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植物中SWEET基因家族研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SWEET基因家族是一个新的糖转运蛋白,具有2个MtN3/saliva跨膜结构域,从单细胞的原生生物到高等的真核生物中均有出现。目前对该家族功能研究较少,尽管基于MtN3/saliva的不同类型的基因已经被确定,但确切的生物学功能与该跨膜结构域的分子功能仍有待研究。近来的研究表明MtN3/saliva/SWEET基因可能作为糖转运蛋白或通过与离子转运蛋白的互作促进离子转运,调节不同的生理过程,在包括转运糖类、发育、环境适应性、宿主-病原体的相互作用中发挥作用。本文介绍了MtN3/saliva/SWEET基因结构功能的最新研究进展,将为阐明其在不同植物中的功能提供分子基础。  相似文献   
CCL5 (previously called RANTES) is in the CC‐chemokine family and plays a crucial role in the migration and metastasis of human cancer cells. On the other hand, the effect of CCL5 is mediated via CCR receptor. RT‐PCR and flow cytometry studies demonstrated CCR5 but not CCR1 and CCR3 mRNA in oral cancer cell lines, especially higher in those with high invasiveness (SCC4) as compared with lower levels in HSC3 cells and SCC9 cells. Stimulation of oral cancer cells with CCL5 directly increased the migration and metalloproteinase‐9 (MMP‐9) production. MMP‐9 small interfering RNA inhibited the CCL5‐induced MMP‐9 expression and thereby significantly inhibited the CCL5‐induced cell migration. Activations of phospholipase C (PLC), protein kinase Cδ (PKCδ), and NF‐κB pathways after CCL5 treatment was demonstrated, and CCL5‐induced expression of MMP‐9 and migration activity was inhibited by the specific inhibitor of PLC, PKCδ, and NF‐κB cascades. In addition, migration‐prone sublines demonstrate that cells with increasing migration ability had more expression of MMP‐9, CCL5, and CCR5. Taken together, these results indicate that CCL5/CCR5 axis enhanced migration of oral cancer cells through the increase of MMP‐9 production. J. Cell. Physiol. 220: 418–426, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cells are characterized by PML/RARalpha fusion protein, high responsiveness to arsenic trioxide (ATO)-induced cytotoxicity and an abundant generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study we investigated the association among these three features in APL-derived NB4 cells. We found that NADPH oxidase-derived ROS generation was more abundant in NB4 cells compared with monocytic leukemia U937 cells. By using PR9, a sub-line of U937 stably transduced with the inducible PML/RARalpha expression vectors, we attributed disparities on ROS generation and ATO sensitivity to the occurrence of PML/RARalpha fusion protein, since PML/RARalpha-expressing cells appeared higher NADPH oxidase activity, higher ROS level and higher sensitivity to ATO. On the other hand, the basal intensity of cAMP signaling pathway was compared between NB4 and U937 as well as between PR9 cells with or without PML/RARalpha, demonstrating that PML/RARalpha-expressing cells had an impaired cAMP signaling pathway which relieved its inhibitory effect on NADPH oxidase derived ROS generation. In summary, the present study demonstrated the correlation of PML/RARalpha with cAMP signaling pathway, NADPH oxidase and ROS generation in APL cells. PML/RARalpha that bestows NB4 cells various pathological features, paradoxically also endows these cells with the basis for susceptibility to ATO-induced cytotoxcity.  相似文献   
Pei J  Grishin NV 《Proteins》2004,56(4):782-794
