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The region of the clock gene period (per) that encodes a repetitive tract of threonine-glycine (Thr-Gly) pairs has been compared between Dipteran species both within and outside the Drosophilidae. All the non- Drosophilidae sequences in this region are short and present a remarkably stable picture compared to the Drosophilidae, in which the region is much larger and extremely variable, both in size and composition. The accelerated evolution in the repetitive region of the Drosophilidae appears to be mainly due to an expansion of two ancestral repeats, one encoding a Thr-Gly dipeptide and the other a pentapeptide rich in serine, glycine, and asparagine or threonine. In some drosophilids the expansion involves a duplication of the pentapeptide sequence, but in Drosophila pseudoobscura both the dipeptide and the pentapeptide repeats are present in larger numbers. In the nondrosophilids, however, the pentapeptide sequence is represented by one copy and the dipeptide by two copies. These observations fulfill some of the predictions of recent theoretical models that have simulated the evolution of repetitive sequences.   相似文献   


Guidelines on COPD diagnosis and management encourage primary care physicians to detect the disease at an early stage and to treat patients according to their condition and needs. Problems in guideline implementation include difficulties in diagnosis, using spirometry and the disputed role of reversibility testing. These lead to inaccurate diagnostic registers and inadequacy of administered treatments. This study represents an audit of COPD diagnosis and management in primary care practices in Devon.


Six hundred and thirty two patients on COPD registers in primary care practices were seen by a visiting Respiratory Specialist Nurse. Diagnoses were made according to the NICE guidelines. Reversibility testing was carried out either routinely or based on clinical indication in two sub-samples. Dyspnoea was assessed. Data were entered into a novel IT-based software which computed guideline-based treatment recommendations. Current and recommended treatments were compared.


Five hundred and eighty patients had spirometry. Diagnoses of COPD were confirmed in 422 patients (73%). Thirty nine patients were identified as asthma only, 94 had normal spirometry, 23 were restrictive and 2 had a cardiac disorder. Reversibility testing changed diagnosis of 11% of patients with airflow obstruction, and severity grading in 18%. Three quarters of patients with COPD had been offered practical help with smoking cessation. Short and long-acting anticholinergics and long acting beta-2 agonists had been under-prescribed; in 15–18% of patients they were indicated but not received. Inhaled steroids had been over-prescribed (recommended in 17%; taken by 60%), whereas only 4% of patients with a chronic productive cough were receiving mucolytics. Pulmonary rehabilitation was not available in some areas and was under-used in other areas.


Diagnostic registers of COPD in primary care contain mistakes leading to inaccurate prevalence estimates and inappropriate treatment decisions. Use of pre-bronchodilator readings for diagnosis overestimates the prevalence and severity in a significant minority, thus post bronchodilator readings should be used. Management of stable COPD does often not correspond to guidelines. The IT system used in this study has the potential to improve diagnosis and management of COPD in primary care.  相似文献   
Levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence divergence between species within each of several avian (Anas, Aythya, Dendroica, Melospiza, and Zonotrichia) and nonavian (Lepomis and Hyla) vertebrate genera were compared. An analysis of digestion profiles generated by 13-18 restriction endonucleases indicates little overlap in magnitude of mtDNA divergence for the avian versus nonavian taxa examined. In 55 interspecific comparisons among the avian congeners, the fraction of identical fragment lengths (F) ranged from 0.26 to 0.96 (F = 0.46), and, given certain assumptions, these translate into estimates of nucleotide sequence divergence (p) ranging from 0.007 to 0.088; in 46 comparisons among the fish and amphibian congeners, F values ranged from 0.00 to 0.36 (F = 0.09), yielding estimates of P greater than 0.070. The small mtDNA distances among avian congeners are associated with protein-electrophoretic distances (D values) less than approximately 0.2, while the mtDNA distances among assayed fish and amphibian congeners are associated with D values usually greater than 0.4. Since the conservative pattern of protein differentiation previously reported for many avian versus nonavian taxa now appears to be paralleled by a conservative pattern of mtDNA divergence, it seems increasingly likely that many avian species have shared more recent common ancestors than have their nonavian taxonomic counterparts. However, estimates of avian divergence times derived from mtDNA- and protein-calibrated clocks cannot readily be reconciled with some published dates based on limited fossil remains. If the earlier paleontological interpretations are valid, then protein and mtDNA evolution must be somewhat decelerated in birds. The empirical and conceptual issues raised by these findings are highly analogous to those in the long-standing debate about rates of molecular evolution and times of separation of ancestral hominids from African apes.   相似文献   
