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Fairy shrimps (Anostraca), tadpole shrimps (Notostraca), clam shrimps (Spinicaudata), algae (primarily filamentous blue-green algae [cyanobacteria]), and suspended organic particulates are dominant food web components of the seasonally inundated pans and playas of the western Mojave Desert in California. We examined the extent to which these branchiopods controlled algal abundance and species composition in clay pans between Rosamond and Rogers Dry Lakes. We surveyed branchiopods during the wet season to estimate abundances and then conducted a laboratory microcosm experiment, in which dried sediment containing cysts and the overlying algal crust were inundated and cultured. Microcosm trials were run with and without shrimps; each type of trial was run for two lengths of time: 30 and 60 days. We estimated the effect of shrimps on algae by measuring chlorophyll content and the relative abundance of algal species.


We found two species of fairy shrimps (Branchinecta mackini and B. gigas), one tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus lemmoni), and a clam shrimp (Cyzicus setosa) in our wet-season field survey. We collected Branchinecta lindahli in a pilot study, but not subsequently. The dominant taxa were C. setosa and B. mackini, but abundances and species composition varied greatly among playas. The same species found in field surveys also occurred in the microcosm experiment. There were no significant differences as a function of experimental treatments for either chlorophyll content or algal species composition (Microcoleus vaginatus dominated all treatments).


The results suggest that there was no direct effect of shrimps on algae. Although the pans harbored an apparently high abundance of branchiopods, these animals had little role in regulating primary producers in this environment.  相似文献   
Myoepitheliomas of the extremity are rare and usually benign, while a minority display malignant features. This case demonstrates the diagnosis and management of myoepithelioma within the carpal tunnel. Clinical and radiological tumour features were evaluated. Hematoxylin and eosin stained tumour sections were examined, and immunohistochemistry was performed. Histology revealed a nodular mass of epithelioid cells in clusters within a myxoid/chondroid stroma. No mitoses were noted. Cytokeratins, neuron-specific enolase, synaptophysin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and S100 were positive on immunohistochemistry. A literature review revealed very few prior reports of myoepithelioma in the wrist, and limited data concerning any relationship between recurrence and quality of surgical margins. In this case, wide local excision would have significantly compromised dominant hand function, and therefore a marginal excision was deemed appropriate in the context of bland histological features. Surgical margins noted in future case reports will aid clinical decision making.  相似文献   
The copines are a family of C2- and von Willebrand factor A-domain-containing proteins that have been proposed to respond to increases in intracellular calcium by translocating to the plasma membrane. The copines have been reported to interact with a range of cell signalling and cytoskeletal proteins, which may therefore be targeted to the membrane following increases in cellular calcium. However, neither the function of the copines, nor their actual movement to the plasma membrane, has been fully established in mammalian cells. Here, we show that copines-1, -2, -3, -6 and -7 respond differently to a methacholine-evoked intracellular increase in calcium in human embryonic kidney cell line-293 cells, and that their membrane association requires different levels of intracellular calcium. We demonstrate that two of these copines associate with different intracellular vesicles following calcium entry into cells, and identify a novel conserved amino acid sequence that is required for their membrane translocation in living cells. Our data show that the von Willebrand factor A-domain of the copines modulates their calcium sensitivity and intracellular targeting. Together, these findings suggest a different set of roles for the members of this protein family in mediating calcium-dependent processes in mammalian cells.  相似文献   
A method has been developed for the preparation of large numbers of glial (Muller) cells from the turtle retina. After proteolytic dissociation of the retina, Muller cells were separated from retinal neurons by velocity sedimentation at unit gravity. Fractions containing >90 percent morphologically identifiable Muller cells were prepared by this procedure. Fractions containing only Muller cells were obtained by drawing selected cells individually into a micropipette under visual observation. Biochemical analyses of isolated Muller cells showed that (a) these cells did not synthesize and accumulate acetylcholine, γ-aminobutyric acid, or catecholamines when incubated with appropriate radioactive precursors; (b) the specific activities of choline acetyltransferase (EC, glutamate decarboxylase (EC, and tyrosine hydroxylase (EC in these cells were less than 2 percent of those found in the retina; (c) Muller cells, however, contained high activities of transmitter degrading enzymes-acetylcholinesterase (EC and γ-aminobutyrate- transamine (EC; and (d) the cells also possessed high levels of two presumably glial-specific-enzymes-glutamine synthetase (EC and carbonic anhydrase (EC These results, together with other findings, suggest that Muller cells are not capable of neurotransmitter syntheses but possess the enzymes necessary for two important roles in the retina: (a) the inactivation of certain transmitters after synaptic transmission by uptake and degradation, and (b) the maintenance of acid-base balance and the provision of a stable microenvironment in the retina by the removal of metabolic products such as carbon dioxide and ammonia.  相似文献   
Using sequence homology searches, yeast two-hybrid assays and glutathione S-transferase (GST)-pull-down approaches we have identified a series of glutamate receptor subunits that interact differentially with the PDZ proteins GRIP, PICK1, and syntenin. GST-pull-down experiments identified more interactions than detected by yeast two-hybrid assays. We report several receptor-protein interactions, strong ones include: (i) GRIP and syntenin with mGluR7a, mGluR4a, and mGluR6; (ii) PICK1 and GRIP with mGluR3; and (iii) syntenin with all forms of GluR1-4 and mGluR7b. We further characterized the novel mGluR7a-GRIP interaction found both in yeast two-hybrid and GST-pull-down assays and observed that mGluR7a localization overlapped with GRIP with in hippocampal neurons. The wide range of targets for PICK1, GRIP, and syntenin suggests they may represent a molecular mechanism that can concentrate and/or regulate a number of different receptors at a common site on a synapse. These data also suggest that the structural determinants involved in PDZ interactions are more complex than originally envisaged.  相似文献   
The components of hard tissues including dentin, enamel, cementum, bone and other calcified deposits, and mature and immature collagen pose problems for identification in routine hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) stained sections. Use of combinations of stains can demonstrate the components of hard tissues and soft tissues distinctly. We assessed the efficacy of the Verde Luz-orange G-acid fuchsin (VOF) stain for differentiating hard and soft connective tissues and compared results with other histochemical staining techniques. Eighty tissue sections comprising developing tooth (30), ossifying fibroma (30) and miscellaneous pathologies (20) expected to contain varying types of calcified tissues were stained with H & E, VOF, and Masson's trichrome (MT). In developing tooth, VOF demonstrated better differentiation of hard tissues, while it was comparable to MT for ossifying fibroma and miscellaneous pathologies. The intensity of staining was greater with VOF than with the other stains studied. VOF stains hard tissue components distinctly and gives good contrast with the surrounding connective tissue. VOF is comparable to MT, but has added advantages including single step staining, rapid and easy procedures, and it distinguishes the maturity of the tissues.  相似文献   
In the present investigation the interaction of a novel selective NMDA receptors agonist, N-phthalamoyl-L-glutamic acid (PhGA), with the synaptic membranes preparation of human hippocampus was examined against NMDA. It was established that there are two binding sites of 3H-L-Glu, Kd1 = 0.35 +/- 0.11 nM, Bmax1 = 6.5 +/- 2.3 pmol/mg and Kd2 = 51 +/- 12 nM, Bmax2 = 98 +/- 17 pmol/mg. The inhibition constants (Ki) were calculated for NMDA and PhGA and were equal: Ki(NMDA) = 19 microM, Ki (PhGA) = 13 microM, respectively. It was concluded that PhGA is the partial agonist of the NMDA receptors.  相似文献   
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