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Earlier studies indicated that the activity in the initial phase of composting may be reduced when the temperature rises too fast under low pH conditions. A compost reactor experiment on household waste was designed to test whether the degradation time could be reduced by actively preventing the temperature from rising until the pH had reached a certain value. This experiment was performed by monitoring pH in the condensate from the cooled compost gas. The results from 3 + 3 runs with and without temperature control confirmed our hypothesis and a considerable reduction in composting time was achieved. One possible explanation for the results is that the microbes active in the low pH phase are hampered by high temperature. The abrupt rise in pH when the fatty acids are consumed seems to be a good marker of the point when temperature control can be discontinued.  相似文献   
Food hypersensitivity is constantly increasing in Western societies with a prevalence of about 1-2% in Europe and in the USA. Among children, the incidence is even higher. Because of the introduction of foods derived from genetically modified crops on the marketplace, the scientific community, regulatory bodies and international associations have intensified discussions on risk assessment procedures to identify potential food allergenicity of the newly introduced proteins. In this work, we present a novel biocomputational methodology for the classification of amino acid sequences with regard to food allergenicity and non-allergenicity. This method relies on a computerised learning system trained using selected excerpts of amino acid sequences. One example of such a successful learning system is presented which consists of feature extraction from sequence alignments performed with the FASTA3 algorithm (employing the BLOSUM50 substitution matrix) combined with the k-Nearest-Neighbour (kNN) classification algorithm. Briefly, the two features extracted are the alignment score and the alignment length and the kNN algorithm assigns the pair of extracted features from an unknown sequence to the prevalent class among its k nearest neighbours in the training (prototype) set available. 91 food allergens from several specialised public repositories of food allergy and the SWALL database were identified, pre-processed, and stored, yielding one of the most extensively characterised repositories of allergenic sequences known today. All allergenic sequences were classified using a standard one-leave-out cross validation procedure yielding about 81% correctly classified allergens and the classification of 367 non-allergens in an independent test set resulted in about 98% correct classifications. The biocomputational approach presented should be regarded as a significant extension and refinement of earlier attempts suggested for in silico food safety assessment. Our results show that the framework described here is powerful enough to become useful as part of a multiple-procedure test scheme that also depicts other evaluation approaches such as solid phase immunoassay and tests for stability to digestions.  相似文献   
An effective in vitro enzymatic synthesis is described for the production of nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) which are stereo-specifically deuterated on the H5" position with high selectivity (>98%), and which can have a variety of different labels (13C, 15N, 2H) in other positions. The NTPs can subsequently be employed in the enzymatic synthesis of RNAs using T7 polymerase from a DNA template. The stereo-specific deuteration of the H5" immediately provides the stereo-specific assignment of H5' resonances in NMR spectra, giving access to important structural parameters. Stereo-chemical H-exchange was used to convert commercially available 1,2,3,4,5,6,6-2H-1,2,3,4,5,6-13C-D-glucose (d7-13C6-D-glucose) into [1,2,3,4,5,6(R)-2H-1,2,3,4,5,6-13C]-D-glucose (d6-13C6-D-glucose). [1',3',4',5"-2H-1',2',3',4',5'-13C]GTP (d4-13C5-GTP) was then produced from d6-13C6-D-glucose and guanine base via in vitro enzymatic synthesis employing enzymes from the pentose-phosphate, nucleotide biosynthesis and salvage pathways. The overall yield was approximately 60 mg NTP per 1 g glucose, comparable with the yield of NTPs isolated from Escherichia coli grown on enriched media. The d4-13C5-GTP, together with in vitro synthesised d5-UTP, d5-CTP and non-labelled ATP, were used in the synthesis of a 31 nt RNA derived from the primer binding site of hepatitis B virus genomic RNA. (13C,1H) hetero-nuclear multiple-quantum spectra of the specifically deuterated sample and of a non-deuterated uniformly 13C/15N-labelled sample demonstrates the reduced spectral crowding and line width narrowing compared with 13C-labelled non-deuterated RNA.  相似文献   
