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In recent years, successful examples of antisense oligonucleotide (AS) therapy for genetic diseases have stimulated scientists to investigate its application on cancer diseases. AS can be used to down-regulate the mRNA and protein expression by annealing to specific region of the target mRNA which is responsible for the malignancy. Glucose transporter 5 (Glut5) is a tissue specific transporter that can be found on breast cancer tissues but not on normal breast tissues. Therefore, it is of clinical interest to investigate whether AS against Glut5 mRNA can tackle breast cancer. In this study, two cell lines, MCF-7 which is estrogen-receptor positive and MDA-MB-231 which is estrogen-receptor negative, were used to mimic breast cancer tissues at early and late stages, respectively. A 15-base sequence around the start codon of Glut5 was used. It was found that AS against Glut5 exerted anti-proliferative effect on both of these two breast tumor cell lines and seemed to exert its effect via the suppression of expression of Glut5 proteins in the cells. AS against Glut5 exhibited no effect on human hepatoma HepG2 cells which do not possess any Glut5. The results imply an alternative way in treating breast tumor as the AS against Glut5, unlike tamoxifen, takes effect on breast tumor cells via suppressing the expression of Glut5 that they specifically possess, and regardless whether the breast tumors are estrogen dependent or not.  相似文献   
Saturation transfer difference (STD) (1)H NMR experiments were used to probe the epitope binding characteristics of the sialidase [EC] from the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera. Binding preferences were investigated for N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac, 1), the product of the sialidase catalytic reaction, for the known sialidase inhibitor 5-acetamido-2,6-anhydro-3,5-dideoxy-D-glycero-D-galacto-non-2-enoic acid (Neu5Ac2en, 2), and for the uronic acid-based Neu5Ac2en mimetic iso-propyl 2-acetamido-2,4-dideoxy-alpha-L-threo-hex-4-enopyranosiduronic acid (3), in which the native glycerol side-chain of Neu5Ac2en is replaced with an O-iso-propyl ether. The STD experiments provided evidence, supporting previous studies, that Neu5Ac (1) binds to the sialidase as the alpha-anomer. Docking experiments using DOCK (version 4.0.1) revealed further information regarding the binding characteristics of the enzyme active site in complex with Neu5Ac2en (2) and the Neu5Ac2en mimetic (3), indicating an expected dominant interaction of the acetamide moiety with the protein.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which G(q)-coupled receptors stimulate the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity has not been fully delineated. Here, we showed that stimulation of endogenous G(q)-coupled receptors in human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells resulted in an Src family kinase- and Ca(2+)-dependent JNK activation. Cos-7 cells transfected with HA-tagged JNK and various G(q)-coupled receptors also exhibited similar characteristics and provided further evidence for the involvement of Gbetagamma, an upstream intermediate for Src family kinases. The Ca(2+) and Gbetagamma signals operate in a high degree of independence. Transient expression of Gbetagamma subunits and elevation of cytoplasmic Ca(2+) level by thapsigargin activated JNK in a synergistic fashion. JNK activities triggered by G(q)-coupled receptors, Gbetagamma and thapsigargin were all suppressed by dominant negative (DN) mutants of Son of sevenless (Sos) and Rac. We propose that the co-operative effect between Gbetagamma-mediated signaling and the increased intracellular Ca(2+) level represents a robust mechanism for the stimulation of JNK by G(q)-coupled receptors.  相似文献   
Mammary glands, like other skin appendages such as hair follicles and teeth, develop from the surface epithelium and underlying mesenchyme; however, the molecular controls of embryonic mammary development are largely unknown. We find that activation of the canonical WNT/beta-catenin signaling pathway in the embryonic mouse mammary region coincides with initiation of mammary morphogenesis, and that WNT pathway activity subsequently localizes to mammary placodes and buds. Several Wnt genes are broadly expressed in the surface epithelium at the time of mammary initiation, and expression of additional Wnt and WNT pathway genes localizes to the mammary lines and placodes as they develop. Embryos cultured in medium containing WNT3A or the WNT pathway activator lithium chloride (LiCl) display accelerated formation of expanded placodes, and LiCl induces the formation of ectopic placode-like structures that show elevated expression of the placode marker Wnt10b. Conversely, expression of the secreted WNT inhibitor Dickkopf 1 in transgenic embryo surface epithelium in vivo completely blocks mammary placode formation and prevents localized expression of all mammary placode markers tested. These data indicate that WNT signaling promotes placode development and is required for initiation of mammary gland morphogenesis. WNT signals play similar roles in hair follicle formation and thus may be broadly required for induction of skin appendage morphogenesis.  相似文献   
