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Genetic and environmental correlations among five serum-lipid measures were examined in the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging. The sample included 302 twin pairs; 146 of these twin pairs were separated at an early age and were reared apart. The lipid measures examined include total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and apolipoproteins A-I and B. Genetic and environmental correlations were evaluated for two different age groups, formed by dividing the sample at the median. The younger group included individuals 41.8-65.4 years of age at the midpoint of testing, although only 24 individuals were < 50 years of age. The older group included all those > 65.4 years of age, up to age 87 years of age. Substantial genetic correlations were found within each age group, although there is no evidence for a single genetic factor common to all five lipids. The comparison of twins reared together with twins reared apart allowed estimation of the effects of shared rearing environment; however, shared rearing environment only appears to be a significant mediator of the phenotypic correlation between apolipoprotein B and cholesterol in the older group. Examination of the genetic and environmental covariances suggests that the relative contributions of genetic factors are lower in the older group. Nonshared environmental factors are relatively more important mediators of phenotypic correlations among the serum lipids in individuals > 65.4 years of age than they are for the younger group. Sex differences in the mediation of these serum lipids were not as clear.  相似文献   
We examined the synthesis of individual proteins following depletion of 4.5S RNA by using a strain deficient in the induction of heat shock proteins. We found that initially the synthesis of all proteins was equally affected, and the peptide elongation rate was reduced by approximately 10%. For up to 1 generation time after the onset of inhibition of total protein synthesis, the processing of secreted proteins was unaffected. After further depletion of 4.5S RNA, accumulation of precursors of secreted proteins was observed under some growth conditions.  相似文献   
Using a combination of mutagenesis with the transposon and polymerase chain reaction subcloning, the essential elements of the replication region of the Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis citrate plasmid have been identified. An open reading frame, coding for a protein with homology to Rep proteins from other Lactococcus plasmids, is essential. This protein is trans-acting and could not be replaced by the Rep protein from another Lactococcus plasmid. A second open reading frame immediately downstream from the first could be removed or inactivated with no apparent effect on plasmid replication. A region containing two 10 by direct repeats and three tandem repeats of a 22 by sequence, immediately upstream of the essential open reading frame, is also essential and probably includes the origin of replication. A 181-bp DNA fragment containing this region was sufficient to allow replication in Lactococcus if the trans-acting protein was provided on another replicon. Single-stranded replication intermediates could not be detected, suggesting that the citrate plasmid uses theta replication rather than rolling-circle replication.  相似文献   
Oxalis regnellii Mig. is a trifoliate plant, and the three leaflets usually show synchronized up and down movements with a circadian period of 26–27 h. The three leaflets can also perform desynchronized ultradian oscillations, and we report on such rhythms under different conditions. A study of the occurrence of ultradian leaf movement rhythms as a function of irradiance is presented. At an irradiance of approximately 1 μW cm−2, the occurrence was maximal and ca 30%. The periods varied from 5 to 15 h. Four other cases of ultradian rhythms in different conditions are also presented. In one case spontaneous ultradian rhythms occurred, and in another, two of the leaflets showed ultradian rhythms when the third leaflet had received a light pulse. In two more cases, the three leaflets on a leaf were separated by physical cuts along the petiole between the pulvini; in both cases the period was approximately 5 h. Possible mechanisms to explain the ultradian rhythms in Oxalis regnelli are discussed.  相似文献   
The variation pattern in the perennial Hordeum brachyantherum complex and in the annual H. depressum are described. The diploid form of H. brachyantherum s. lat., endemic to California in USA, previously recognized as a separate species is here treated as a subspecies ( H. brachyantherum ssp. californicum ). Despite its restricted distribution it shows a considerable variation and overlap in morphology with the tetraploid ssp. brachyantherum , and no unambiguous determination based on morphology between the two tax a is possible. The tetraploid cytotype has a large distribution area in western North America and easternmost Asia and a very wide morphological variation. It has also a small disjunct distribution area in easternmost Canada. A single hexaploid population from California is referred to ssp. brachyantherum .  相似文献   
