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The incidence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli in wild and producing animals has been studied to evaluate their importance as potential reservoirs of campylobacter infection. These organisms were isolated from: 59 chicken (60.2%), 65 swine (59.1%), 31 black rats (57.4%), 61 sparrows (45.5%), 21 ducks (40.5%), 32 cows (19.5%) and 27 sheep (15.3%). Biotypes, plasmid and resistance profiles were studied in order to characterize the isolates. Biotypes I and II of C. jejuni were predominant in all reservoirs except swine, where C. coli I was more frequent. Plasmid prevalence was higher in strains isolated from swine (53.8%) and rats (45.5%). The size of the plasmids ranged from 1.3 to 82 MDa. A 2.3 MDa plasmid was the most frequent, detected in all the reservoirs except ducks. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing revealed that 5.5% of the strains were resistant to ampicillin, 5.5% to tetracycline, 12.6% to erythromycin and 23.5% to streptomycin. Resistance to erythromycin (26.2%) and to streptomycin (58.4%) was particularly high in isolates from swine. Tetracycline resistance was encoded by a 33 or a 41 MDa plasmid and transferred by conjugation.  相似文献   
An arctic river was fertilized continuously through the ice-free season with phosphoric acid beginning in 1983. The epilithic diatom community increased in biomass in the first two years in response to the added limiting nutrient (Peterson et al., 1983). The diatom community switched from one dominated by Hannea arcus to one dominated by species of Achnanthes and Cymbella. The immediate responses to the P-addition were decreases in both the Shannon diversity and evenness indices. By the second year, the community diversity increased downriver reaching maximal species richness (110–127 spp). In 1985–1987, the epilithic algal biomass decreased an order of magnitude with both whole-river PO4 (1985, 1987) and PO4 + NH4 addition (1986). In the 5th summer of fertilization, the reduction in biomass was clearly caused by a numerical increase of grazing, refugia-building chironomids (Orthocladiinae, primarily) (Gibeau, 1991; Gibeau, Miller, Hershey, in prep.). We assume the algal biomass reduction in the 3rd and 4th years was similarly caused by grazers with a two year time lag in the numerical response of these monovoltine species. The evenness of the community increased in 1986 as if it might have been grazed; however the number of immigrants was reduced. The community became dominated by Eunotia, Cymbella and Achnanthes, species either fast growing or more prostrate, as the erect species of Hannea Diatoma, and Fragillaria declined. A detrended correspondence analysis of the temporal and spatial diatom samples in species space (186 spp.) showed that the largest variation in the community was between years and less variation was associated with river fertilization. Samples from bioassay tubes run by Peterson et al. (1983) in the Kuparuk River showed P and N + P limitation as found in the river in 1983–84. Like the river samples, the largest change in the diatom community occurred between 15 and 25 day samples, more than that induced by fertilization. Diatoms sampled from all treatments taken at day 25 were more similar to one another than those sampled at day 15. Diatoms colonizing glass slides used in the bioassay tubes were dominated by Achnanthes linearis and Cymbella minuta. Of the 84 species found in bioassays, 26 species were present in all river samples for 4 years. Differences in the communities discriminated by multivariate methods were cause by changes in rare species and abundance patterns of common species.  相似文献   
The growth of Nicotiana silvestris in suspension culture is inhibited by all of the common protein amino acids at the millimolar level, except for L-glutamine. A defined experimental system for growth/inhibition studies has been established, and growth studies were carried out with cells that had been maintained in the exponential growth phase for at least 10 generations (EE cells). The following results were obtained after particularly detailed studies with aromatic amino acids. The onset of inhibition was preceded by a duration of normal growth rate which varied within a range of 12 to 48 h. The degree of inhibition was directly proportional to amino acid concentration and inversely related to the initial cell density of the inoculum. A slowed, but still exponential rate of growth persisted during an early phase of inhibition. Under sufficiently severe conditions, this was followed by progressive diminution of growth rate and eventual lysis. The most drastic inhibitory effects caused by aromatic amino acids were in the order: phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine. When EE cells cultivated under conditions of growth inhibition were diluted into fresh medium, immediate resumption of growth at the uninhibited rate occurred and persisted. On the other hand, when growth-inhibited EE cells were diluted into medium containing the same concentration of amino acid used in the first round of growth, an initial burst of uninhibited growth lasting about 24 h was followed by a drastic, progressively declining growth rate which deteriorated to cell death and lysis. When cells in stationary phase were used as an inoculum, as is done in typical growth characterizations with suspension cultures, the sensitivity to inhibition during the subsequent exponential growth phase was several-fold greater than was the case with EE cells. Hypotheses that growth inhibition might be caused by ammonia toxicity, keto-acid toxicity, or by inhibition of nitrate utilization were ruled out. Observations that provide new insight are: (i)growth-inhibited cells undergo drastic plasmolysis, (ii) L-glutamine is an effective antagonist of amino-acid inhibitors, and (iii) growth-inhibited cells exhibit a transient restoration of normal growth rate upon dilution into fresh growth medium. These results implicate a linkage of amino acids with osmotic regulation and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   
