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The photosynthetic behaviour ofDunaliella viridis has been studied under a combination of three variables: irradiance (0–900 mol m–2 s–1), temperature (15, 23, 31, 38, 42 °C) and nitrogen concentration (0.05, 0.5, 1.5, 5, 10 mM NO 3 - ) at a salinity of 2 M NaCl.The highest rates of photosynthesis have been found at 31 °C and a nitrate concentration of 10 mM. There exists a synergistic effect between temperature and nitrogen availability on the photosynthesis ofD. viridis; under nitrogen deficiency oxygen evolution is low, even null at high temperature. The interaction between these two variables of control occurs in a multiplicative way. There is also a general increase in photosynthetic pigments following the increase in nitrogen concentration in the culture medium. The normalization of net photosynthesis data in relation to chlorophylla shows that nitrogen concentration makes an indirect control of the photosynthetic rate ofD. viridis through the variation of pigment concentration.  相似文献   
A perifusion system technique was developed in order to determine in vitro the respective roles of ACTH and ANG II in the regulation of adrenal steroidogenesis in the lizard Lacerta vivipara. Synthetic human ACTH 1-39, administered as 20-min pulses, stimulated corticosterone (B) and aldosterone (A) release in a dose-dependent manner. The increase in corticosterone output was higher than that in aldosterone output, leading to an enhancement of the B/A ratio. Iterative stimulations with 1 nM ACTH (20-min pulses every 120 min) led to reproducible increases in corticosterone and aldosterone release. Prolonged stimulation with 1 nM ACTH (up to 240 min) caused a sustained increase in corticosteroid release, suggesting that, in the lizard, ACTH does not induce any desensitization phenomenon. The angiotensin II analogue [Sar1, Val5] ANG II also stimulated corticosterone and aldosterone release in a dose-dependent manner; the stimulatory effects of ANG II on both steroids were very similar. These results indicate that, in lizards, ACTH plays a major role in the regulation of adrenal steroidogenesis. Since ANG II stimulates the production of gluco- and mineralocorticoids, our data raise the question of the existence of two cell types synthesizing corticosterone and aldosterone, respectively, in reptiles.  相似文献   
Summary Although essential arterial hypertension is believed to have a strong genetic predisposition, the gene(s) responsible are unknown. The mechanisms underlying the regulation of blood pressure and experimental studies place the renin gene among the main candidate genes that need to be tested in humans. We tested the hypothesis of a linkage between the renin gene and essential hypertension using the affected sib pair method. Siblings (133 subjects, 52.1±10.9 years) from 57 families were selected for sustained hypertension (160.7 ± 22.9/99.5 ± 12.8 mmHg with 80% of patients under antihypertensive treatment), of early onset (40.7 ± 12.0 years), in the absence of obesity, diabetes mellitus, and secondary hypertension. Eight renin haplotypes were generated from three diallelic renin restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) (TaqI, Hinfi, HindIII) located throughout the renin gene. The allelic concordance between the sib pairs was analyzed by identity by state relationships for 98 sib pairs (41 for 41 couples, 39 for 13 trios, 18 for 3 quartets). Allelic frequencies in the 57 hypertensive probands were similar to those observed among 102 hypertensive subjects studied previously. Six of eight possible haplotypes were observed, the informativity of the marker corresponded to 70% of heterozygosity. Allelic concordance for all sib pairs according to sibship size was not significantly different from that expected under the hypothesis of no linkage (t = 0.52, P = 0.15) reflecting only a small excess of renin alleles shared by the hypertensive sibs (1.44 ± 0.6 vs 1.36 ± 0.6). Likewise the linkage hypothesis was unsupported by weighted estimates to correct for possible bias due to large sibship size. Thus, the sib pair analysis suggests that the renin gene does not have a frequent role in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension; further more powerful linkage studies or other approaches will be needed to detect contributions at the renin locus to the heritability of essential hypertension.  相似文献   
In October 1977 the model of general circulation of the watermasses off the coast of Galicia, and the presence of a coastalupwelling, led to a high primary productivity. This high productivityin turn favoured the development of a rich population of decapodlarvae. The abundance and distribution pattern of these organismswere closely linked (i) to the abundant presence of the correspondingadult species in the area, (ii) with the spatial distributionof phytoplanktonic populations concurrently studied by Estrada[J. Plankton Res ., 6, 417–434 (1984)] and (iii) withthe hydrodynamic pattern in the area. Fifty-two decapod larvaetaxa were identified and Solenocera membranacea, Pisidia longicornis,Pilumnushirtellus and Goneplax rhomboides were the most representativespecies It was observed that the greatest concentrations oflarvae (3387 larvae 10–2 m–3) were to be found nearthe mouth of the Rfas Baixas (situated in the south-west ofthe coastal area) and in some zones further out to sea (863larvae 10–2 m–3) (due to a process of hydrodynamictransport)  相似文献   
