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Owing to its distinct chemico-biological properties, chitosan, a cationic biopolymer, offers a great potential in multifarious bioapplications. One such application is as a dietary antilipidemic supplement to be used to reduce obesity/overweight and to lower cholesterol. The lipid-binding efficiency of chitosan, however, remains debatable. Accordingly, in this study we investigated the interactions of chitosan with selected lipids, cholesterol and fatty acids, the latter including saturated (stearic acid) and unsaturated (oleic, linoleic, alpha-linolenic) acids. The experiments were performed with the Langmuir monolayer technique, in which surface pressure-area isotherms were recorded for the lipid monolayers spread on the acetate buffer pH 4.0 subphase in the absence and presence of chitosan. We found that the presence of chitosan in the subphase strongly influenced the shape and location of the isotherms, proving that there existed attractions between chitosan and lipid molecules. The attractions were revealed by changes of the molecular organization of the monolayers. The common feature of these changes was that all the monolayers studied underwent expansion, in each case reaching saturation with increasing chitosan concentration. In agreement with the lipid molecular structures, the highest expansions were observed for the most unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic, the lowest for stearic acid, with oleic acid and cholesterol being the intermediate cases. By contrast, the main distinguishing feature of these changes was that, although none of the monolayers studied changed its state when completely saturated with chitosan, compared to the parent ones the compactness of the monolayers was modified. The solid monolayers of stearic acid and cholesterol were loosened, whereas those of all the unsaturated acids, liquid in nature, were tightened. On the basis of these results we tentatively propose a mechanism of the chitosan action that includes both electrostatic and hydrophobic lipid-chitosan interactions as well as hydrogen bonding between them.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to characterize short- and long-term risk for consumers associated with dietary intake of pesticide residues in fruits, vegetables, and other foodstuffs available on the Polish market based on 2010–2013 official surveillance results. Among 779 samples collected from 2010 to 2013 no pesticide residue was found in 39.7% samples while 58.5% contained residues at or below the EU Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs). Non-compliances (residues above the respective MRLs) were found in 14 samples (1.8%). Most of the estimated daily intakes were well below 1% of respective acceptable daily intake (ADI) values. The highest intake for children and adults was about 7% and 1.5% of ADI, respectively. For non-compliant results acute risk was characterized. Predicted short-term intakes for children and adults ranged from 0.7% to 425%, and from 0.2% to 100% of respective acute reference dose, respectively. Results of chronic risk characterization show that consumers in Poland are adequately protected; however, incidental cases where residue levels may potentially pose a threat to consumers’ health due to acute exposure cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that C. histolyticum reference strain ATCC 19401 produces not only lethal factor but also hitherto unrecognized vacuolating toxin. The aim of this study was to compare vacuolating and lethal activities of six reference C. histolyticum strains (ATCC 6282, 8034, 17859, 17860, 19401 and 25770) and to determine whether production of vacuolating toxin is strain-dependent and how the amounts of both toxins produced by the same strain are related to each other and also to protease, collagenase and clostripain activities. All strains produced vacuolating and lethal toxins as well as collagenase, clostripain and proteases, but with different yield. Strain ATCC 19401 demonstrated considerable vacuolating and lethal activities and low activity of collagenase, clostripain and proteases. In other strains such relationship was not evident. Positive correlations were observed in collagenase and clostripain activities of all studied C. histolyticum strains (r = 0.71). Positive correlations were detected also in vacuolating activities of studied strains and clostripain (r = 0.62) and collagenase (r = 0.87) production, and this effect was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Negative non-significant correlations were detected: (a) in lethal activities of studied strains and clostripain, or collagenase activities, (b) in vacuolating activities and protease production.  相似文献   
Novel arene- and quinolinesulfonamides were synthesized using different solutions and a solid-support methodology, and were evaluated for their affinity for 5-HT(1A), 5-HT(2A), 5-HT(6), and 5-HT(7) receptors. Compound 54 (N-Ethyl-N-[4-(1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a-decahydroisoquinolin-2-yl)butyl]-8-quinolinesulfonamide) was identified as potent 5-HT(7) antagonist (K(i)=13 nM, K(B)=140 nM) with good selectivity over 5-HT(1A), 5-HT(2A), 5-HT(6) receptors. In the FST in mice, it reduced immobility in a manner similar to the selective 5-HT(7) antagonist SB-269970.  相似文献   
