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We have developed a procedure for the dispersion of mast cells from the intestinal lamina propria (LP) and epithelium of rats infected with the intestinal nematode, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. The dispersed cells are morphologically and histochemically similar to intestinal mucosal mast cells (MMC) in situ and are distinguishable from peritoneal mast cells (PMC). MMC derived from the LP or epithelium of parasitized animals secrete histamine in response to the specific parasite antigens as well as anti-IgE. Unlike PMC, these cells are unresponsive to the basic secretagogues 48/80 and bee venom peptide 401. Similarly, bee venom peptide 401 conjugated with dansyl chloride binds to PMC and mast cells in the thymus and intestinal serosa, but not to mast cells in or derived from the intestinal LP and epithelium. Studies on PMC treated by the intestinal cell isolation procedure show that the functional characteristics of the MMC cannot be solely attributed to the isolation procedure. Thus, MMC have been isolated and shown to be morphologically, histochemically, and functionally different from PMC, as suggested by previous in vivo studies of the normal intestine.  相似文献   
Adrenal glands from ACTH-treated intact ducks and chronically adenohypophysectomized ducks showed clear zonation into a subcapsular zone (SCZ) and an inner zone (IZ). Adenohypophysectomy caused ultrastructural changes in the IZ but not in the SCZ cells. These included increases in lipid droplets, changes in mitochondrial cristae from tubular to shelf-like, and changes in the shape of the nuclei from spherical to crenated. These changes were reversed by treatment with ACTH. Also, cells of the IZ, but not the SCZ, of adrenals from intact birds given ACTH showed more SER, more dense bodies, fewer lipid droplets and more prominent Golgi complexes. IZ cells incubated in buffer containing no ACTH developed mitochondria with shelf-like cristae and numerous opaque granules in the matrix. Exposure to buffer containing ACTH caused the mitochondrial cristae to become tubular and the matrix granules either decreased in number or disappeared. The granules could be extracted by incubating sections with chelating agents. The mitochondria in SCZ cells did not respond structurally to the presence of ACTH in the incubation medium but the matrix granules, like those in IZ cells, responded to the presence of chelating agents.  相似文献   
By using wild-type and deoxystreptamine-negative mutants of Streptomyces fradiae grown in media containing [6(-3)H]glucose or [U-14C]glucose, and by subsequent hydrolysis of the labelled neomycin produced, neamines labelled with 3H in both rings I and II, but with 14C in ring I only, were prepared. A mixture of these two forms of neamine was converted by deoxystreptamine-negative Streptomyces rimosus forma paromomycinus into neomycin (not paromomycin) with a 30% yield. The3H: 14C ratio in this neomycin was the same as the measured in neamine produced by hydrolysis of the neomycin, and in unused neamine reisolated from the incubation medium. The 3H:14C ratio in the neomycin was not affected by the presence of unlabelled deoxystreptamine during the incubation. The radioactivity in the neomycin was associated with rings I and II only. It is concluded that the added neamine is incorporated into antibiotic intact, without initial hydrolysis, and that the probable first step in the subunit assembly of neomycin is the formation of neamine.  相似文献   
Abstract: We examined the ability of developing cere-bellar cell cultures to synthesize a 71,000 MW stress protein (SP71) in response to heat shock and Cd2+ treatment. The induction of SP71 synthesis appeared to be dependent on both the age of the culture and the stressor used. Heat shock induced SP71 synthesis in freshly prepared cells and in cell cultures at each age examined, whereas Cd2+ was effective only in cultures at 7 days of age and older. These findings are discussed with reference to the development of various cell types in these cultures.  相似文献   
Ecosystems are subject to multiple, natural and anthropogenic environmental influences, including nitrogen (N) deposition, land use and climate. Assessment of the relative importance of these influences on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is crucial for guiding policy and management decisions to mitigate global change; yet, few studies consider multiple drivers. In the UK, ongoing loss of the internationally important arctic/alpine moss‐sedge community, Racomitrium heath, has been linked to elevated N deposition, high grazing pressures and their combination; however, the relative importance of these drivers remains unclear. We used environmental gradients across the habitat's European distribution (UK, Faroes, Norway and Iceland) to investigate the relative impact of N deposition and grazing pressure, as well as climate, on the condition of the dominant moss species, Racomitrium lanuginosum. Key