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In the ewe, a rise in circulating concentrations of FSH preceding follicular wave emergence begins in the presence of growing follicles from a previous wave. We hypothesized that prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) given at the time of an endogenous FSH peak in cyclic ewes would result in synchronous ovulation of follicles from two consecutive waves, increasing ovulation rate. Twelve Western White Face (WWF) ewes received a single i.m. injection of PGF(2alpha) (15 mg/ewe) at the expected time of a peak in FSH secretion, from Days 9 to 12 after ovulation. The mean ovulation rate after PGF(2alpha) treatment (2.3+/-0.3) did not differ (P>0.05) from the pre-treatment ovulation rate (1.7+/-0.1). Five ewes ovulated follicles from follicular waves emerging before and after PGF(2alpha) injection (3.0+/-0.6 ovulations/ewe) and seven ewes ovulated follicles only from a wave(s) emerging before PGF(2alpha) treatment (2.0+/-0.3 ovulations/ewe; P>0.05). The mean interval from PGF(2alpha) to emergence of the next follicular wave (1.0+/-0.4 and 4.0+/-0.0 d, respectively; P<0.001) and the interval from PGF(2alpha) treatment to the next FSH peak (0 and 3.5+/-0.4d, respectively; P<0.05) differed between the two groups. Six ewes ovulated after the onset of behavioral estrus, with a mean ovulation rate of 1.7+/-0.2, and six ewes ovulated both before and after the onset of estrus (3.0+/-0.5 ovulations/ewe; P<0.05). None of the ovulations that occurred before estrus resulted in corpora lutea (CL) with a full life span. At 24h before ovulation, follicles ovulating before or after the onset of estrus differed in size (4.1+/-0.3 or 5.5+/-0.4mm, respectively; P<0.05) and had distinctive echotextural characteristics. In conclusion, the administration of PGF(2alpha) at the expected time of an FSH peak at mid-cycle in ewes may alter the endogenous rhythm of FSH secretion and was not consistently followed by ovulation of follicles from two follicular waves. In non-prolific WWF ewes, PGF(2alpha)-induced luteolysis disrupted the normal distribution of the source of ovulatory follicles and may be associated with untimely follicular rupture and luteal inadequacy.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to assess the effect of acute bilateral jugular vein compression on: (1) pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ); (2) cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV); (3) peripheral blood pressure; and (4) possible relations between mentioned parameters.


Experiments were performed on a group of 32 healthy 19–30 years old male subjects. cc-TQ and the subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) were measured using near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS), CBFV in the left anterior cerebral artery using transcranial Doppler, blood pressure was measured using Finapres, while end-tidal CO2 was measured using medical gas analyser. Bilateral jugular vein compression was achieved with the use of a sphygmomanometer held on the neck of the participant and pumped at the pressure of 40 mmHg, and was performed in the bend-over (BOPT) and swayed to the back (initial) position.


In the first group (n = 10) during BOPT, sas-TQ and pulse pressure (PP) decreased (−17.6% and −17.9%, respectively) and CBFV increased (+35.0%), while cc-TQ did not change (+1.91%). In the second group, in the initial position (n = 22) cc-TQ and CBFV increased (106.6% and 20.1%, respectively), while sas-TQ and PP decreases were not statistically significant (−15.5% and −9.0%, respectively). End-tidal CO2 remained stable during BOPT and venous compression in both groups. Significant interdependence between changes in cc-TQ and PP after bilateral jugular vein compression in the initial position was found (r = −0.74).


