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Seafloor habitats on continental shelf margins are increasingly being the subject of worldwide conservation efforts to protect them from human activities due to their biological and economic value. Quantitative data on the epibenthic taxa which contributes to the biodiversity value of these continental shelf margins is vital for the effectiveness of these efforts, especially at the spatial resolution required to effectively manage these ecosystems. We quantified the diversity of morphotype classes on an outcropping reef system characteristic of the continental shelf margin in the Flinders Commonwealth Marine Reserve, southeastern Australia. The system is uniquely characterized by long linear outcropping ledge features in sedimentary bedrock that differ markedly from the surrounding low-profile, sand-inundated reefs. We characterize a reef system harboring rich morphotype classes, with a total of 55 morphotype classes identified from the still images captured by an autonomous underwater vehicle. The morphotype class Cnidaria/Bryzoa/Hydroid matrix dominated the assemblages recorded. Both α and β diversity declined sharply with distance from nearest outcropping reef ledge feature. Patterns of the morphotype classes were characterized by (1) morphotype turnover at scales of 5 to 10s m from nearest outcropping reef ledge feature, (2) 30 % of morphotype classes were recorded only once (i.e. singletons), and (3) generally low levels of abundance (proportion cover) of the component morphotype class. This suggests that the assemblages in this region contain a considerable number of locally rare morphotype classes. This study highlights the particular importance of outcropping reef ledge features in this region, as they provide a refuge against sediment scouring and inundation common on the low profile reef that characterizes this region. As outcropping reef features, they represent a small fraction of overall reef habitat yet contain much of the epibenthic faunal diversity. This study has relevance to conservation planning for continental shelf habitats, as protecting a single, or few, areas of reef is unlikely to accurately represent the geomorphic diversity of cross-shelf habitats and the morphotype diversity that is associated with these features. Equally, when designing monitoring programs these spatially-discrete, but biologically rich outcropping reef ledge features should be considered as distinct components in stratified sampling designs.  相似文献   
We describe here the oncostatin M (OSM)-dependent inhibition of in vivo tumour formation after intracerebral inoculation of glioblastoma cells in mice. We generated human glioblastoma cells transfected with the OSM gene under the control of a tetracycline-response promoter. Upon removal of tetracycline from the medium, cells exhibited a differentiated cell morphology, while proliferation was significantly inhibited. After implantation of these cells into nude mice brains, large tumours developed in animals lacking OSM expression, whereas no tumour formation was observed in mice with induced OSM expression. Our results suggest that OSM exerts pronounced antitumorigenic effects on glioblastoma cells in vivo and provide arguments for a therapeutic application of OSM in humans.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der ventrale Mandibel-Muskelrezeptor wird im Kopf von Liposcelis bostrichophilus (Psocoptera) nachgewiesen. Er zieht, median der Mandibel-Gelenkachse gelegen, vom vorderen Tentorium-Arm zur hinteren Mandibel-Basis und wird also während der Abduktion der Mandibel gedehnt. Der Rezeptor besteht aus einer motorisch und sensorisch innervierten Muskelfaser und 10 bipolaren, multiterminalen Sinneszellen. Einige der Sinneszellen senden ihre Dendriten ins Innere des Rezeptor-Muskels, wo sie sich verzweigen und jeweils an den Z-Scheiben enden. Die übrigen Sinneszellen bilden mit ihren Dendriten ein Bündel, das der Oberfläche des Rezeptor-Muskels anliegt. Nur die ins Innere ziehenden Dendriten weisen in ihren Endigungen Tubularkörper-ähnliche Strukturen auf. Sowohl die Sinneszellen als auch der Rezeptor-Muskel werden von Hüllzell-Wicklungen eng umhüllt.
Summary The ventral mandibular muscle receptor in the head of Liposcelis bostrichophilus (Psocoptera) is described. It is located median to the mandibular hinge axis, extending from the front tentorium to the dorsal mandibular basis, and is stretched according to the movements of the mandible. The receptor consists of a sensorily and a motor-stimulated muscle fibre and ten bipolar multiterminal neurons. Some of the neurons send their dendrites into the inner part of the receptor muscle, where they branch and terminate at the level of the Z discs. The other neurons build a dendritic bunch, which runs parallel to the muscle fibre surface. Only the dendrites located close to the Z discs show tubular-body-like structures in their terminal ends. The multiterminal neurons and the receptor muscle are covered with glial cells.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
Zum Gelingen dieses Symposiums haben viele entscheidend beigetragen. Tatkräftige Hilfe bei der Organisation habe ich vielen Mitgliedern des Institutes zu verdanken. Stellvertretend für alle sollen nur Frau Dr. C. Gack and meine technische Assistentin, Frau Christine Gutmann , besonders crwähnt werden. Großzügige finanzielle Unterstützung erhielten wir von der Fa. Goedecke (Freiburg) und dem Herder-Verlag (Freiburg).  相似文献   
A library of Bacillus subtilis DNA in lambda Charon 4A (Ferrari, E., Henner, D.J., and Hoch, J.A. (1981) J. Bacteriol. 146, 430-432) was screened by an immunological procedure for DNA sequences encoding aspartokinase II of B. subtilis, an enzyme composed of two nonidentical subunits arranged in an alpha 2 beta 2 structure (Moir, D., and Paulus, H. (1977a) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 4648-4654). A recombinant bacteriophage was identified that harbored an 18-kilobase B. subtilis DNA fragment containing the coding sequences for both aspartokinase subunits. The coding sequence for aspartokinase II was subcloned into bacterial plasmids. In response to transformation with the recombinant plasmids, Escherichia coli produced two polypeptides immunologically related to B. subtilis aspartokinase II with molecular weights (43,000 and 17,000) indistinguishable from those found in enzyme produced in B. subtilis. Peptide mapping by partial proteolysis confirmed the identity of the polypeptides produced by the transformed E. coli cells with the B. subtilis aspartokinase II subunits. The size of the cloned B. subtilis DNA fragment could be reduced to 2.9 kilobases by cleavage with PstI restriction endonuclease without affecting its ability to direct the synthesis of complete aspartokinase II subunits, irrespective of its orientation in the plasmid vector. Further subdivision by cleavage with BamHI restriction endonuclease resulted in the production of truncated aspartokinase subunits, each shortened by the same extent. This suggested that a single DNA sequence encoded both aspartokinase subunits and provided an explanation for the earlier observation that the smaller beta subunit of aspartokinase II was highly homologous or identical with the carboxyl-terminal portion of the alpha subunit (Moir, D., and Paulus, H. (1977b) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 4655-4661). A map of the gene for B. subtilis aspartokinase II is proposed in which the coding sequence for the smaller beta subunit overlaps in the same reading frame the promoter-distal portion of the coding sequence for the alpha subunit.  相似文献   