variables including tissue chemistry, growth and cover were measured at 36 sites, and multiple linear regressions were used to examine the relative importance of the drivers across sites. Our results clearly show that regional variation in the condition of R. lanuginosum across Europe is primarily associated with the impacts of N deposition, with climate (air temperature) and grazing pressure playing secondary roles. In contrast to previous experimental studies, we found moss growth to be stimulated by elevated N deposition; this apparent discrepancy may result from the use of artificially high N concentrations in many experiments. Despite increased growth rates, we found that moss mat depth and cover declined in response to N deposition. Our results suggest that this is due to increased decomposition of material in the moss mat, which ultimately leads to loss of moss cover and habitat degradation. This study clearly demonstrates both the key role of N deposition in degradation of Racomitrium heath and the importance of observational studies along natural gradients for testing predictions from experimental studies in the real world.  相似文献   
The existence of mitochondrial nitric oxide (NO) synthase (mtNOS) has been controversial since it was first reported in 1995. We have addressed this issue by making direct microsensor measurements of NO production in the mitochondria isolated from mouse hearts. Mitochondrial NO production was stimulated by Ca2+ and inhibited by blocking electrogenic Ca2+ uptake or by using NOS antagonists. Cardiac mtNOS was identified as the neuronal isoform by the absence of NO production in the mitochondria of mice lacking the neuronal but not the endothelial or inducible isoforms. In cardiomyocytes from dystrophin-deficient (mdx) mice, elevated intracellular Ca2+, increased mitochondrial NO production, slower oxidative phosphorylation, and decreased ATP production were detected. Inhibition of mtNOS increased contractility in mdx but not in wild-type cardiomyocytes, indicating that mtNOS may protect the cells from overcontracting. mtNOS was also implicated in radiation-induced cell damage. In irradiated rat/mouse urinary bladders, we have evidence that mitochondrially produced NO damages the urothelial "umbrella" cells that line the bladder lumen. This damage disrupts the permeability barrier thereby creating the potential to develop radiation cystitis. RT-PCR and Southern blot analyses indicate that mtNOS is restricted to the umbrella cells, which scanning electron micrographs show are selectively damaged by radiation. Simultaneous microsensor measurements demonstrate that radiation increases NO and peroxynitrite (ONOO-) production in these cells, which can be prevented by transfection with manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) or instillation of NOS antagonists during irradiation or irradiation of bladders devoid of mtNOS. These studies demonstrate that mtNOS is in the cardiomyocytes and urothelial cells, that it is derived from the neuronal isoform, and that it can be either protective or detrimental.  相似文献   
The mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) protein kinase is an important regulator of cell growth. Two complexes of mTOR have been identified: complex 1, consisting of mTOR-Raptor (regulatory associated protein of mTOR)-mLST8 (termed mTORC1), and complex 2, comprising mTOR-Rictor (rapamycininsensitive companion of mTOR)-mLST8-Sin1 (termed mTORC2). mTORC1 phosphorylates the p70 ribosomal S6K (S6 kinase) at its hydrophobic motif (Thr389), whereas mTORC2 phosphorylates PKB (protein kinase B) at its hydrophobic motif (Ser473). In the present study, we report that widely expressed isoforms of unstudied proteins termed Protor-1 (protein observed with Rictor-1) and Protor-2 interact with Rictor and are components of mTORC2. We demonstrate that immunoprecipitation of Protor-1 or Protor-2 results in the co-immunoprecipitation of other mTORC2 subunits, but not Raptor, a specific component of mTORC1. We show that detergents such as Triton X-100 or n-octylglucoside dissociate mTOR and mLST8 from a complex of Protor-1, Sin1 and Rictor. We also provide evidence that Rictor regulates the expression of Protor-1, and that Protor-1 is not required for the assembly of other mTORC2 subunits into a complex. Protor-1 is a novel Rictor-binding subunit of mTORC2, but further work is required to establish its role.  相似文献   
