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A new genus of Platycopioida is described from a boxcore sample taken at a depth of 534 m in the ArcticBarents Sea. This is the deepest record ofPlatycopioida so far. Sarsicopia gen. n. is thesistergroup of a taxon comprising Platycopia and Nanocopia; the sistergroup ofthese is Antrisocopia. Sarsicopia gen. n.is the only platycopioid to retain 2 inner setae onthe second endopod segment P2–P4, and 8 setae in thethird endopod segment of P2. The male antennnule isremarkable in having a geniculation located betweenancestral segments XX and XXI. It is suggested thatthis flexure zone was already present in thegroundpattern of Copepoda. Platycopia and Nanocopia have secondarily lost thisgeniculation.  相似文献   
虎耳草科落新妇族的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了落新妇族Trib.Astilbeae的系统发育和地理分布。依据进化论、被子植物性状演化总趋势和外类群比较,确认了该族及其外类群Penthorum的重要性状(染色体基数,花粉纹饰,胎座式,心皮、雄蕊、花瓣和萼片数目,萼片脉型,叶型)的极性。采用徐克学(1989)最大同步法做了分支分析,推导出了该族的系统树图。系统树图表明:Rodgersia和Astilboides是一单系类群,而Astilbe为其姊妹群; Rodgersia较Astilbe进化,Astilboides则居二者之间;Penthorum是落新妇族的姊妹群,且与之有共同祖先。迄今为止,已知落新妇族共有24种和13变种(原变种除外)。分布于Takhtajan(1986)的东亚区、大西洋-北美区、伊朗-土兰区和马来西亚区。在东亚区,日本、朝鲜和中国(吉林-辽宁东部)有3属、17种和变种,占该族种与变种总数的45.9%,其中,含有不同演化水平的类群和该族原始种有Astilbe platyphylla,A.simplicifolia和Rodgersia podophylla,此地区是该族的起源中心、现代分布中心和分化中心。 横断山地区有2属、11种和变种,占29.7%,是另一现代分布中心。本族较进化的种Astilbe biternata、A. indica、A.khasiana和Rodgersia nepalensis等,均出现于远离起源中心地区。据此推断,本族植物的散布路线可能是从日本、朝鲜和中国(吉林-辽宁东部)向北通过东西伯利亚和白令陆桥,继而向东南进入北美东南部;向南经中国南部至菲律宾和爪哇,向西南越秦岭-大巴山山地、横断山,入喜马拉雅。落新妇属 Astilbe和鬼灯檠属Rodgersia均分布于亚洲大陆和日本岛屿,而日本于晚第三纪以来,即与亚洲大陆分离,故落新妇属和鬼灯檠属的形成,当在日本与亚洲大陆分离之前。据此推知,落新妇族的起源时间可能在早第三纪,或可追溯至晚白垩纪。  相似文献   
Some behavioral and physical defenses of Lymantria dispar (L.) pupae are described. It was found that the layer of webbing surrounding pupae significantly reduced oviposition rates in the pupal parasitoid Brachymeria intermedia (Nees) (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae). The reasons for this reduction and consequent parasitoid responses were investigated. The role of these behaviors in this host parasitoid relationship are discussed.
Résumé Le comportement défensif des chrysalides de Lymantria dispar L. consiste en cambrage et en tournoiement. Les chrysalides encoconées étaient plus sensibles aux stimuli tactiles que celles qui ont été extraites des cocons. Brachymeria intermedia Nees avait moint de succès dans l'insertion complète de la tarière dans des chrysalides encoconées qu'extraites, car elles devenaient empêtrées dans le cocon quand la chrysalide se défendait. Il y avait différentes réponses du parasitoïde à l'empêtrement. Elles comprenaient l'abandon de l'attaque par un départ, la remise en selle sur l'hôte, la morsure à travers les fils du cocon, l'attaque d'un hôte voisin, le repos ou la toilette. Les taux d'insertion de la tarière pouvaient être augmentés par l'élimination artificielle de quelques fils. La durée des opérations était plus courte sur les chrysalides plus petites. La discussion a porté sur l'importance de ces comportements sur les relations de ces parasitoïdes avec leurs hôtes.
The blue light dependent utilization of nitrate by green algae under common air and high irradiances, besides its assimilatory nature, is associated with the release of NO2 and NH4 + to the culture medium. If the CO2 content of the sparging air was increased up to 2%, previously excreted NO2 and NH4 + were rapidly assimilated. When under air and high irradiances the cell density in the culture reached values corresponding to 25 g Ch 1.ml-1, no further growth was observed and the highest values of NO3 consumption and NO2 and NH4 + release were attained. Besides low CO2 tensions, increasing NO3 concentrations in the medium stimulated the release of NO3 and NH4 +. Under CO2-free air the consumption of NO3 and the release of NO2 and NH4 + on a total N bases were almost stoichiometric and their rates saturated at much lower irradiances than under air. Under CO2-free air high rates of NO2 release were only observed under the blue radiations that were effectively absorbed by photosynthetically active pigments, i.e. 460 nm, but not under 404 and 630 nm radiations. However, the simultaneous illumination of the cells with 404 and 630 nm monochromatic light showed a remarkable synergistic effect on NO2 release.The results are discussed in terms of the close relationship between C and N metabolism, the photosynthetic reducing power required to convert NO inf3 sup± -N into R – NH2-N and the blue light activation of nitrate reductase.  相似文献   
Human myelin basic protein isolated from the brains of individuals who died with multiple sclerosis was more potent in inducing the aggregation of egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles than was the basic protein isolated from the brains of normal individuals. The portion of myelin basic protein which bound to egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles was separated from the free protein by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Similar amounts of basic protein from normal or from multiple sclerosis brains are bound to the lipid and no consistent differences in the NG, NG dimethyl-arginine content of the protein fractions have been found.  相似文献   
A spontaneous mutant of Escherichia coli (strain AB2847), selected for resistance to the aminoglycoside antibiotic neamine, shows severe restriction of amber suppressors in vivo. Ribosomes isolated from the mutant exhibit only low misreading in vitro in the presence of the antibiotic. Genetic and biochemical analyses indicate that the neamine-resistant phenotype is the result of two distinct mutations. The first, res3128, appears to affect the gene (strA) coding for the ribosomal protein S12. Although it leads to a restrictive phenotype it does not, however, confer resistance to streptomycin. The second mutation, X3128, is located between the sirA and AROB loci and is lethal when segregated from the res3128 mutation. It may affect the ribosome at the level of a post-translational modification.  相似文献   
We compare a recombinant cDNA plasmid (pAF81) complementary to a fetal skeletal muscle actin mRNA with a plasmid (pAM91) complementary to the actin mRNA expressed in adult skeletal muscle. The two mRNAs are significantly diverged in silent nucleotide positions; they are coexpressed in fetal skeletal muscle, and in differentiating muscle cell cultures their accumulation begins coordinately. The sequence of pAF81 shows that the amino acid sequence of mouse fetal skeletal muscle actin is almost identical to that of adult bovine cardiac actin. Hybridization of pAF81 to RNA from different mouse tissues shows that fetal skeletal muscle actin mRNA is very homologous or identical to fetal and adult cardiac actin mRNA. Only one gene homologous to pAF81 is detected on blots of restricted mouse DNA. We conclude that this gene must be expressed both in fetal skeletal muscle and in fetal heart. Whereas mRNA transcribed from this gene is the major actin mRNA species in adult heart, it is present in low amounts, if at all, in adult skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
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