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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play an important role in modeling of the extracellular matrix. There is increasing evidence that these proteases are important in neurite elongation and axonal guidance during development in the central nervous system and retina. Moreover, they are also expressed after acute injury and can be the key mediators of pathogenesis. However, the role of MMPs in the inner ear is largely unknown. Our group recently demonstrated that general inhibition of MMPs resulted in auditory hair cell loss in vitro. In the present study, we investigated the role of MMPs in inner ear spiral ganglion neuron (SGN) survival, neuritogenesis and neurite extension by blocking MMPs known to be involved in axonal guidance, neurite elongation, and apoptosis in other neuronal systems. Spiral ganglion (SG) explants from 5-day-old Wistar rats were treated with different concentrations of the general MMP inhibitor GM6001, a specific MMP-2 inhibitor, and a specific MMP-9 inhibitor, in vitro. The general inhibitor of MMPs and the specific inhibition of MMP-2 significantly reduced both the number of neurites that extended from SG explants, as well as the length of individual neurites. However, neither the general inhibitor of MMPs nor the specific inhibition of MMP-2 influenced SGN survival. Inhibition of MMP-9 had no influence on SGNs. The data suggest that MMPs, and more specifically MMP-2, influence the growth of developing afferent neurites in the mammalian inner ear in vivo.  相似文献   
Dilute acid hydrolysis (DAH) and auto-hydrolysis (AU) have demonstrated to be optimal pre-treatments for the generation of biofuels from wood. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of ensuring the accessibility of cellulose enzymes during the enzymatic hydrolysis (EH) of pre-treated materials. In this work, the microscopic and nanoscopic structures of Eucalyptus globulus samples pre-treated by AU and DAH were evaluated by different techniques to understand the effect of the ultrastructure of samples on the enzymatic conversion and cellulose accessibility for bioethanol production. Microscopic techniques revealed changes in the physical characteristics of pre-treated fibers, coalescence at microscopic level, and differences in the chemical distribution of lignocellulosic components depending on the severity and type of pre-treatment. The atomic force microscopy-based nanoscopic study of samples showed differences in the effect of the pre-treatments on the ultrastructure of samples, with DAH pre-treatment producing major changes in the secondary cell wall with respect to AU samples at comparable severities, and a positive effect of the DAH ultrastructure changes to increase the EH yield.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the community structure in nitrifying granules (average diameter of 1600 μm) produced in an aerobic reactor fed with ammonia as the sole energy source by a multivalent approach combining molecular techniques, microelectrode measurements and mathematical modelling. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that ammonia-oxidizing bacteria dominated within the first 200 μm below the granule surface, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria a deeper layer between 200 and 300 μm, while heterotrophic bacteria were present in the core of the nitrifying granule. Presence of these groups also became evident from a 16S rRNA clone library. Microprofiles of NH4+, NO2, NO3 and O2 concentrations measured with microelectrodes showed good agreement with the spatial organization of nitrifying bacteria. One- and two-dimensional numerical biofilm models were constructed to explain the observed granule development as a result of the multiple bacteria–substrate interactions. The interaction between nitrifying and heterotrophic bacteria was evaluated by assuming three types of heterotrophic bacterial growth on soluble microbial products from nitrifying bacteria. The models described well the bacterial distribution obtained by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis, as well as the measured oxygen, nitrite, nitrate and ammonium concentration profiles. Results of this study are important because they show that a combination of simulation and experimental techniques can better explain the interaction between nitrifying bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria in the granules than individual approaches alone.  相似文献   
