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Synonymous codons are not used equally in many organisms, and the extent of codon bias varies among loci. Earlier studies have suggested that more highly expressed loci in Drosophila melanogaster are more biased, consistent with findings from several prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes that codon bias is partly due to natural selection for translational efficiency. We link this model of varying selection intensity to the population-genetics prediction that the effectiveness of natural selection is decreased under reduced recombination. In analyses of 385 D. melanogaster loci, we find that codon bias is reduced in regions of low recombination (i.e., near centromeres and telomeres and on the fourth chromosome). The effect does not appear to be a linear function of recombination rate; rather, it seems limited to regions with the very lowest levels of recombination. The large majority of the genome apparently experiences recombination at a sufficiently high rate for effective natural selection against suboptimal codons. These findings support models of the Hill-Robertson effect and genetic hitchhiking and are largely consistent with multiple reports of low levels of DNA sequence variation in regions of low recombination.   相似文献   
We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 1,200-base pair (bp) genomic fragment that includes the kappa-chain constant-region gene (C kappa) from two species of native Australian rodents, Rattus leucopus cooktownensis and Rattus colletti. Comparison of these sequences with each other and with other rodent C kappa genes shows three surprising features. First, the coding regions are diverging at a rate severalfold higher than that of the nearby noncoding regions. Second, replacement changes within the coding region are accumulating at a rate at least as great as that of silent changes. Third, most of the amino acid replacements are localized in one region of the C kappa domain--namely, the carboxy-terminal "bends" in the alpha-carbon backbone. These three features have previously been described from comparisons of the two allelic forms of C kappa genes in R. norvegicus. These data imply the existence of considerable evolutionary constraints on the noncoding regions (based on as yet undetermined functions) or powerful positive selection to diversify a portion of the constant-region domain (whose physiological significance is not known). These surprising features of C kappa evolution appear to be characteristic only of closely related C kappa genes, since comparison of rodent with human sequences shows the expected greater conservation of coding regions, as well as a predominance of silent nucleotide substitutions within the coding regions.   相似文献   
The renal proximal tubule of vertebrates performs an essential role in controlling plasma SO(4)(2-) concentration ([SO(4)(2-)]). Although net tubular SO(4)(2-) reabsorption is the predominate control process in terrestrial vertebrates, a facilitated secretory flux is also present. In contrast, marine teleosts obtain excess SO(4)(2-) from drinking, and increased plasma [SO(4)(2-)] is prevented predominately through net tubular secretion. Tubular SO(4)(2-) secretion is accomplished by at least two electroneutral anion exchange processes in series. Movement of SO(4)(2-) into the cell across the basolateral membrane is pH dependent, suggesting SO(4)(2-)/OH(-) exchange. Luminal HCO(3)(-) and Cl(-) can facilitate SO(4)(2-) movement out of the cell across the brush-border membrane. The molecular identities of the anion exchangers are unknown but are probably homologues of SO(4)(2-) transporters in the mammalian SLC26 gene family. In all species tested, glucocorticoids increase renal SO(4)(2-) excretion. Whereas glucocorticoids downregulate SO(4)(2-) reabsorptive mechanisms in terrestrial vertebrates, they may also stimulate a mediated secretory flux. In the marine teleost, cortisol increases the level of SO(4)(2-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange at the brush-border membrane, tubular carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity, CAII protein, and a proportion of tubular SO(4)(2-) secretion that is CA dependent. CA activity is required for about one-half of this net SO(4)(2-) secretion but is also required for about one-half of the net reabsorption in bird proximal epithelium. A CA-SO(4)(2-)/anion exchanger metabolon arrangement is proposed that may speed both the secretory and reabsorptive processes.  相似文献   
To examine the role of cortisol in seawater osmoregulation in a euryhaline teleost, adult killifish were acclimated to brackish water (10 per thousand) and RU486 or vehicle was administered orally in peanut oil daily for five days at low (40 mg.kg(-1)) or high dose (200 mg.kg(-1)). Fish were transferred to 1.5 x seawater (45 per thousand) or to brackish water (control) and sampled at 24 h and 48 h after transfer, when Cl- secretion is upregulated. At 24 h, opercular membrane Cl- secretion rate, as Isc, was increased only in the high dose RU486 group. Stimulation of membranes by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and cAMP increased Isc in vehicle treated controls but those from RU486-treated animals were unchanged and membranes from brackish water animals showed a decrease in Isc. At 48 h, Isc increased and transepithelial resistance decreased in vehicle and RU486 groups, compared to brackish water controls. Plasma cortisol increased in all groups transferred to high salinity, compared to brackish water controls. RU486 treated animals had higher cortisol levels compared to vehicle controls. Vehicle treated controls had lower cortisol levels than untreated or RU486 treated animals, higher stimulation of Isc, and lower hematocrit at 24 h, beneficial effects attributed to increased caloric intake from the peanut oil vehicle. Chloride cell density was significantly increased in the high dose RU486 group at 48 hours, yet Isc was unchanged, suggesting a decrease in Cl- secretion per cell. Thus cortisol enhances NaCl secretion capacity in chloride cells, likely via glucocorticoid type receptors.  相似文献   


Cellular infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) both in vitro and in vivo requires a member of the chemokine receptor family to act as a co-receptor for viral entry. However, it is presently unclear to what extent the interaction of HIV proteins with chemokine receptors generates intracellular signals that are important for productive infection.


In this study we have used a recently described family of chemokine inhibitors, termed BSCIs, which specifically block chemokine-induced chemotaxis without affecting chemokine ligands binding to their receptors. The BSCI termed Peptide 3 strongly inhibited CCR5 mediated HIV infection of THP-1 cells (83 ± 7% inhibition assayed by immunofluoresence staining), but had no effect on gp120 binding to CCR5. Peptide 3 did not affect CXCR4-dependent infection of Jurkat T cells.


