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CTXφ is a filamentous phage that encodes cholera toxin, one of the principal virulence factors of Vibrio cholerae . CTXφ is unusual among filamentous phages because it can either replicate as a plasmid or integrate into the V. cholerae chromosome at a specific site. The CTXφ genome has two regions, the 'core' and RS2. Integrated CTXφ is frequently flanked by an element known as RS1 which is related to RS2. The nucleotide sequences of RS2 and RS1 were determined. These related elements contain three nearly identical open reading frames (ORFs), which in RS2 were designated rstR , rstA2 and rstB2 . RS1 contains an additional ORF designated rstC . Functional analyses indicate that rstA2 is required for CTXφ replication and rstB2 is required for CTXφ integration. The amino terminus of RstR is similar to the amino termini of other phage-encoded repressors, and RstR represses the expression of rstA2 . Although genes with related functions are clustered in the genome of CTXφ in a way similar to those for other filamentous phages, the CTXφ RS2-encoded gene products mediating replication, integration and repression appear to be novel.  相似文献   
Several fluorescent probes were evaluated as indicators of bacterial viability by flow cytometry. The probes monitor a number of biological factors that are altered during loss of viability. The factors include alterations in membrane permeability, monitored by using fluorogenic substrates and fluorescent intercalating dyes such as propidium iodide, and changes in membrane potential, monitored by using fluorescent cationic and anionic potential-sensitive probes. Of the fluorescent reagents examined, the fluorescent anionic membrane potential probe bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol [DiBAC(inf4)(3)] proved the best candidate for use as a general robust viability marker and is a promising choice for use in high-throughput assays. With this probe, live and dead cells within a population can be identified and counted 10 min after sampling. There was a close correlation between viable counts determined by flow cytometry and by standard CFU assays for samples of untreated cells. The results indicate that flow cytometry is a sensitive analytical technique that can rapidly monitor physiological changes of individual microorganisms as a result of external perturbations. The membrane potential probe DiBAC(inf4)(3) provided a robust flow cytometric indicator for bacterial cell viability.  相似文献   
Comparison of methods for searching protein sequence databases.   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
We have compared commonly used sequence comparison algorithms, scoring matrices, and gap penalties using a method that identifies statistically significant differences in performance. Search sensitivity with either the Smith-Waterman algorithm or FASTA is significantly improved by using modern scoring matrices, such as BLOSUM45-55, and optimized gap penalties instead of the conventional PAM250 matrix. More dramatic improvement can be obtained by scaling similarity scores by the logarithm of the length of the library sequence (In()-scaling). With the best modern scoring matrix (BLOSUM55 or JO93) and optimal gap penalties (-12 for the first residue in the gap and -2 for additional residues), Smith-Waterman and FASTA performed significantly better than BLASTP. With In()-scaling and optimal scoring matrices (BLOSUM45 or Gonnet92) and gap penalties (-12, -1), the rigorous Smith-Waterman algorithm performs better than either BLASTP and FASTA, although with the Gonnet92 matrix the difference with FASTA was not significant. Ln()-scaling performed better than normalization based on other simple functions of library sequence length. Ln()-scaling also performed better than scores based on normalized variance, but the differences were not statistically significant for the BLOSUM50 and Gonnet92 matrices. Optimal scoring matrices and gap penalties are reported for Smith-Waterman and FASTA, using conventional or In()-scaled similarity scores. Searches with no penalty for gap extension, or no penalty for gap opening, or an infinite penalty for gaps performed significantly worse than the best methods. Differences in performance between FASTA and Smith-Waterman were not significant when partial query sequences were used. However, the best performance with complete query sequences was obtained with the Smith-Waterman algorithm and In()-scaling.  相似文献   
Mammalian fibroblasts were cultured in the presence of alpha-methylornithine and/or methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), which inhibit the synthesis of polyamines. This led to a decrease in the cellular content of the polyamines spermine and spermidine by up to 60% when the cells were grown in the presence of both drugs together. The activity of the chromatin-associated enzyme ADP-ribosyltransferase was enhanced 2-3-fold in the drug-treated cells when measured in cells subsequently rendered permeable to exogenous NAD+, the substrate for the transferase. This is a novel and surprising observation, since the transferase is invariably activated by the addition of polyamines to a suitable incubation system such as permeabilized cells, isolated nuclei or the purified enzyme. We found no evidence that the activation was due to the appearance of DNA strand breaks, by using a variety of procedures including both neutral [the 'nucleoid' technique of Cook & Brazell [(1975) J. Cell Sci. 19, 261-279; (1976) J. Cell Sci. 22, 287-302]] and alkaline sucrose-gradient centrifugation and gel electrophoresis, suggesting that this therefore may not be the only means of regulating the activity of ADP-ribosyltransferase and that polyamines may have a role to play in this regard in vivo.  相似文献   