In addition to splicing, group I intron RNA is capable of an alternative two-step processing pathway that results in the formation of full-length intron circular RNA. The circularization pathway is initiated by hydrolytic cleavage at the 3′ splice site and followed by a transesterification reaction in which the intron terminal guanosine attacks the 5′ splice site presented in a structure analogous to that of the first step of splicing. The products of the reactions are full-length circular intron and unligated exons. For this reason, the circularization reaction is to the benefit of the intron at the expense of the host. The circularization pathway has distinct structural requirements that differ from those of splicing and appears to be specifically suppressed in vivo. The ability to form full-length circles is found in all types of nuclear group I introns, including those from the Tetrahymena ribosomal DNA. The biological function of the full-length circles is not known, but the fact that the circles contain the entire genetic information of the intron suggests a role in intron mobility.  相似文献   
Estrogens have important physiological roles in the cardiovascular system. We use DNA microarray technology to study the molecular mechanism of estrogen action in the heart and to identify novel estrogen-regulated genes. In this investigation we identify genes that are regulated by chronic estrogen treatment of mouse heart. We present our detailed characterization of one of these genes, lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS). Northern and Western blot analysis revealed that L-PGDS was induced both by acute and chronic estrogen treatment. Northern blot analysis, using estrogen receptor (ER)-disrupted mice, suggests that L-PGDS is specifically induced by ERbeta in vivo. In further support of ERbeta-selective regulation, we identify a functional estrogen-responsive element in the L-PGDS promoter, the activity of which is up-regulated by ERbeta, but not by ERalpha. We demonstrate that a one-nucleotide change (A to C) in the L-PGDS estrogen-responsive element affects receptor selectivity.  相似文献   
The lignification process in mature Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) H. Karsten] xylem cell walls was studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM)–immunogold detection with a polyclonal antibody raised against a specific lignin substructure, dibenzodioxocin. The study reveals for the first time the exact location of this abundant eight-ring structure in the cell wall layers of wood. Spruce wood samples were collected in Southern Finland at the time of active growth and lignification of the xylem cell walls. In very young tracheids where secondary cell wall layers were not yet formed, the presence of the dibenzodioxocin structure could not be shown at all. During secondary cell wall thickening, the dibenzodioxocin structure was more abundant in the secondary cell wall layers than in the middle lamella. The highest number of gold particles revealing dibenzodioxocin was in the S2+S3 layer. Statistically significant differences were found in the frequency of gold particles present in various cell wall layers. For comparison, wood sections were also cut with a cryomicrotome for light and fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   
Peroxiredoxins are ubiquitously expressed proteins that reduce hydroperoxides using disulfur-reducing compounds as electron donors. Peroxiredoxins (Prxs) have been classified in two groups dependent on the presence of either one (1-Cys Prx) or two (2-Cys Prx) conserved cysteine residues. Moreover, 2-Cys Prxs, also named thioredoxin peroxidases, have peroxide reductase activity with the use of thioredoxin as biological electron donor. However, the biological reducing agent for the 1-Cys Prx has not yet been identified. We report here the characterization of a 1-Cys Prx from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that we have named Prx1p. Prx1p is located in mitochondria, and it is overexpressed when cells use the respiratory pathway, as well as in response to oxidative stress conditions. We show also that Prx1p has peroxide reductase activity in vitro using the yeast mitochondrial thioredoxin system as electron donor. In addition, a mutated form of Prx1p containing the absolutely conserved cysteine as the only cysteine residue also shows thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase activity. This is the first example of 1-Cys Prx that has thioredoxin peroxidase activity. Finally, exposure of null Prx1p mutant cells to oxidant conditions reveals an important role of the mitochondrial 1-Cys Prx in protection against oxidative stress.  相似文献   
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