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The TA regions of biotype III octopine/cucumopine (OC) Ti plasmids are closely related to the TL region of the biotype I octopine Ti plasmids pTiAch5 and pTi15955. Sequence analysis shows that the limited and wide host range biotype III OC TA regions are derived from a common ancestor structure which lacked the 6a gene found in the biotype I octopine TL region. The TA region of the wide host range OC Ti plasmids has conserved most of the original TL-like structure. In most wide host range OC isolates the TA-iaaH gene is inactivated by the insertion of an IS866 element. However, the TA region of the wide host range isolate Hm1 carries an intact TA-iaaH gene. This gene encodes a biologically active product, as shown by root induction tests and indole-3-acetic acid measurements.The limited host range OC Ti plasmids pTiAB3 and pTiAg57 have shorter TA regions which are derived from a wide host range TA region. The AB3 type arose by an IS868-mediated, internal TA region deletion which removed the iaa genes and part of the ipt gene and left a copy of IS868 at the position of the deleted fragment. The pTiAB3 iaa/ipt deletion was followed by insertion of a second IS element, IS869, immediately 3 of the ipt gene. pTiAg57 underwent the same iaa-ipt deletion as pTiAB3, but lacks the IS868 and IS869 elements.Analysis of the various TA region structures provides a detailed insight into the evolution of the biotype III OC strains.  相似文献   
Normal, reactive, and neoplastic astrocytes express two types of intermediate filament (IF) proteins, namely glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin. Their submicroscopical distribution in vivo is so far unknown. We therefore investigated four malignant gliomas by electron microscopy, applying postembedding double immunogold labeling. The IF proteins were randomly scattered over the same filament bundles, as in previous experiments on glioma cultures. No clustering or preferential intracytoplasmic location of either IF protein was visible. The demonstration of IF proteins within nuclei gives some support to the suggested intranuclear functions of IF proteins.  相似文献   
Protein splicing in trans has been demonstrated both in vivo and in vitro by biochemical and immunological analyses, but in vivo production of a functional protein by trans-splicing has not been reported previously. In this study, we used the DnaE intein from Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803, which presumably reconstitutes functional DnaE protein by trans-splicing in vivo, to produce functional herbicide-resistant acetolactate synthase II (ALSII) from two unlinked gene fragments in Escherichia coli. The gene for herbicide-resistant ALSII was fused in frame to DnaE intein segments capable of promoting protein splicing in trans and was expressed from two compatible plasmids as two unlinked fragments. Cotransformation of E. coli with the two plasmids led to production of a functional enzyme that conferred herbicide resistance to the host E. coli cells. These results demonstrate the feasibility of expressing functional genes from two unlinked DNA loci and provide a model for the design of nontransferable transgenes in plants.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that digoxin decreases testosterone secretion in testicular interstitial cells. However, the effect of digoxin on progesterone secretion in luteal cells is unclear. Progesterone is known as an endogenous digoxin-like hormone (EDLH). This study investigates how digitalis affected progesterone production and whether progesterone antagonized the effects of digitalis. Digoxin or digitoxin, but not ouabain, decreased the basal and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-stimulated progesterone secretion as well as the activity of cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc) in luteal cells. 8-Br-cAMP and forskolin did not affect the reduction. Neither the amount of P450scc, the amount of steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein, nor the activity of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) was affected by digoxin or digitoxin. Moreover, in testicular interstitial and luteal cells, progesterone partially attenuated the reduction of pregnenolone by digoxin or digitoxin and the progesterone antagonist, RU486, blocked this attenuation. These new findings indicated that (1) digoxin or digitoxin inhibited pregnenolone production by decreasing the activity of P450scc enzyme, but not Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, resulting in a decrease on progesterone secretion in rat luteal cells, and (2) the inhibitory effect on pregnenolone production by digoxin or digitoxin was reversed partially by progesterone. In conclusion, digoxin or digitoxin decreased progesterone production via the inhibition of pregnenolone by decreasing P450scc activity. Progesterone, an EDLH, could antagonize the effects of digoxin or digitoxin in luteal cells.  相似文献   
Ideally, shotgun proteomics would facilitate the identification of an entire proteome with 100% protein sequence coverage. In reality, the large dynamic range and complexity of cellular proteomes results in oversampling of abundant proteins, while peptides from low abundance proteins are undersampled or remain undetected. We tested the proteome equalization technology, ProteoMiner, in conjunction with Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) to determine how the equalization of protein dynamic range could improve shotgun proteomics methods for the analysis of cellular proteomes. Our results suggest low abundance protein identifications were improved by two mechanisms: (1) depletion of high abundance proteins freed ion trap sampling space usually occupied by high abundance peptides and (2) enrichment of low abundance proteins increased the probability of sampling their corresponding more abundant peptides. Both mechanisms also contributed to dramatic increases in the quantity of peptides identified and the quality of MS/MS spectra acquired due to increases in precursor intensity of peptides from low abundance proteins. From our large data set of identified proteins, we categorized the dominant physicochemical factors that facilitate proteome equalization with a hexapeptide library. These results illustrate that equalization of the dynamic range of the cellular proteome is a promising methodology to improve low abundance protein identification confidence, reproducibility, and sequence coverage in shotgun proteomics experiments, opening a new avenue of research for improving proteome coverage.  相似文献   


