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The principal forms of amino nitrogen transported in xylem were studied in nodulated and non-nodulated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). In symbiotic plants, asparagine and the nonprotein amino acid, 4-methyleneglutamine, were identified as the major components of xylem exudate collected from root systems decapitated below the lowest nodule or above the nodulated zone. Sap bleeding from detached nodules carried 80% of its nitrogen as asparagine and less than 1% as 4-methyleneglutamine. Pulse-feeding nodulated roots with 15N2 gas showed asparagine to be the principal nitrogen product exported from N2-fixing nodules. Maintaining root systems in an N2-deficient (argon:oxygen, 80:20, v/v) atmosphere for 3 days greatly depleted asparagine levels in nodules. 4-Methyleneglutamine represented 73% of the total amino nitrogen in the xylem sap of non-nodulated plants grown on nitrogen-free nutrients, but relative levels of this compound decreased and asparagine increased when nitrate was supplied. The presence of 4-methyleneglutamine in xylem exudate did not appear to be associated with either N2 fixation or nitrate assimilation, and an origin from cotyledon nitrogen was suggested from study of changes in amount of the compound in tissue amino acid pools and in root bleeding xylem sap following germination. Changes in xylem sap composition were studied in nodulated plants receiving a range of levels of 15N-nitrate, and a 15N dilution technique was used to determine the proportions of accumulated plant nitrogen derived from N2 or fed nitrate. The abundance of asparagine in xylem sap and the ratio of asparagine:nitrate fell, while the ratio of nitrate:total amino acid rose as plants derived less of their organic nitrogen from N2. Assays based on xylem sap composition are suggested as a means of determining the relative extents to which N2 and nitrate are being used in peanuts.  相似文献   
The mechanisms that induce Alzheimer''s disease (AD) are largely unknown thereby deterring the development of disease-modifying therapies. One working hypothesis of AD is that Aβ excess disrupts membranes causing pore formation leading to alterations in ionic homeostasis. However, it is largely unknown if this also occurs in native brain neuronal membranes. Here we show that similar to other pore forming toxins, Aβ induces perforation of neuronal membranes causing an increase in membrane conductance, intracellular calcium and ethidium bromide influx. These data reveal that the target of Aβ is not another membrane protein, but that Aβ itself is the cellular target thereby explaining the failure of current therapies to interfere with the course of AD. We propose that this novel effect of Aβ could be useful for the discovery of anti AD drugs capable of blocking these “Aβ perforates”. In addition, we demonstrate that peptides that block Aβ neurotoxicity also slow or prevent the membrane-perforating action of Aβ.  相似文献   
A significant portion (20%) of the Physarum genome can be isolated as a HpaII-resistant, methylated fraction. Cloned DNA probes containing highly-repeated sequences derived from this fraction were used to define the pattern of structural organisation of homologous repeats in Physarum genomic DNA. It is shown that the probes detect an abundant, methylated family of sequences with an estimated genomic repetition frequency greater than 2100, derived from a large repeated element whose length exceeds 5.8kb. Sequences comprising the long repetitive element dominate the HpaII-resistant compartment and account for between 4-20% of the Physarum genome. Detailed restriction/hybridisation analysis of cloned DNA segments derived from this compartment shows that HpaII/MspI restriction sites within some copies of the long repeated sequence are probably deleted by mutation. Additionally, segments of the repeat are often found in different organisational patterns that represent scrambled versions of its basic structure, and which are presumed to have arisen as a result of recombinational rearrangement in situ in the Physarum genome. Preliminary experiments indicate that the sequences are transcribed and that the structural properties of the repeat bear some resemblance to those of transposable genetic elements defined in other eukaryotic species.  相似文献   
The genetics of the biosynthesis of an exocellular polysaccharide (EPS) from Zoogloea ramigera I-16-M is being investigated. Tn5 insertion mutants deficient in EPS production were isolated by screening for the absence of fluorescence on plates containing the dye Cellufluor (Polysciences Chemicals). Complementation of these mutations was achieved with a Z. ramigera I-16-M gene library constructed in a broad-host-range cosmid vector and introduced into the I-16-M mutants by conjugation. Four recombinant plasmids able to restore EPS production to all of these mutants were found to contain at least 14 kilobases of common insert DNA. Subcloning of the common region and restriction mapping the locations of Tn5 insertions have identified two complementation groups contained within a chromosomal segment of DNA that is between 4.6 and 6.5 kilobases in size. We have clearly demonstrated genetic instability in this region which leads to spontaneous deletions and possibly rearrangements resulting in the loss of EPS production.  相似文献   