Acute bilateral jugular venous insufficiency leads to hyperkinetic cerebral circulation characterised by augmented pial artery pulsation and CBFV and direct transmission of PP into the brain microcirculation. The Windkessel effect with impaired jugular outflow and more likely increased intracranial pressure is described. This study clarifies the potential mechanism linking jugular outflow insufficiency with arterial small vessel cerebral disease.  相似文献   
Density functional theory has been applied to investigate the methyl transfer from methylcobalamin (MeCbl) cofactor to homocysteine (Hcy) as catalyzed by methionine synthase (MetH). Specifically, the SN2 and the reductive elimination pathways have been probed as the possible mechanistic pathways for the methyl transfer reaction. The calculations indicate that the activation barrier for the reductive elimination reaction (24.4 kcal mol−1) is almost four times higher than that for the SN2 reaction (7.3 kcal mol−1). This high energy demand of the reductive elimination pathway is rooted in the structural distortion of the corrin ring that is induced en route to the formation of the triangular transition state. Furthermore, the reductive elimination reaction demands the syn accommodation of the methyl group and the substrate over the upper face of the corrin ring, which also accounts for the high energy demand of the reaction. Consequently, the reductive elimination pathway for MetH-catalyzed methyl transfer from MeCbl to Hcy cannot be considered as one of the possible mechanistic routes.  相似文献   
Due to the complex mechanisms of l-arginine activity, it is difficult to determine the clinical significance of supplementation with this amino acid. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of short-term supplementation with l-arginine in stress conditions, induced by ischemia–reperfusion syndrome, by assessing the damage to muscular and hepatic cells on the basis of creatine kinase (CK), alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) and aspartic aminotransferase (AspAT) activity in blood and the level of oxygen free radicals in analyzed tissues of rats. We observed that induced ischemia of hind limb caused an increase in CK, ALAT and AspAT activity and an increase in the level of free radicals in liver, but not in skeletal muscle. Supplementation with l-arginine led to a reduction in serum activity of CK and AspAT and reduction of the level of free radicals in analysed tissues. Simultaneous supplementation with l-arginine AND l-NAME resulted in a reversal of changes induced by l-arginine supplementation in the case of AspAT and free radicals in skeletal muscle. The results indicate that under conditions of ischemia–reperfusion, short-term administration of l-arginine has a protective effect on skeletal muscle manifesting itself by reduction of CK in the serum and reduction of free radicals level in THIS tissue.  相似文献   
Acinetobacter baumannii is an important nosocomial pathogen occurring particularly in intensive care (ICU) as well as burn therapy units (BTU). A. baumannii strains have emerged as resistant to almost all antimicrobial agents, including carbapenems. b-lactamase-mediated resistance is the most common mechanism for carbapenem resistance in this species. Carbapenem-hydrolysing class D b-lactamases - OXA are widespread among A. baumannii strains. It is suggested that ISAba1 plays an important role in drug resistance. The aims of the study were detection of OXA encoding genes and presence of ISAba1. The study included the total of 104 isolates of carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii, obtained from patients hospitalized in ICU and BTU of Specialized Hospital in Krakow. Multiplex PCR was applied for detection of selected OXA carbapenemases encoding genes. PCR analysis showed the presence of bla OXA-51-like gene and ISAba1 in all isolates. 46 strains carried bla OXA-51-like and bla OXA-23-like genes while 48 bla OXA-51-like and bla OXA-40-like genes. 3 isolates carried: bla OXA-51-like , bla OXA-23-like and bla OXA-40-like genes. 7 strains encoded an OXA-51-like carbapenemase but were negative for enzymes belonging to the other families tested. Comparative analysis of ICU and BTU isolates revealed the dominance of: bla OXA-51-like and bla OXA-40-like among ICU while bla OXA-51-like and bla OXA-23-like in BTU.  相似文献   
The Canadian light source is a 2.9 GeV national synchrotron radiation facility located on the University of Saskatchewan campus in Saskatoon. The small-gap in-vacuum undulator illuminated beamline, 08ID-1, together with the bending magnet beamline, 08B1-1, constitute the Canadian Macromolecular Crystallography Facility (CMCF). The CMCF provides service to more than 50 Principal Investigators in Canada and the United States. Up to 25% of the beam time is devoted to commercial users and the general user program is guaranteed up to 55% of the useful beam time through a peer-review process. CMCF staff provides \"Mail-In\" crystallography service to users with the highest scored proposals. Both beamlines are equipped with very robust end-stations including on-axis visualization systems, Rayonix 300 CCD series detectors and Stanford-type robotic sample auto-mounters. MxDC, an in-house developed beamline control system, is integrated with a data processing module, AutoProcess, allowing full automation of data collection and data processing with minimal human intervention. Sample management and remote monitoring of experiments is enabled through interaction with a Laboratory Information Management System developed at the facility.  相似文献   
Various mutant screens have been undertaken to identify constituents involved in the transmission of signals from the plastid to the nucleus. Many of these screens have been performed using carotenoid-deficient plants grown in the presence of norflurazon (NF), an inhibitor of phytoene desaturase. NF-treated plants are bleached and suppress the expression of nuclear genes encoding chloroplast proteins. Several genomes uncoupled (gun) mutants have been isolated that de-repress the expression of these nuclear genes. In the present study, a genetic screen has been established that circumvents severe photo-oxidative stress in NF-treated plants. Under these modified screening conditions, happy on norflurazon (hon) mutants have been identified that, like gun mutants, de-repress expression of the Lhcb gene, encoding a light-harvesting chlorophyll protein, but, in contrast to wild-type and gun mutants, are green in the presence of NF. hon mutations disturb plastid protein homeostasis, thereby activating plastid signaling and inducing stress acclimatization. Rather than defining constituents of a retrograde signaling pathway specifically associated with the NF-induced suppression of nuclear gene expression, as proposed for gun, hon mutations affect Lhcb expression more indirectly prior to initiation of plastid signaling in NF-treated seedlings. They pre-condition seedlings by inducing stress acclimatization, thereby attenuating the impact of a subsequent NF treatment.  相似文献   
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