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GUILLAUME, MICHÈLE, LEIF LAPIDUS, PER BJÖRNTORP, ANDRE LAMBERT. Physical activity, obesity, and cardiovascular risk factors in children. The Belgian Luxembourg Child Study II. Physical activity was measured in relation to cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in a randomly selected population of 1028 children from Province de Luxembourg in Belgium, a mainly rural area with a high prevalence of such risk factors among adults and children. Physical activity was estimated as participation in sport activities, a major indicator of leisure-time physical activity in schoolchildren, and physical inactivity was estimated as frequency and duration of television (TV) watching. Boys participated more frequently in sport activities than girls did (p=0. 001). A majority of the children watched TV daily. After age adjustment, bodyweight (girls, p<0. 012; boys, p<0. 027) and, in boys, body mass index (BMI) (p<0. 039) were related to days per week of TV watching. No significant relationships with other CV risk factors remained after adjustments for BMI. In analyses of independent contributions of age, TV watching, and sports activity on CV risk factors, age showed highly significant relationships. In boys, TV showed relationships with BMI (P<0. 04) and (borderline) with systolic blood pressure, independent of age and sports activity, whereas the latter was significantly related to subscapular skinfold (p<0. 04) and (borderline) with triceps skinfold and cholesterol. In girls, no significant independent contributions to risk factor associations were found. The father's education was directly associated with sports activities, whereas the mother being a housewife showed negative relationships to physical activity and positive to TV watching in their children, suggesting socioeconomic influence on the activity patterns of children. Furthermore, registrations suggested less physical activity in the most rural part of the area. It is concluded that children in this mainly rural area watch TV frequently. In boys, physical inactivity, measured both as TV watching and as registrations of sports activities, contributes independently to body fat mass. In girls, no contribution or weaker contributions of physical inactivity were found. This suggests that contributory factors leading to obesity might be different in girls and boys.  相似文献   
Immunotherapy of human colon cancer by antibody-targeted superantigens   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
T lymphocytes generally fail to recognize human colon carcinomas, suggesting that the tumour is beyond reach of immunotherapy. Bacterial superantigens are the most potent known activators of human T lymphocytes and induce T cell cytotoxicity and cytokine production. In order to develop a T-cell-based therapy for colon cancer, the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) was given tumour reactivity by genetic fusion with a Fab fragment of the monoclonal antibody C242 reacting with human colon carcinomas. The C242Fab-SEA fusion protein targeted SEA-reactive T cells against MHC-class-II-negative human colon carcinoma cells in vitro at nanomolar concentrations. Treatment of disseminated human colon carcinomas growing in humanized SCID mice resulted in marked inhibition of tumour growth and the apparent cure of the animals. Therapeutic efficiency was dependent on the tumour specificity of the fusion protein and human T cells. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated massive infiltration of human T cells in C242Fab-SEA-treated tumours. The results merit further evaluation of C242Fab-SEA fusion proteins as immunotherapy in patients suffering from colon carcinoma.  相似文献   
The results of pollen analysis, magnetic measurements (SIRM), and archaeological and historical investigations, in the Axlarp area are presented. With respect to natural conditions and the distribution of prehistoric features, this area is typical of the higher parts of the Småland uplands, which, agriculturally, is a marginal region of southern Sweden. The study shows that farming in the Axlarp area began at ca. 700 B.C. (dates in calibrated/calendar years). The period 700 B.C.-A.D. 500 was characterized by shifting cultivation of Hordeum and Triticum and much pasture. Between A.D. 500 and A.D. 1200 farming declined but some pasturage was still practised, possibly on a seasonal basis. Two farms were established in the Middle Ages, probably between A.D. 1200–1300. Cereals were sown in stone-cleared fields and pastoral farming and hay making was carried out. One farm was deserted during the 15th or early 16th century and the other developed into the hamlet Axlarp whose farmers practised a three-course cropping system. Land-use history as recorded in the pollen diagram can be related to activities associated with these farms. Cereals grown after A.D. 1200 included Hordeum and Avena, and possibly Triticum and Secale. There are no indications of slash-and-burn cultivation in the area.  相似文献   
Earlier studies on social behaviour in the domestic pig have only been performed on groups housed artificially. The present study was undertaken to investigate the social behaviour of free-ranging sows in a well-established flock, so that it could be compared with the behaviour of sows housed indoors that had been studied earlier. The free-ranging flock, which contained 13 animals, 5 of which were sows, lived in an enclosure, approximately 1.1 ha in area. The interaction sequences were registered during 1 h after feeding and during foraging in the enclosure. With sequence analysis, the effect of different behaviours on the behaviour of the receiver animal was measured. This allowed the behaviour patterns to be classed after function. “Aiming”, a behaviour pattern not previously seen, was interpreted as a threat behaviour, being “statistically strongly directive” towards submissive and flight behaviour. The functions of the other 7 behaviours included in the study were found to be the same as in the indoor groups studied earlier. The dominance order was not found to be better established than in the most extensively housed indoor group, but the level of aggression was very low, indicating that a stable dominance order does not automatically lead to a low level of aggression. It was found that the dominance order was mainly maintained through the behaviour of the subordinate animals, supporting the use of an “avoidance order” instead of an “aggression order” as a measurement of social dominance. On the whole, no dramatic differences were found between the behaviour of the free-ranging sows and that of the most extensively housed of the indoor groups studied earlier, although great differences were found between free-ranging sows and sows kept in confinement indoors.  相似文献   