We study the effects of various factors in representing and combining evolutionary and structural information for local protein structural prediction based on fragment selection. We prepare databases of fragments from a set of non-redundant protein domains. For each fragment, evolutionary information is derived from homologous sequences and represented as estimated effective counts and frequencies of amino acids (evolutionary frequencies) at each position. Position-specific amino acid preferences called structural frequencies are derived from statistical analysis of discrete local structural environments in database structures. Our method for local structure prediction is based on ranking and selecting database fragments that are most similar to a target fragment. Using secondary structure type as a local structural property, we test our method in a number of settings. The major findings are: (1) the COMPASS-type scoring function for fragment similarity comparison gives better prediction accuracy than three other tested scoring functions for profile-profile comparison. We show that the COMPASS-type scoring function can be derived both in the probabilistic framework and in the framework of statistical potentials. (2) Using the evolutionary frequencies of database fragments gives better prediction accuracy than using structural frequencies. (3) Finer definition of local environments, such as including more side-chain solvent accessibility classes and considering the backbone conformations of neighboring residues, gives increasingly better prediction accuracy using structural frequencies. (4) Combining evolutionary and structural frequencies of database fragments, either in a linear fashion or using a pseudocount mixture formula, results in improvement of prediction accuracy. Combination at the log-odds score level is not as effective as combination at the frequency level. This suggests that there might be better ways of combining sequence and structural information than the commonly used linear combination of log-odds scores. Our method of fragment selection and frequency combination gives reasonable results of secondary structure prediction tested on 56 CASP5 targets (average SOV score 0.77), suggesting that it is a valid method for local protein structure prediction. Mixture of predicted structural frequencies and evolutionary frequencies improve the quality of local profile-to-profile alignment by COMPASS.  相似文献   
利用染色体消除法获得太谷核不育小麦纯合体   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
太谷核不育小麦的育性受单个显性雄性不育基因(Ta1)控制,其不育株总是杂合(Ta1ta1)的,纯合不育株(Ta1Ta1)并不存在。实验以太谷核不育小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)为母本和玉米(ZeamaysL.)杂交,利用杂合子和幼胚细胞分裂过程中父本玉米染色体自发消除的特点,经过激素处理、幼胚拯救和染色体人工加倍,成功地获得了自然界不存在的纯合显性太谷核不育小麦新种质(Ta1Ta1),并利用“玻璃化”超低温保存方法,将这一宝贵新种质长期保存下来。  相似文献   
大型绿藻浒苔转化表达系统选择标记的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要研究了条浒苔对抗生素氯霉素和除草剂Basta的敏感性,以确定适合的阳性选择标记基因。应用不同浓度氯霉素(0、25、50、75、100、125μg/ml)和Basta(0、5、12.5、25、37.5、50μg/ml)对不同发育时期条浒苔细胞存活率影响进行了测定。实验结果表明:不同发育时期条浒苔对氯霉素和Basta的敏感性不同。其中最大浓度125μg/ml浓度的氯霉素在15d内对条浒苔孢子和小苗两个不同发育时期的细胞均难以达到全部杀死效果,相对存活率仍分别为1%和20%;而Basta对条浒苔孢子和小苗均具有很强的杀生作用,其中5μg/ml浓度的Basta在3d内可将条浒苔孢子全部杀死,12.5μg/ml浓度下约一周时间可以将浒苔小苗全部致死。本实验结果提示bar基因有可能成为浒苔基因工程较理想的选择标记基因。  相似文献   
初产母猪断奶后能否正常发情对养猪生产影响重大,也是初产母猪被淘汰的主要原因。本研究以乏情和发情初产母猪为研究对象,首次利用RNA-seq技术对其下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴中的基因间长链非编码RNAs(long intergenic noncoding RNAs,lincRNAs)进行筛选比较,得到lincRNAs的表达图谱,并对其特征和功能进行了初步分析。结果显示,在乏情和发情初产母猪下丘脑–垂体–卵巢轴中鉴定得到3519个lincRNAs,以发情组为对照共有17个lincRNAs存在差异表达,其中12个表达上调,5个表达下调(FC≥2,P<0.05)。选择4个差异表达的lincRNAs经qRT-PCR验证,其表达水平与测序结果基本一致。对这17个差异表达的lincRNAs进行GO分析、KEGG通路分析及lincRNA-mRNA共表达网络分析,发现这些lincRNAs主要与猪卵母细胞减数分裂成熟、卵巢细胞分化及颗粒细胞凋亡等生殖活动相关。本研究结果丰富了猪lincRNAs数据资源,为进一步深入研究初产母猪的生殖机能提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
