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For genetic transformation of plants, floral dip with Agrobacterium often results in integration of multiple T-DNA copies at a single locus and frequently in low and unstable transgene expression. To obtain efficient single-copy T-DNA transformants, two CRE/ loxP recombinase-based simplifying strategies for complex T-DNA loci were compared. A T-DNA vector with oppositely oriented loxP sites was transformed into CRE -expressing and wild-type control Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Of the primary CRE -expressing transformants, 55% harboured a single copy of the introduced T-DNA, but only 15% in the wild-type plants. However, 73% of the single-copy transformants in the CRE background showed continuous somatic inversion of the DNA segment between the two loxP sites. To avoid inversion of the loxP -flanked T-DNA segment, two T-DNA vectors harbouring only one loxP site were investigated for their suitability for CRE/ loxP recombinase-mediated resolution upon floral-dip transformation into CRE -expressing plants. On average, 70% of the transformants in the CRE background were single-copy transformants, whereas the single-copy T-DNA frequency was only 11% for both vectors in the wild-type background. Both resolution strategies yielded mostly Cre transformants in which the 35S-driven transgene expression was stable and uniform in the progeny and remarkably, also in Cre transformants with multiple T-DNA copies. Therefore, a role is proposed for the CRE recombinase in preventing inverted T-DNA repeat formation or modifying the locus chromatin structure, resulting in a reduced sensitivity for silencing.  相似文献   
Insulin stimulates the translocation of the glucose transporter GLUT4 from intracellular locations to the plasma membrane in adipose and muscle cells. Prior studies have shown that Akt phosphorylation of the Rab GTPase-activating protein, AS160 (160-kDa Akt substrate; also known as TBC1D4), triggers GLUT4 translocation, most likely by suppressing its Rab GTPase-activating protein activity. However, the regulation of a very similar protein, TBC1D1 (TBC domain family, member 1), which is mainly found in muscle, in insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation has been unclear. In the present study, we have identified likely Akt sites of insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of TBC1D1 in C2C12 myotubes. We show that a mutant of TBC1D1, in which several Akt sites have been converted to alanine, is considerably more inhibitory to insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation than wild-type TBC1D1. This result thus indicates that similar to AS160, Akt phosphorylation of TBC1D1 enables GLUT4 translocation. We also show that in addition to Akt activation, activation of the AMP-dependent protein kinase partially relieves the inhibition of GLUT4 translocation by TBC1D1. Finally, we show that the R125W variant of TBC1D1, which has been genetically associated with obesity, is equally inhibitory to insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation, as is wild-type TBC1D1, and that healthy and type 2 diabetic individuals express approximately the same level of TBC1D1 in biopsies of vastus lateralis muscle. In conclusion, phosphorylation of TBC1D1 is required for GLUT4 translocation. Thus, the regulation of TBC1D1 resembles that of its paralog, AS160.Insulin stimulates glucose transport into adipose and muscle cells by increasing the amount of the GLUT4 glucose transporter at the cell surface by a process termed GLUT4 translocation (1, 2). Unstimulated adipocytes and myotubes sequester GLUT4 in intracellular compartments. Insulin activates signaling cascades that lead to the trafficking of specialized GLUT4 vesicles to the cell membrane and fusion of the vesicles therewith. A key signaling pathway for GLUT4 translocation proceeds from the insulin receptor through the activation of the protein kinase Akt. One Akt substrate that connects signaling to GLUT4 trafficking is the Rab GTPase-activating protein (GAP)3 known as AS160. There is now considerable evidence for the following scheme (2, 3): under basal conditions, AS160 acts as a brake on GLUT4 translocation by maintaining one or more Rab proteins required for translocation in their inactive GDP state; in response to insulin, Akt phosphorylates AS160 and thereby suppresses its GAP activity; as a consequence, the elevation of the GTP form of the Rab proteins occurs, leading to the increased docking and subsequent fusion of the GLUT4 vesicles at the plasma membrane.More recently, we and others have characterized a paralog of AS160 known as TBC1D1 (47). Overall, TBC1D1 is 47% identical to AS160, with the GAP domain being 79% identical (4). Its GAP domain has the same Rab specificity as the GAP domain of AS160 (4). TBC1D1 is predominantly expressed in skeletal muscle; its expression in adipocytes is very low (5, 6). Nevertheless, 3T3-L1 adipocytes are a convenient cell type in which to examine the role of proteins in GLUT4 translocation, because insulin causes an ∼10-fold increase