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Scattered green was studied in Czechoslovakia by means of the air multispectral photography and of the field observation. According to various repartition and canopy 19 structural types of seattered green were derived.  相似文献   
Up-to-date crop production concentrates on the maximisation of plant matter production, both by optimum utilization of solar energy by plants and by the application of additional energy. Therefore a natural strategy is being developed aimed at combining the physiological functions of the assimilation organs with their external shaping and strengthening their variety in space and area. As demonstrated by many deposition studies, this effect is contradictory to the factors conditioning the low deposition capacity of plant covers. A high level of particle, gas and solution deposition increases the danger of food chain contamination and has a negative impact on plant production. Data concentrated on transport values of pollutants and their long-term dynamics in stands could be used for the selection of ideal crop types; therefore every effort should be directed towards selection and breeding.  相似文献   
Abstract: The neutral and phospholipid composition of mouse brain infected with scrapie prions was investigated. During the later stages of this disease, the level of dolichol decreased by 30% whereas the level of dolichyl phosphate increased by 30%. In terminally ill mice, there was also a 2.5-fold increase in both total ubiquinone and its reduced form. Furthermore, α-tocopherol was elevated at this stage by 50%. In contrast, no changes were observed in phospholipid amount, in phospholipid composition, and in phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogen content during the entire disease process. The fatty acid and aldehyde composition of individual phospholipids remained unaltered as well. No modifications could be detected in cholesterol content. Thus, the majority of membrane lipids in scrapie-infected mouse brain are modified in neither quantity nor structure, but specific changes occur to a few polyisoprenoid lipids. This specificity indicates that, although prions accumulate in lysosomes, the infection process is not associated with a general membrane destruction caused by lysosomal enzyme leakage.  相似文献   
Many prey species change their antipredator defence during ontogeny, which may be connected to different potential predators over the life cycle of the prey. To test this hypothesis, we compared reactions of two predator taxa – spiders and birds – to larvae and adults of two invasive true bug species, Oxycarenus hyalinipennis and Oxycarenus lavaterae (Heteroptera: Oxycarenidae) with life-stage-specific chemical defence mechanisms. The reactions to larvae and adults of both true bug species strikingly differed between the two predator taxa. The spiders were deterred by the defences of adult bugs, but the larval defences were ineffective against them. By contrast, birds attacked the larvae considerably less often than the adult bugs. The results indicate a predator-specific ontogenetic change in defence effectiveness of both Oxycarenus species. The change in defence is likely linked to the life-stage-specific composition of secretions in both species: whereas secretions of larvae are dominated by unsaturated aldehydes, secretions of adults are rich in terpenoids, which probably serve dual function of defensive chemicals and pheromones. Our results highlight the variation in defence between different life stages and the importance of testing responses of different types of predators.  相似文献   
 A panel of monoclonal antibodies specific of α-tubulin (TU-01, TU-09) and β-tubulin (TU-06, TU-13) subunits was used to study the location of N-terminal structural domains of tubulin in adult mouse brain. The specificity of antibodies was confirmed b immunoblotting experiments. Immunohistochemical staining of vibratome sections from cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and corpus callosum showed that antibodies TU-01, TU-09, and TU13 reacted with neuronal and glial cells and their processes, whereas the TU-06 antibody stained only the perikarya. Dendrites and axons were either unstained or their staining was very weak. As the TU-06 epitope is located on the N-terminal structural domain of β-tubulin, the observed staining pattern cannot be interpreted as evidence of a distinct subcellular localization of β-tubulin isotypes or known post-translational modifications. The limited distribution of the epitope could, rather, reflect differences between the conformations of tubulin molecules in microtubules of somata and neurites or, alternatively, a specific masking of the corresponding region on the N-terminal domain of β-tubulin by interacting protein(s) in dendrites and axons. Accepted: 11 November 1996  相似文献   
Body mass data were collected for 5 species of tundra waders during 6 breeding seasons to study variation in nutrient reserves relative to high arctic climatic conditions and the stage of reproduction. Structural size was accounted for by the 1st Principal Component of external linear measurements: wing length, bill length and tarsus length. SandpipersCalidris spp. were on average lighter in phenologically late seasons, while mass of Turnstones (Arenaria interpres) was similar in all years. Mass of waders was lower during brood-rearing than during incubation. Body mass during pre-nesting was most variable between years, reflecting the unpredictable weather conditions in this period. Monogamous species (KnotsCalidris canutus and Turnstones) began to breed earlier, and were on average, as heavy during the pre-nesting period as during incubation. In contrast, species with a proven or suspected rapid double-clutch breeding system (Little StintsC. minuta and SanderlingsC. alba) began to breed later and had during the laying period masses close to those of adults attending broods, and lower than during incubation. Body mass of the two latter species and Curlew Sandpipers (Calidris ferruginea) varied during incubation, reaching peak at 7 to 13 days after clutch completion.
