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The braincase of the Late Devonian tristichopterid sarcopterygian Mandageria fairfaxi , from Canowindra, NSW, Australia, differs radically from the conservative pattern present in other 'osteolepiforms' (stem–group tetrapodomorph fishes) and non–dipnoan sarcopterygian fishes in general. The basioccipital region is short, displaced anteriorly, and either unossified or loosely articulated to the exoccipital, leaving most or all of the notochordal tunnel open ventrally. The exoccipital complex, which is developed into a large saddle that would have rested on top of the notochord, carries large, triangular articular facets on its posterior face and appears to have formed part of a functional neck joint, a synovial articulation between the skull and vertebral column that allows the former to rotate against the latter. Such a joint is characteristic of post–Devonian tetrapods, but unknown in other sarcopterygians. We infer that the ventrally open notochordal tunnel allowed gentle flexion of the cranial notochord during (predominantly vertical) rotational movement at the occiput; this is a mechanically unique solution to the problem of creating a mobile neck. Other unusual features of Mandageria include a posteriorly located lateral commissure, and structures on the entopterygoid and lateral commissure that may have been associated with an elaborate spiracular tract.  相似文献   
In this study, dexamethasone (dex) was administered in random order in doses of 0.05, 0.125, 0.25 and 0.5 mg at 10 p.m. with measurements of serum Cortisol in the morning (8 a.m.) of this and the following day. The test was performed on 22 apparently healthy men, 40 to 60 years of age, recruited from laboratory personnel, outpatient clinics or advertisements in a newspaper. Eight had a body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2) of <25 and 14 of >25. Twelve men had a waist hip ratio (WHR) of <1.0 and 10 men had a WHR of<1.0. Cortisol values at baseline were correlated inversely with WHR and were usually lower in men with a high (>1.0) rather than a low than low (<1.0) WHR after dex inhibition. There was apparently no inhibition by dex at 0.05 and 0.125 mg on average in men with a WHR of >1.0. In addition, the inhibition at 0.5 mg dex correlated negatively with the WHR and was significantly lower (p<0.05) in men with a WHR of >1.0 than in men with a WHR of <1.0. None of these differences or relationships was found to be dependent on BMI. It is concluded that men with an elevated WHR experience a decrease in the inhibition of Cortisol secretion by dex. It is suggested that this could explain or contribute to the elevated sensitivity of their HPA axis. Furthermore, lower morning Cortisol concentrations suggest a change in diurnal secretion patterns.  相似文献   
The results of pollen analysis, magnetic measurements (SIRM), and archaeological and historical investigations, in the Axlarp area are presented. With respect to natural conditions and the distribution of prehistoric features, this area is typical of the higher parts of the Småland uplands, which, agriculturally, is a marginal region of southern Sweden. The study shows that farming in the Axlarp area began at ca. 700 B.C. (dates in calibrated/calendar years). The period 700 B.C.-A.D. 500 was characterized by shifting cultivation of Hordeum and Triticum and much pasture. Between A.D. 500 and A.D. 1200 farming declined but some pasturage was still practised, possibly on a seasonal basis. Two farms were established in the Middle Ages, probably between A.D. 1200–1300. Cereals were sown in stone-cleared fields and pastoral farming and hay making was carried out. One farm was deserted during the 15th or early 16th century and the other developed into the hamlet Axlarp whose farmers practised a three-course cropping system. Land-use history as recorded in the pollen diagram can be related to activities associated with these farms. Cereals grown after A.D. 1200 included Hordeum and Avena, and possibly Triticum and Secale. There are no indications of slash-and-burn cultivation in the area.  相似文献   
Earlier studies on social behaviour in the domestic pig have only been performed on groups housed artificially. The present study was undertaken to investigate the social behaviour of free-ranging sows in a well-established flock, so that it could be compared with the behaviour of sows housed indoors that had been studied earlier. The free-ranging flock, which contained 13 animals, 5 of which were sows, lived in an enclosure, approximately 1.1 ha in area. The interaction sequences were registered during 1 h after feeding and during foraging in the enclosure. With sequence analysis, the effect of different behaviours on the behaviour of the receiver animal was measured. This allowed the behaviour patterns to be classed after function. “Aiming”, a behaviour pattern not previously seen, was interpreted as a threat behaviour, being “statistically strongly directive” towards submissive and flight behaviour. The functions of the other 7 behaviours included in the study were found to be the same as in the indoor groups studied earlier. The dominance order was not found to be better established than in the most extensively housed indoor group, but the level of aggression was very low, indicating that a stable dominance order does not automatically lead to a low level of aggression. It was found that the dominance order was mainly maintained through the behaviour of the subordinate animals, supporting the use of an “avoidance order” instead of an “aggression order” as a measurement of social dominance. On the whole, no dramatic differences were found between the behaviour of the free-ranging sows and that of the most extensively housed of the indoor groups studied earlier, although great differences were found between free-ranging sows and sows kept in confinement indoors.  相似文献   
