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The use of a cyanine dye in measuring membrane potential in yeast   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An attempt was made to use 3,3'-dipropylthiacarbocyanine as a membrane potential probe in yeast by following both its fluorescence changes and its uptake by the cells under different conditions. It was found that the uptake of the dye into the cytoplasmic compartment was translated into an increased fluorescence, and the uptake by the mitochondria produced a quenching of the fluorescence. The experiments to measure uptake showed that a large amount of the dye was taken up by the cells under "deenergized" conditions. The uptake of the cyanine, however, was significantly reduced by the omission of the substrate, by deenergization of the mitochondria, or by the addition of K+, but not by Na+. This cyanine seems to be a good, qualitative indicator of the potential of the plasma membrane and of the mitochondria of the cells, with a faster response than those probes used before in yeast.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring benzodiazepines in human milk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence of benzodiazepine-like molecules was detected radioimmunologically in the plasma and milk of 12 women and in the plasma of 9 men. All subjects were non-users of benzodiazepines. The concentration of these biological materials expressed as diazepam equivalents per mL amounted to 2.54 +/- 0.74 ng in male plasma; to 2.20 +/- 0.35 ng in female plasma and to 1.91 +/- 0.54 ng in milk. Further investigation of the active compounds in milk permitted the unequivocal identification of diazepam, both free and bound to a presumably protein carrier and, at least, three more benzodiazepine-like molecules. Their origin either from dietary sources or as a result of endogenous biosynthesis is still unclear.  相似文献   
An energy-dependent efflux system for potassium ions in yeast   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An efflux of potassium ions was demonstrated in mutants of yeast cells lacking a functional high affinity carrier system for monovalent cations. This efflux showed the following characteristics: (a) It was stimulated by the presence of a substrate, either glucose or ethanol. (b) It was stimulated by several cationic organic molecules, such as ethidium bromide, dihydrostreptomycin, diethylaminoethyldextran, and also by trivalent cations, such as Al3+ and lanthanides; this stimulation also depended on the presence of a substrate. (c) K+ efflux was decreased in yeast mutants with decreased ATPase activity, which generated a lower membrane potential. (d) Although the efflux appeared to be of an electrogenic nature, producing hyperpolarization of cells, it was accompanied by the efflux of phosphate, probably as an anion partially compensating for the large amount of cations leaving the cell. (e) K+ efflux was also accompanied by an uptake of protons. (f) The efflux appeared more clearly in cells grown in YPD medium, and not in more complex media nor in the same YPD medium if supplemented with Ca2+ or Mg2+. Efflux of monovalent cations produced by Tb3+ and organic cationic agents was also demonstrated in wild type strains. This efflux system appears to be, at least partially, electrogenic, but seems to be also an exchange system for protons and to function as a symport with phosphate; it may be involved in the regulation of the internal pH of the cell, and appears to be regulated by its link to the energetic status of the cell, probably through the membrane potential.  相似文献   
Gene expression during tuber development in potato plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Potato tubers are modified stems that have differentiated into storage organs. Factors such as day-length, nitrogen supply, and levels of the phytohormones cytokinin and gibberellic acid, are known to control tuberization. Morphological changes during tuber initiation are accompanied by the accumulation of a characteristic set of proteins, thought to be involved in N-storage (i.e. patatin) or defense against microbial or insect attack (i.e. proteinase inhibitor II). Additionally, deposition of large amounts of starch occurs during tuber formation, which is paralleled by an increase in sucrose synthase and other enzymes involved in starch biosynthesis (i.e. ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, starch synthases, and branching enzyme). Potential controlling mechanisms for genes expressed during tuberization are discussed.  相似文献   
