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Expression kinetics of the lactose (lac) operon in Escherichia coli are reviewed for both wild-type and recombinant cell cultures under chemostatic conditions. A unified model which involves regulation of active inducer (lactose) transport, promoter-operator regulated expression of the lac operon, glucose-mediated inducer exclusion, and catabolite repression is summarized and supporting data is shown to verify its accuracy. The synthesis of alpha-amylase with a recombinant form of Bacillus subtilis is also reviewed to point out generic features in transport regulation, the lac operon model providing a point of departure. While there are many similarities in the influence of transport on both regulating models, there are also important differences. In a chemostat system, the synthesis of alpha-amylase is nongrowth associated, while beta-galactosidase is a growth-associated enzyme. Nevertheless, transport regulation is an important feature in both instances.  相似文献   
Within 6 months of infection with the Petaluma isolate of feline immunodeficiency virus, specific-pathogen-free domestic cats exhibited a decrease in the percentage and number of circulating CD4+ lymphocytes and in the CD4+/CD8+ T-cell ratio, along with a marginally significant depression of pokeweed mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. There was no loss of responsiveness to concanavalin A during this stage, and the cats were capable of mounting a satisfactory antibody response to a T-dependent, synthetic polypeptide immunogen. The pokeweed mitogen response deficit became clearly demonstrable by 11 to 12 months postinfection. A decline in the lymphocyte proliferative response to concanavalin A and a diminished ability to mount an in vivo antibody response to the T-dependent immunogen evolved by 25 to 44 months postinfection. Virus infection did not affect the ability of cats to mount an antibody response to a T-independent synthetic polypeptide immunogen. These data indicate that feline immunodeficiency virus produces a slowly progressive deterioration of T-cell function but does not affect the ability of B cells to recognize and respond to a T-independent antigenic stimulus.  相似文献   
A 50-amino acid peptide predicted by chemical modification studies of F1 and by comparison with adenylate kinase to comprise part of an ATP-binding domain within the beta-subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase has been synthesized and purified. In the numbering system used for bovine heart beta, the peptide consists of amino acid residues from aspartate 141 at the N-terminal end to threonine 190 at the carboxyl end. In Tris-Cl buffer, pH 7.4, the peptide undergoes a dramatic reaction with ATP resulting in precipitate formation. Analysis of the precipitate shows it to contain both peptide and ATP. Similar to the ATPase activity of F1 and the binding of nucleotide to the enzyme, the capacity of ATP to induce precipitation of the peptide is decreased markedly by lowering pH. Interaction of the peptide with the fluorescent ATP analog, TNP-ATP (2'(3')-O-(2,4-6-trinitrophenyl)-adenosine 5'-triphosphate), can be demonstrated in solution at low concentrations. A 7-fold enhancement in fluorescence is observed when 2.5 microM TNP-ATP interacts with 2.5 microM peptide. Divalent cation is neither required for ATP-induced precipitation of the peptide nor for demonstrating interaction between TNP-ATP and peptide, just as Mg2+ is not required for nucleotide binding to F1. These results indicate that the beta-subunit peptide studied here comprises at least part of a nucleotide-binding domain within the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex.  相似文献   
Sera from eight out of 62 (14.5%) patients with progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) reacted by immunoblotting with a 72,000 dalton antigen and one, a patient with concomitant primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), reacted with the 72,000 dalton and a 47,000 dalton antigen. Reactivity with these antigens was not seen with any of 111 control sera. The antigens with minor variations in m.w. were present in a variety of cultured cells and tissue homogenates from different species. Subcellular fractionation studies localized the antigens to the mitochondria. Of 19 sera from patients with other diseases selected for immunofluorescence staining for anti-mitochondria autoantibody, nine reacted with the 72,000 dalton antigen, seven reacted with both the 72,000 and 47,000 dalton antigens, and three reacted with the 47,000 dalton antigen. These results show that serum reactivity with the 72,000 dalton and 47,000 dalton mitochondria autoantigens is found with some patients with PSS. Because mitochondria autoantibodies that are reactive with the 72,000 dalton and 47,000 dalton polypeptides are also found in patients with PBC, the present finding provides additional support for the association of PSS with PBC. Prior absorption of rat liver homogenate with PBC sera removed PSS serum reactivity with a 63,000 dalton antigen, the equivalent 72,000 dalton antigen in rodents, and vice versa, showing that both PBC and PSS sera recognize the same antigen.