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BackgroundChildhood diarrhoea, a major cause of morbidity and mortality in low-income regions, remains scarcely studied in many countries, such as Guinea-Bissau. Stool sample drying enables later qPCR analyses of pathogens without concern about electricity shortages.MethodsDried stool samples of children under five years treated at the Bandim Health Centre in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau were screened by qPCR for nine enteric bacteria, five viruses, and four parasites. The findings of children having and not having diarrhoea were compared in age groups 0–11 and 12–59 months.ResultsOf the 429 children– 228 with and 201 without diarrhoea– 96.9% and 93.5% had bacterial, 62.7% and 44.3% viral, and 52.6% and 48.3% parasitic pathogen findings, respectively. Enteroaggregarive Escherichia coli (EAEC; 60.5% versus 66.7%), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC; 61.4% versus 62.7%), Campylobacter (53.2% versus 51.8%), and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC; 54.4% versus 44.3%) were the most common bacterial pathogens. Diarrhoea was associated with enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)/Shigella (63.3%), ETEC (54.4%), astrovirus (75.0%), norovirus GII (72.6%) and Cryptosporidium (71.2%). The only pathogen associated with severe diarrhoea was EIEC/Shigella (p<0.001). EAEC was found more frequent among the infants, and EIEC/Shigella, Giardia duodenalis and Dientamoeba fragilis among the older children.ConclusionsStool pathogens proved common among all the children regardless of them having diarrhoea or not.  相似文献   
We have recently described a cell type-specific surface (SF) antigen that is deleted in chick fibroblasts transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. SF antigen is a major surface component and makes up about 0.5% of the total protein on normal cultured fibroblasts. The antigen is shed from normal cells and is present in circulation (serum, plasma), and in vivo, also, in tissue boundary membranes. The molecular equivalents of both cellular and serum SF antigen are distinct, large polypeptides, one of which (SF210, MW 210,000) is glycosylated and, on the cell surface, highly susceptible to proteases and accessible to surface iodination. Immunofluorescence and scanning electron microscopy have indicated that the antigen is located in fibrillar structures of the cell surface, membrane ridges, and processes. Human SF antigen is present in human fibroblasts and in human serum. We have recently shown that human SF antigen is identical to what has been known as the “cold-insoluble globulin” and that it shows affinity toward fibrin and fibrinogen. Our results also indicate that loss of the transformation-sensitive surface proteins is due not to loss of synthesis but to lack of insertion of the protein in the neoplastic cell surface. Both normal and transformed cells produce the SF antigen, but the latter do not retain it in the cell surface. The loss of SF antigen, a major cell surface component, from malignant cells creates an impressive difference between the surface properties of normal and malignant cells. The possible significance of SF antigen to the integrity of the normal membrane and its interaction to surrounding structures is discussed.  相似文献   
While the role of both elevated levels of circulating bacterial cell wall components and adipose tissue in hepatic fat accumulation has been recognized, it has not been considered that the bacterial components-recognizing adipose tissue receptors contribute to the hepatic fat content. In this study we found that the expression of adipose tissue bacterial flagellin (FLG)-recognizing Toll-like receptor (TLR) 5 associated with liver fat content (r = 0.699, p = 0.003) and insulin sensitivity (r = -0.529, p = 0.016) in humans (n = 23). No such associations were found for lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-recognizing TLR4. To study the underlying molecular mechanisms of these associations, human HepG2 hepatoma cells were exposed in vitro to the conditioned culture media derived from FLG or LPS-challenged human adipocytes. The adipocyte-mediated effects were also compared to the effects of direct HepG2 exposure to FLG and LPS. We found that the media derived from FLG-treated adipocytes stimulated fat accumulation in HepG2 cells, whereas either media derived from LPS-treated adipocytes or direct FLG or LPS exposure did not. This is likely due to that FLG-treatment of adipocytes increased lipolysis and secretion of glycerol, which is known to serve a substrate for triglyceride synthesis in hepatocytes. Similarly, only FLG-media significantly decreased insulin signaling-related Akt phosphorylation, IRS1 expression and mitochondrial respiratory chain ATP5A. In conclusion, our results suggest that the FLG-induced TLR5 activation in adipocytes increases glycerol secretion from adipocytes and decreases insulin signaling and mitochondrial functions, and increases fat accumulation in hepatocytes. These mechanisms could, at least partly, explain the adipose tissue TLR5 expression associated with liver fat content in humans.  相似文献   
Grooming is a commonplace, robust behavior in rodent species. It has been shown to be highly sensitive to a number of experimental factors, making it an ideal target for manipulation. The complex patterning of grooming in rodents, which usually proceeds in a cephalo-caudal direction and involves several distinct stages, can be dissected into its constituent parts and microstructures. Several grooming patterning analysis methods are described in the protocol that allow for an assessment of this behavior based on measurements of grooming activity and its sequencing. Additionally, grooming can be evaluated in reference to the regional distribution and syntax in which it occurs. Owing to the ever-increasing number of rodent models that have strong grooming phenotypes, this high-throughput in-depth analysis is becoming crucial for biomedical research.  相似文献   
Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is an important alternative breeding strategy for gaining reproductive output in birds. While interactions between hosts and parasites and consequences of CBP to breeding success of both parties have been studied a lot, the roles of host characteristics and nest site characteristics in CBP have received less attention. We studied the relative importance of host‐related traits, such as female condition and breeding experience, and nest‐site‐related factors, such as overall nest site preference and occupation rate, in explaining the occurrence of CBP in a common goldeneye Bucephala clangula population. We used spatially and temporally extensive data sets, analysed the data with generalized linear mixed models that allowed us to account for the non‐independency of individual nesting attempts across females and nesting sites, and used an information theoretic approach in model selection and inference. About half of the nests were parasitized annually during the seven year study period. The occurrence of CBP decreased with advancement of the breeding season but late nests were also frequently parasitized. We found that the occurrence of CBP was better explained by nest‐site characteristics than host traits, implying that parasitic females target a given nest based on factors related to the nest site itself rather than on the host. Our results suggest that more attention should be paid to factors associated with nest site attractiveness and quality when studying laying decisions of parasites and the occurrence of CBP in general.  相似文献   
Female Black Grouse that lost their nest to predation had a longer breeding dispersal distance between consecutive nests within and between seasons than successful females between seasons. This response might be a tactic to avoid egg predation, because predators may revisit those sites where they have been previously successful. Switching of nesting habitat was not associated with nest fate, suggesting that nest predation risk was not related to habitat type. However, the benefits of switching nest site remained somewhat obscure.
Zusammenfassung Birkhennen, die ihre Nester durch Nestraub verloren, legten ihre Nester in weiteren Entfernungen zwischen sukzessiven Brutversuchen sowohl innerhalb eines Jahres als auch in Folgejahren an, als erfolgreiche Hennen zwischen den Jahren. Dieses Verhalten kann eine Anpassung sein, Nestraub zu vermeiden, weil Nesträuber möglicherweise dieselben Plätze wieder besuchen, an denen sie Nester gefunden haben. Ein Wechsel des Nisthabitats hatte jedoch nicht mit dem Bruterfolg korreliert, so daß wahrscheinlich kein Zusammenhang zwischen Nestraub und Typus des Nisthabitats besteht. Es konnte nicht eindeutig geklärt werden, ob der Wechsel des Nistplatzes für die Hennen erfolgreich war.
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