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Because mating is a product of individual reproductive strategies that may vary with changing conditions, we predicted variable mating behaviour in an arid-adapted, territorial rodent, the giant kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ingens. We also predicted that familiarity would facilitate nonaggressive courtship and mating in this solitary rodent. Through direct observations in the field, we found that mating varied from exclusive to multiple partners. Where densities were low, and on nights when multiple females were in oestrus, each animal mated with one member of the opposite sex. In conditions where the operational sex ratio was skewed towards multiple males, males footdrummed and competed for females. Males were able to mate with one or two females in adjacent territories, and they successfully competed for these same females throughout the breeding season. Females that mated exclusively with one male had more pups emerge from the burrow compared with females that experienced male competition. Females allowed nearest neighbour males to enter their burrows, and they engaged in more nonaggressive contact with close neighbours than with other males. Paired encounters in the field showed less aggression towards neighbours than strangers. In laboratory tests, females were less aggressive towards and allowed more contact with familiar than unfamiliar males. These results show that D. ingens can alter mating strategies as conditions change. Familiarity is an important factor in nonaggressive interactions between males and females and may be important to mate preferences in females during reproduction. The less aggressive behaviour to neighbours than to strangers (‘dear enemy’ phenomenon) is consistent with other solitary animals that defend multipurpose territories. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
The isoquinoline alkaloids protopine, cryptopine, sinactine, stylopine, bicuculline, adlumine, parfumine, fumariline, fumarophycine, fumaritine, dihydrofumariline, parfumidine and dihydrosanguinarine have been determined and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in Fumaria agraria, F. bastardii, F. capreolata, F. sepium, F. densiflora, F. faurei, F. officinalis subsp. officinalis, F. parviflora, F. petteri subsp. calcarata and F. macrosepala. The chemotaxonomic significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   
Cystic ovarian disease is a major cause of reproductive failure and economic loss for the dairy industry. Many cysts that develop during the early postpartum period regress spontaneously. However, it is difficult to decide at what point it would be more cost effective to treat ovarian cysts than to wait for spontaneous recovery. The objective of this study was to analyze risk factors for the development of the ovarian cystic condition during early and late postpartum, and for its persistence or recovery during the pre-service period in lactating dairy cows. Using multiple logistic regression, we analyzed data derived from 873 lactating dairy cows from a single herd. An ovarian cyst was diagnosed if it was possible to observe a single follicular structure with an antrum diameter > or = 25 mm in the absence of a corpus luteum in three sonograms performed at 7-day intervals. The cystic condition was denoted as early if the cyst was diagnosed 43-49 days postpartum, and late if detected 57-63-day postpartum. Spontaneous cyst regression before 60-day postpartum was regarded as early cystic recovery. For the early cystic group, there were no significant effects of lactation number, body condition score on prepartum Day 60, at parturition or on postpartum Day 30, or of body condition loss from parturition to 30-day postpartum. Cows calving in summer were 2.6 times more likely to develop ovarian cysts than those giving birth in winter. The risk of having a cyst was 1.9 times higher in cows with an abnormal puerperium. A 1-kg increase in milk yield raised the risk of cysts by a factor of 1.05. A 1-unit increase in body condition score (scale from 1 to 5) from prepartum Day 60 to parturition increased the risk of cyst development 8.4 times. Milk production and lactation number were negatively correlated with spontaneous early cyst recovery. A 1-kg decrease in milk production increased the probability of cyst recovery by a factor of 1.06, and a 1-unit drop in lactation number was associated with a 1.4-fold increased probability of cyst recovery. For the late cystic group, there were no significant effects of abnormal puerperium and body score data, except for a prepartum change in body score. Calving season (Odds ratio: 2.3), lactation number (Odds ratio: 1.36), increased milk production (Odds ratio: 1.05) and increased body condition score during the prepartum period (Odds ratio: 4.3) were all related to an increased risk of ovarian cysts. The probability of having a late cyst was 36.6 times greater in cows with early cysts. These findings suggest that it would be profitable to treat multiparous cows having cysts very early in the postpartum period, while treatment of primiparous cows should be delayed, at least until the end of the pre-service period, to provide the opportunity for spontaneous recovery.  相似文献   