The susceptibility of the chloroplastic enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase to proteolysis by trypsin, chymotrypsin, proteinase K, and papain is enhanced by oxidative treatments including spontaneous oxidation of cysteines. Proteinases exhibit a high specificity for the oxidized inactive form of the carboxylase, cleaving its large subunit. Treatment of the inactive enzyme with dithiothreitol results in partial recovery of both carboxylase activity and resistance to proteolysis. This behavior may explain the specific degradation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase that occurs in vivo during leaf senescence.  相似文献   
The authors present the 2nd documented case of Wilms' tumor associated with the "ectopic ACTH syndrome'. This is a 7 1/2-year-old girl who, on examination at the time of admission, had the classical cushingoid appearance. A large hard mass was palpable in the right side of the abdomen. Hormonal assays were consistent with Cushing's syndrome; the serum ACTH levels were extremely high. After surgical removal of the mass, we suspected a stage I Wilms' tumor; this was confirmed by histopathological studies. After surgery, the girl quickly lost her cushingoid appearance and weight excess. Postoperative serum ACTH levels were normal. Ectopic hormone syndromes associated with tumors in childhood are discussed as well as the possible mechanism involved in the ectopic production of ACTH.  相似文献   
Isolated perfused fed rat livers spontaneously liberated glucose and orthophosphate to the medium; 24-hr fasted rat livers did not exhibit these phenomena. In perfused fed rat livers, glucagon (2 mug) increased glucose output and promoted orthophosphate incorporation. In perfused fed rat livers, insulin (250 or 500 mU) inhibited the spontaneous liberation of glucose and orthophosphate. Comparable doses of insulin significantly reduced the glucagon (2 mug)-induced increase in glucose output from perfused fed rat liver, but did not affect orthophosphate uptake by the organ.  相似文献   
Summary Ethidium was found to be taken up by yeast cells in a process that, at certain concentrations has the main following characteristics: a) a substrate is required; b) it presents cooperative kinetics, withn, according to the Hill equation 3; c) ethidium can be concentrated more than 100-fold; d) the uptake is inhibited by Ca2+; e) the uptake of the dye is inhibited by monovalent cations with a selectivity pattern similar to that observed in their transport by yeast; f) ethidium inhibits the uptake of K+, and, at concentrations up to about 250 m produces a competitive inhibition on the uptake of Rb+; and g) ethidium produces the same effects as K+ on respiration and the extrusion of H+. It is concluded that ethidium is taken up by yeast cells in a selective way by the same transport system normally employed for monovalent cation uptake.  相似文献   
Early metabolic effects and mechanism of ammonium transport in yeast   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Studies were performed to define the effects and mechanism of NH+4 transport in yeast. The following results were obtained. Glucose was a better facilitator than ethanol-H2O2 for ammonium transport; low concentrations of uncouplers or respiratory inhibitors could inhibit the transport with ethanol as the substrate. With glucose, respiratory inhibitors showed only small inhibitory effects, and only high concentrations of azide or trifluoromethoxy carbonylcyanide phenylhydrazone could inhibit ammonium transport. Ammonium in the free state could be concentrated approximately 200-fold by the cells. Also, the addition of ammonium produced stimulation of both respiration and fermentation; an increased rate of H+ extrusion and an alkalinization of the interior of the cell; a decrease of the membrane potential, as monitored by fluorescent cyanine; an immediate decrease of the levels of ATP and an increase of ADP, which may account for the stimulation of both fermentation and respiration; and an increase of the levels of inorganic phosphate. Ammonium was found to inhibit 86Rb+ transport much less than K+. Also, while K+ produced a competitive type of inhibition, that produced by NH4+ was of the noncompetitive type. From the distribution ratio of ammonium and the pH gradient, an electrochemical potential gradient of around -180 mV was calculated. The results indicate that ammonium is transported in yeast by a mechanism similar to that of monovalent alkaline cations, driven by a membrane potential. The immediate metabolic effects of this cation seem to be due to an increased [H+]ATPase, to which its transport is coupled. However, the carriers seem to be different. The transport system studied in this work was that of low affinity.  相似文献   
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