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The in vitro metabolic stability testing on synthetic obestatin peptides from two different species (human hOb and mouse mOb) using HPLC analysis is described. A reversed-phase C(18) column of 300A pore size was used, with a gradient system based on aqueous formic acid and acetonitrile. Electrospray ionization (ESI) ion trap mass spectrometry was used for identification of the chromatographic eluting peptide metabolic products, while UV (DAD) and fluorescence served quantitative purposes. Differences in the metabolic degradation kinetics of hOb and mOb were found in plasma, liver and kidney homogenate, with half-lives ranging between 12.6 and 138.0min. Proteolytic hydrolysis at the N-terminal Phe residue and cleavage at Pro(4)-Phe(5) were found to be two major metabolic pathways, accounting for more than 50% of the metabolic degradation. Several other labile peptide bonds were located. The influence of a standard protease inhibitor cocktail was investigated, as well as the metabolism of iodinated human obestatin in liver homogenate. Our results indicate that the major instability of obestatin peptides, as currently used in biomedical investigations, should be taken into account in the interpretation of the obtained results.  相似文献   
DmAMP1, an antifungal plant defensin from Dahlia merckii, was shown previously to require the presence of sphingolipids for fungicidal action against Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sphingolipids may stabilize glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, which interact with DmAMP1, or they may directly serve as DmAMP1 binding sites. In the present study, we demonstrate that S. cerevisiae disruptants in GPI-anchored proteins showed small or no increased resistance towards DmAMP1 indicating no involvement of these proteins in DmAMP1 action. Further, studies using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-based binding assay revealed that DmAMP1 interacts directly with sphingolipids isolated from S. cerevisiae and that this interaction is enhanced in the presence of equimolar concentrations of ergosterol. Therefore, DmAMP1 antifungal action involving membrane interaction with sphingolipids and ergosterol is proposed.  相似文献   
To defend themselves against fungal pathogens, plants produce numerous antifungal proteins and peptides, including defensins, some of which have been proposed to interact with fungal cell surface glycosphingolipid components. Although not known as a phytopathogen, the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa possesses numerous genes similar to those required for plant pathogenesis identified in fungal pathogens (Galagan, J. E., et al. 2003. Nature 422: 859-868), and it has been used as a model for studying plant-phytopathogen interactions targeting fungal membrane components (Thevissen, K., et al. 2003. Peptides. 24: 1705-1712). For this study, neutral glycolipid components were extracted from wild-type and plant defensin-resistant mutant strains of N. crassa. The structures of purified components were elucidated by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Neutral glycosphingolipids of both wild-type and mutant strains were characterized as beta-glucopyranosylceramides, but those of the mutants were found with structurally altered ceramides. Although the wild type expressed a preponderance of N-2'-hydroxy-(E)-Delta3-octadecenoate as the fatty-N-acyl component attached to the long-chain base (4E,8E)-9-methyl-4,8-sphingadienine, the mutant ceramides were found with mainly N-2'-hydroxyhexadecanoate instead. In addition, the mutant strains expressed highly increased levels of a sterol glucoside identified as ergosterol-beta-glucoside. The potential implications of these findings with respect to defensin resistance in the N. crassa mutants are discussed.  相似文献   
The circadian pacemaker is an endogenous clock that regulates oscillations in most physiological and psychological processes with a near 24-h period. In many species, this pacemaker triggers seasonal changes in behavior. The seasonality of symptoms and the efficacy of light therapy suggest involvement of the circadian pacemaker in seasonal affective disorder (SAD), winter type. In this study, circadian pacemaker characteristics of SAD patients were compared with those of controls. Seven SAD patients and matched controls were subjected to a 120-h forced desynchrony protocol, in which core body temperature and melatonin secretion profiles were measured for the characterization of circadian pacemaker parameters. During this protocol, which enables the study of unmasked circadian pacemaker characteristics, subjects were exposed to six 20-h days in time isolation. Patients participated twice in winter (while depressed and while remitted after light therapy) and once in summer. Controls participated once in winter and once in summer. Between the SAD patients and controls, no significant differences were observed in the melatonin-derived period or in the phase of the endogenous circadian temperature rhythm. The amplitude of this rhythm was significantly smaller in depressed and remitted SAD patients than in controls. No abnormalities of the circadian pacemaker were observed in SAD patients. A disturbance in thermoregulatory processes might explain the smaller circadian temperature amplitude in SAD patients during winter.  相似文献   