Copper is a trace element that is essential for the normal growth and development of all living organisms. In mammals, the ATP7A Cu-transporting ATPase is a key protein that is required for the maintenance of copper homeostasis. In both humans and mice, the ATP7A protein is coded by the X-linked ATP7A/Atp7a gene. Disturbances in copper metabolism caused by mutations in the ATP7A/Atp7a gene lead to severe metabolic syndromes Menkes disease in humans and the lethal mottled phenotype in mice. Mosaic is one of numerous mottled mutations and may serve as a model for a severe Menkes disease variant. In Menkes patients, mutations in the ATP7A gene often result in a decreased level of the normal ATP7A protein. The aim of this study was to analyse the expression of the Atp7a gene in mosaic mutants in early postnatal development, a critical period for starting copper supplementation therapy in both Menkes patients and mutant mice. Using real-time quantitative RT-PCR, we analysed the expression of the Atp7a gene in the brain, kidney and liver of newborn (P0.5) and suckling (P14) mice. Our results indicate that in mosaic P0.5 mutants, the Atp7a mRNA level is decreased in all analysed organs in comparison with wild-type animals. In two week-old mutants, a significant decrease was observed only in the kidney. In contrast, their hepatic level of Atp7a tended to be higher than in wild-type mice. We speculate that disturbance in the expression of the Atp7a gene and, consequently, change in the copper concentration of the organs, may contribute to the early fatal outcome of mosaic males.  相似文献   
The present study characterizes changes in the electronic structure of reactants during chemical reactions based on the combined charge and energy decomposition scheme, ETS-NOCV (extended transition state–natural orbitals for chemical valence). Decomposition of the activation barrier, ΔE #, into stabilizing (orbital interaction, ΔE orb, and electrostatic, ΔE elstat) and destabilizing (Pauli repulsion, ΔE Pauli, and geometry distortion energy, ΔE dist) factors is discussed in detail for the following reactions: (I) hydrogen cyanide to hydrogen isocyanide, HCN → CNH isomerization; (II) Diels-Alder cycloaddition of ethene to 1,3-butadiene; and two catalytic processes, i.e., (III) insertion of ethylene into the metal-alkyl bond using half-titanocene with phenyl-phenoxy ligand catalyst; and (IV) B–H bond activation catalyzed by an Ir-containing catalyst. Various reference states for fragments were applied in ETS-NOCV analysis. We found that NOCV-based deformation densities (Δρ i) and the corresponding energies ΔE orb(i) obtained from the ETS-NOCV scheme provide a very useful picture, both qualitatively and quantitatively, of electronic density reorganization along the considered reaction pathways. Decomposition of the barrier ΔE# into stabilizing and destabilizing contributions allowed us to conclude that the main factor responsible for the existence of positive values of ΔE # for all processes (I, II, III and IV) is Pauli interaction, which is the origin of steric repulsion. In addition, in the case of reactions II, III and IV, a significant degree of structural deformation of the reactants, as measured by the geometry distortion energy, plays an important role. Depending on the reaction type, stabilization of the transition state (relatively to the reactants) originating either from the orbital interaction term or from electrostatic attraction can be of vital importance. Finally, use of the ETS-NOCV method to describe catalytic reactions allows extraction of information on the role of catalysts in determination of ΔE #.  相似文献   
In this work we used a combination of classical molecular dynamics and simulated annealing techniques to shed more light on the conformational flexibility of 12 adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analogues in a water environment. We present simulations in AMBER force field for ATP and 12 published analogues [Shah et al. (1997) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94: 3565–3570]. The calculations were carried out using the generalized Born (GB) solvation model in the presence of the cation Mg2+. The ion was placed at a close distance (2 Å) from the charged oxygen atoms of the beta and gamma phosphate groups of the ?3 negatively charged ATP analogue molecules. Analysis of the results revealed the distribution of inter-proton distances H8–H1′ and H8–H2′ versus the torsion angle ψ (C4–N9-C1′–O4′) for all conformations of ATP analogues. There are two gaps in the distribution of torsion angle ψ values: the first is between ?30 and 30 degrees and is described by cis-conformation; and the second is between 90 and 175 degrees, which mostly covers a region of anti conformation. Our results compare favorably with results obtained in experimental assays [Jiang and Mao (2002) Polyhedron 21:435–438].