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) play a key role in plant and animal innate immunity. PRR binding of their cognate ligand triggers a signaling network and activates an immune response. Activation of PRR signaling must be controlled prior to ligand binding to prevent spurious signaling and immune activation. Flagellin perception in Arabidopsis through FLAGELLIN‐SENSITIVE 2 (FLS2) induces the activation of mitogen‐activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and immunity. However, the precise molecular mechanism that connects activated FLS2 to downstream MAPK cascades remains unknown. Here, we report the identification of a differentially phosphorylated MAP kinase kinase kinase that also interacts with FLS2. Using targeted proteomics and functional analysis, we show that MKKK7 negatively regulates flagellin‐triggered signaling and basal immunity and this requires phosphorylation of MKKK7 on specific serine residues. MKKK7 attenuates MPK6 activity and defense gene expression. Moreover, MKKK7 suppresses the reactive oxygen species burst downstream of FLS2, suggesting that MKKK7‐mediated attenuation of FLS2 signaling occurs through direct modulation of the FLS2 complex.  相似文献   
Microorganisms can account for up to 60% of the fresh weight of marine sponges. Marine sponges have been hypothesized to serve as accumulation spots of particular microbial communities, but it is unknown to what extent these communities are directed by the organism or the site or occur randomly. To address this question, we assessed the composition of specific bacterial communities associated with Aplysina fulva, one of the prevalent sponge species inhabiting Brazilian waters. Specimens of A. fulva and surrounding seawater were collected in triplicate in shallow water at two sites, Caboclo Island and Tartaruga beach, Búzios, Brazil. Total community DNA was extracted from the samples using “direct” and “indirect” approaches. 16S rRNA-based PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) analyses of the total bacterial community and of specific bacterial groups—Pseudomonas and Actinobacteria—revealed that the structure of these assemblages in A. fulva differed drastically from that observed in seawater. The DNA extraction methodology and sampling site were determinative for the composition of actinobacterial communities in A. fulva. However, no such effects could be gleaned from total bacterial and Pseudomonas PCR-DGGE profiles. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries constructed from directly and indirectly extracted DNA did not differ significantly with respect to diversity and composition. Altogether, the libraries encompassed 15 bacterial phyla and the candidate division TM7. Clone sequences affiliated with the Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, Gamma- and Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Acidobacteria were, in this order, most abundant. The bacterial communities associated with the A. fulva specimens were distinct and differed from those described in studies of sponge-associated microbiota performed with other sponge species.The phylum Porifera (sponges) consists of benthic (sessile) organisms that occur primarily in marine environments at different depths (26). Sponges are classified into three groups, namely, the Calcarea (calcareous sponges), Hexactinellida (glass sponges), and Demospongiae (5, 26). The group Demospongiae, also called demosponges, encompasses 95% of the ca. 5,500 living sponge species described thus far (5). As typical filter feeders, demosponges are the prime bacterial filters of the sea. They are capable of pumping thousands of liters of water per day (23), using prokaryotic microorganisms as the main source of food (1, 43, 47). In addition to demosponges feeding on microorganisms, the presence of bacteria in high density in internal sponge layers (mesohyl) indicates that a selective process favoring particular prokaryotes, involving microbe-sponge interactions, is likely to occur (64). Furthermore, the dawn of the interactions between Prokarya and higher organisms may actually lie in the demosponges, whose origin is estimated to date back to 550 million years ago (5, 33).Putative interactions between demosponges and microorganisms, presumably mostly consisting of Bacteria and Archaea, were first demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), where high amounts of microorganisms were observed in the mesohyl (1, 14, 16, 64). Hence, these bacterium-rich sponges have been termed “bacteriosponges” (46). While investigating 11 taxonomically different demosponges using TEM, Vacelet and Donadey (64) identified two different sponge types in respect of their association with bacteria. Sponges with thick mesohyl contained abundant, dense, and morphologically diverse microbial communities (i.e., bacteriosponge), while those with a well-developed aquiferous system and low-density mesohyl contained few bacterial cells and typically only single bacterial morphotypes. The two types have recently been called “high-microbial-abundance” (HMA) and “low-microbial-abundance” (LMA) sponges, respectively (23). In HMA sponges, bacterial densities may reach 108 to 1010 bacterial cells per g (wet weight) of sponge, exceeding