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial dicarboxylate carrier has been substantially purified from rat liver mitoplasts by extraction with Triton X-114 in the presence of cardiolipin followed by chromatography on hydroxylapatite. Upon incorporation of the hydroxylapatite eluate into phospholipid vesicles, an n-butylmalonate-sensitive malonate/malate exchange has been demonstrated. This exchange activity is enhanced 226-fold relative to the starting material (i.e. detergent-extracted mitoplasts). Silver-stained sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gradient gels verify the high purity of this fraction relative to the starting material. Nonetheless, the banding pattern indicates that several protein species are still present. As isolated, the dicarboxylate transporter is rather unstable but can be stabilized either by the addition of 10% ethylene glycol and subsequent storage at -20 degrees C or by incorporation into phospholipid vesicles in the presence of malate followed by freezing in liquid nitrogen. Such proteoliposomes catalyze a [14C]malonate uptake which is characterized by a first order rate constant of 1.02 min-1 and a t 1/2 of 41 s. This uptake can be inhibited by dicarboxylates (e.g. succinate, malate, unlabeled malonate) but not by either alpha-ketoglutarate or by tricarboxylates (e.g. citrate, threo-Ds-isocitrate). Furthermore, the reconstituted malonate transport is dependent on internal malate and can be inhibited by n-butylmalonate, mersalyl, p-chloromercuribenzoate, and Pi, but not by N-ethylmaleimide. It is concluded that this highly purified fraction contains a reconstitutively active dicarboxylate transporter which, based on its substrate specificity and inhibitor sensitivity, appears to be identical to the native dicarboxylate transport system found in intact rat liver mitochondria.  相似文献   
A prospective controlled investigation in 134 consecutive outpatients compared the cytologic adequacy of sputum samples obtained by spontaneous and provoked expectoration. Inhalation of nebulized 10% sodium chloride was used for provoked expectoration. A significantly higher number of adequate samples was produced after provocation, as judged by the presence of alveolar macrophages (X2 = 5.63; p less than 0.02). The improvement in sample adequacy was limited to the nonsmokers and ex-smokers in the study. This result, together with the relatively high cost of cytologic sputum examinations, indicates that provoked expectoration should at least be applied to the collection of sputum samples from nonsmokers and ex-smokers.  相似文献   
The regulation of trophectoderm differentiation in mouse embryos was studied by inhibiting DNA synthesis with aphidicolin, a specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha. Embryos were exposed to aphidicolin (0.5 micrograms/ml) for 16 h at various preimplantation stages and scored for their ability to form a blastocyst and develop beyond the blastocyst stage. Embryos were most sensitive to aphidicolin at the late 4-cell stage and became progressively less sensitive as they developed. Aphidicolin inhibited blastocyst formation by 70%, 100%, 77%, and 24% after treatment at the 2-cell, 4-cell, noncompacted 8-cell, and compacted 8-cell stages, respectively. Although the inhibitory effect of aphidicolin on blastocyst formation decreased markedly as 8-cell embryos underwent compaction, developmental capacity beyond the blastocyst stage was poor after treatment of either noncompacted or compacted 8-cell embryos. Treatment at the morula and early blastocyst stages was less harmful to embryos than treatment at earlier stages but reduced the number of trophoblast outgrowths by interfering with hatching. Autoradiographic analysis showed that during aphidicolin treatment, incorporation of 3H-thymidine was inhibited over 90% at all stages examined, indicating an inhibition of DNA synthesis. Because inhibition of blastocyst formation by aphidicolin decreased at the compacted 8-cell stage, we suggest that approximately the first half of the fourth DNA replication cycle is critical for subsequent blastocyst formation. Furthermore, the poor further development of blastocysts formed after aphidicolin treatment of compacted 8-cell embryos suggests that the DNA replication requirements for initial trophectoderm differentiation are distinct from requirements for further development of blastocysts in vitro.  相似文献   
Recent applications of 20 MHz pulsed ultrasound Doppler velocimetry (PUDVM) in microsurgical research have necessarily employed piezoelectric crystals whose diameter is not negligible compared to the lumen size (1-2 mm) of many vessels of interest. A three-dimensional numerical model was developed to explore relationships between actual and detected flow field parameters, for (steady) Poiseuille flow, when appreciable velocity gradients exist within the PUDVM sample volume. Validation studies showed that highly accurate velocity profiles could be obtained in the limiting case of a very small sample volume (0.1 mm radius), but that for currently employed crystals (approximately equal to 0.5 mm radius) there was appreciable underestimation of the centersteam velocity, and appreciable overestimation of the flow stream diameter. Errors in perceived velocity and flow rate were found to be relatively insensitive to perturbations in the sample volume thickness, in the size of the sampling range increment, or in the angle of insonation beam divergence. By contrast, these apparent flow parameters were found to be very sensitive to perturbations of sample volume diameter or of the Doppler angle. Small variations in the degree of partial sample volume overlap of the flowstream periphery were shown to be capable of causing large fluctuations in apparent flow stream diameter.  相似文献   
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