Plasmodium malariae is a slow-growing parasite with a wide geographic distribution. Although generally regarded as a benign cause of malaria, it has been associated with nephrotic syndrome, particularly in young children, and can persist in the host for years. Morbidity associated with P. malariae infection has received relatively little attention, and the risk of P. malariae-associated nephrotic syndrome is unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used data from a very large hospital-based surveillance system incorporating information on clinical diagnoses, blood cell parameters and treatment to describe the demographic distribution, morbidity and mortality associated with P. malariae infection in southern Papua, Indonesia. Between April 2004 and December 2013 there were 1,054,674 patient presentations to Mitra Masyarakat Hospital of which 196,380 (18.6%) were associated with malaria and 5,097 were with P. malariae infection (constituting 2.6% of all malaria cases). The proportion of malaria cases attributable to P. malariae increased with age from 0.9% for patients under one year old to 3.1% for patients older than 15 years. Overall, 8.5% of patients with P. malariae infection required admission to hospital and the median length of stay for these patients was 2.5 days (Interquartile Range: 2.0–4.0 days). Patients with P. malariae infection had a lower mean hemoglobin concentration (9.0g/dL) than patients with P. falciparum (9.5g/dL), P. vivax (9.6g/dL) and mixed species infections (9.3g/dL). There were four cases of nephrotic syndrome recorded in patients with P. malariae infection, three of which were in children younger than 5 years old, giving a risk in this age group of 0.47% (95% Confidence Interval; 0.10% to 1.4%). Overall, 2.4% (n = 16) of patients hospitalized with P. malariae infection subsequently died in hospital, similar to the proportions for the other endemic Plasmodium species (range: 0% for P. ovale to 1.6% for P. falciparum).


Plasmodium malariae infection is relatively uncommon in Papua, Indonesia but is associated with significant morbidity from anemia and a similar risk of mortality to patients hospitalized with P. falciparum and P. vivax infection. In our large hospital database, one in 200 children under the age of 5 years with P. malariae infection were recorded as having nephrotic syndrome.  相似文献   
A widely accepted model of the temporal and spatial organization of proliferation and differentiation in intestinal epithelia is based on a cellular pedigree with all cells descending from a few active stem cells and undergoing a sequence of transitory divisions until the non-proliferating maturing cell stages develop. Model simulations have shown that such a pedigree concept can explain a large variety of data. However, so far there is neither a direct experimental proof for the existence of an intrinsic age structure in the transitory proliferative cell stages nor for the distinction between stem and transitory cells. It is our objective to suggest an alternative model which is based on evidence for intercellular communications such as might be mediated through gap junctions. We consider the diffusion of a hypothetical intraepithelial growth factor in a chain of cells which are connected via gap junctions. Individual cells can divide if a critical growth factor concentration is exceeded. Simulation studies show that the model is consistent with many observed features of the small intestinal crypt in steady state and after perturbation.  相似文献   

Background and Purpose  

The impact of traumatic brain injury (TBI) on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD) is still controversial. The aim of our retrospective autopsy study was to assess the impact of TBE and ApoE allele frequency on the development of AD.  相似文献   
The data needed to derive an accurate estimate of saprobic microfungi are insufficient, incomplete and contradictory. We therefore address issues that will ultimately reveal whether there are 1.5 million global fungal species, which is the generally accepted working estimate. Our data indicates that large numbers of fungi occur on host families, such as Musaceae, host genera such as Nothofagus and individual host species such as Eucalyptus globulus, and that fungi may be specific or recurrent on different plant groups. Recent studies have shown that fungal numbers on hosts may be larger than originally thought as saprobes are organ-specific/-recurrent and changes in fungal communities occur as substrata decays. Other issues, such as the impact of geography, of methodology and of taxonomy are also addressed. There is evidence that fungi on the same host at different locations also differs; site-specific factors and geographic distance may be more important than host/substrate in shaping fungal assemblages. Methodology impacts on estimates of species diversity with many more taxa observed using indirect isolation protocols as compared to direct isolations from leaves. Our understanding of fungal species numbers in speciose genera is important. In some fungal groups accepted species have been reduced to a few species, while in other groups many cryptic species are being uncovered. While we make a number of generalisations from the studies reported here, this review also highlights some of the limitations mycologists currently have to contend with. A large body of knowledge exists for certain groups of microfungi or for microfungi occurring on certain substrata/hosts. However, it is likely that we are drawing conclusions from data that are somewhat biased toward fungi and host/substrata that are of interest to human endeavours. The discrepancy between the numbers of fungi described from only one economically important genus, Eucalyptus, and all the other members of the Myrtaceae is but one example of this bias. By incorporating the large body of work that is already available and adding appropriate complementary studies, we can accelerate our understanding of microfungal diversity and this will eventually lead us to a realistic estimate of global fungal species numbers.  相似文献   
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