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Surface lysine methylation (SLM) is a technique for improving the rate of success of protein crystallization by chemically methylating lysine residues. The exact mechanism by which SLM enhances crystallization is still not clear. To study these mechanisms, and to analyze the conditions where SLM will provide the optimal benefits for rescuing failed crystallization experiments, we compared 40 protein structures containing N,N-dimethyl-lysine (dmLys) to a nonredundant set of 18,972 nonmethylated structures from the PDB. By measuring the relative frequency of intermolecular contacts (where contacts are defined as interactions between the residues in proximity with a distance of 3.5 Å or less) of basic residues in the methylated versus nonmethylated sets, dmLys-Glu contacts are seen more frequently than Lys-Glu contacts. Based on observation of the 10 proteins with both native and methylated structures, we propose that the increased rate of contact for dmLys-Glu is due to both a slight increase in the number of amine-carboxyl H-bonds and to the formation of methyl C–H···O interactions. By comparing the relative contact frequencies of dmLys with other residues, the mechanism by which methylation of lysines improves the formation of crystal contacts appears to be similar to that of Lys to Arg mutation. Moreover, analysis of methylated structures with the surface entropy reduction (SER) prediction server suggests that in many cases SLM of predicted SER sites may contribute to improved crystallization. Thus, tools that analyze protein sequences and mark residues for SER mutation may identify proteins with good candidate sites for SLM.  相似文献   
The Caenorhabditis elegans inner nuclear envelope protein matefin/SUN-1 plays a conserved, pivotal role in the process of genome haploidization. CHK-2-dependent phosphorylation of SUN-1 regulates homologous chromosome pairing and interhomolog recombination in Caenorhabditis elegans. Using time-lapse microscopy, we characterized the movement of matefin/SUN-1::GFP aggregates (the equivalent of chromosomal attachment plaques) and showed that the dynamics of matefin/SUN-1 aggregates remained unchanged throughout leptonene/zygotene, despite the progression of pairing. Movement of SUN-1 aggregates correlated with chromatin polarization. We also analyzed the requirements for the formation of movement-competent matefin/SUN-1 aggregates in the context of chromosome structure and found that chromosome axes were required to produce wild-type numbers of attachment plaques. Abrogation of synapsis led to a deceleration of SUN-1 aggregate movement. Analysis of matefin/SUN-1 in a double-strand break deficient mutant revealed that repair intermediates influenced matefin/SUN-1 aggregate dynamics. Investigation of movement in meiotic regulator mutants substantiated that proper orchestration of the meiotic program and effective repair of DNA double-strand breaks were necessary for the wild-type behavior of matefin/SUN-1 aggregates.  相似文献   
In the ewe, ovarian follicular waves emerge every 4 to 5 days and are preceded by a peak in FSH secretion. It is unclear whether large antral follicle(s) in a wave suppress the growth of other smaller follicles during the inter-wave interval, as is seen in cattle. In this study, anestrous (n = 6; experiment 1) and cyclic (n = 5; experiment 2) Western white face ewes were given ovine FSH (oFSH) (0.5 microg/kg; two s.c. injections, 8 h apart) during the growth phase (based on ultrasonography) of a follicular wave (wave 1). Control ewes (n = 5 and 6, respectively) received vehicle. In oFSH-treated ewes, serum FSH concentrations reached a peak (P < 0.05) by 12 h after oFSH treatment, and this induced FSH peak did not differ (P > 0.05) from the endogenous FSH peaks. In all ewes, emergence of follicular waves 1 and 2 was seen (P > 0.05). However, in oFSH-treated ewes, an additional follicular wave emerged approximately 0.5 days after treatment: during the interwave interval of waves 1 and 2 without delaying the emergence of wave 2. The growth characteristics and serum estradiol concentrations did not differ (P > 0.05) between oFSH-induced waves and waves induced by endogenous FSH peaks. We concluded that, unlike in cattle, the largest follicle of a wave in sheep has limited direct effect on the growth of other follicles induced by exogenous oFSH. In addition, the largest follicle of a wave may possibly not influence the rhythmicity of follicular wave emergence, as it does in cattle.  相似文献   
Manual selection of single particles in images acquired using cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) will become a significant bottleneck when datasets of a hundred thousand or even a million particles are required for structure determination at near atomic resolution. Algorithm development of fully automated particle selection is thus an important research objective in the cryoEM field. A number of research groups are making promising new advances in this area. Evaluation of algorithms using a standard set of cryoEM images is an essential aspect of this algorithm development. With this goal in mind, a particle selection "bakeoff" was included in the program of the Multidisciplinary Workshop on Automatic Particle Selection for cryoEM. Twelve groups participated by submitting the results of testing their own algorithms on a common dataset. The dataset consisted of 82 defocus pairs of high-magnification micrographs, containing keyhole limpet hemocyanin particles, acquired using cryoEM. The results of the bakeoff are presented in this paper along with a summary of the discussion from the workshop. It was agreed that establishing benchmark particles and using bakeoffs to evaluate algorithms are useful in promoting algorithm development for fully automated particle selection, and that the infrastructure set up to support the bakeoff should be maintained and extended to include larger and more varied datasets, and more criteria for future evaluations.  相似文献   