seawater concentrations by 2 to 4 orders of magnitude (15, 23). Based on the analysis of 16S rRNA genes, over 15 bacterial phyla have thus far been reported to occur in association with marine sponges (11, 23, 56). Among these are typical sponge-associated bacteria such as members of the Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and the candidate phyla “Poribacteria” and TM6 (14, 30, 51, 56, 60, 68).Increasing research interest in the sponge-associated microbiota has emerged in the past few years, mainly due to the in spongium production of an enormous diversity of biologically active secondary metabolites (56). Recent studies suggest that certain bioactive compounds retrieved from marine sponges—such as complex polypeptides and nonribosomal peptides—are likely to be synthesized by the symbiont bacteria (27, 41, 42). Such bioactive secondary metabolites offer great promise for use in biotechnology and medicine (3, 22, 27, 41, 42, 51, 59). In particular, cytotoxic compounds, i.e., antitumoral substances and polyketides, may find application in anticancer therapies (13, 42, 51). Recent investigations revealed the presence of dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites in Aplysina fulva (Pallas, 1766) specimens collected along the Brazilian shore (39). However, a putative role of microbial symbionts in the production of such metabolites, commonly found to display biological activity, remains to be evaluated.Despite the global-scale occurrence of sponges in Earth''s marine ecosystems, the investigation of their associated bacterial communities has thus far been restricted only to certain areas (1, 11, 13, 14, 27, 54, 58, 68). To our knowledge, no studies have been conducted, to date, on sponge-associated microbes in subtropical, South Atlantic open shore waters. In the present study, we assess the diversity and composition of the bacterial community associated with the demosponge A. fulva collected at two different sites at the Brazilian shore. A suite of tools, ranging from plate count estimations and TEM to sponge DNA-based analyses of bacterial 16S rRNA genes, was used. We hypothesized that a distinct bacterial community occurs in A. fulva, which is different from that in the surrounding bulk water, as well as from those in other sponge species.  相似文献   
DNA barcoding has been an effective tool for species identification in several animal groups. Here, we used DNA barcoding to discriminate between 47 morphologically distinct species of Brazilian sand flies. DNA barcodes correctly identified approximately 90% of the sampled taxa (42 morphologically distinct species) using clustering based on neighbor-joining distance, of which four species showed comparatively higher maximum values of divergence (range 4.23–19.04%), indicating cryptic diversity. The DNA barcodes also corroborated the resurrection of two species within the shannoni complex and provided an efficient tool to differentiate between morphologically indistinguishable females of closely related species. Taken together, our results validate the effectiveness of DNA barcoding for species identification and the discovery of cryptic diversity in sand flies from Brazil.  相似文献   
The survival and colonization patterns of Pseudomonas putida PRD16 and Enterobacter cowanii PRF116 in the rhizosphere of greenhouse-grown tomato plants and the effects of their inoculation on the indigenous bacterial community were followed by selective plating, molecular fingerprinting, and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) over 3 weeks. Both strains, which showed in vitro antagonistic activity against Ralstonia solanacearum, were previously tagged with gfp. Seed and root inoculation were compared. Although plate counts decreased for both gfp-tagged antagonists, PRD16 showed a better survival in the rhizosphere of tomato roots independent of the inoculation method. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified from total community DNA by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and CLSM confirmed the decrease in the relative abundance of the inoculant strains. Pronounced differences in the Pseudomonas community patterns for plants inoculated with PRD16 compared to the control were detected 3 weeks after root inoculation, indicating a longer-lasting effect. Analysis by CLSM showed rather heterogeneous colonization patterns for both inoculant strains. In comparison with seed inoculation, root inoculation led to a much better colonization as evidenced by all three methods. The colonization patterns observed by CLSM provide important information on the sampling strategy required for monitoring inoculant strains in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) is a vector of visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas and it might represent a complex of sibling species. Reproductive isolation between closely related species often involves differences in courtship behaviour. cacophony (cac) and period (per) are two Drosophila genes that control features of the "lovesong" males produce during courtship that has been implicated in the sexual isolation between closely related species. We are using gene fragments from L. longipalpis' homologues of these two genes to study the speciation process in this putative species complex.  相似文献   
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