Zusammenfassung Von fünf Tundra-Watvogelarten wurden in sechs Brutperioden Daten zur Körpermasse gewonnen, um die Dynamik der Energiereserven in Abhängigkeit von den klimatischen Bedingungen der Hocharktis und vom Fortpflanzungsstadium zu analysieren. Der Einfluß der Körpermaße auf die Masse wurde bei der statistischen Auswertung durch die Einbeziehung der 1. Hauptkomponente von Flügel-, Schnabel- und Tarsuslänge berücksichtigt. StrandläuferCalidris spec. erwiesen sich in späten Jahren als leichter, während in der Körpermasse von Steinwälzern (Arenaria interpres) keine Unterschiede festgestellt werden konnten. Die Körpermasse aller untersuchter Arten war während der Betreuung der Jungvögel geringer als während Brütezeit. Die Masse in der Zeit vor der Brut variierte in Übereinstimmung mit den wechselnden Wetterbedingungen in den einzelnen Jahren am stärksten. Monogame Arten (KnutCalidris canutus und Steinwälzer) begannen früher mit der Fortpflanzung; ihre Körpermasse in der Phase von der Brut und während der Brütezeit war im Mittel etwa gleich. Im Gegensatz dazu begannen Arten, bei denen ein Doppelbrutsystem nachgewiesen wurde oder vermutet wird (ZwergstrandläuferC. minuta und SanderlingC. alba), später mit dem Nestbau, wobei die Körpermasse auf ein Niveau absinkt, das dem während der Betreuung der Jungvögel nahekommt und geringer ist, als das während der Brütezeit. Bei den beiden letzten Arten sowie beim Sichelstrandläufer (Calidris ferrugunea) veränderte sich die Körpermasse während des Brütens und erreichte ein Maximum zwischen dem 7. und dem 13. Tag nach Beendigung der Eiablage.
Karyotypes ofTragopogon orientalis L. subsp.orientalis, T orientalis L. subsp.leiocarpos (Sauter)Trnka,T. pratensis L.,T. minor Miller,T. dubius Scop. subsp.dubius andT. dubius Scop. subsp.major (Jacq.)Vollmann were studied. The occurrence in Slovakia ofT. pratensis was karyologically proved.  相似文献   
The isolation of two Thormählen-positive compounds from the urine of a patient with malignant melanoma and the elucidation of their structure by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry is described. The compounds were isolated using a poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone column and separated by preparative thin-layer chromatography. After elution they were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography—mass spectrometry as their trimethylsilyl derivatives and after hydrolysis also as their tert.-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives. The results showed the main Thormählen-positive compound A to be the glucuronide of 5-hydroxy-6-methoxyindole, whereas the minor compound AX appeared to be the glucuronide of its isomer 6-hydroxy-5-methoxyindole.  相似文献   
Physicochemical characteristics of previously suggested surface-modified polymeric nanogranules (SMPN) and catalytic and stability properties of alpha-chymotrypsin entrapped into such nanogranules in a nonpolar solvent were investigated in more details. SMPN were obtained by polymerization of an acrylamide/N,N'-methylene-bisacrylamide mixture in a mixed reversed micellar system composed of Aerosol OT [sodium di(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate] and the polymeric surfactant Pluronic F-108 modified with polymerizable groups, followed by the chromatographic removal of the auxiliary surfactant, Aerosol OT. An optimal solvent system was found providing the required orientation of the polymeric surfactant in starting mixed micelles, i.e. with polar fragments immersed into the micellar interior and apolar fragments protruding into organic solvent. The hydrodynamic diameter of SMPN in benzene solution was estimated by means of quasi-elastic light scattering to be 84 +/- 1 nm. Catalytic and stability properties of alpha-chymotrypsin entrapped into SMPN strongly depended on conditions of preparation of SMPN. The optimal concentration of acrylamide monomers in the micellar interior and hydration degree of starting reversed micelles were found to be 20% by mass and wo = 15, respectively. alpha-Chymotrypsin-containing SMPN were used as a catalyst in the synthesis of N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester from N-acetyl-L-tyrosine and ethanol, performed in a membrane reactor.  相似文献   
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