A detailed analysis was undertaken of reports of possible pelvic infection in relation to the use of four commonly fitted intrauterine contraceptive devices during 1971 to 1978 in the United Kingdom. The four devices were the Dalkon shield, Lippes loops 3C and 2D, and the Gravigard (copper 7), and data used were those collected systematically through the UK intrauterine device research network. Prospective reports that the Dalkon shield was uniquely related to high levels of infection when compared with other intrauterine devices were not substantiated in this prospective study among 13 349 users. Though some factors such as social class and previous experience of abortion appeared to influence the rate of infection, the type of intrauterine device being worn did not appear to be a significant factor. Various methods of analysis were used including life table, regression, and discriminant analysis, using information relating to the type of intrauterine device worn, the characteristics of the user, the fitting centre, and the pattern of diagnosis and treatment of reported or suspected pelvic infection. The results of this study suggest that fears that the Dalkon shield may be associated with a higher incidence of pelvic infection than other intrauterine devices may have been unjustified.  相似文献   
Between 1 April 1979 and 31 March 1981, 904 residents of the four western provinces of Canada (population 6.5 million), were diagnosed as suffering from primary cutaneous malignant melanoma. Of 801 patients aged 20-79 years, 665 (83%) were interviewed along with control subjects chosen at random from the general population and matched for age, sex, and province. After exclusion of 70 subjects with lentigo maligna or acral lentiginous melanoma, comparisons of the 595 case-control pairs showed that light hair, skin, and eye colour, a history of heavy freckling in adolescence, and a tendency to burn readily and tan poorly in the sun were significant risk factors for melanoma. The strongest primary associations were with blond hair (relative risk 7.1 compared with black hair), light colour of unexposed skin (relative risk 2.4), and severe freckling (relative risk 2.1). These associations were independent of ethnic origin and of recorded amount of exposure to the sun and were somewhat stronger for superficial spreading than for nodular melanoma. This study is the largest and most detailed of an incident series of melanomas to be published to date. The results were consistent with other studies reporting associations between melanoma and poor tanning ability, a tendency to burn easily, and a history of sunburn and showed that light hair colour was the strongest risk factor for the disease.  相似文献   
Summary Immunostimulators such as Corynebacterium parvum (C. parvum), Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), pyran copolymer, and glucan were examined in the guinea pig L 2 C lymphoblastic leukemia model to determine their capacity for therapeutic modulation of the immune response of the host toward controlling leukemic cell proliferation. The dose, route, and frequency of administration of the stimulators were also evaluated as a function of time in order to obtain an optimal antileukemic effect. Results indicated that only C. parvum and BCG were capable of significantly increasing host survival when given 1 day after an inoculation of 1.5×10 4 viable leukemic cells. Administration of BCG or C. parvum, alone or in combination with irradiated blast cells on either days 4 or 7, was totally ineffective in prolonging survival. In the majority of cases, enhanced leukemic growth was observed on these days. The combination of BCG and/or C. parvum with irradiated syngeneic blast cells given 24 h after leukemia inoculation promoted a synergistic response with a significant increase in median survival time and a number of long-term survivors.This work was supported by contract N01-CP-53566 within the Virus Cancer Program of the National Cancer Institute  相似文献   
The diet of channel catfish captured near the mouth of a channel carrying heated waters was not significantly different from the diet of catfish captured elsewhere in the same reservoir during the cool months of the year. In summer months, however, the diet of catfish captured near the effluent was significantly different from the diet of catfish from other locations and seemed to indicate that catfish were foraging in cool, deeper waters beneath the thermal plume.Department of Biological Sciences, North Texas State UniversityFinancial support for the study was provided by a Faculty Research Grant at North Texas State University.  相似文献   
1. Pig aortic endothelial and smooth-muscle cells in culture rapidly catabolize exogenous ATP, ADP or AMP. 2. In both cell types catabolism is due to Mg2+-stimulated ectoenzymes. 3. Inhibition and substrate-specificity studies suggest that both cell types possess three distinct ectonucleotidases, namely nucleoside triphosphatase (EC, nucleoside diphosphatase (EC and 5'-nucleotidase (EC, as well as nucleoside diphosphate kinase (EC 4. These ectonucleotidase systems could be of importance in the regulation of neurotransmission, blood platelet function and vasodilation.  相似文献   
The involvement of inhibition in habituation of the flexor reflex was investigated in intact, spinal, and decerebrate rats. Strychnine and bicuculline were administered in order to determine the contribution of certain forms of central inhibition to the development of habituation. Both strychnine and bicuculline reduced habituation in the intact rat but did not do so in the spinal preparation. Strychnine, in fact, caused a facilitation of habituation in the spinal rat. The impairment of habituation by strychnine was related to the intensity of stimulation used to elicit the reflex. Thus, the effect of strychnine was only demonstrable when relatively high intensities were used. Flexor reflex habituation was shown to be more pronounced in the decerebrate than in the spinal preparation. This difference could be demonstrated only when stimuli of high intensity were given. It is concluded that, in the absence of supraspinal influences, habituation of the flexor reflex does not require inhibitory mechanisms. However, inhibition may play a role in habituation of the component of the reflex that utilizes descending influences.  相似文献   
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