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Patulin exhibits both cytotoxic and cytopathic effects on cultured Chang liver cells. The LD50 found was 1.85 mug per ml of patulin. Effects on growth were observed with as little as 0.1 mug per ml of patulin; a 50% reduction in growth was observed at 0.38 mug per ml of patulin. Using a challenge dose of 2.5 mug per ml of patulin, the cytotoxic effect was reversible after an exposure of 10 min, but was not reversible after 20 min. Protein synthesis was depressed after 60 min and RNA synthesis after 20 min of contact with patulin. Neither protein nor RNA synthesis was completely inhibited after 260 min.  相似文献   
Plasma concentrations of estradiol-17beta, progesterone, LH and 13, 14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2alpha were determined by radioimmunoassay on 2-hourly samples obtained around luteolysis and estrus in three dairy cows. The decline in progesterone occurred before the preestrous rise in estrogen and no pre-estrous peak of progesterone could be detected. The major activity of prostaglandin coincided, with declining progesterone levels and the active stage of estrogen secretion.  相似文献   
Biofabrication with chitosan   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The traditional motivation for integrating biological components into microfabricated devices has been to create biosensors that meld the molecular recognition capabilities of biology with the signal processing capabilities of electronic devices. However, a different motivation is emerging; biological components are being explored to radically change how fabrication is achieved at the micro- and nanoscales. Here we review biofabrication, the use of biological materials for fabrication, and focus on three specific biofabrication approaches: directed assembly, where localized external stimuli are employed to guide assembly; enzymatic assembly, where selective biocatalysts are enlisted to build macromolecular structure; and self-assembly, where information internal to the biological material guides its own assembly. Also reviewed are recent results with the aminopolysaccharide chitosan, a material that offers a combination of properties uniquely suited for biofabrication. In particular, chitosan can be directed to assemble in response to locally applied electrical signals, and the chitosan backbone provides sites that can be employed for the assembly of proteins, nucleic acids, and virus particles.  相似文献   
In the industrial production of penicillin V, the phenoxyacetate precursor is added to the fermentor to direct biosynthesis. When used for producing semisynthetic penicillins, the penicillin V is often hydrolyzed to 6-aminopenicillanic acid with the regeneration of the phenoxyacetate precursor. To reduce raw-material as well as waste-disposal costs, it is desirable to recycle the phenoxyacetate precursor. Unfortunately, the recycle stream is generally contaminated by the p-hydroxylated derivative of this precursor. We examined a two-step approach to eliminate this contaminant. In the first step the tyrosinase enzyme was used to selectively convert the p-hydroxyphenoxyacetate contaminant to a reactive intermediate—presumably its quinone. In the second step, the tyrosinase-generated reactive intermediate was allowed to react with and strongly bind to chitosan. In contrast, the phenoxyacetate precursor was neither oxidized by tyrosinase nor bound to chitosan. When concentrated phenoxyacetate solutions were tested, the combination of tyrosinase and chitosan effectively converted low levels of the p-hydroxyphenoxyacetate contaminant and removed its products from solution, while the concentration of the phenoxyacetate precursor was unaffected.  相似文献   
The ITS sequences of Acropora spp. are the shortest so far identified in any metazoan and are among the shortest seen in eukaryotes; ITS1 was 70-80 bases, and ITS2 was 100-112 bases. The ITS sequences were also highly variable, but base composition and secondary structure prediction indicate that divergent sequence variants are unlikely to be pseudogenes. The pattern of variation was unusual in several other respects: (1) two distinct ITS2 types were detected in both A. hyacinthus and A. cytherea, species known to hybridize in vitro with high success rates, and a putative intermediate ITS2 form was also detected in A. cytherea; (2) A. valida was found to contain highly (29%) diverged ITS1 variants; and (3) A. longicyathus contained two distinct 5.8S rDNA types. These data are consistent with a reticulate evolutionary history for the genus Acropora.   相似文献   
A glycine auxotroph of Escherichia coli can utilize glycine oligopeptides as a source of its required amino acid. Glycylglycyl-β-alanine and β-alanylglycylglycine are both readily hydrolysed by intracellular peptidases, but only the former supports growth of the glycine auxotroph. Glycylglycyl-β-alanine is not nutritionally active towards a glycine mutant that is unable to transport oligopeptides. The nutritional responses to these β-alanine peptides are interpreted in terms of the structural requirements of the oligopeptide transport system, for which an α-peptide bond is required but the C-terminal α-carboxyl group is not essential. Dipeptides of β-alanine are generally poor sources of amino acids for auxotrophs of E. coli, although β-alanylhistidine (carnosine) is as effective as the free amino acid in supporting growth of a histidine auxotroph; this observation does not accord with the structural requirements established for dipeptide transport in general, and may indicate a separate uptake process. The results are related to the occurrence of β-alanyl peptides in the normal environment of enteric bacteria, and to the known ability of the intestine to transport carnosine.  相似文献   
