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This study evaluates the potential of flow cytometry for chromosome sorting in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum Desf. var. durum, 2n = 4x = 28). Histograms of fluorescence intensity (flow karyotypes) obtained after the analysis of DAPI-stained chromosomes consisted of three peaks. Of these, one represented chromosome 3B, a small peak corresponded to chromosomes 1A and 6A, and a large peak represented the remaining 11 chromosomes. Chromosomes sorted onto microscope slides were identified after fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes for GAA microsatellite, pSc119.2, and Afa repeats. Genomic distribution of these sequences was determined for the first time in durum wheat and a molecular karyotype has been developed for this crop. Flow karyotyping in double-ditelosomic lines of durum wheat revealed that the lines facilitated sorting of any arm of the wheat A- and B-genome chromosomes. Compared to hexaploid wheat, flow karyotype of durum wheat is less complex. This property results in better discrimination of telosomes and high purities in sorted fractions, ranging from 90 to 98%. We have demonstrated that large insert libraries can be created from DNA purified using flow cytometry. This study considerably expands the potential of flow cytogenetics for use in wheat genomics and opens the possibility of sequencing the genome of this important crop one chromosome arm at a time.  相似文献   
Biodistribution, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of prostate-cancer-targeted HPMA copolymer/DTX conjugates are evaluated in nude mice bearing prostate cancer C4-2 xenografts. PSMA-specific monoclonal antibodies 3F/11 are used as the targeting moiety. Control conjugates tumor accumulation to total background organs (heart, lung, kidney, liver, spleen and blood) accumulation increase substantially with time for the targeted conjugate, and the ratio at 48 h is 7-fold higher than that at 6 h. Preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of the conjugates in vivo show tumor growth inhibition for all HPMA copolymer/DTX conjugates.  相似文献   
P53 acetylation requires p300-docking to two contiguous sites in the activation domain that in turn mediates DNA-dependent acetylation of the tetramer. In an attempt to further define the mechanism of DNA-dependent acetylation of p53, an in vitro system has been reconstituted with distinct p53 isoforms and has been used to reveal conformational constraints on p53 acetylation. Two native p53 tetrameric isoforms purified from Sf9 cells differing by the extent of phosphorylation within the C-terminal acetylation site are both acetylated in a sequence-specific DNA-dependent manner. By contrast, p53 purified from an Escherichia coli expression system is in a largely denatured conformation and its acetylation is DNA-independent. Heating native p53 to destroy the folded structure restores DNA-independent acetylation similar to that seen with bacterially expressed p53. There are at least two sites of conformational flexibility in the p53 tetramer: the first in the flexible S10 beta-sheet within the MDM2 ubiquitination sequence and the second in the C-terminal regulatory domain. We analysed therefore whether DNA-dependent acetylation correlated with conformational changes in either of these two regions. DNA-dependent acetylation of p53 is maintained in a dose-dependent manner by low concentrations of consensus site DNA under conditions where flexibility in the S10 beta-sheet region is maintained. Oligonucleotide DNAs that promote acetylation stimulate the binding of monoclonal antibodies PAb421 and ICA-9; two antibodies whose contiguous epitopes overlap the C-terminal acetylation motif. By contrast, bent oligonucleotide DNAs that conceal both the S10 beta-sheet from binding of the monoclonal antibody DO-12 and attenuate binding of the monoclonal antibody PAb421 can preclude acetylation. These data suggest that, in the absence of DNA, the acetylation motif of p53 is in a cryptic state, but after DNA binding, allosteric effects mediate an exposure of the acetylation motif to allow DNA-dependent acetylation of the tetramer.  相似文献   