The ability to dissipate large fractions of their absorbed light energy as heat is a vital photoprotective function of the peripheral light-harvesting pigment–protein complexes in photosystem II of plants. The major component of this process, known as qE, is characterised by the appearance of low-energy (red-shifted) absorption and fluorescence bands. Although the appearance of these red states has been established, the molecular mechanism, their site and particularly their involvement in qE are strongly debated. Here, room-temperature single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy was used to study the red emission states of the major plant light-harvesting complex (LHCII) in different environments, in particular conditions mimicking qE. It was found that most states correspond to peak emission at around 700 nm and are unrelated to energy dissipative states, though their frequency of occurrence increased under conditions that mimicked qE. Longer-wavelength emission appeared to be directly related to energy dissipative states, in particular emission beyond 770 nm. The ensemble average of the red emission bands shares many properties with those obtained from previous bulk in vitro and in vivo studies. We propose the existence of at least three excitation energy dissipating mechanisms in LHCII, each of which is associated with a different spectral signature and whose contribution to qE is determined by environmental control of protein conformational disorder. Emission at 700 nm is attributed to a conformational change in the Lut 2 domain, which is facilitated by the conformational change associated with the primary quenching mechanism involving Lut 1.  相似文献   
The molecular genetic mechanisms of sex determination are not known for most vertebrates, including zebrafish. We identified a mutation in the zebrafish fancl gene that causes homozygous mutants to develop as fertile males due to female-to-male sex reversal. Fancl is a member of the Fanconi Anemia/BRCA DNA repair pathway. Experiments showed that zebrafish fancl was expressed in developing germ cells in bipotential gonads at the critical time of sexual fate determination. Caspase-3 immunoassays revealed increased germ cell apoptosis in fancl mutants that compromised oocyte survival. In the absence of oocytes surviving through meiosis, somatic cells of mutant gonads did not maintain expression of the ovary gene cyp19a1a and did not down-regulate expression of the early testis gene amh; consequently, gonads masculinized and became testes. Remarkably, results showed that the introduction of a tp53 (p53) mutation into fancl mutants rescued the sex-reversal phenotype by reducing germ cell apoptosis and, thus, allowed fancl mutants to become fertile females. Our results show that Fancl function is not essential for spermatogonia and oogonia to become sperm or mature oocytes, but instead suggest that Fancl function is involved in the survival of developing oocytes through meiosis. This work reveals that Tp53-mediated germ cell apoptosis induces sex reversal after the mutation of a DNA–repair pathway gene by compromising the survival of oocytes and suggests the existence of an oocyte-derived signal that biases gonad fate towards the female developmental pathway and thereby controls zebrafish sex determination.  相似文献   
Prevailing theory holds that simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections are nonpathogenic in their natural simian hosts and that lifelong infections persist without disease. Numerous studies have reported that SIV-infected sooty mangabeys (SMs; Cercocebus atys) remain disease free for up to 24 years despite relatively high levels of viral replication. Here, we report that classic AIDS developed after an 18-year incubation in an SM (E041) with a natural SIVsm infection. Unlike that described in previous reports of SIV-related disease in SMs, the SIVsm infecting E041 was not first passaged through macaques; moreover, SM E041 was simian T-cell leukemia virus antibody negative. SM E041 was euthanized in 2002 after being diagnosed with severe disseminated B-cell lymphoma. The plasma virus load had been approximately the same for 16 years when a 100-fold increase in virus load occurred in years 17 and 18. Additional findings associated with AIDS were CD4(+)-cell decline, loss of p27 core antibody, and loss of control of SIVsm replication with disseminated giant cell disease. These findings suggest that the time to development of AIDS exceeds the average lifetime of SMs in the wild and that the principal adaptation of SIV to its natural African hosts does not include complete resistance to disease. Instead, AIDS may develop slowly, even in the presence of high virus loads. However, a long-term relatively high virus load, such as that in SM E041, is consistent with AIDS development in less than 18 years in humans and macaques. Therefore, the results also suggest that SMs have a special mechanism for resisting AIDS development.  相似文献   
