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Trimezia fosteriana is a self-incompatible plant with an open style. The stigma was found to be receptive for approx. three hours. Pollen tube growth in the entire transmitting tract was followed with LM, SEM and TEM. The cuticle that covers the mature papillae is continuous but in the rest of the transmitting tissue it is thin and ruptured. The pollen tubes grow in a mucilage mixed with cuticle remnants. In the style, however, larger parts of a cuticle film remains which gives the impression that pollen tube growth occurs under a cuticle. The secretion contains proteins and carbohydrates including pectic substances. The pollen tube growth rates were estimated to 2 mm/hour in the stigma, 1–2 mm/hour in the style and 0.5 mm/hour in the ovary.  相似文献   
An ultrastructural investigation of the entire transmitting tract in Trimezia fosteriana (Iridaceae) was undertaken. The transmitting tissue is secretory but transfer cells do not occur at any level. With exception for the stigma papillae, the cells are covered with large amounts of secretory products. The papillae have a thick and ridged cuticle. The cuticle in the rest of the transmitting tract is thin and detached from the cell wall by the secretory products. It is more or less ruptured in the secretory parts of the stigma and ovary. In the stylar canal the major part of the cuticle is continuous and covers the secretory products. The occurence of a large amount of vesicles in the stigma transmitting tissue cells is interpreted as a result of high dictyosome activity. An electron opaque material is produced in the dictyosomes and appears in vesicles and vacuoles but also between the plasma membrane and the cell walls in the stigma. A small amount of such material is present in the cell walls. Corresponding material is also present in the style and the ovary but declines basipetally. Plastids with strongly electron opaque plastoglobules are present at all levels in the transmitting tract.  相似文献   
Arctic charr and European whitefish are common species in northern Europe, but have a parapatric distribution pattern and rarely coexist in substantial densities within the same lake. Whitefish is considered to be the strongest competitor, usually causing competitive relegation or exclusion of co-occurring charr. Some exceptions do however occur, and the present study addresses niche utilization and resource partitioning of an Arctic charr population coexisting with whitefish and grayling in a subarctic lake. There was a distinct resource partitioning with respect to habitat and diet utilization of the three species. Grayling were exclusively caught in shallow near-shore areas, feeding chiefly on surface insects and Trichoptera larvae. Whitefish dominated in all lake habitats, feeding predominantly on small-sized planktonic and benthic crustaceans. Arctic charr were mainly found along the benthic profile, feeding predominantly on insects and snails and showing a low dietary overlap with whitefish which appeared to have monopolised the zooplankton resources. The highly restricted trophic niche of Arctic charr suggests a severe competitive impact due to the presence of whitefish, but the coexistence of the two species may be facilitated by the presence of grayling.  相似文献   
Invasions of non-native species represent a global problem of great scientific interest. Here we study in detail the response in population and life history characteristics of closely related native species, with divergent habitat preferences, that are impacted by an invading species over a sufficient time period to allow a new stable state to become established. A time series of 20 years starting at the first occurrence of the invader (vendace Coregonus albula (L.)) allows exploration of the long term population and life history response of two ecologically, morphologically, and genetically different native sympatric morphs (DR- and SR-) of congeneric whitefish C. lavaretus (L.). The whitefish morphs are taxonomically equally related to the invading vendace, but only the planktivorous DR-whitefish share its pelagic niche. We would expect that the ecological differences between the whitefish morphs may be used as a predictor of competitive effects. Vendace exhibited an initial boom-and-bust development, and has continued to fluctuate in density. The responses of the pelagic DR-whitefish were: i) an immediate habitat shift, ii) a subsequent population decline caused by increased annual mortality, and iii) a new stable state at a lower density and apparently relaxed competition. The ecologically more distant benthivorous SR-whitefish also showed significant, but a much more limited response during this process, indicating damped indirect interactions through the food-web. This long-term case-study found that in two native eco-species equally related to the invader, only one of the eco-species was highly affected. Direct competition for resources is obviously important for species interactions, whereas the taxonomic relatedness per se seems to offer little predictive power for invasion effects.  相似文献   
High macrophage infiltration has been correlated to improved survival in colorectal cancer (CRC). Tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) play complex roles in tumorigenesis since they are believed to hold both tumor preventing (M1 macrophages) and tumor promoting (M2 macrophages) activities. Here we have applied an immunohistochemical approach to determine the degree of infiltrating macrophages with a M1 or M2 phenotype in clinical specimens of CRC in relation to prognosis, both in CRC in general but also in subgroups of CRC defined by microsatellite instability (MSI) screening status and the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP). A total of 485 consecutive CRC specimens were stained for nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) (also denoted iNOS) as a marker for the M1 macrophage phenotype and the scavenger receptor CD163 as a marker for the M2 macrophage phenotype. The average infiltration of NOS2 and CD163 expressing macrophages along the invasive tumor front was semi-quantitatively evaluated using a four-graded scale. Two subtypes of macrophages, displaying M1 (NOS2+) or M2 (CD163+) phenotypes, were recognized. We observed a significant correlation between the amount of NOS2+ and CD163+ cells (P<0.0001). A strong inverse correlation to tumor stage was found for both NOS2 (P<0.0001) and CD163 (P<0.0001) infiltration. Furthermore, patients harbouring tumors highly infiltrated by NOS2+ cells had a significantly better prognosis than those infiltrated by few NOS2+ cells, and this was found to be independent of MSI screening status and CIMP status. No significant difference was found on cancer-specific survival in groups of CRC with different NOS2/CD163 ratios. In conclusion, an increased infiltration of macrophages with a M1 phenotype at the tumor front is accompanied by a concomitant increase in macrophages with a M2 phenotype, and in a stage dependent manner correlated to a better prognosis in patients with CRC.  相似文献   
