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Variation in seasonal sprouting pattern from roots and rhizomes of perennial herbaceous plants influence the success of plant proliferation ability, invasiveness and escape from weed control measures. The latter often rely on methods, which repeatedly fragment the underground system, thereby trigger adventitious and axillary buds to sprout, and consequently reduce the amount of stored energy. If carried out at times when no re-growth occurs, treatments will have little effect on weed populations, but cost much in terms of labour and energy. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the seasonal variation in bud sprouting capacity after fragmentation. Five troublesome perennial weed species, collected in northern and southern Sweden, were grown outdoors in Uppsala, Sweden (N 59°49′, E 17°39′), from May 2009 to January 2010. Cut root and rhizome fragments, taken at two weeks intervals from July to January, were used to evaluate bud sprouting capacity, which was statistically analyzed using generalized additive models. In Elytrigia repens from southern Sweden and Sonchus arvensis sprouting capacity was significantly impaired during a period from September to November. In Equisetum arvense and Tussilago farfara sprouting was low between July and November where after it increased. In contrast, Cirsium arvense and E. repens from northern Sweden sprouted readily throughout the period. Except for E. repens, a model by populations was significantly better than one based on latitudinal origin. The result suggests a species-specific timing of treatments in weed management, avoiding the non-effective autumn period for E. arvense, S. arvensis and T. farfara, and in some cases in E. repens.  相似文献   
The importance of host-specialization to speciation processes in obligate host-associated bacteria is well known, as is also the ability of recombination to generate cohesion in bacterial populations. However, whether divergent strains of highly recombining intracellular bacteria, such as Wolbachia, can maintain their genetic distinctness when infecting the same host is not known. We first developed a protocol for the genome sequencing of uncultivable endosymbionts. Using this method, we have sequenced the complete genomes of the Wolbachia strains wHa and wNo, which occur as natural double infections in Drosophila simulans populations on the Seychelles and in New Caledonia. Taxonomically, wHa belong to supergroup A and wNo to supergroup B. A comparative genomics study including additional strains supported the supergroup classification scheme and revealed 24 and 33 group-specific genes, putatively involved in host-adaptation processes. Recombination frequencies were high for strains of the same supergroup despite different host-preference patterns, leading to genomic cohesion. The inferred recombination fragments for strains of different supergroups were of short sizes, and the genomes of the co-infecting Wolbachia strains wHa and wNo were not more similar to each other and did not share more genes than other A- and B-group strains that infect different hosts. We conclude that Wolbachia strains of supergroup A and B represent genetically distinct clades, and that strains of different supergroups can co-exist in the same arthropod host without converging into the same species. This suggests that the supergroups are irreversibly separated and that barriers other than host-specialization are able to maintain distinct clades in recombining endosymbiont populations. Acquiring a good knowledge of the barriers to genetic exchange in Wolbachia will advance our understanding of how endosymbiont communities are constructed from vertically and horizontally transmitted genes.  相似文献   
Gene transfer agents (GTAs) randomly transfer short fragments of a bacterial genome. A novel putative GTA was recently discovered in the mouse-infecting bacterium Bartonella grahamii. Although GTAs are widespread in phylogenetically diverse bacteria, their role in evolution is largely unknown. Here, we present a comparative analysis of 16 Bartonella genomes ranging from 1.4 to 2.6 Mb in size, including six novel genomes from Bartonella isolated from a cow, two moose, two dogs, and a kangaroo. A phylogenetic tree inferred from 428 orthologous core genes indicates that the deadly human pathogen B. bacilliformis is related to the ruminant-adapted clade, rather than being the earliest diverging species in the genus as previously thought. A gene flux analysis identified 12 genes for a GTA and a phage-derived origin of replication as the most conserved innovations. These are located in a region of a few hundred kb that also contains 8 insertions of gene clusters for type III, IV, and V secretion systems, and genes for putatively secreted molecules such as cholera-like toxins. The phylogenies indicate a recent transfer of seven genes in the virB gene cluster for a type IV secretion system from a cat-adapted B. henselae to a dog-adapted B. vinsonii strain. We show that the B. henselae GTA is functional and can transfer genes in vitro. We suggest that the maintenance of the GTA is driven by selection to increase the likelihood of horizontal gene transfer and argue that this process is beneficial at the population level, by facilitating adaptive evolution of the host-adaptation systems and thereby expansion of the host range size. The process counters gene loss and forces all cells to contribute to the production of the GTA and the secreted molecules. The results advance our understanding of the role that GTAs play for the evolution of bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

Background and Aim

Obesity is associated with elevated serum transaminase levels and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and weight loss is a recommended therapeutic strategy. Bariatric surgery is effective in obtaining and maintaining weight loss. Aim of the present study was to examine the long-term effects of bariatric surgery on transaminase levels in obese individuals.


The Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study is a prospective controlled intervention study designed to compare the long-term effects of bariatric surgery and usual care in obese subjects. A total of 3,570 obese participants with no excess of alcohol consumption at baseline (1,795 and 1,775 in the control and surgery group, respectively) were included in the analyses. Changes in transaminase levels during follow-up were compared in the surgery and control groups.


Compared to usual care, bariatric surgery was associated with lower serum ALT and AST levels at 2- and 10- year follow up. The reduction in ALT levels was proportional to the degree of weight loss. Both the incidence of and the remission from high transaminase levels were more favorable in the surgery group compared to the control group. Similarly, the prevalence of ALT/AST ratio <1 was lower in the surgery compared to the control group at both 2- and 10-year follow up.


Bariatric surgery results in a sustained reduction in transaminase levels and a long-term benefit in obese individuals.  相似文献   
Ribosomal subunit biogenesis in eukaryotes is a complex multistep process. Mrd1 is an essential and conserved small (40S) ribosomal subunit synthesis factor that is required for early cleavages in the 35S pre-ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Yeast Mrd1 contains five RNA-binding domains (RBDs), all of which are necessary for optimal function of the protein. Proteomic data showed that Mrd1 is part of the early pre-ribosomal complexes, and deletion of individual RBDs perturbs the pre-ribosomal structure. In vivo ultraviolet cross-linking showed that Mrd1 binds to the pre-rRNA at two sites within the 18S region, in helix 27 (h27) and helix 28. The major binding site lies in h27, and mutational analyses shows that this interaction requires the RBD1-3 region of Mrd1. RBD2 plays the dominant role in h27 binding, but other RBDs also contribute directly. h27 and helix 28 are located close to the sequences that form the central pseudoknot, a key structural feature of the mature 40S subunit. We speculate that the modular structure of Mrd1 coordinates pseudoknot formation with pre-rRNA processing and subunit assembly.  相似文献   
Previous studies of the highly polygynous and strikingly sexually dimorphic Red Bishop, Euplectes orix (Ploceinae, weaverbirds), have suggested random female settlement patterns and no correlates of male reproductive success except the number of nest frames (‘cock's nests’) built by the male. Although this confirms the central role of the nest in weaverbird courtship it also contrasts with demonstrated sexual selection on male morphology and behaviour in several closely related Euplectes species. Two major aspects of male sexual advertising have not been included in previous studies; display behaviour and territory size. In this study we use multivariate selection analysis, with the number of active nests in a territory as the fitness measure, to identify direct and indirect sexual selection on male sexual behaviour, territory size and nest building. In accor–dance with previous findings, mating success was not strongly skewed among the territorial males, and females appeared to settle randomly with respect to available nests. The number of cock𠀧s nest built was the only determinant of male breeding success, even when controlling for male display activity and territory size. We argue that, despite their conspicuous sexual dimorphism, females settle independently of both male or territory quality, and that variance in male reproductive success is a consequence of male–male competition.  相似文献   
Introduced species can alter the topology of food webs. For instance, an introduction can aid the arrival of free-living consumers using the new species as a resource, while new parasites may also arrive with the introduced species. Food-web responses to species additions can thus be far more complex than anticipated. In a subarctic pelagic food web with free-living and parasitic species, two fish species (arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus) have known histories as deliberate introductions. The effects of these introductions on the food web were explored by comparing the current pelagic web with a heuristic reconstruction of the pre-introduction web. Extinctions caused by these introductions could not be evaluated by this approach. The introduced fish species have become important hubs in the trophic network, interacting with numerous parasites, predators and prey. In particular, five parasite species and four predatory bird species depend on the two introduced species as obligate trophic resources in the pelagic web and could therefore not have been present in the pre-introduction network. The presence of the two introduced fish species and the arrival of their associated parasites and predators increased biodiversity, mean trophic level, linkage density, and nestedness; altering both the network structure and functioning of the pelagic web. Parasites, in particular trophically transmitted species, had a prominent role in the network alterations that followed the introductions.  相似文献   
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