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Recently a textile azo dye processing plant effluent was identified as one of the sources of mutagenic activity detected in the Cristais River, a drinking water source in Brazil [G.A. Umbuzeiro, D.A. Roubicek, C.M. Rech, M.I.Z. Sato, L.D. Claxton, Investigating the sources of the mutagenic activity found in a river using the Salmonella assay and different water extraction procedures, Chemosphere 54 (2004) 1589-1597]. Besides presenting high mutagenic activity in the Salmonella/microsome assay, the mutagenic nitro-aminoazobenzenes dyes CI Disperse Blue 373, CI Disperse Violet 93, and CI Disperse Orange 37 [G.A. Umbuzeiro, H.S. Freeman, S.H. Warren, D.P. Oliveira, Y. Terao, T. Watanabe, L.D. Claxton, The contribution of azo dyes in the mutagenic activity of the Cristais river, Chemosphere 60 (2005) 55-64] as well as benzidine, a known carcinogenic compound [T.M. Mazzo, A.A. Saczk, G.A. Umbuzeiro, M.V.B. Zanoni, Analysis of aromatic amines in surface waters receiving wastewater from textile industry by liquid chromatographic with eletrochemical detection, Anal. Lett., in press] were found in this effluent. After approximately 6 km from the discharge of this effluent, a drinking water treatment plant treats and distributes the water to a population of approximate 60,000. As shown previously, the mutagens in the DWTP intake water are not completely removed by the treatment. The water used for human consumption presented mutagenic activity related to nitro-aromatics and aromatic amines compounds probably derived from the cited textile processing plant effluent discharge [G.A. Umbuzeiro, D.A. Roubicek, C.M. Rech, M.I.Z. Sato, L.D. Claxton, Investigating the sources of the mutagenic activity found in a river using the Salmonella assay and different water extraction procedures, Chemosphere 54 (2004) 1589-1597; G.A. Umbuzeiro, H.S. Freeman, S.H. Warren, D.P. Oliveira, Y. Terao, T. Watanabe, L.D. Claxton, The contribution of azo dyes in the mutagenic activity of the Cristais river, Chemosphere 60 (2005) 55-64]. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the possible risks involved in the human consumption of this contaminated water. With that objective, one sample of the cited industrial effluent was tested for carcinogenicity in the aberrant crypt foci medium-term assay in colon of Wistar rats. The rats received the effluent in natura through drinking water at concentrations of 0.1%, 1%, and 10%. The effluent mutagenicity was also confirmed in the Salmonella/microsome assay with the strains TA98 and YG1041. There was an increased number of preneoplastic lesions in the colon of rats exposed to concentrations of 1% and 10% of the effluent, and a positive response for both Salmonella strains tested. These results indicate that the discharge of the effluent should be avoided in waters used for human consumption and show the sensitivity of the ACF crypt foci assay as an important tool to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of environmental complex mixtures.  相似文献   
The sucrose binding protein (SBP) belongs to the cupin family of proteins and is structurally related to vicilin-like storage proteins. In this investigation, a SBP isoform (GmSBP2/S64) was expressed in E. coli and large amounts of the protein accumulated in the insoluble fraction as inclusion bodies. The renatured protein was studied by circular dichroism (CD), intrinsic fluorescence, and binding of the hydrophobic probes ANS and Bis-ANS. The estimated content of secondary structure of the renatured protein was consistent with that obtained by theoretical modeling with a large predominance of beta-strand structure (42%) over the alpha-helix (9.9%). The fluorescence emission maximum of 303 nm for SBP2 indicated that the fluorescent tryptophan was completely buried within a highly hydrophobic environment. We also measured the equilibrium dissociation constant (K(d)) of sucrose binding by fluorescence titration using the refolded protein. The low sucrose binding affinity (K(d)=2.79+/-0.22 mM) of the renatured protein was similar to that of the native protein purified from soybean seeds. Collectively, these results indicate that the folded structure of the renatured protein was similar to the native SBP protein. As a member of the bicupin family of proteins, which includes highly stable seed storage proteins, SBP2 was fairly stable at high temperatures. Likewise, it remained folded to a similar extent in the presence or absence of 7.6M urea or 6.7 M GdmHCl. The high stability of the renatured protein may be a reminiscent property of SBP from its evolutionary relatedness to the seed storage proteins.  相似文献   