in GLUT4 at the cell surface. Previously, we examined the role of TBC1D1 in GLUT4 translocation by overexpressing it in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Surprisingly, even though insulin led to phosphorylation of TBC1D1 on Akt site(s), ectopic TBC1D1 potently inhibited GLUT4 translocation (4, 5). By contrast, overexpression of AS160 did not inhibit GLUT4 translocation (8). This difference suggested that the regulation of TBC1D1 might be fundamentally different from that of AS160. In the present study, we show that this is not the case. By reducing the level of ectopic TBC1D1, we have obtained evidence that phosphorylation of TBC1D1 on several likely Akt sites relieves the inhibitory effect on GLUT4 translocation. In addition, we have examined the effect of a variant of TBC1D1 genetically associated with obesity on GLUT4 translocation and determined the relative levels of TBC1D1 in muscle biopsies from healthy and type 2 diabetic individuals.  相似文献   
In plants, potential pathogenic bacteria do not enter the host cell. Therefore, a large portion of the molecular interaction between microbial pathogen and host occurs in the extracellular space. To investigate potential mechanisms of disease resistance and susceptibility, we analyzed changes in the extracellular proteome, or secretome, using the Arabidopsis-Pseudomonas syringae pathosystem. This system provides the possibility to directly compare interactions resulting in basal resistance, susceptibility, and gene-specific resistance by using different genotypes of Pseudomonas on the same host. After infecting suspension-cultured cells of Arabidopsis with the Pseudomonas strain of interest, we isolated protein from the cell culture medium representing the secretome. After one-dimensional gel separation and in-gel digestion of proteins, we used iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation) labeling in conjunction with LC-MS/MS to perform relative quantitative comparisons of the secretomes from each of these interactions. We obtained quantitative information from 45 Arabidopsis proteins that were present in all three biological experiments. We observed complex patterns of accumulation, ranging from proteins that decreased in abundance in the presence of all three bacterial strains to proteins that specifically increased or decreased during only one of the interactions. A particularly intriguing result was that the virulent bacteria (e.g. a susceptible interaction) caused the extracellular accumulation of a specific subset of host proteins lacking traditional signal peptides. These results indicate that the pathogen may manipulate host secretion to promote the successful invasion of plants.  相似文献   
H04402 065 is one of a very small group of strains of proteolytic Clostridium botulinum that form type A5 neurotoxin. Here, we report the complete 3.9-Mb genome sequence and annotation of strain H04402 065, which was isolated from a botulism patient in the United Kingdom in 2004.  相似文献   
Aims: To determine germination triggers of Clostridium frigidicarnis, an important spoilage bacterium of chilled vacuum‐packed meat. Methods and Results: Germination of Cl. frigidicarnis spores in the presence of a range of potential nutrient and non‐nutrient germinants was tested by monitoring the fall in optical density and by phase‐contrast microscopy. The amino acid l ‐valine induced strong germination when paired with l ‐lactate in sodium phosphate under anaerobic conditions. Several other amino acids promoted germination when paired with l ‐lactate in sodium phosphate and the co‐germinants NaHCO3 and l ‐cysteine. Heat activation, while not necessary for germination, increased the rate of germination. Spore germination was not observed when spores were incubated aerobically. Conclusions: Spores of psychrotolerant Cl. frigidicarnis germinated in the presence of l ‐valine in combination with l ‐lactate in sodium phosphate buffer under anaerobic conditions. Significance and Impact of the Study: Anaerobic conditions, l ‐valine and l ‐lactate, have been identified as triggering germination in Cl. frigidicarnis, and are all present in packs of fresh, vacuum‐packaged, red meat. This new information adds to what is known about red meat spoilage by cold tolerant clostridia and can be used to develop intervention strategies to prevent meat spoilage.  相似文献   
Early phosphorylation events in biotic stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several kinases are activated during the defence response following microbial elicitation. While studying the regulation of these kinases in greater detail, it has become clear that the means by which phosphorylation events transmit specific information to the cell is highly complex. To gain a better understanding of the molecular events leading to a response, it will be increasingly important to identify not only the protein targets of phosphorylation but also the specific sites of phosphorylation. New developments in peptide-based phosphoproteome analysis appear to hold the promise of achieving these goals at the whole-cell level.  相似文献   