Expression of the c-fos proto-oncogene by ovine conceptuses was analyzed by Northern and slot blots and indirect immunohistofluorescence in relation to the expression of the embryonic interferon-alpha (oTP) during implantation. c-fos was expressed initially in the trophoblast, and then in the allantois, when this tissue began to develop (day 17). In the embryonic tissues, the c-fos proto-oncogene was weakly expressed up to day 22 and increased thereafter. In the trophoblast, the expression of c-fos proto-oncogene was transient, occurring when the oTP gene was transcribed at a maximal level at the beginning of implantation (days 14-15), and decreased thereafter, following the pattern of oTP gene expression. This decline is due essentially to the arrest of c-fos and oTP gene expression by the trophoblastic cells which established cellular contacts with the uterine epithelium during the implantation process.  相似文献   
HERSIM is a program written in BASIC designed to aid the investigatorinterested in determining the substrate conversion in a realhomogeneous isothermal enzymic reactor, for various kineticequations. The program runs after tracer data relative to aDirac impulse to the reactor have been entered, and computesthe two limits of real conversion: total segregation and maximummixedness. The kinetic constants of the reacting system areinput as data, and the variation of conversion with reactortemperature between given limits is computed as accurately asrequested. Received on November 6, 1986; accepted on March 4, 1987  相似文献   
In unispecific plant stands, the logarithm of mean individual weight (w) depends on the logarithm of density (d) by the -3/4 power law (a slope of -1.5 and an intercept ranging from 2.3 to 5.0). The analysis of the w and d relationships in whole cohorts of two seaweed species from the Strait of Gibraltar shows deviations from the canonical equation. The kelp Phyllariopsis purpurascens (C. Agardh) Henry et South (Phaeophyta) growing at a 30-m depth has the lowest intercept value (0.6) recorded for any plant species and a slope not significantly different from -1.5. The slope value is in accordance with those found in species whose growth is not stopped by reproduction. Irradiance under a single layer of blades was lower than the photosynthetic light compensation point, and this could be due to overdispersion of the shoots and, in consequence, to the low intercept value of the self-thinning equation. The w to d relationships in Asparagopsis armata Harvey (Rhodophyta) show two different components: no dependence between these two variables (slope not significantly different from 0) at densities < 500 shoots·m?2, and a slope more negative (-2.1) than proposed by the -3/2 power law at densities > 500 shoots·m?2. The pattern at high densities could be due to intraspecific competition for light, whereas the slope ~0 at low densities could be related to inhibition of growth by reproduction (cystocarp and carpospore production). Therefore, rather than being considered exceptional, we suggest that a gradient of variability could be expected in the dependence of w on d when specific growth patterns and reproduction are considered.  相似文献   
The small-scale associations in a rocky subtidal community in the northwestern Mediterranean were studied by a development of the continuous line transect method. This method allowed the overall measurement of non-randomness in interspecific contacts and the assignment of an association index to each species-pair, whose, significance was tested by Monte Carlo procedures. At the same time, the continuous recording allowed the study of the weakening of the interactions with increasing distances. Our purpose was to uncover evidence for allelochemical mechanisms of space occupation and maintenance. A strong non-randomness was found in the interspecific associations. This was mostly due to the interactions of the poecilosclerid sponge Crambe crambe (Schmidt) with its neighbours, especially its negative associations with other sponge species. The strength of the relationships fell drastically over the first few centimeters from the contact borders of the different species. The results pointed strongly to an allelochemical mechanism. The extracts of this sponge featured high bioactivity in laboratory assays, and field experiments demonstrated that the sponge can inhibit the growth of species in the community studied. Standard sampling techniques would have overlooked the spatial structure present in the data. The study emphasizes the need for both contact data and distance data in order to identify the underlying processes reliably. The line transect method provides both types of information easily and allows testing of models and identification of organisms likely to use chemical defenses in space competition. Its use as a preliminary step in studies of chemical ecology might help to detect presumptive allelochemical processes prior to experimental work on the potentially active species.  相似文献   
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