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p24 proteins are assumed to play an important role in the transport of secreted and transmembrane proteins into membranes. However, only few cargo proteins are known that partially, but in no case completely require p24 proteins for membrane transport. Here, we show that two p24 proteins are essential for dorsoventral patterning of Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Mutations in the genes, eclair (eca) and baiser (bai), encoding two p24 proteins reduce signalling by the TGF-beta homologue, Dpp, in early embryos. This effect is strictly maternal and specific to early embryogenesis, as Dpp signalling in other contexts is not notably affected. We provide genetic evidence that in the absence of eca or bai function in the oocyte, the maternally expressed type I TGF-beta receptor Tkv is not active. We propose that during early embryogenesis eca and bai are specifically required for the activity of the maternal Tkv, while the zygotic Tkv is not affected in the mutant embryos. Mutations in either eca or bai are sufficient for the depletion of Tkv activity and no enhancement of the phenotypes was observed in embryos derived from oocytes mutant for both genes. The dependence of maternal Tkv protein on the products of p24 genes may serve as an in vivo model for studying p24 proteins.  相似文献   
N-(m-Nitrophenyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine (Gln), N-(N-methylphenyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine (Glm), N-beta-D-glucopyranosylpyrazole (Glp), and N-beta-D-glucopyranosylimidazole (Gli) have been synthesized. Their basicity constants, pKb, determined in methanol were, respectively, 14.99, 14.36, 15.04, and 9.74. The derivatives of secondary amines (Glm, Glp, and Gli) did not mutarotate in methanol in the presence of 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid and hydrochloric acid. The heats of formation and entropies were calculated by the AM1 and PM3 methods for the glucosylamines and their cations under consideration of two plausible protonation centers. Thermodynamic parameters for the proton transfer in the reaction: glucosylamine + CH3OH2+ = glucosylamineH+ + CH3OH were determined and the protonation center in the glucosylamine molecule was identified. The mechanism of mutarotation of the glucosylamines is discussed and the conclusion made that formation of an acyclic immonium cation is not a satisfactory condition for the reaction to proceed.  相似文献   
Information on spatial and temporal patterns of genetic diversity is a prerequisite to understanding the demography of populations, and is fundamental to successful management and conservation of species. In the sea, it has been observed that oceanographic and other physical forces can constitute barriers to gene flow that may result in similar population genetic structures in different species. Such similarities among species would greatly simplify management of genetic biodiversity. Here, we tested for shared genetic patterns in a complex marine area, the Baltic Sea. We assessed spatial patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity and differentiation in seven ecologically important species of the Baltic ecosystem—Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), northern pike (Esox lucius), European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus), three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius), blue mussel (Mytilus spp.), and bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus). We used nuclear genetic data of putatively neutral microsatellite and SNP loci from samples collected from seven regions throughout the Baltic Sea, and reference samples from North Atlantic areas. Overall, patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation among sampling regions were unique for each species, although all six species with Atlantic samples indicated strong resistence to Atlantic-Baltic gene-flow. Major genetic barriers were not shared among species within the Baltic Sea; most species show genetic heterogeneity, but significant isolation by distance was only detected in pike and whitefish. These species-specific patterns of genetic structure preclude generalizations and emphasize the need to undertake genetic surveys for species separately, and to design management plans taking into consideration the specific structures of each species.  相似文献   
Autophagy is a major intracellular degeneration pathway involved in the elimination and recycling of damaged organelles and long-lived proteins by lysosomes. Many of the pathological factors, which trigger neurodegenerative diseases, can perturb the autophagy activity, which is associated with misfolded protein aggregates accumulation in these disorders. Alzheimer’s disease, the first neurodegenerative disorder between dementias, is characterized by two aggregating proteins, β-amyloid peptide (plaques) and τ-protein (tangles). In Alzheimer’s disease autophagosomes dynamically form along neurites within neuronal cells and in synapses but effective clearance of these structures needs retrograde transportation towards the neuronal soma where there is a major concentration of lysosomes. Maturation of autophago-lysosomes and their retrograde trafficking are perturbed in Alzheimer’s disease, which causes a massive concentration of autophagy elements along degenerating neurites. Transportation system is disturbed along defected microtubules in Alzheimer’s disease brains. τ-protein has been found to control the stability of microtubules, however, phosphorylation of τ-protein or an increase in the total level of τ-protein can cause dysfunction of neuronal cells microtubules. Current evidence has shown that autophagy is developing in Alzheimer’s disease brains because of ineffective degradation of autophagosomes, which hold amyloid precursor protein-rich organelles and secretases important for β-amyloid