Acute gastroenteritis is one of the most common diseases in humans worldwide. Viral gastroenteritis is a global problem in infants and young children. In this study the incidence of diarrhea was assessed in 877 hospitalized children under five years old, over a period of 24 months and distributed in 470 cases of diarrhea and 407 age-matched group with other pathologies, as control group. Two antigen detection techniques based on enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and latex particles were used for detection of rotavirus and adenovirus. Rotavirus A was a major cause of gastroenteritis with 23.6% of cases, being 90% of these cases in young children. Adenovirus infections was detected by EIA with frequency of 6.4%. Rotavirus and adenovirus were detected in 10.1 and 1.7% of stools from control group, respectively. Interestingly, the frequency of the youngest children in the control group excreting Rotavirus A was comparable to that detected in stools from diarrheic children. We cannot rule out the existence of other enteric viruses because the etiology of 171 cases of diarrhea was not determined and active search for astrovirus and calicivirus was not done. This is the first study that shows the presence of enteric viruses in the infantile population from Western Brazilian Amazonia and it was important to help physicians in the treatment of viral gastroenteritis.  相似文献   
Population-based data on sexually transmitted infections (STI), bacterial vaginosis (BV), and candidiasis reflect the epidemiological situation more accurately than studies performed in specific populations, but such data are scarce. To determine the prevalence of STI, BV, and candidiasis among women of reproductive age from a resource-poor community in Northeast Brazil, a population-based cross sectional study was undertaken. All women from seven hamlets and the centre of Pacoti municipality in the state of Ceará, aged 12 to 49 years, were invited to participate. The women were asked about socio-demographic characteristics and genital symptoms, and thereafter examined gynaecologically. Laboratory testing included polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for human papillomavirus (HPV), ligase chain reaction (LCR) for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ELISA for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) and fluorescent treponema antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS) for syphilis, and analysis of wet mounts, gram stains and Pap smears for trichomoniasis, candidiasis, and BV. Only women who had initiated sexual life were included in the analysis (n = 592). The prevalences of STI were: HPV 11.7% (95% confidence interval: 9.3-14.7), chlamydia 4.5% (3.0-6.6), trichomoniasis 4.1% (2.7-6.1), gonorrhoea 1.2% (0.5-2.6), syphilis 0.2% (0.0-1.1), and HIV 0%. The prevalence of BV and candidiasis was 20% (16.9-23.6) and 12.5% (10.0-15.5), respectively. The most common gynaecological complaint was lower abdominal pain. STI are common in women in rural Brazil and represent an important health threat in view of the HIV pandemic.  相似文献   
Campylobacteriosis is an extremely important zoonosis, circulating freely in the environment. In nonhuman primates kept in open facilities and bred for experimental purposes, the presence of Campylobacter spp. could cause severe damage to the production and interfere with the results of scientific research. In this paper, we assessed the circulation of Campylobacter spp. in a colony of clinically healthy rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) destined to research. The analysis was carried out during seven non-consecutive years. Data showed that despite several changes made in animal management along the studied years in order to control this zoonosis, reduction of bacterial charge did not occur. Significant differences among the age groups and sex were observed. Infants showed higher susceptibility than adult animals. In general males were more infected than females. Modifications adopted in the handling techniques need to be reviewed with the intent of improving the production, reducing bacterial infection of the stock and avoiding undesirable cross reactions in the research carried out with these animals. Therefore, this paper alerts professionals that work directly with captive rhesus monkeys about the risks of Campylobacter spp. infection and possible interference on the experimental procedures.  相似文献   