Strains of Colletotrichum isolated from berries of Coffea arabica from Angola and Malawi were identified as C. coffeanum causing coffee berry disease (CBD). The isolates were highly aggressive to berries of the cultivar ‘Catimor’ and produced high numbers of acervuli and extremely large masses of pink conidia when cultivated in the dark. These strains are apparently different in aggressiveness and morphology to those described in the past from Kenya.  相似文献   
Summary Mutations in an X-linked gene, gust-A, block the responses of Drosophila melanogaster to a group of pyranose sugars. It is shown that the behavioural effects of this mutation are correlated with a loss of electrical responses in taste receptors. The mutation affects the chemoacceptors for pyranose sugars leaving the furanose acceptors intact.  相似文献   
Four patients with an unusual form of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia excreted in the urine undersulfated chondroitin 6-sulfate (Biochem. Med. 7, 415–423, 1973). The sera of these patients show a low activity of PAPS — chondroitin sulfate sulfotransferase, while the undersulfated chondroitin sulfate present in their urine is a much better acceptor of 35SO4 than standard chondroitin sulfate when they are incubated with [35S]PAPS and normal sulfotransferases. These results suggest that in these patients the skeletal lesions are secondary to a defect in the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate involving specifically the sulfotransferase activity.  相似文献   
In vivo immunization of C57BL/6 mice with FBL-3, a syngeneic Friend-virus-induced leukemia, can induce a specific, T-cell-mediated cytotoxic response, as measured by the 125IUdR release assay. In vitro it was difficult to generate an analogous, primary cytotoxic response, using a normal spleen responder population. After modification of the splenic responders by adding normal peritoneal cells, this modified population then had the capacity to mount a primary cytotoxic response in the mixed-lymphocyte-tumor cell culture reaction to FBL-3. We have characterized the effector population as well as the helper (peritoneal) cells which were responsible for elevating the cytolytic response to FBL-3. The results indicate that there are at least two populations of cells which are essential for inducing a primary cell-mediated cytotoxic response. First, the effectors which are directly responsible for mediating the cytotoxic reactions and are derived from radiosensitive T cells and second, a helper cell population which is radioresistant and has the characteristics of macrophages.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis (TB), one of the deadliest threats to human health, is mainly caused by 2 highly related and human-adapted bacteria broadly known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium africanum. Whereas M. tuberculosis is widely spread, M. africanum is restricted to West Africa, where it remains a significant cause of tuberculosis. Although several differences have been identified between these 2 pathogens, M. africanum remains a lot less studied than M. tuberculosis. Here, we discuss the genetic, phenotypic, and clinical similarities and differences between strains of M. tuberculosis and M. africanum. We also discuss our current knowledge on the immune response to M. africanum and how it possibly articulates with distinct disease progression and with the geographical restriction attributed to this pathogen. Understanding the functional impact of the diversity existing in TB-causing bacteria, as well as incorporating this diversity in TB research, will contribute to the development of better, more specific approaches to tackle TB.  相似文献   
BackgroundThis study aimed to assess the prevalence of Bartonella sp.-DNA detection in blood and skin samples from patients with non-viral end-stage liver disease awaiting liver transplantation.Methodology/Principal findingsBlood samples and healthy skin fragments from 50 patients were tested using microbiological and molecular methods. Fifteen patients had cryptogenic hepatitis (CH) and 35 had alcoholic, drug-induced or autoimmune liver disease. DNA was extracted from whole blood and liquid culture samples, isolates, and skin fragments. Thirteen of the 50 patients (26%) had Bartonella henselae DNA detection in their blood (9/50) and/or skin (5/50) samples. Colonies were isolated in 3/50 (6%) and infection was detected in 7/50 (14%) of the 50 patients. B. henselae-DNA detection was more prevalent in patients with CH than in other patients (p = 0.040). Of 39 patients followed-up for at least two years, a higher mortality rate was observed among patients with CH infected with B. henselae (p = 0.039).Conclusions/SignificanceFurther studies assessing the role of B. henselae infection in the pathogenesis of hepatitis patients must be urgently conducted.  相似文献   
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