peptides generation from amyloid precursor. The combination of raised autophagy induction and abnormal clearance of β-amyloid peptide-generating autophagic vacuoles creates circumstances helpful for β-amyloid peptide aggregation and accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease. However, the key role of autophagy in Alzheimer’s disease development is still under consideration today. One point of view suggests that abnormal autophagy induction causes a concentration of autophagic vacuoles rich in amyloid precursor protein, β-amyloid peptide and the elements crucial for its formation, whereas other hypothesis points to marred autophagic clearance or even decrease in autophagic effectiveness playing a role in maturation of Alzheimer’s disease. In this review we present the recent evidence linking autophagy to Alzheimer’s disease and the role of autophagic regulation in the development of full-blown Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   
Dormant, intact Avena fatua L. (wild oat) seeds germinate poorly at 20 °C. Removing the hulls slightly increased germination. Treatment with smoke solutions increased the germination of both intact seeds and caryopses. Exogenous GA3, alone or in the presence of smoke solution, increased the germination of caryopses, while ACC shows a tendency to increase germination of caryopses only when applied in combination with smoke solution. Results suggest that GA3 and ethylene, but not smoke solutions, are involved in the regulation of α-amylase activity during germination. However, the participation of smoke solutions in the control of ACC oxidase activity cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
The gene encoding dUTPase from Pyrococcus woesei was cloned into Escherichia coli expression system. It shows 100% gene identity to homologous gene in Pyrococcus furiosus. The expression of N-terminal His(6)-tagged Pwo dUTPase was performed in E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS and E. coli Rosetta(DE3)pLysS strain that contains plasmid encoding additional copies of rare E. coli tRNAs. E. coli Rosetta(pLysS) strain was found with two times higher expression yield of His(6)-tagged Pwo dUTPase than E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS. The His(6)-tagged Pwo dUTPase was purified on Ni(2+)-IDA-Sepharose, dialyzed, and the enzyme activity was investigated. We found that His(6)-tag domain has no influence on dUTP hydrolytic activity. dUTP is generated during PCR from dCTP, which inhibits the polymerization of DNA catalyzed by DNA polymerase with 3(')-5(') exonuclease activity. We observed that the thermostable His(6)-tagged Pwo dUTPase used for the polymerase chain reaction with P. woesei DNA polymerase improves the efficiency of PCR and it allows for amplification of longer targets.  相似文献   
A cross-platform public domain PC image-analysis program for the comet assay   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
The single-cell gel electrophoresis, also known as the comet assay, has gained wide-spread popularity as a simple and reliable method to measure genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of physical and chemical agents as well as kinetics of DNA repair. Cells are generally stained with fluorescent dyes. The analysis of comets--damaged cells which form a typical comet-shaped pattern--is greatly facilitated by the use of a computer image-analysis program. Although several image-analysis programs are available commercially, they are expensive and their source codes are not provided. For Macintosh computers a cost-free public domain macro is available on the Internet. No ready for use, cost-free program exists for the PC platform. We have, therefore, developed such a public domain program under the GNU license for PC computers. The program is called CASP and can be run on a variety of hardware and software platforms. Its practical merit was tested on human lymphocytes exposed to gamma-rays and found to yield reproducible results. The binaries for Windows 95 and Linux, together with the source code can be obtained from: http://www.casp.of.pl.  相似文献   
In recent years the increase in frequency of fungal infections with Candida sp. was noticed. These infections are connected with ability of Candida sp. to form biofilm on surfaces of biomaterials used in medicine. Furthermore fungal infections make serious therapeutic problems because ofbiofilm resistance to antifungal agents actually. The aim of the study was to evaluate the susceptibility to antifungal agents of Candida sp. and their ability to form biofilm on different biomaterials. 50 strains of Candida sp. isolated from patients of University Hospital No. 1 of dr A. Jurasz in Bydgoszcz were examined. API Candida (bioMérieux) tests were used to identify Candida sp. strains. The susceptibility of the yeast strains to antifungal agents was evaluated by ATB FUNGUS 2 INT (bioMérieux) tests. The susceptibility of examined strains to voriconazole, posaconazole, caspofungin and anidulafungin was assessed by means ofEtests (AB BIODISK) method employing drug concentrations from 0,002 to 32 microg/ml. All analysed strains were susceptible to amphotericin B and caspofungin. Biofilm formation on different biomaterials (silicon, latex, polychloride vinyl, polypropylene, nylon) was measured after 72 hour incubation at 37 degrees C. All examined yeasts formed biofilm on all analysed biomaterials. The highest number of strains formed biofilm on surface of polychloride vinyl: 23 (92,0%) by C. albicans strains and 24 (96,0%) Candida non-albicans strains. The lowest number of the strains formed biofilm on the surface of nylon: 12 (48,0%) of C. albicans strains and 9 (36,0%) of Candida non-albicans strains. The studied strains resistant to azoles and anidulafungin display stronger ability to form biofilm on surfaces of all analysed biomaterials.  相似文献   
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