TNF-like cytokine (TL1A) is a newly identified member of the TNF superfamily of ligands that is important for T cell costimulation and Th1 polarization. However, despite increasing information about its functions, very little is known about expression of TL1A in normal or pathological states. In this study, we report that mononuclear phagocytes appear to be a major source of TL1A in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as revealed by their strong TL1A expression in either synovial fluids or synovial tissue of rheumatoid factor (RF)-seropositive RA patients, but not RF-/RA patients. Accordingly, in vitro experiments revealed that human monocytes express and release significant amounts of soluble TL1A when stimulated with insoluble immune complexes (IC), polyethylene glycol precipitates from the serum of RF+/RA patients, or with insoluble ICs purified from RA synovial fluids. Monocyte-derived soluble TL1A was biologically active as determined by its capacity to induce apoptosis of the human erythroleukemic cell line TF-1, as well as to cooperate with IL-12 and IL-18 in inducing the production of IFN-gamma by CD4(+) T cells. Because RA is a chronic inflammatory disease with autoimmune etiology, in which ICs, autoantibodies (including RF), and various cytokines contribute to its pathology, our data suggest that TL1A could be involved in its pathogenesis and contribute to the severity of RA disease that is typical of RF+/RA patients.  相似文献   
Studies were conducted to examine the phenology, geographic distribution, and host specificity of the Solenopsis invicta virus-1 (SINV-1). Two genotypes examined, SINV-1 and -1A, exhibited similar seasonal prevalence patterns. Infection rates among colonies of S. invicta in Gainesville, Florida, were lowest from early winter (December) to early spring (April) increasing rapidly in late spring (May) and remaining high through August before declining again in the fall (September/October). Correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between mean monthly temperature and SINV-1 (p<0.0005, r=0.82) and SINV-1A (p<0.0001, r=0.86) infection rates in S. invicta colonies. SINV-1 was widely distributed among S. invicta populations. The virus was detected in S. invicta from Argentina and from all U.S. states examined, with the exception of New Mexico. SINV-1 and -1A were also detected in other Solenopsis species. SINV-1 was detected in Solenopsis richteri and the S. invicta/richteri hybrid collected from northern Alabama and Solenopsis geminata from Florida. SINV-1A was detected in S. geminata and Solenopsis carolinensis in Florida and the S. invicta/richteri hybrid in Alabama. Of the 1989 arthropods collected from 6 pitfall trap experiments from Gainesville and Williston, Florida, none except S. invicta tested positive for SINV-1 or SINV-1A. SINV-1 did not appear to infect or replicate within Sf9 or Dm-2 cells in vitro. The number of SINV-1 genome copies did not significantly increase over the course of the experiment, nor were any cytopathic effects observed. Phylogenetic analyses of SINV-1/-1A nucleotide sequences indicated significant divergence between viruses collected from Argentina and the U.S.  相似文献   
Cortical function has been suggested to be highly compromised by repeated heroin self-administration. We have previously shown that street heroin induces apoptosis in neuronal-like PC12 cells. Thus, we analysed the apoptotic pathways involved in street heroin neurotoxicity using primary cultures of rat cortical neurons. Our street heroin sample was shown to be mainly composed by heroin, 6-monoacetylmorphine and morphine. Exposure of cortical neurons to street heroin induced a slight decrease in metabolic viability, without loss of neuronal integrity. Early activation of caspases involved in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway was observed, culminating in caspase 3 activation, Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase (PARP) cleavage and DNA fragmentation. Apoptotic morphology was completely prevented by the non-selective caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk, indicating an important role for caspases in neurodegeneration induced by street heroin. Ionotropic glutamate receptors, opioid receptors and oxidative stress were not involved in caspase 3 activation. Interestingly, street heroin cytotoxicity was shown to be independent of a functional mitochondrial respiratory chain, as determined using NT-2 rho(0) cells. Nonetheless, in street heroin-treated cortical neurons, cytochrome c was released, accompanied by a decrease in mitochondrial potential and Bcl-2/Bax. Pure heroin hydrochloride similarly decreased metabolic viability but only slightly activated caspase 3. Altogether, our data suggest an important role for mitochondria in mediating street heroin neurotoxic effects.  相似文献   
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