Predation is a key determinant of prey community structure, but few studies have measured the effect of multiple predators on a highly diverse prey community. In this study, we asked whether the abundance, species richness, and species composition of a species‐rich assemblage of termites in an Amazonian rain forest is more strongly associated with the density of predatory ants or with measures of vegetation, and soil texture and chemistry. We sampled termite assemblages with standardized hand‐collecting in 30 transects arranged in a 5 km × 6 km grid in a terra firme Amazonian rain forest. For each transect, we also measured vegetation structure, soil texture, and soil phosphorus, and estimated the density of predatory ants from baits, pitfall traps, and Winkler samples. Seventy‐nine termite species were recorded, and the total density of predatory ants was the strongest single predictor of local termite abundance (r = ?0.66) and termite species richness (r = ?0.44). In contrast, termite abundance and species richness were not strongly correlated with edaphic conditions (¦r¦ < 0.01), or with the density of non‐predatory ants (rabund = ?0.27; rs = ?0.06). Termite species composition was correlated with soil phosphorus content (r = 0.79), clay content (r = ?0.75), and tree density (r = ?0.42). Assemblage patterns were consistent with the hypothesis that ants collectively behaved as generalist predators, reducing total termite abundance, and species richness. There was no evidence that ants behaved as keystone predators, or that any single termite species benefited from the reduction in the abundance of potential competitors.  相似文献   
Under excess illumination, the Photosystem II light-harvesting antenna of higher plants has the ability to switch into an efficient photoprotective mode, allowing safe dissipation of excitation energy into heat. In this study, we show induction of the energy dissipation state, monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence quenching, in the isolated major light-harvesting complex (LHCII) incorporated into a solid gel system. Removal of detergent caused strong fluorescence quenching, which was totally reversible. Singlet-singlet annihilation and gel electrophoresis experiments suggested that the quenched complexes were in the trimeric not aggregated state. Both the formation and recovery of this quenching state were inhibited by a cross-linker, implying involvement of conformational changes. Absorption and CD measurements performed on the samples in the quenched state revealed specific alterations in the spectral bands assigned to the red forms of chlorophyll a, neoxanthin, and lutein 1 molecules. The majority of these alterations were similar to those observed during LHCII aggregation. This suggests that not the aggregation process as such but rather an intrinsic conformational transition in the complex is responsible for establishment of quenching. 77 K fluorescence measurements showed red-shifted chlorophyll a fluorescence in the 690-705 nm region, previously observed in aggregated LHCII. The fact that all spectral changes associated with the dissipative mode observed in the gel were different from those of the partially denatured complex strongly argues against the involvement of protein denaturation in the observed quenching. The implications of these findings for proposed mechanisms of energy dissipation in the Photosystem II antenna are discussed.  相似文献   
The high density of the steroid hormone receptors in the structures of temporal lobe involved in learning and memory, such as the hippocampus, perirhinal cortex, entorhinal cortex and amigdaloid complex, shows that there must be a direct relationship between gonadal hormones and organizational effects of steroid hormones in those structures during development of the nervous system. The present study was undertaken in order to investigate the effect of testosterone administration during the third week of gestation on the spatial memory formation of the offspring rats and the level of soluble proteins in the temporal lobe and frontal lobe of brain, as evidence of important organizational effects of androgens during prenatal development in brain sexual dimorphism. Animals have received testosterone undecanoate on days 14, 15, 16 and 19, 20, 21 of gestation. Learning and memory tests were started 100 days after the testosterone treatment. At the end of the experiments, the temporal and frontal lobes of brain were removed for assessing the level of soluble proteins. Testosterone treatment significantly improved spontaneous alternations percentage of male offspring in Y-maze task comparative with female offspring and reference memory in radial 8 arm-maze task (decreasing in number of reference memory errors in both male and female offspring groups), suggesting effects of both short and long-term memory. Also, testosterone significantly increased the brain soluble protein level of treated female rats in 14–16 prenatal days compared with the control group as well as the brain soluble protein level of treated male rats. These results suggest that steroid hormones play an important role in the spatial learning and memory formation by means of protein synthesis in different lobes of the brain.  相似文献   
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