Summary In two female patients with a 45,X/46,X,+mar karyotype the marker chromosomes were identified as normal length nonfluorescent Y chromosomes (nlYnf) using non-isotopic in situ hybridization (NISH) complementary to routine cytogenetic analysis and Southern hybridization. The recognition of the nlYnf as isodicentric in both patients illustrates and confirms the usefulness and importance of NISH in the identification and characterization of this and many other types of complex chromosome rearrangements.  相似文献   
Angelman syndrome (AS) is characterized by severe mental retardation, absent speech, puppet-like movements, inappropriate laughter, epilepsy, and abnormal electroencephalogram. The majority of AS patients ( 65%) have a maternal deficiency within chromosomal region 15q11–q13, caused by maternal deletion or paternal uniparental disomy (UPD). Approximately 35% of AS patients exhibit neither detectable deletion nor UPD, but a subset of these patients have abnormal methylation at several loci in the 15q11–q13 interval. We describe here three patients with Angelman syndrome belonging to an extended inbred family. High resolution chromosome analysis combined with DNA analysis using 14 marker loci from the 15q11-q13 region failed to detect a deletion in any of the three patients. Paternal UPD of chromosome 15 was detected in one case, while the other two patients have abnormal methylation atD15S9, D15S63, andSNRPN. Although the three patients are distantly related, the chromosome 15q11-q13 haplotypes are different, suggesting that independent mutations gave rise to AS in this family.  相似文献   
Reconciliation is a conflict resolution mechanism that is common to many gregarious species with individualized societies. Reconciliation repairs the damaged relationship between the opponents and decreases postconflict (PC) anxiety. The "integrated hypothesis" links the quality of the opponents' relationship to PC anxiety, since it proposes that conflicts among partners with high relationship quality will yield high levels of PC anxiety, which in turn will lead to an increased likelihood of reconciliation. We tested the integrated hypothesis in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Arnhem Zoo, The Netherlands. We applied the standard PC/matched control (MC) method. Our results mostly support the integrated hypothesis, in that more valuable and compatible partners (i.e., males and frequent groomers) reconciled more often than less valuable and weakly compatible partners (i.e., females and infrequent groomers). In addition, PC anxiety was higher after conflicts among males than among females. Emotional arousal thus appears to be a mediator facilitating reconciliation. However, in contrast to the predictions derived from the integrated hypothesis, PC anxiety appeared only in aggressees, and not in aggressors, of conflicts. This suggests that while relationship quality determines PC anxiety, it is dependent on the role of the participants in the conflict.  相似文献   
Tropical forests and the biodiversity within them are rapidly declining in the face of increasing human populations. Resource management and conservation of endangered species requires an understanding of how species perceive and respond to their environments. Species distribution modeling (SDM) is an appropriate tool for identifying conservation areas of concern and importance. In this study, SDM was used to identify areas of suitable chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) habitat within the Greater Nimba Landscape, Guinea, West Africa. This location was ideal for investigating the effects of landscape structure on habitat suitability due to the topographic variation of the landscape and the Critically Endangered status of the Western chimpanzee. Additionally, this is the only mountainous, long-term chimpanzee study site and little is known about the effects of topography on chimpanzee behavior. Suitable habitat was predicted based on the location of direct and indirect signs of chimpanzee presence and the spatial distribution of 12 biophysical variables within the study area. Model performance was assessed by examining the area under the curve. The overall predictive performance of the model was 0.721. The variables most influencing habitat suitability were the normalized difference vegetation index (37.8%), elevation (27.3%), hierarchical slope position (11.5%), surface brightness (6.6%), and distance to rivers (5.4%). The final model highlighted the isolation and fragmentation of chimpanzee habitat within the Greater Nimba Landscape. Understanding the factors influencing chimpanzee habitat suitability, specifically the biophysical variables considered in this study, will greatly contribute to conservation efforts by providing quantitative habitat information and improving survey efficiency.  相似文献   
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