Lactic acid bacteria are considered indigenous members of the gastrointestinal microflora in a number of animal species (Savage 1977a). Some intestinal strains of lactobacilli and streptococci are aWe to adhere to stratified squamous epithelium of some animals (Tannock et al. 1987), in the non-secreting part of the stomach of piglets (Barrow et al. 1980, Fuller et al. 1978) and rodents (Tannock et al. 1982), and in the crop of poultry (Fuller 1978). The presence of lactic acid bacteria in the digestive tract is believed to be of beneficial value to the host animal (Fuller 1989). The production of organic acids in the stomach or the crop helps maintaining a low pH which may be important for inhibiting the colonization of potentially pathogenic bacteria, particularly in the newborn animal (Barrow et al 1980, Fuller 1977, Fuller 1978). The adhesion of lactobacilli to squamous epithelium is host specific: strains capable of adhering to the epithelium of piglets are usually not able to adhere in rodents or poultry and vice versa (Fuller 1978, Lin & Savage 1984, Tannock et al 1982). Adhesion of lactic acid bacterial strains to other epithelia than stratified squamous epithelium has been reported. Thus, the attachment of lactobacilli to cells from the secreting epithelium of the murine stomach (Kotarski & Savage 1979), to intestinal cells of humans (Goldin & Gorbach 1987), and to columnar epithelial cells of piglets and calves (Mäyrä-Mäkinen et al 1983) has been demonstrated using in vitro methods. In another study the in vivo attachment of Enterococcus faecium to duodenal epithelium of gnotobi-otic chickens was demonstrated (Fuller et al 1981). Recent research indicated that in adult mink lactic acid bacteria are not indigenous members of the intestinal flora, and they do not attach to epithelium in any part of the gastrointestinal tract (Federsen & Jørgensen 1992). The present paper presents evidence that Gram positive cocci may colonize the gut of suckling mink kits and attach to the gut mucosa.  相似文献   
A close spatial relationship between specific granules containing atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and microtubules was demonstrated in primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. For the detection of specific granules and microtubules, the myocytes were double immunolabelled with antibodies against -ANF and -tubulin and examined by conventional fluorescence or laser scanning confocal microscopy. In addition, the ultrastructural distribution of specific granules was demonstrated by electron microscopy. In the atrial myocytes, ANF was stored in numerous specific granules that were mainly localized in the perinuclear sarcoplasm. In the ventricular myocytes, however, a minority of the cells (10%) exhibited limited ANF immunoreactivity after 4 days in culture. Microtubules were present throughout the sarcoplasm of the myocytes. They were most densely packed in the perinuclear regions. Depolymerization of the microtubules with nocodazole was followed by dispersal of ANF immunostaining both in the atrial myocytes and in the ventricular myocytes exhibiting ANF immunoreactivity. When the microtubules were allowed to recover, the perinuclear distribution of specific granules, as seen in non-treated myocytes, reappeared. Measurements of secreted immunoreactive ANF by radioimmunoassay revealed that the secretion of ANF from atrial myocytes into the medium was significantly reduced following nocodazole treatment, whereas a similar decrease in secretion from ventricular myocytes was not observed. These findings indicate that ANF-containing specific granules are closely associated with microtubules within the myocytes. It is suggested that secretion of ANF from the atrial myocytes, in contrast to the ventricular myocytes, is microtubule-dependent.  相似文献   
Summary NMR pulse sequences for measuring coupling constants in 13C, 15N-labeled proteins are presented. These pulse sequences represent improvements over earlier experiments with respect to resolution and number of radiofrequency pulses. The experiments are useful for measuring JNH , JNCO, JNC , JH N CO and JH N H . Applications to chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI-2) are shown.  相似文献   
Ole Munk 《Acta zoologica》1990,71(2):89-95
Ontogenetic changes in the visual cell layer of the duplex retina during growth of the eye of the deep-sea teleost Gempylus serpens, the snake mackerel, are illustrated by comparing the retina of a small specimen with that of a previously studied adult fish. The small specimen has tightly packed cones spanning the whole width of the visual cell layer and small rods situated in its vitread part. Over most of the retina the cone population consists of single cones arranged in a very regular hexagonal mosaic. The temporalmost retina has a cone population consisting mainly of twin cones arranged in meridional rows. Growth of the eye is associated with an increase in the thickness of the visual cell layer and the density of rods and a total elimination of the densely packed single cones, the retina of the adult fish possessing only a temporally located population of double cones. The radical differences between the retina of the small and adult snake mackerel are probably associated with the different light regimes encountered by small and large specimens.  相似文献   
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