Different patterns of drug resistance are observed in treated and therapy naïve HIV-1 infected populations. Especially the NRTI-related M184I/V variants, which are among the most frequently encountered mutations in treated patients, are underrepresented in the antiretroviral naïve population. M184I/V mutations are known to have a profound effect on viral replication and tend to revert over time in the new host. However it is debated whether a diminished transmission efficacy of HIV variants with a reduced replication capacity can also contribute to the observed discrepancy in genotypic patterns.As dendritic cells (DCs) play a pivotal role in HIV-1 transmission, we used a model containing primary human Langerhans cells (LCs) and DCs to compare the transmission efficacy M184 variants (HIV-M184V/I/T) to HIV wild type (HIV-WT). As control, we used HIV harboring the NNRTI mutation K103N (HIV-K103N) which has a minor effect on replication and is found at a similar prevalence in treated and untreated individuals.


In comparison to HIV-WT, the HIV-M184 variants were less efficiently transmitted to CCR5+ Jurkat T cells by both LCs and DCs. The transmission rate of HIV-K103N was slightly reduced to HIV-WT in LCs and even higher than HIV-WT in DCs. Replication experiments in CCR5+ Jurkat T cells revealed no apparent differences in replication capacity between the mutant viruses and HIV-WT. However, viral replication in LCs and DCs was in concordance with the transmission results; replication by the HIV-M184 variants was lower than replication by HIV-WT, and the level of replication of HIV-K103N was intermediate for LCs and higher than HIV-WT for DCs.


Our data demonstrate that drug resistant M184-variants display a reduced replication capacity in LCs and DCs which directly impairs their transmission efficacy. As such, diminished transmission efficacy may contribute to the lower prevalence of drug resistant variants in therapy naive individuals.


It is known that anticitrullinated peptide antibody (ACPA)–positive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has a preclinical phase. Whether this phase is also present in ACPA-negative RA is unknown. To determine this, we studied ACPA-negative arthralgia patients who were considered prone to progress to RA for local subclinical inflammation observed on hand and foot magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.


We studied a total of 64 ACPA-negative patients without clinically detectable arthritis and with arthralgia of the small joints within the previous 1 year. Because of the character of the patients’ symptoms, the rheumatologists considered these patients to be prone to progress to RA. For comparisons, we evaluated 19 healthy, symptom-free controls and 20 ACPA-negative RA patients, who were identified according to the 1987 American Rheumatism Association criteria. All participants underwent MRI of unilateral wrist, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints. Synovitis and bone marrow oedema (BME) were scored according to the OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis magnetic resonance imaging scoring system, and the scores were summed to yield the ‘MRI inflammation score’. Scores were compared between groups. Among the ACPA-negative arthralgia patients, MRI inflammation scores were related to C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and the tenderness of scanned joints.


MRI inflammation scores increased progressively among the groups of controls and ACPA-negative arthralgia and RA patients (median scores = 0, 1 and 10, respectively; P < 0.001). The MRI inflammation scores of ACPA-negative arthralgia patients were significantly higher than those of controls (P = 0.018). In particular, the synovitis scores were higher in ACPA-negative arthralgia patients (P = 0.046). Among the ACPA-negative arthralgia patients, inflammation was observed predominantly in the wrist (53%). The synovitis scores were associated with CRP levels (P = 0.007) and joint tenderness (P = 0.026). Despite the limited follow-up duration, five patients developed clinically detectable arthritis. These five patients had higher scores for MRI inflammation (P = 0.001), synovitis (P = 0.002) and BME (P = 0.003) compared to the other patients.


Subclinical synovitis was observed in the small joints of ACPA-negative arthralgia patients, and especially in patients whose conditions progressed to clinically detectable arthritis. This finding suggests the presence of a preclinical phase in ACPA-negative RA. Further longitudinal studies of these lesions and patients are required to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis are important food borne pathogens. However, the presence of competitive microbiota makes the isolation of Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis from naturally contaminated foods difficult. We attempted to evaluate the performance of a modified Cefsulodin-Irgasan-Novobiocin (CIN) agar in the differentiation of Y. enterocolitica from non-Yersinia species, particularly the natural intestinal microbiota. The modified CIN enabled the growth of Y. enterocolitica colonies with the same efficiency as CIN and Luria-Bertani agar. The detection limits of the modified CIN for Y. enterocolitica in culture medium (10 cfu/ml) and in artificially contaminated pork (104 cfu/ml) were also comparable to those of CIN. However, the modified CIN provided a better discrimination of Yersinia colonies from other bacteria exhibiting Yersinia-like colonies on CIN (H2S-producing Citrobacter freundii, C. braakii, Enterobacter cloacae, Aeromonas hydrophila, Providencia rettgeri, and Morganella morganii). The modified CIN exhibited a higher recovery rate of Y. enterocolitica from artificially prepared bacterial cultures and naturally contaminated samples compared with CIN. Our results thus demonstrated that the use of modified CIN may be a valuable means to increase the recovery rate of food borne Yersinia from natural samples, which are usually contaminated by multiple types of bacteria.  相似文献   
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