Shi L  Lu Y  Sun J  Zhang J  Sun C  Liu J  Shen J 《Biomacromolecules》2003,4(5):1161-1167
We describe here a new approach to construct a multilayer enzyme/polyelectrolyte film on a structured transparent indium-tin oxide (ITO) covered glass electrode surface as micropattern, on which two different types of enzyme distributed laterally on one common substrate without interference. The multilayer film was prepared by alternate electric field directed layer-by-layer assembly deposition and alternate deposition of different redox enzymes and polyelectrolyte poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) onto the site-selective ITO glass electrode surface. The cyclic voltammogram, obtained from the ITO glass electrode modified with the glucose oxidase (GO(X))/PDDA and catalase (CA(T))/PDDA multilayers, revealed that the bioelectrocatalytic response is directly correlated to the number of deposition bilayers. From the analysis of cyclic voltammetric characterization, the coverage of catalytically active enzymes per enzyme/PDDA bilayer during the multilayer formation was homogeneous, which demonstrates that the multilayer is constructed in a spatially ordered manner. Also, from the atomic force microscopy and Brewster angle microscopy measurements, more information of the multilayer constructed by different methods on the modified electrode surface is obtained and compared. This fabrication technique is simple and would be applicable to the construction of a thickness- and area-controlled biopattern composed of multi-enzymes as well as multiple biomaterials.  相似文献   
以鹅细小病毒(Gooseparvovirus,GPV)HG5/82株基因组作为PCR反应模板,扩增vp基因3’端长864bp的基因片段,将其克隆到pMD18-TSimple克隆载体后转化入大肠杆菌TG1。筛选阳性质粒,并通过BamHⅠ和HindⅢ将外源基因定向克隆到原核表达载体pET-30a,阳性重组质粒经确证性序列测定,证明外源片断插入到pET-30a的预期位置。将其转入大肠杆菌BL21,经终浓度为0.6mmol/L的IPTG诱导,SDS-PAGE表明外源基因获得表达,融合蛋白分子量约为34kDa。将诱导后的工程菌用6mol/L盐酸胍裂解,经超声处理后离心,利用镍离子亲和树脂对裂解产物的上清进行纯化。用纯化的融合蛋白免疫新西兰白兔制备兔抗该融合蛋白的抗血清。Westernblotting结果表明制备的兔抗血清与该融合蛋白及亲本病毒的结构蛋白都具有反应性。结合前期工作进展对GPVVP蛋白的B细胞线性抗原表位进行定位。  相似文献   
Research in our laboratory has focused on the analysis of the functions of a variety of enzymes that are involved in the scavenging of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) such as superoxide radicals (·O 2 ) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Recent work has been on transgenic plants that over-express glutathione S-transferases (GST) that also have glutathione peroxidase activity. Transgenic tobacco plants that contain gene constructs that encode two different tobacco GST’s had elevated levels of both GST and GPX activity. Analysis of mature vegetative transgenic tobacco plants that over-express GST/GPX failed to show any increase in paraquat tolerance or protection from photooxidative stress. However, seeds of these GST/GPX-expressing tobacco lines are capable of more rapid germination and seedling growth at low temperatures and at elevated salt concentrations. Reduced levels of lipid peroxidation were noted in GST/GPX-expressing seedling compared to control seedlings under both stressful and non-stressful conditions. In addition, GST/GPX-expressing seedlings significantly accumulated more oxidized glutathione (GSSG) than control seedlings during stress. These characteristics clearly indicate that over-expression of GST/GPX in transgenic seedlings can have substantial effects on their stress tolerance. Furthermore, it appears that this effect is due primarily to the elevated levels of GPX activity.  相似文献   
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