycentropodidae (Polycentropus variegatus) and Arctopsychidae (Parapsyche almota and P. elsis) from five streams in the University of British Columbia Research Forest, British Columbia (Canada), are recorded and related to feeding mode/constructional activities and prey representation in the habitat. Particular attention was paid to the extent of dietary overlap and the degree of intraspecific dietary variations between streams. An overall similarity of the diets of the study species was notable and all commonly consumed chironomid (Diptera) larvae, Simulium (Diptera) and Zapada (Plecoptera), although there was interspecific variation in the relative importance of these items. Polycentropus variegatus and Parapsyche spp. ate Baetis and Paraleptophlebia, the latter predators also consuming Hydrachnellae (Acarina). Other prey were generally of minor importance and consequently interspecific dietary overlaps were high. Differences in the range of prey consumed by predaceous Trichoptera were apparent. Free-foraging R. inculta which selectively consumed sedentary simuliid larvae had the narrowest niche breadth. Parapsyche spp. and Polycentropus variegatus foreguts generally contained an over-representation of chironomid larvae compared to their proportionate occurrence in the benthos, and these caddisflies exhibited high niche overlap. The relative importance of chironomids as food for Parapsyche spp. and Polycentropus variegatus is attributed to prey behaviour, i.e. drift, and poorly developed escape responses when they are caught on the predator's net.  相似文献   
John Kraft  Anatoli Freiman 《CMAJ》2011,183(7):E430-E435
Heparan sulphate 2-O-sulphotransferase (Hs2st) acts at an intermediate stage in the pathway of biosynthesis of heparan sulphate (HS), catalysing the transfer of sulphate from 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulfate (PAPS) to the C2-position of selected hexuronic acid residues within the maturing HS chain. It is well established that 2-O-sulphation within HS, particularly of iduronate residues, is essential for HS to participate in a variety of high-affinity ligand-binding interactions. HS plays a central role in embryonic development and cellular function, modulating the activities of an extensive range of growth factors. Interestingly, in contrast to the early failure of embryos entirely lacking HS, Hs2st –/– mice survive until birth, but die perinatally due to a complete failure of kidney formation. The phenotype of Hs2st –/– mutant kidneys suggests that signalling between two tissues, ureteric bud and metanephric mesenchyme, is disrupted. We discuss candidate signalling molecules that may mediate this interaction. The HS generated by these mice lacks 2-O-sulphate groups but is extensively modified above wild type levels by O-sulphation at C-6 of glucosamine-N-sulfate (GlcNS) residues. We will discuss the potentially altered role of this atypical HS in growth factor signalling. Published in 2003.  相似文献   
Within the last 10 to 15 years, a number of discoveries have revised the way in which scientists view the role of the brain in the control of food intake (1). One aspect of the brain's influence is often characterized as the control of energy homeostasis. This term accounts for a number of factors arising from experimental studies on molecules and food consumption but seems to stop well short of explaining how brain processes articulate the variety of patterns of human feeding. It should be kept in mind that eating is 100% behavior, and this activity links the internal world of molecules and physiological processes with the external world of physical and cultural systems. It is not always clear the extent to which human eating patterns are a function of physiological or environmental pressure; this is, of course,the subject of extensive experimental study and debate. Because much of the current scientific activity on neural control of feeding is driven by the need to understand (and deal with) the causes of obesity, it will be necessary, at some stage, to reconcile the effects of the physiological mechanism believed to be responsible for eating control in the obese with the actual patterns of eating displayed (eating phenotypes) by obese people. Ultimately, the mechanisms and the behavioral phenotypes must match up. Initially, it is useful to consider which components of energy homeostasis are codified in specific molecular processes and neural pathways and to describe how the integration of diverse signaling systems (the codification) is translated into the expression of behavior and the accompanying subjective sensations.  相似文献   
We challenge the concept of idiopathic parkinsonism (IP) as inevitably progressive neurodegeneration, proposing a natural history of sequential microbial insults with predisposing host response. Proof-of-principle that infection can contribute to IP was provided by case studies and a placebo-controlled efficacy study of Helicobacter eradication. "Malignant" IP appears converted to "benign", but marked deterioration accompanies failure. Similar benefit on brady/hypokinesia from eradicating "low-density" infection favors autoimmunity. Although a minority of UK probands are urea breath test positive for Helicobacter , the predicted probability of having the parkinsonian label depends on the serum H. pylori antibody profile, with clinically relevant gradients between this "discriminant index" and disease burden and progression. In IP, H. pylori antibodies discriminate for persistently abnormal bowel function, and specific abnormal duodenal enterocyte mitochondrial morphology is described in relation to H. pylori infection. Slow intestinal transit manifests as constipation from the prodrome. Diarrhea may flag secondary small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth. This, coupled with genetically determined intense inflammatory response, might explain evolution from brady/hypokinetic to rigidity-predominant parkinsonism.  相似文献   
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