Seasonal and ontogenetic dynamics in trophic transmission of parasites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transmission rates from the intermediate (amphipods) to the definitive hosts (fish) were quantified for two helminth species ( Cyathocephalus truncatus , Cestoda, and Cystidicola farionis , Nematoda) both seasonally and through the ontogeny of the final hosts (arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , and brown trout, Salmo trutta ). Amphipods ( Gammarus lacustris ) were important prey for both fish species, especially in the autumn. Both parasite species had low infection levels in amphipods compared to high abundance in fish. The seasonal variations in transmission rate of C. truncatus procercoids from amphipods to fish were in accordance with the observed abundance in fish hosts, being highest in the autumn and lowest during late winter and early summer. During summer, however, the estimated monthly transmission rates of C. truncatus were higher than the observed infection levels in the fish, suggesting restricted establishment success and shorter development time and longevity of the cestode in fish at higher temperatures. The accumulated transmission of C. farionis over the ontogeny of arctic charr was similar to the observed age-specific infection levels, reflecting a high establishment success and longevity of this parasite in charr. In contrast, brown trout exhibited an infection level that was much lower than the estimated transmission rates, suggesting a high resistance against C. farionis in these fish. The magnitudes of the estimated transmission rates were sufficient to explain the paradoxical contrast between low infection levels in the intermediate and high in the final hosts.  相似文献   
A long-term field study of a perturbed host–helminth system provides indirect evidence that a long-lived swimbladder nematode, Cystidicola farionis, induces mortality of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus. The prevalence and abundance of this parasite has changed little over the period from 1987 to 1999. The cumulative numbers of L3-stage larvae steadily increased with increasing host age, indicating a continuous exposure to infection throughout the life of the target fish host. Indirect methods, which used data pooled over years and long-term cohort analyses, indicate that parasite-induced host mortality (PIHM) occurs in hosts older than 10 years. Furthermore, using a short-term cohort method adjusted for worm recruitment, we found indications of PIHM occurrence even in younger age groups. These patterns do not seem to be caused by high parasite mortality rates since dead worms are rarely observed inside the swimbladder. Age-related changes in infection rates or in resistance to infection seem to play only a minor role as there were only slight changes in the preference of charr for feeding on amphipods (which are intermediate hosts) and in the acquisition rate of L3 larvae in older hosts. Mortality of the most heavily infected hosts is the most probable explanation for the observed patterns.  相似文献   
Observations of the transmitting tract cells in Trimezia fosteriana were made from the pre-secretory stage until anthesis. Secretory products appear about 14 days before anthesis in all parts of the pistil. Simultaneously starch disappears from the plastids and the dictyosomes are surrounded by more and larger vesicles than before. In the beginning of the secretory stage multivesicular bodies may be in contact with ER profiles and an ER origin is therefore presumed. Later during the secretory stage the multivesicular bodies are larger and more abundant. Their envelope is often partly fused with the plasma membrane and vesicle swarms are common on the outside of it. Close to flower opening many organelles change in appearence. RER becomes more abundant and the mitochondrial matrix highly electron dense and the cristae expanded. Starch grains reappear and large ones are common in the stigma and ovary plastids. The dictyosomes are numerous and surrounded by the largest vesicles observed during the secretory stage. Osmiophilic granules are common in the dictyo-some vesicles and under the cell walls abutting the transmitting tract. In the ovary they are present one week before anthesis. In the stigma and style corresponding granules of high electron density appears at the day of flower opening. The extracellular secretory product contains fibrillar and granular substances consisting of carbohydrates, including pectic substances, and proteins.  相似文献   
The effects of glucose concentration on the chemokinetic effects of the chemotactic peptide N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe) was evaluated for normal human neutrophils using a direct microscopic assay. fMet-Leu-Phe increased the rate of locomotion in the absence of glucose, but the chemokinetic effect of fMet-Leu-Phe was most potent at 5mM glucose and not further changed at 15 mM glucose. The chemokinetic effects of fMet-Leu-Phe and glucose were essentially the same in blood clot-isolated and gradient-isolated neutrophils. However, in gradient-isolated neutrophils, the rate of locomotion under different experimental conditions was strictly negatively correlated to the fraction of non-locomoting cells and the degree of adhesion to the substratum. These results indicate that the chemokinetic effects of fMet-Leu-Phe are regulated by the glucose concentration by inducing locomotor activity in otherwise non-locomoting cells and by improving adhesion to the substratum.  相似文献   
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