Summary A 76-year-old woman with acute myelogenous leukemia with approximately 65% myeloblasts on bone marrow examination was treated daily with a combination of 4 megaU of leukocyte interferon IM and 1,000 mg cimetidine PO. During therapy there was a gradual decrease of bone marrow myeloblasts down to 9% and a normalization of peripheral white blood cells. The treatment was discontinued after 6 weeks because of increasing fatigue and anorexia. The general condition improved greatly during the following weeks and the patient entered complete remission, which has continued for 6 months so far. In the course of therapy there was a gradual appearance of antibodies showing a selective binding capacity to autochthonous leukemic cells with no tendency to increased binding to remission cells. The aim of this report is to stimulate a further evaluation of this form of therapy in additional AML patients whenever this might be justified as an alternative to conventional chemotherapy.  相似文献   
A new species of halophilic photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodospirillum salinarum, has been isolated and described. Its natural habitat are the terminal crystallization ponds of solar salt production plants. R. salinarum grows optimally at 42°C in the presence of 6–18% NaCl (w/v). Growth requirements are complex, yeast extract and peptone being required both for aerobic heterotrophic and for anaerobic phototrophic growth. Increasing concentrations of NaCl in the growth media did not give rise to any corresponding increase in intracellular concentrations of K+, Na+, polyalcohols or amino acids. Malate dehydrogenase from R. salinarum is not halophilic, being inhibited even at low concentrations of Na+ or K+. The GC mol % of DNA from R. salinarum is markedly higher than that for DNA from R. salexigens, the only previously described halophilic species of the genus Rhodospirillum.  相似文献   
Lactate dehydrogenase activity and isoenzyme distribution was determined in primary cultures of astroblasts as a function of the culture period. The specific activity increased during this period with a peak value (1.91 ± 0.18μmol x min-1 x mg-1 cell protein) after 2 weeks in culture. The isoenzyme pattern changed during 3 weeks in culture towards a higher proportion of the H4 (LDH-1) isoenzyme which is analogous to the in vivo pattern. Omission of serum with or without dBcAMP (0.5 mM) in the culture medium during the third week of culture further enhanced this prominence of the H4 isoenzyme. The specific activity (1.58 × 0.06 μmol x min-1 x mg-1 cell protein) of cultures grown in the presence of 0.5 mM-dBcAMP and absence of serum was close to the activity in the adult brain.  相似文献   
Restriction endonuclease mapping of previously constructed dut plasmids has been carried out using the enzymes PvuI, PvuII and SacI. Various dut plasmids were also tested in the "maxicell" protein-synthesizing system. They all show two protein bands in common, one of Mr 16000 in agreement with the size previously reported for the purified dUTPase subunit (Shlomai and Kornberg, 1978). With the information obtained the structural gene for dUTPase can be assigned to a 950-bp SacI-PvuII fragment of the E. coli genome. Studies, described in the preceding paper, on the overproduction of dUTPase by bacterial strains carrying different dut plasmids strongly suggest that the dut gene is transcribed in the direction from the SacI site towards the PvuII site and that the SacI site is located within the dut control region. The second protein band observed in the "maxicell" experiments has an Mr of 23500. Its identity is unknown but it may represent a precursor of dUTPase or the product of a separate gene located between dut and pyrE.  相似文献   
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) on Octyl SepharoseR in a column procedure was used to compare the relative surface hydrophobicity ofStaphylococcus aureus reference strains, protein A-negative mutants, and strains isolated from bovine mastitis. High protein A-producing strains (Cowan 1 and clinical isolate SA 17970) showed a higher relative surface hydrophobicity than did strains producing a low amount of protein A. One encapsulatedS. aureus strain (Smith diffuse) did not bind to the gel, while an unencapsulated variant showed binding properties similar to weak protein A-producing strains. Studies onS. aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitis revealed a good correlation between adsorption to Octyl Sepharose and the production of protein A. Results indicate that protein A and probably other surface proteins such as fibronectin-binding protein contribute to the high relative surface hydrophobicity ofS. aureus.  相似文献   
Determination of nuclear DNA content by flow cytometry requires comparison with a reference standard. The use of external standards such as lymphocytes or granulocytes is time-consuming and inaccurate. Chicken red blood cells (CRBC) have a DNA content of 35% of the human diploid value and have been widely used as internal standard. The ratio calculated on the basis of the peak channel numbers of the standard and the sample and used to indicate the DNA content (DNA ratio) is, however, very sensitive to changes in the zero level adjustment of the flow cytometer. If two internal standards are used the DNA ratio becomes independent of the zero level. Rainbow trout red blood cells (TRBC) have a DNA content of 80% of human diploid cells. A mixture of CRBC and TRBC was prepared and stored in small aliquots at -80 degrees C. This mixture was added to the sample before staining. The day-to-day variation of the DNA ratio obtained by use of the two standards was smaller than that obtained by CRBC alone. The possibility of sex related differences in DNA content of CRBC and TRBC was examined. The results indicated that a new batch of standards should be tested against the old batch to avoid the introduction of a systematic error.  相似文献   
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