The effect of p-chlorophenylalanie (p-CPA) --300 mg/kg-- on reproduction has been studied in the female rat. Groups of animals were injected with a dose of 300 mg/kg of p-CPA 48 hours before proper copulation conditions at different moments along the ovarian cycle. Presence of spermatozoa in the vaginal frotis was negative in treated rats; in the control groups however, positivity was found in variable proportions according to the phase of the ovarian cycle: 30 ad 90% in diestrus and proestrus respectively. Treated animals showed continuous diestrus phases and diffuse luteinitation of the ovary. The results may indicate that a decrease of cerebral 5-HT, caused by p-CPA, lessens the reproductive behaviour of the female rat through mechanisms depending probably on the liberation of gonadrotrophins.  相似文献   
Summary The presence of 1% agar in the fixation and substrate solutions for the histochemical demonstration of thiamine pyrophosphatase (4.4 mM TPP; 3.6 mM Pb2+; 0.025 Tris-maleate buffer, pH 7.2) clearly facilitates the localization of the enzyme in Golgi apparatus in cold microtome sections prepared from unfixed specimens.  相似文献   
The marine waters of the Baja California peninsula (Mexico) are a rich source of brown seaweeds with a great potential for exploitation. For that reason, Sargassum sinicola, Eisenia arborea, and Macrocystis pyrifera collected from different locations were subjected to extraction of sodium alginate using a pilot-plant scale process developed in our facilities. The composition and sequence parameters of the recovered alginate were studied by infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The spectral analysis of the products revealed that sodium alginate from S. sinicola contains a greater proportion of guluronate monomers (64%) than that from E. arborea (48%), and M. pyrifera (38%). Computation of the frequencies of diads and triads indicated that the alginate from S. sinicola was constructed by intercalated guluronate-blocks of 14 residues in length. In contrast, the length of the G-block in the alginates from E. arborea and M. pyrifera were 7 and 4 residues, respectively. The results show that S. sinicola, E. arborea, and M. pyrifera are sources of sodium alginate with different mannuronate/guluronate ratios, as well as a varied building-block length. In consequence, aqueous dispersions of sodium alginate from the three studied species are expected to exhibit different physical properties.  相似文献   
Botrytis cinerea is a phytopathogenic fungus causing disease in a substantial number of economically important crops. In an attempt to identify putative fungal virulence factors, the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) protein profile from two B. cinerea strains differing in virulence and toxin production were compared. Protein extracts from fungal mycelium obtained by tissue homogenization were analyzed. The mycelial 2-DE protein profile revealed the existence of qualitative and quantitative differences between the analyzed strains. The lack of genomic data from B. cinerea required the use of peptide fragmentation data from MALDI-TOF/TOF and ESI ion trap for protein identification, resulting in the identification of 27 protein spots. A significant number of spots were identified as malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). The different expression patterns revealed by some of the identified proteins could be ascribed to differences in virulence between strains. Our results indicate that proteomic analysis are becoming an important tool to be used as a starting point for identifying new pathogenicity factors, therapeutic targets and for basic research on this plant pathogen in the postgenomic era.  相似文献   
Na+/H+exchanger (NHE) activation has been documented to contribute toendothelial cell injury caused by inflammatory states. However, therole of NHEs in regulation of the endothelial cell inflammatoryresponse has not been investigated. The present study tested thehypothesis that NHEs contribute to endothelial cell inflammationinduced by endotoxin or interleukin (IL)-1. NHE inhibition usingamiloride, 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)-amiloride, and5-(N-methyl-N-isobutyl)amiloride as well as thenon-amiloride NHE inhibitors cimetidine, clonidine, and harmalinesuppressed endotoxin-induced IL-8 and monocyte chemoattractant protein(MCP)-1 production by human umbilical endothelial vein cells (HUVECs). The suppressive effect of amiloride on endotoxin-induced IL-8 production was associated with a decreased accumulation of IL-8 mRNA.NHE inhibitors suppressed both inhibitory (I)B degradation andnuclear factor (NF)-B DNA binding, suggesting that a decrease inactivation of the IB-NF-B system contributed to the suppression of HUVEC inflammatory response by NHE blockade. NHE inhibition decreased also the IL-1-induced HUVEC inflammatory response, becauseamiloride suppressed IL-1-induced E-selectin expression on HUVECs.These results demonstrate that maximal activation of the HUVECinflammatory response requires a functional NHE.

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