Risky decision-making is commonly observed in persons at risk for and infected with HIV and is associated with executive dysfunction. Yet it is currently unknown whether HIV alters brain processing of risk-taking decision-making.


This study examined the neural substrate of a risky decision-making task in 21 HIV seropositive (HIV+) and 19 seronegative (HIV-) comparison participants. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was conducted while participants performed the risky-gains task, which involves choosing among safe (20 cents) and risky (40/80 cent win or loss) choices. Linear mixed effects analyses examining group and decision type were conducted. Robust regressions were performed to examine the relationship between nadir CD4 count and Kalichman sexual compulsivity and brain activation in the HIV+ group. The overlap between the task effects and robust regressions was explored.


Although there were no serostatus effects in behavioral performance on the risky-gains task, HIV+ individuals exhibited greater activation for risky choices in the basal ganglia, i.e. the caudate nucleus, but also in the anterior cingulate, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and insula relative to the HIV- group. The HIV+ group also demonstrated reduced functional responses to safe choices in the anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex relative to the HIV- group. HIV+ individuals with higher nadir CD4 count and greater sexual compulsivity displayed lower differential responses to safe versus risky choices in many of these regions.


This study demonstrated fronto-striatal loop dysfunction associated with HIV infection during risky decision-making. Combined with similar between-group task behavior, this suggests an adaptive functional response in regions critical to reward and behavioral control in the HIV+ group. HIV-infected individuals with higher CD4 nadirs demonstrated activation patterns more similar to seronegative individuals. This suggests that the severity of past immunosuppression (CD4 nadir) may exert a legacy effect on processing of risky choices in the HIV-infected brain.  相似文献   
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