Type III secretion systems identified in bacterial pathogens of animals and plants transpose effectors and toxins directly into the cytosol of host cells or into the extracellular milieu. Proteins of the type III secretion apparatus are conserved among diverse and distantly related bacteria. Many type III apparatus proteins have homologues in the flagellar export apparatus, supporting the notion that type III secretion systems evolved from the flagellar export apparatus. No type III secretion apparatus genes have been found in the complete genomic sequence of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC11168. In this study, we report the characterization of a protein designated FlaC of C. jejuni TGH9011. FlaC is homologous to the N- and C-terminus of the C. jejuni flagellin proteins, FlaA and FlaB, but lacks the central portion of these proteins. flaC null mutants form a morphologically normal flagellum and are highly motile. In wild-type C. jejuni cultures, FlaC is found predominantly in the extracellular milieu as a secreted protein. Null mutants of the flagellar basal rod gene (flgF) and hook gene (flgE) do not secrete FlaC, suggesting that a functional flagellar export apparatus is required for FlaC secretion. During C. jejuni infection in vitro, secreted FlaC and purified recombinant FlaC bind to HEp-2 cells. Invasion of HEp-2 cells by flaC null mutants was reduced to a level of 14% compared with wild type, suggesting that FlaC plays an important role in cell invasion.  相似文献   
Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN), as polymer hydrogels composed of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and hyaluronic acid (HA), which exhibited electrical sensitive behavior were prepared. The swelling behavior of the IPN/HA IPN was studied by immersing the gel in various concentrations of aqueous NaCl solutions and various pH buffer solutions. The response of the PVA/HA IPN to electric fields stimuli was also investigated. When swollen IPN was placed between a pair of electrodes, and an electric field applied, it exhibited bending behavior. The PVA/HA IPN also displayed stepwise bending behavior, depending on the magnitude of the electric stimulus. Also, for use in biosensors application, their bending behavior was studied in Hank's solution at pH 7.4.  相似文献   
Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (fru-2,6-P2) is a signalling metabolite that regulates photosynthetic carbon partitioning in plants. The content of fru-2,6-P2 in Arabidopsis leaves varied in response to photosynthetic activity with an abrupt decrease at the start of the photoperiod, gradual increase through the day, and modest decrease at the start of the dark period. In Arabidopsis suspension cells, fru-2,6-P2 content increased in response to an unknown signal upon transfer to fresh culture medium. This increase was blocked by either 2-deoxyglucose or the protein phosphatase inhibitor, calyculin A, and the effects of calyculin A were counteracted by the general protein kinase inhibitor K252a. The changes in fru-2,6-P2 at the start of dark period in leaves and in the cell experiments generally paralleled changes in nitrate reductase (NR) activity. NR is inhibited by protein phosphorylation and binding to 14-3-3 proteins, raising the question of whether fructose-6-phosphate,2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtF2KP), which both generates and hydrolyses fru-2,6-P2, is also regulated by phosphorylation and 14-3-3s. Consistent with this hypothesis, AtF2KP and NR from Arabidopsis cell extracts bound to a 14-3-3 column, and were eluted specifically by a synthetic 14-3-3-binding phosphopeptide (ARAApSAPA). 14-3-3s co-precipitated with recombinant glutathione S-transferase (GST)-AtF2KP that had been incubated with Arabidopsis cell extracts in the presence of Mg-ATP. 14-3-3s bound directly to GST-AtF2KP that had been phosphorylated on Ser220 (SLSASGpSFR) and Ser303 (RLVKSLpSASSF) by recombinant Arabidopsis calcium-dependent protein kinase isoform 3 (CPK3), or on Ser303 by rat liver mammalian AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK; homologue of plant SNF-1 related protein kinases (SnRKs)) or an Arabidopsis cell extract. We have failed to find any direct effect of 14-3-3s on the F2KP activity in vitro to date. Nevertheless, our findings indicate the possibility that 14-3-3 binding to SnRK1-phosphorylated sites on NR and F2KP may regulate both nitrate assimilation and sucrose/starch partitioning in leaves.  相似文献   
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