Recombinant plasmids containing highly repetitive Physarum DNA segments were identified by colony hybridisation using a radioactively-labelled total Physarum DNA probe. A large number of these clones also hybridised to a foldback DNA probe purified from Physarum nuclear DNA. The foldback DNA probe was characterised by reassociation kinetic analysis. About one-half of this component was shown to consist of highly repeated sequences with a kinetic complexity of 1100 bp and an average repetition frequency of 5200. Direct screening of 67 recombinant plasmids for foldback sequences using the electron microscope revealed that about one-half were located in segments of DNA containing highly repetitive sequences; the remainder were present in clones containing low-copy number repeated elements. Analysis of two DNA clones showed that they contained repetitive elements located in over half of all DNA segments containing highly repetitive DNA and that the foci containing these highly repetitive sequences had different sequence arrangements. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the most highly repeated DNA sequence families in the Physarum genome are few in number and are clustered together in different arrangements in about one-sixth of the genome. Over one-half of the foldback DNA complement in the Physarum genome is derived from these segments of DNA.  相似文献   
Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a developmental disorder caused by haploinsufficiency for genes in a 2-cM region of chromosome band 7q11.23. With the exception of vascular stenoses due to deletion of the elastin gene, the various features of WBS have not yet been attributed to specific genes. Although >/=16 genes have been identified within the WBS deletion, completion of a physical map of the region has been difficult because of the large duplicated regions flanking the deletion. We present a physical map of the WBS deletion and flanking regions, based on assembly of a bacterial artificial chromosome/P1-derived artificial chromosome contig, analysis of high-throughput genome-sequence data, and long-range restriction mapping of genomic and cloned DNA by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Our map encompasses 3 Mb, including 1.6 Mb within the deletion. Two large duplicons, flanking the deletion, of >/=320 kb contain unique sequence elements from the internal border regions of the deletion, such as sequences from GTF2I (telomeric) and FKBP6 (centromeric). A third copy of this duplicon exists in inverted orientation distal to the telomeric flanking one. These duplicons show stronger sequence conservation with regard to each other than to the presumptive ancestral loci within the common deletion region. Sequence elements originating from beyond 7q11.23 are also present in these duplicons. Although the duplicons are not present in mice, the order of the single-copy genes in the conserved syntenic region of mouse chromosome 5 is inverted relative to the human map. A model is presented for a mechanism of WBS-deletion formation, based on the orientation of duplicons' components relative to each other and to the ancestral elements within the deletion region.  相似文献   
We are conducting clinical trials of the E75 peptide as a vaccine in breast cancer (BrCa) patients. We assessed T cell subpopulations in BrCa patients before and after E75 vaccination and compared them to healthy controls. We obtained 17 samples of blood from ten healthy individuals and samples from 22 BrCa patients prior to vaccination. We also obtained pre- and post-vaccination samples of blood from seven BrCa patients who received the E75/GM-CSF vaccine. CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CD45RO, and CCR7 antibodies were used to analyze the CD4+ and CD8+ T cells by four-color flow cytometry. Compared to healthy individuals, BrCa patients have significantly more memory and less naïve T cells and more effector-memory CD8+ and less effector CD4+ T cells. Phenotypic differences in defined circulating CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subpopulations suggest remnants of an active immune response to tumor distinguished by a predominant memory T cell response and by untapped recruitment of naïve helper and cytotoxic T cells. E75 vaccination induced recruitment of both CD4+ and CD8+ naïve T cells while memory response remained stable. Additionally, vaccination induced global activation of all T cells, with specific enhancement of effector CD4+ T cells. E75 vaccination causes activation of both memory and naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, while recruiting additional naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to the overall immune response.  相似文献   
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