These observations suggest that, in some cases, intracellular signals generated by the chemokine coreceptor may be required for a productive HIV infection.  相似文献   
Relaxation dynamics is universal in science and engineering; its study serves to parameterize a system's response and to help identify a microscopic model of the processes involved. When measured data for a phenomenon cannot be fitted using one exponential, the choice of an alternative function to describe the decay becomes nontrivial. Here, we contrast two different, but fundamentally related approaches to fitting nontrivial decay curves; exponential decomposition and the gamma probability density function. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Organic cation transporters (OCTs) are involved in the renal elimination of many cationic drugs and toxins. A hypothetical three-dimensional structure of OCT2 based on a homology model that used the Escherichia coli glycerol 3-phosphate transporter as a template has been described (Zhang, X., Shirahatti, N. V., Mahadevan, D., and Wright, S. H. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 34813-34822). To further define OCT structure, the accessibility to hydrophilic thiol-reactive reagents of the 13 cysteine residues contained in the human ortholog of OCT2 was examined. Maleimide-PEO2-biotin precipitated (surface biotinylation followed by Western blotting) and reduced tetraethylammonium transport by OCT2 expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, effects that were largely reversed by co-exposure to substrates and transport inhibitors, suggesting interaction with cysteines that are near to or part of a substrate-binding surface. Cysteines at amino acid position 437, 451, 470, and 474 were identified from the model as being located in transmembrane helices that participate in forming the hydrophilic cleft, the proposed region of substrate-protein interaction. To determine which residues are exposed to the solvent, a mutant with all four of these cysteines converted to alanine, along with four variants of this mutant each with an individual cysteine restored, were created. Maleimide-PEO2-biotin was only effective at precipitating and reducing transport by wild-type OCT2 and the mutant with cysteine 474 restored. Additionally, the smaller thiol-reactive reagent, methanethiosulfonate ethylsulfonate, reduced transport by wild-type OCT2 and the mutant with cysteine 474 restored. These data demonstrate that cysteine 474 of OCT2 is exposed to the aqueous milieu of the cleft and contributes to forming a pathway for organic cation transport.  相似文献   


The electroencephalography (EEG) is an attractive and a simple technique to measure the brain activity. It is attractive due its excellent temporal resolution and simple due to its non-invasiveness and sensor design. However, the spatial resolution of EEG is reduced due to the low conducting skull. In this paper, we compute the potential distribution over the closed surface covering the brain (cortex) from the EEG scalp potential. We compare two methods – L-curve and generalised cross validation (GCV) used to obtain the regularisation parameter and also investigate the feasibility in applying such techniques to N170 component of the visually evoked potential (VEP) data.


Using the image data set of the visible human man (VHM), a finite difference method (FDM) model of the head was constructed. The EEG dataset (256-channel) used was the N170 component of the VEP. A forward transfer matrix relating the cortical potential to the scalp potential was obtained. Using Tikhonov regularisation, the potential distribution over the cortex was obtained.


The cortical potential distribution for three subjects was solved using both L-curve and GCV method. A total of 18 cortical potential distributions were obtained (3 subjects with three stimuli each – fearful face, neutral face, control objects).


The GCV method is a more robust method compared to L-curve to find the optimal regularisation parameter. Cortical potential imaging is a reliable method to obtain the potential distribution over cortex for VEP data.
Bacillus pumilus was isolated from surface-sterilized tissues of the medicinal plant Ocimum sanctum. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) imaging confirmed the presence of a rod shaped bacterium within the plant tissues. The bacterium was identified as B. pumilus by biochemical analyses and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In vitro analyses indicate that the isolated strain of B. pumilus was endowed with multiple plant growth promotion (PGP) traits such as phosphate solubilization and the production of indole acetic acid (IAA), siderophore and hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Phosphate solubilization (37.3 μg ml?1) and IAA production (36.7 μg ml?1) by the isolate was found to reach a maximum after 60 h of incubation. Siderophore mediated iron sequestration by B. pumilus may confer a competitive advantage to the host with respect to pathogen inhibition. Siderophore produced by the isolate was found to be of a trihydroxamate type with hexadentate nature. The B. pumilus isolate also exhibited cellulolytic, proteolytic and chitinolytic activity. Cell free supernatant, culture filtrates of the isolate were found to suppress the growth of fungal phytopathogens. The culture filtrate retained its antifungal activity even after exposure to heat. In addition to PGP, the isolate exhibited probiotic properties such as acid tolerance (pH2), bile salt tolerance (2 %), auto-aggregation, antibiotic resistance and the absence of haemolytic activity. These finding suggest the possibility of utilizing this endophytic strain of B. pumilus as a bioinoculant to enhance plant growth and also as a probiotic.  相似文献   
Although the color of indigo is strongly dependent on its environment, it is blue in most commonly encountered situations. Indigo's absorption at such long wavelengths for such a small molecule is unique, and I provide here an overview of the concepts advanced to account for this feature. A traditional valence–bond approach may be used to provide a reasonable qualitative explanation. A more rigorous, quantitative explanation is provided by molecular orbital methods of varying degrees of sophistication and several explanations have been proposed based on these models. Commonly, it is suggested that the important structural unit in determining color is based on the cross-conjugated “H-chromophore” concept. A second closely related explanation describes it as two symmetrically coupled merocyanine chains. Another proposal suggests that the basic chromophore may be interpreted as the aza analogue of two coupled anti aromatic-cyclopentadienyl ions. PiSYSTEM, a commercially available quantum mechanics program, has been used to provide a successful quantitative account of the colors of indigo and indirubin, a red isomer.  相似文献   
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