Figure Dihedral O4′–C1′–N9–C4 angle dependence on inter-proton distances H8–H1′ (crosses) and H8–H2′ (dots) measured for ATP


Limited data have indicated that body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and waist to height ratio (WHtR) of athletes and young adults provide misleading results concerning body fat content. This study was aimed at the evaluation of the relationship between different surrogate indices of fatness (BMI, WC, WHR, WHtR and body adiposity index (BAI)) with the percentage of body fat in Polish students with respect to their sex and physical activity.


A total of 272 students volunteered to participate in the study. Of these students, 177 physical education students (90 males and 87 females) were accepted as active (physical activity of 7 to 9 hours/week); and 95 students of other specializations (49 males and 46 females) were accepted as sedentary (physical activity of 1.5 hours/week). Weight, height, waist and hip circumferences were measured, and BMI, WHR, WHtR and BAI were calculated. Body fat percentage was assessed using four skinfold measurements.


Classification of fatness according to the BMI and the percentage of body fat have indicated that BMI overestimates fatness in lean subjects (active men and women, sedentary men), but underestimates body fat in obese subjects (sedentary women). In all groups, BMI, WHR, WHtR and BAI were significantly correlated with the percentage of body fat (with the exception of WHR and hip circumference in active and sedentary women, respectively). However, coefficients of determination not exceeding 50% and Lin’s concordance correlation coefficients lower than 0.9 indicated no relationship between measured and calculated body fat.


The findings in the present study support the concept that irrespective of physical activity and sex none of the calculated indices of fatness are useful in the determination of body fat in young adults. Thus, it seems that easily calculated indices may contribute to distorted body image and unhealthy dietary habits observed in many young adults in Western countries, but also in female athletes.  相似文献   
In developing muscle cells environmental stimuli transmitted by purines binding to the specific receptors are crucial proliferation regulators. C2C12 myoblasts express numerous purinergic receptors representing both main classes: P2X and P2Y. Among P2Y receptors we have found the expression of P2Y(1), P2Y(2), P2Y(4), P2Y(6) and P2Y(12) family members while among P2X receptors P2X(4), P2X(5) and P2X(7) were discovered. We have been able to show that activation of those receptors is responsible for ERK class kinase activity, responsible for regulation of cell proliferation pathway. We have also demonstrated that this activity is calcium dependent suggesting Ca(2+) ions as secondary messenger between receptor and kinase regulatory system. More specifically, we do suspect that in C2C12 myoblasts calcium channels of P2X receptors, particularly P2X(5) play the main role in proliferation regulation. In further development of myoblasts into myotubes, when proliferation is gradually inhibited, the pattern of P2 receptors is changed. This phenomenon is followed by diminishing of the P2Y(2)-dependent Ca(2+) signaling, while the mRNA expression of P2Y(2) receptor reminds still on the high level. Moreover, P2X(2) receptor mRNA, absent in myoblasts appears in myotubes. These data show that differentiation of C2C12 cell line satellite myoblasts is accompanied by changes in P2 receptors expression pattern.  相似文献   
One of the most common pathogens among yeasts is Candida albicans, which presents a serious health threat. The study aimed to check the antifungal properties of trans-anethole and eugenol with selected antifungal medicines (AMs) against C. albicans clinical isolates. The checkerboard method was used to tests of interactions between these compounds. Achieved results indicated that eugenol showed synergistic and additive activities with miconazole and econazole against investigated clinical isolates, respectively. Moreover, the combination – trans-anethole – miconazole also showed an additive effect against two clinical isolate. We tried to relate the results to changes in C. albicans cell sheaths under the influence of essential oils compounds (EOCs) performing the Fourier transform infrared spectra analysis to confirm the presence of particular chemical moieties in C. albicans cells. Nevertheless, no strong relationships was observed between synergistic and additive actions of used EOC-AMs combinations and chemical moieties in C. albicans cells.  相似文献   
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