One of the most time-consuming tasks after performing a gene expression experiment is the biological interpretation of the results by identifying physiologically important associations between the differentially expressed genes. A large part of the relevant functional evidence can be represented in the form of graphs, e.g. metabolic and signaling pathways, protein interaction maps, shared GeneOntology annotations, or literature co-citation relations. Such graphs are easily constructed from available genome annotation data. The problem of biological interpretation can then be described as identifying the subgraphs showing the most significant patterns of gene expression. We applied a graph-based extension of our iterative Group Analysis (iGA) approach to obtain a statistically rigorous identification of the subgraphs of interest in any evidence graph.  相似文献   
The natriuretic peptides (NPs) atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) display hypotensive effects in the mammalian eye by lowering the intraocular pressure (IOP), a function that is mediated by the bilayer ocular ciliary epithelium (CE), in conjunction with the trabecular meshwork. ANP regulates Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) activity, and inhibitors of NHE have been shown to lower IOP. We examined whether NPs influence the NHE activity of the CE, which is comprised of pigmented (PE) and nonpigmented (NPE) epithelial cells, by directly recording the rate of intracellular pH (pHi) recovery from its inner NPE cell layer. NPs inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner (1–100 nM), the rate of pHi recovery with the order of potency CNP > ANP > BNP, indicative that this inhibition is mediated by the presence of NPR type B receptors. 8-Bromo-cGMP (8-BrcGMP), a nonhydrolyzable analog of cGMP, mimicked NPs in inhibiting the rate of Na+-dependent pHi recovery. In contrast, ethylisopropyl amiloride (EIPA, 100 nM) or amiloride (10 µM) completely abolished the pHi recovery by NHE. 18-Glycyrrhetinic acid (18-GA), a gap junction blocker, attenuated the inhibitory effect of CNP on the rate of pHi recovery, suggesting that NHE activity in both cell layers of the CE is coregulated. This interpretation was supported, in part, by the coexpression of NHE-1 isoform mRNA in both NPE and PE cells. The mechanism by which the inhibitory effect of NPs on NHE-1 activity might influence the net solute movement or fluid transport by the bilayer CE remains to be determined. Na+/H+ exchanger type 1; intracellular pH; aqueous humor  相似文献   
The primary prostaglandins PGE(2) and PGF(2 alpha) are metabolized in tissues by a series of enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions. To measure metabolic rates and individual reaction rates it is necessary to extract the parent prostaglandins and metabolites before the separation and quantification of each compound is achieved. Here we have established and optimized a solid phase extraction (SPE) procedure to recover PGE(2), PGF(2 alpha) and their six enzymatic and non-enzymatic tissue metabolites from aqueous solutions including urine, plasma and tissue homogenate. We have used octadecyl-bonded silica gel as the stationary phase and methanol-water mixtures as binary mobile phases. The volumes and concentrations of the washing and elution solutions were optimized individually for each PG. Recoveries of all PG standards were quantitative except for PGEM, which was recovered at 80% efficiency. Biological matrix components interfered with the extraction in a PG- and matrix-specific fashion. Inclusion of 1% formic acid in the loading mixture raised recoveries from urine, plasma and tissue homogenate to >or=90%. This SPE method is the first that has been optimized by systematic elution studies for PGE(2), PGF(2 alpha) and the complement of their tissue metabolites. The procedure is simple, robust and can serve as an effective pre-purification step before downstream separation and quantification of each tissue metabolite of PGE(2) and PGF(2 alpha) from complex biological matrices.  相似文献   
Insoluble expression of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli is a major bottleneck of many structural genomics and high-throughput protein biochemistry projects. Many of these proteins may be amenable to refolding, but their identification is hampered by a lack of high-throughput methods. We have developed a matrix-assisted refolding approach in which correctly folded proteins are distinguished from misfolded proteins by their elution from affinity resin under non-denaturing conditions. Misfolded proteins remain adhered to the resin, presumably via hydrophobic interactions. The assay can be applied to insoluble proteins on an individual basis but is particularly well suited for high-throughput applications because it is rapid, automatable and has no rigorous sample preparation requirements. The efficacy of the screen is demonstrated on small-scale expression samples for 15 proteins. Refolding is then validated by large-scale expressions using SEC and circular dichroism.  相似文献   
Exposure to temperatures over a certain limit leads to massive protein aggregation in the cell. Disaggregation of such aggregates is largely dependent on the Hsp100 and Hsp70 chaperones. The exact role of the Hsp70 chaperone machine (composed of DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE) in the Hsp100-dependent process remains unknown. In this study we focused on the Hsp70 role at the initial step of the disaggregation process. Two different aggregated model substrates, green fluorescent protein (GFP) and firefly luciferase, were incubated with the Hsp70 machine resulting in efficient fragmentation of large aggregates into smaller ones. Our data suggest that the observed fragmentation is achieved first by extraction of polypeptides from aggregates in Hsp70 chaperone machine-dependent manner and not by direct fragmentation of large aggregates. In the absence of Hsp100 (ClpB) these "extracted" polypeptides were not able to fold properly and promptly reassociated into new aggregates. The extracted GFP molecules were efficiently recognized and sequestered by a molecular trap, the mutant GroEL D87K, which binds stably to unfolded but not to native polypeptides. The binding of extracted GFP molecules to the GroEL trap prevented their reaggregation. We propose that the Hsp70 machine disentangles polypeptides from protein aggregates prior to Hsp100 action.  相似文献   
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