Projecting the fates of populations under climate change is one of global change biology's foremost challenges. Here, we seek to identify the contributions that temperature‐mediated local adaptation and plasticity make to spatial variation in nesting phenology, a phenotypic trait showing strong responses to warming. We apply a mixed modeling framework to a Britain‐wide spatiotemporal dataset comprising >100 000 records of first egg dates from four single‐brooded passerine bird species. The average temperature during a specific time period (sliding window) strongly predicts spatiotemporal variation in lay date. All four species exhibit phenological plasticity, advancing lay date by 2–5 days °C?1. The initiation of this sliding window is delayed further north, which may be a response to a photoperiod threshold. Using clinal trends in phenology and temperature, we are able to estimate the temperature sensitivity of selection on lay date (B), but our estimates are highly sensitive to the temporal position of the sliding window. If the sliding window is of fixed duration with a start date determined by photoperiod, we find B is tracked by phenotypic plasticity. If, instead, we allow the start and duration of the sliding window to change with latitude, we find plasticity does not track B, although in this case, at odds with theoretical expectations, our estimates of B differ across latitude vs. longitude. We argue that a model combining photoperiod and mean temperature is most consistent with current understanding of phenological cues in passerines, the results from which suggest that each species could respond to projected increases in spring temperatures through plasticity alone. However, our estimates of B require further validation.  相似文献   
In astrocyte-enriched cultures of the rat cerebral cortex the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 provoked the breakdown of inositol phospholipids, the liberation of arachidonic acid and the release of prostaglandins E2, F2 alpha, I2 and thromboxane A2. However, agonists for receptors also coupled to inositol phospholipid metabolism in these cells failed to produce an increase in the release of both arachidonic acid and eicosanoids. Results suggest that the A23187-stimulated release of arachidonic acid and eicosanoids is caused by a phospholipase A2-mediated attack on lipids other than the inositol phospholipids. Moreover, receptors linked to inositol lipid turnover are not involved in the control of eicosanoid release from astrocytes.  相似文献   
Schistosoma mansoni: the cutaneous response to cercarial challenge in naive guinea pigs and guinea pigs vaccinated with highly irradiated cercariae. International Journal for Parasitology16: 491–510. Naive guinea pigs and guinea pigs vaccinated 4 weeks previously with highly irradiated cercariae were challenged percutaneously with normal cercariae. Skin samples from the challenge site were then harvested at varying times to provide histological, quantitative and ultrastructural data on the respective cellular responses to cercarial invasion. The primary cutaneous reaction was characterised by neutrophils; these cells reached peak numbers (16% of total cells) by 18 h. Eosinophils and basophils made only a small contribution to the infiltrate (2.9 and 5.7% respectively). Some basophils showed evidence of anaphylactic degranulation, others seemed to be damaged, but most appeared normal. Mononuclear cells of varied morphology were present at all times, but activated fibroblasts were prominent, and collagen deposition increased with time. Degranulating mast cells were recognised at 24 and 48 h. Dead schistosomula were never seen in naive-challenged skin, although one or two of the observed larvae showed minor tegumental abnormalities. In vaccinated guinea pigs, the cutaneous cellular response to challenge was significantly enhanced, with basophils dominating the reaction (33% of total cells at 24 h). Many basophils were already degranulating by the anaphylactic mechanism at 3 h post challenge, and free basophil granules were seen frequently. Both intact cells and free granules congregated in close proximity to invading larvae. Eosinophils were also present in greater numbers at secondary reaction sites, but they never exceeded 6% of the total infiltrate. Mononuclear cells believed to be immature eosinophils were prominent from 3 h. For the first time, the mechanism of eosinophil attachment and degranulation onto a multicellular target, described previously only from in vitro investigations, was recognized in vivo. Neutrophil numbers matched those recorded in naive-challenged skin at 3 and 6 h, but declined thereafter, while mast cells were seen degranulating at these early times. Mononuclear cells again presented a variety of morphological appearances; of particular note were large cells that had phagocytosed debris and were presumed to be macrophages, and small rounded cells with scant cytoplasm and few organelles, that may have been lymphocytes. By 12 h, large areas of the dermis had become severely disorganised and numerous, free basophil granules were distributed amongst the other cellular constituents. Dead schistosomula, denuded of tegument, were clearly recognised at 6 h, and such individuals invariably had neutrophils attached to their exposed muscle layers. Since dead schistosomula were not identified in naive-challenged guinea pig skin, it is concluded that a percentage of the challenge larvae, however small, is preferentially killed in the skin of the vaccinated animals.  相似文献   
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