Bacteria in their natural environments frequently exist as mixed surface-associated communities, protected by extracellular material, termed biofilms. Biofilms formed by the human pathogen Campylobacter jejuni may arise in the gastrointestinal tract of animals but also in water pipes and other industrial situations, leading to their possible transmission into the human food chain either directly or via farm animals. Bacteriophages are natural predators of bacteria that usually kill their prey by cell lysis and have potential application for the biocontrol and dispersal of target bacteria in biofilms. The effects of virulent Campylobacter specific-bacteriophages CP8 and CP30 on C. jejuni biofilms formed on glass by strains NCTC 11168 and PT14 at 37°C under microaerobic conditions were investigated. Independent bacteriophage treatments (n ≥ 3) led to 1 to 3 log10 CFU/cm2 reductions in the viable count 24 h postinfection compared with control levels. In contrast, bacteriophages applied under these conditions effected a reduction of less than 1 log10 CFU/ml in planktonic cells. Resistance to bacteriophage in bacteria surviving bacteriophage treatment of C. jejuni NCTC 11168 biofilms was 84% and 90% for CP8 and CP30, respectively, whereas bacteriophage resistance was not found in similarly recovered C. jejuni PT14 cells. Dispersal of the biofilm matrix by bacteriophage was demonstrated by crystal violet staining and transmission electron microscopy. Bacteriophage may play an important role in the control of attachment and biofilm formation by Campylobacter in situations where biofilms occur in nature, and they have the potential for application in industrial situations leading to improvements in food safety.  相似文献   
We have examined the receptor-ligand interactions and the method of phagocytosis of virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis by human monocytes. mAb against complement receptors (CR) inhibit adherence and phagocytosis of M. tuberculosis in fresh nonimmune serum. A mAb against the type 1 CR (CR1) inhibits adherence of M. tuberculosis by 40 +/- 5%, and three different mAb against the type 3 CR (CR3) each inhibit adherence by 39 +/- 5% to 47 +/- 4%. A mAb against CR1 used in combination with one of the three mAb against CR3 inhibits adherence by up to 64 +/- 7%. Most strikingly, two mAb used in combination against CR3 inhibit adherence by up to 81 +/- 2%. mAb against other monocyte surface Ag do not significantly influence adherence. In like fashion, mAb against CR but not other monocyte surface Ag inhibit adherence of preopsonized M. tuberculosis in the presence of heat-inactivated serum. By electron microscopy, monocytes ingest all M. tuberculosis that adhere in the presence of nonimmune serum; mAb against CR3 markedly inhibit ingestion. In contrast to CR, the FcR and the beta-glucan-inhibitable receptor for zymosan play little or no role in mediating M. tuberculosis adherence or ingestion. Adherence of M. tuberculosis is serum-dependent, requiring greater than or equal to 2.5% serum for optimal adherence. Heat inactivation of serum markedly reduces adherence of M. tuberculosis (75.5 +/- 7%) and preopsonization of bacteria enhances adherence by 2.9 +/- 0.4-fold. Adherence is also markedly reduced in C3- or factor B-depleted serum; repletion with C3 or factor B increases adherence by 2.1 +/- 0.4-fold and 1.86 +/- 0.05-fold, respectively. Fab anti-C3 IgG markedly inhibits monocyte adherence of preopsonized M. tuberculosis (71 +/- 1%). C component C3 is fixed to M. tuberculosis by the alternative C pathway as determined by a whole bacterial cell ELISA. Human monocytes ingest M. tuberculosis by conventional phagocytosis as viewed by electron microscopy. This study demonstrates that human monocyte CR1 and CR3 mediate phagocytosis of M. tuberculosis and C component C3 in serum is acting as the major bacterium-bound ligand.  相似文献   
We have developed a closed-flow system that continuously sweeps away gases evolved in enzyme assay mixtures into a commercially available oxides of nitrogen (NOx) analyzer for the quantitation of any nitric oxide present in these gases. The system enabled us to study both the stoichiometry and the kinetics of NO production by a copper-containing nitrite reductase (EC purified from Achromobacter cycloclastes IAM 1013. In addition to its much greater sensitivity in comparison with standard gas chromatographic (GC) techniques, the method offers the advantage that NO, a very reactive free radical, is immediately swept away and quantitated, obviating the necessity for periodic manipulations and disturbances of the reaction mixture characteristic of other GC quantitations. The characteristics of the system are discussed and its utility in studies of the kinetics and stoichiometry of NO production from nitrite is confirmed by comparison with results obtained using manometric and GC techniques.  相似文献   
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