The effect of rotational grazing on the sward structure of long-term abandoned grassland and the sheep diet selection were investigated in the Giant Mts (Krkono?e/Karkonosze). The aim of the study was to answer the following questions: (1) Does sheep grazing affect the sward structure of previously abandoned mountain grassland? (2) How does sheep diet selection develop within and among grazing seasons? (3) Which section of a pasture do sheep prefer to graze? Data was collected three times during each grazing season in spring, summer and in autumn in the years 2001, 2002 and 2003 Fifty 1 × 1 m plots were used where the plant species occurrence and damage of plants by grazing for all species were repeatedly recorded. 1) Nonsignificant changes in plant species occurrences were recorded in spite of obvious visual changes in sward structure due to grazing e.g. the retreat of tall dominant species characteristic of long-term unmanaged grasslands. 2) Seasonal as well as inter-annual changes in sheep diet selection were detected. In spring 2001, sheep grazed over a wide variety of plant species in low quantities. In subsequent springs, they preferred species favoured during previous autumns (Veratrum album subsp. lobelianum; Ranunculus platanifolius; Senecio ovatus) and changed the diet only as a result of the elimination of favoured plants. 3) Sheep preferred to graze at the highest elevated part of the pasture probably as a consequence of anti-predator behaviour not due to higher occurrence of favoured plant species or the presence of a drinking place or salt licks. Changes in the sward structure were mostly of a quantitative not qualitative character, thus the presence-absence data collection is not a suitable method for monitoring the effects of management restoration. The diet selection changed probably due to the animals’ experience; sheep had no experience with montane species in spring 2001. The sheep were able to recognize favoured plant species after 6 months of wintering in lowland.  相似文献   
Gamma-tubulin is required for microtubule (MT) nucleation at MT organizing centers such as centrosomes or spindle pole bodies, but little is known about its noncentrosomal functions. We conditionally downregulated gamma-tubulin by inducible expression of RNA interference (RNAi) constructs in Arabidopsis thaliana. Almost complete RNAi depletion of gamma-tubulin led to the absence of MTs and was lethal at the cotyledon stage. After induction of RNAi expression, gamma-tubulin was gradually depleted from both cytoplasmic and microsomal fractions. In RNAi plants with partial loss of gamma-tubulin, MT recovery after drug-induced depolymerization was impaired. Similarly, immunodepletion of gamma-tubulin from Arabidopsis extracts severely compromised in vitro polymerization of MTs. Reduction of gamma-tubulin protein levels led to randomization and bundling of cortical MTs. This finding indicates that MT-bound gamma-tubulin is part of a cortical template guiding the microtubular network and is essential for MT nucleation. Furthermore, we found that cells with decreased levels of gamma-tubulin could progress through mitosis, but cytokinesis was strongly affected. Stepwise diminution of gamma-tubulin allowed us to reveal roles for MT nucleation in plant development, such as organization of cell files, anisotropic and polar tip growth, and stomatal patterning. Some of these functions of gamma-tubulin might be independent of MT nucleation.  相似文献   
Malacosporeans represent a small fraction of myxozoan biodiversity with only two genera and three species described. They cycle between bryozoans and freshwater fish. In this study, we (i) microscopically examine and screen different freshwater/marine fish species from various geographic locations and habitats for the presence of malacosporeans using PCR; (ii) study the morphology, prevalence, host species/habitat preference and distribution of malacosporeans; (iii) perform small subunit/large subunit rDNA and Elongation factor 2 based phylogenetic analyses of newly gathered data, together with all available malacosporean data in GenBank; and (iv) investigate the evolutionary trends of malacosporeans by mapping the morphology of bryozoan-related stages, host species, habitat and geographic data on the small subunit rDNA-based phylogenetic tree. We reveal a high prevalence and diversity of malacosporeans in several fish hosts in European freshwater habitats by adding five new species of Buddenbrockia and Tetracapsuloides from cyprinid and perciform fishes. Comprehensive phylogenetic analyses revealed that, apart from Buddenbrockia and Tetracapsuloides clades, a novel malacosporean lineage (likely a new genus) exists. The fish host species spectrum was extended for Buddenbrockia plumatellae and Buddenbrockia sp. 2. Co-infections of up to three malacosporean species were found in individual fish. The significant increase in malacosporean species richness revealed in the present study points to a hidden biodiversity in this parasite group. This is most probably due to the cryptic nature of malacosporean sporogonic and presporogonic stages and mostly asymptomatic infections in the fish hosts. The potential existence of malacosporean life cycles in the marine environment as well as the evolution of worm- and sac-like morphology is discussed. This study improves the understanding of the biodiversity, prevalence, distribution, habitat and host preference of malacosporeans and unveils their evolutionary trends.  相似文献   
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