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Biochemical examination of the Rev-dependent expression of gag mRNAs produced from gag-Rev-responsive element (RRE) expression plasmids showed a large discrepancy between the level of cytoplasmic gag mRNA and the produced Gag protein. Significant levels of the mRNA produced in the absence of Rev were localized in the cytoplasm, while very low levels of Gag protein were produced. In the presence of Rev, the levels of mRNA increased by 4- to 16-fold, while the Gag protein production increased by 800-fold. These findings indicated that in addition to promoting nucleus-to-cytoplasm transport, Rev increased the utilization of cytoplasmic viral mRNA. Poly(A) selection and in vitro translation of cytoplasmic gag mRNA verified that the mRNA produced in the absence of Rev was functional. To analyze the translational defect in the absence of Rev, we examined the association of the cytoplasmic gag mRNA with ribosomes. gag mRNA produced in the absence of Rev was excluded from polysomes, while gag mRNA produced in the presence of Rev was associated with polysomes and produced Gag protein. These observations showed that the presence of Rev was required for efficient loading of gag mRNA onto polysomes. This effect required the presence of the RRE on the mRNA. Analysis of mRNAs produced from a rev-minus proviral clone confirmed that the presence of Rev promoted polysomal loading of both gag/pol and vpu/env mRNAs. The localization of gag mRNA was also examined by in situ hybridization. This analysis showed that in the presence of Rev, most of the gag mRNA was found in the cytoplasm, while in the absence of Rev, most of the gag mRNA was found in the nucleus and in the region surrounding the nucleus. These results suggest that a substantial fraction of the gag mRNA is retained in distinct cytoplasmic compartments in the absence and presence of Rev. These findings indicate that the presence of Rev is required along the entire mRNA transport and utilization pathway for the stabilization, correct localization, and efficient translation of RRE-containing mRNAs.  相似文献   
Molecular clones of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 that contained either 37 point mutations in the Rev-responsive element (RRE) that did not affect the overlapping env reading frame or both a mutated RRE and two mutations that eliminated Rev were constructed. The mutations in the RRE were shown to remove both negative and Rev-inducible positive effects of the RRE on gene expression (G. Nasioulas, A. S. Zolotukhin, C. Tabernero, L. Solomin, C. P. Cunningham, G. N. Pavlakis, and B. K. Felber, J. Virol. 68:2986-2993, 1994). Upon insertion of a cis-acting element of simian retrovirus type 1 (SRV-1) into these clones, both RRE(-) and Rev(-)RRE(-) clones were expressed efficiently. The element of SRV-1 has properties similar to those of the recently identified element of Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M. Bray, S. Prasad, J. W. Dubay, E. Hunter, K.-T. Jeang, D. Rekosh, and M.-L. Hammarskjold, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 4:1256-1260, 1994). We demonstrated that virus preparations produced after transfections of these SRV-1 element-containing molecular clones in human cells were infectious after cell-free transmission, that they replicated about 5 to 10 times less efficiently than wild-type virus, and that they were propagated continuously for more than 7 months in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Growth characteristics and sequence analysis of these viruses after long-term culture demonstrated that no RRE(+)Rev(+) revertants developed. These data demonstrate that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Rev and RRE can be replaced by heterologous regulatory systems, resulting in efficient virus production. The resulting Rev(-)RRE(-) virus can be prepared and propagated efficiently in tissue culture and can be used for further studies of the life cycle of the virus. The data also suggest that Rev acts exclusively through the RRE interaction and that it does not have any additional essential function in the life cycle of the virus.  相似文献   
We have used a panel of cDNA clones expressing wild-type and mutant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) mRNAs to study translation of these mRNAs in eucaryotic cells. The tat open reading frame (ORF) has a strong signal for translation initiation, while rev and vpu ORFs have weaker signals. The expression of downstream ORFs is inhibited in mRNAs that contain the tat ORF as the first ORF. In contrast, downstream ORFs are expressed efficiently from mRNAs that have rev or vpu as the first ORF. All env mRNAs contain the upstream vpu ORF. Expression of HIV-1 Env protein requires a weak vpu AUG, which allows leaky scanning to occur, thereby allowing ribosomes access to the downstream env ORF. We concluded that HIV-1 mRNAs are translated by the scanning mechanism and that expression of more than one protein from each mRNA was caused by leaky scanning at the first AUG of the mRNA.  相似文献   