A new method for preparing non-parenchymal rat liver cells (NPC) is described. The liver cell suspension, prepared by perfusing the liver with collagenase, was treated with enterotoxin from Clostridium perfringens for 15 min. The enterotoxin made the parenchymal cells leaky, and these cells could be separated from the NPC by centrifugation in a solution containing Nycodenz (20%, w/v). During the centrifugation, the NPC floated, while the parenchymal cells sedimented. The yield of NPC per liver (200 g rat) was about 250 X 10(6) cells. The NPC were further separated into endothelial cells, Kupffer cells and stellate cells by centrifugal elutriation. This method was particularly useful for preparing endothelial cells in high yield (100 X 10(6) cells per liver). Intravenously injected formaldehyde-treated albumin was selectively taken up by the endothelial cells. Isolated endothelial cells in suspension as well as in surface culture maintained their ability to endocytose this ligand.  相似文献   
Six major basic cytosolic glutathione transferases from rat liver catalyzed the conversion of leukotriene A4 methyl ester to the corresponding leukotriene C4 monomethyl ester. Glutathione transferase 4-4, the most active among these enzymes, had a Vmax of 615 nmol X min-1 X mg protein-1 at 30 degrees C in the presence of 5 mM glutathione. It was followed in efficiency by transferase 3-4 which had a Vmax of 160 nmol X min-1 X mg-1 under the same conditions. Transferases 1-1, 1-2, 2-2 and 3-3 had at least 30 times lower Vmax values than transferase 4-4.  相似文献   
Summary A 76-year-old woman with acute myelogenous leukemia with approximately 65% myeloblasts on bone marrow examination was treated daily with a combination of 4 megaU of leukocyte interferon IM and 1,000 mg cimetidine PO. During therapy there was a gradual decrease of bone marrow myeloblasts down to 9% and a normalization of peripheral white blood cells. The treatment was discontinued after 6 weeks because of increasing fatigue and anorexia. The general condition improved greatly during the following weeks and the patient entered complete remission, which has continued for 6 months so far. In the course of therapy there was a gradual appearance of antibodies showing a selective binding capacity to autochthonous leukemic cells with no tendency to increased binding to remission cells. The aim of this report is to stimulate a further evaluation of this form of therapy in additional AML patients whenever this might be justified as an alternative to conventional chemotherapy.  相似文献   
It has earlier been shown that the formol-gel test on serum and glutaraldehyde test on whole blood are simple and rapid methods for evaluation or the immunoglobulin status in the cow. Both tests function as coagulation tests in which aldehyde groups oross-link basic blood globulins at their NH2-groups, forming polymerisates. The glutaraldehyde has in whole blood the capacity to polymerize not only immunoglobulins but also fibrinogen. This investigation was made in order to study whether the fibrinogen level may influence the result of the glutaraldehyde test, so revealing any differences between the results of that and the formol-gel test carried out on serum. In 92 cows with a variety of clinical disorders (most of them with inflammatory processes) the total protein, albumin, total globulin concentration and albumin/globulin ratio in serum and fibrinogen concentration in plasma were recorded. The material was grouped according to glutaraldehyde and formol-gel test reactions. It is shown that increases in the fibrinogen level have an effect on the results of the glutaraldehyde test. A positive glutaraldehyde test in more acute processes is ascribed to a heavy rise of plasma fibrinogen in its capacity of acute-phase protein. A positive glutaraldehyde test in chronic diseases may be viewed as a result of interaction between high immunoglobulin concentrations and elevated fibrinogen concentration. In conclusion the fibrinogen and immunoglobulin status of blood is important to assess in many diseases of cattle. The semiquantitative tests described for field use can separately, or especially in parallel use, provide valuable information about the character and development of a disease and may be regarded as good substitutes for the sedimentation rate (SR), which is not demonstrable in cattle. kw|Keywords|k]bovine fibrinogen; k]bovine serum proteins; k]formol-gel reaction; k]glutaraldehyde test; k]acute and chronic inflammations  相似文献   
Photosynthetic rate was measured at (1) a wavelength of 619nm, which predominantly excites PS II although PS I is alsosignificantly excited; (2) 446 nm, which excites mainly PS I;(3) 687 nm for the excitation of PS I; and (4) the wavelengthcombinations of 619+446 and 619+687 nm for enhancement studies.The observed photosynthetic enhancement was 11 to 17%, whileglycolate excretion into the medium was reduced by approximately33%. The production of the amino acid serine also decreased significantly,15 to 19%. A small but insignificant reduction in the productionof glycine was also observed. We suggest that some glycolatewas consumed in an oxidation process associated with PS I duringphotosynthetic enhancement. In this situation, we assume thatthe supply of electrons from the water-splitting process ofPS II is too low for efficient reduction of NADP. This may partlybe compensated by the oxidation of glycolate in the electrontransport chain of photosynthesis in a process associated withPS I. Since the production of amino acids associated with theglycolate pathway also decreased, we conclude that the productfrom the photooxidation of glycolate connected to PS I was directedout of the glycolate pathway. (Received November 28, 1978; )  相似文献   
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