Cerebral dysfunction of 5-HT (serotonin) has been associated with stress response and with affective disorders. Stress alone is insufficient to induce depression, since only a minor proportion of subjects that have experienced stressful life events develop depressive episodes. We investigated whether long-term brain 5-HT depletion induced in rats by a diet with low content of its precursor tryptophan affects stress-responsiveness in rats. Stress-sensitivity was measured through various physiological parameters and by measuring the rats' response to acoustic stimuli. One group of rats was subjected to daily acoustic stimulus sessions for 5 days. Other groups received both immobilization stress and acoustic stimulus sessions daily for either 9 days (chronic experiment) or 1 day (acute experiment). A low tryptophan diet led to decreases in plasma tryptophan levels, low ratio of tryptophan/large neutral amino acid, whole blood 5-HT, and neuronal 5-HT content in the Dorsal and Median Raphe Nuclei, as well as altered c-fos expression in the brain. Without concomitant immobilization, the diet alone did not affect reactivity and habituation to acoustic stimuli, although plasma corticosterone levels, but not the adrenal weights, were increased on day 5. Low tryptophan and chronic immobilization stress together with the acoustic testing procedure increased adrenal weight, plasma corticosterone levels and reactivity to the acoustic stimuli, but not the rate of habituation to acoustic stimuli. These results show that cerebral dysfunction of serotonin achieved through a low tryptophan diet, increases the sensitivity of rats to external and stressful stimuli, but does not impair the capacity to adapt to these stimuli. Accordingly, brain-serotonin modulates reactivity to stress, but not stress coping.  相似文献   
To evaluate antibody specificities induced by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) versus human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope antigens in nonhuman primate (NHP), we profiled binding antibody responses to linear epitopes in NHP studies with HIV-1 or SIV immunogens. We found that, overall, HIV-1 Env IgG responses were dominated by V3, with the notable exception of the responses to the vaccine strain A244 Env that were dominated by V2, whereas the anti-SIVmac239 Env responses were dominated by V2 regardless of the vaccine regimen.  相似文献   
Late Preclassic (300 BC-AD 100) turkey remains identified at the archaeological site of El Mirador (Petén, Guatemala) represent the earliest evidence of the Mexican turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) in the ancient Maya world. Archaeological, zooarchaeological, and ancient DNA evidence combine to confirm the identification and context. The natural pre-Hispanic range of the Mexican turkey does not extend south of central Mexico, making the species non-local to the Maya area where another species, the ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata), is indigenous. Prior to this discovery, the earliest evidence of M. gallopavo in the Maya area dated to approximately one thousand years later. The El Mirador specimens therefore represent previously unrecorded Preclassic exchange of animals from northern Mesoamerica to the Maya cultural region. As the earliest evidence of M. gallopavo found outside its natural geographic range, the El Mirador turkeys also represent the earliest indirect evidence for Mesoamerican turkey rearing or domestication. The presence of male, female and sub-adult turkeys, and reduced flight morphology further suggests that the El Mirador turkeys were raised in captivity. This supports an argument for the origins of turkey husbandry or at least captive rearing in the Preclassic.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the action of the Rev and Tev proteins of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and of the Rex protein of human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) on a series of Rev-responsive element (RRE) mutants. The minimum continuous RRE region necessary and sufficient for Rev function was determined to be 204 nucleotides. Interestingly, this region was not sufficient for Tev or Rex function. These proteins require additional sequences, which may stabilize the structure of the RRE or may contain additional sequence-specific elements. Internal RRE deletions revealed that the targets for Rev and Rex can be separated, since mutants responding to Rev and not Rex and vice versa were identified. Tev was active on both types of mutants, suggesting that it has a more relaxed specificity than do both Rev and Rex proteins. Although Rev and Rex targets within the RRE appear to be distinct, the trans-dominant mutant RevBL prevents the RRE interaction with Rex. RevBL cannot inhibit the function of Rex on RRE deletions that lack the Rev-responsive portion. These results indicate the presence of distinct sites within the RRE for interaction with these proteins. The binding sites for the different proteins do not function independently and may interfere with one another. Mutations affecting the RRE may change the accessibility and binding characteristics of the different binding sites.  相似文献   
In the present report we clarify the role of PPARgamma in differentiation and function of human-derived monocyte/macrophages in vitro. Rosiglitazone, a selective PPARgamma activator, had no effect on the kinetics of appearance of monocyte/macrophage differentiation markers or on cell size or granularity. Depletion of PPARgamma by more than 90% using antisense oligonucleotides did not influence accumulation of oxidized LDL or prevent the upregulation of CD36 that normally accompanies oxLDL treatment. In contrast, PPARgamma depletion reduced the expression of ABCA1 and LXRalpha mRNAs. Metalloproteinase-9 expression, a marker of atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability, was suppressed by rosiglitazone. We conclude that activation of PPARgamma does not affect monocyte/macrophage differentiation. In addition, PPARgamma is not absolutely required for oxLDL-driven lipid accumulation, but is required for full expression of ABCA1 and LXRalpha. Our data support a role for rosiglitazone as a potential directly acting antiatherosclerotic agent.  相似文献   
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