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We investigated the Southern Ocean (SO) prokaryote community structure via zero-radius operational taxonomic unit (zOTU) libraries generated from 16S rRNA gene sequencing of 223 full water column profiles. Samples reveal the prokaryote diversity trend between discrete water masses across multiple depths and latitudes in Indian (71–99°E, summer) and Pacific (170–174°W, autumn-winter) sectors of the SO. At higher taxonomic levels (phylum-family) we observed water masses to harbour distinct communities across both sectors, but observed sectorial variations at lower taxonomic levels (genus-zOTU) and relative abundance shifts for key taxa such as Flavobacteria, SAR324/Marinimicrobia, Nitrosopumilus and Nitrosopelagicus at both epi- and bathy-abyssopelagic water masses. Common surface bacteria were abundant in several deep-water masses and vice-versa suggesting connectivity between surface and deep-water microbial assemblages. Bacteria from same-sector Antarctic Bottom Water samples showed patchy, high beta-diversity which did not correlate well with measured environmental parameters or geographical distance. Unconventional depth distribution patterns were observed for key archaeal groups: Crenarchaeota was found across all depths in the water column and persistent high relative abundances of common epipelagic archaeon Nitrosopelagicus was observed in deep-water masses. Our findings reveal substantial regional variability of SO prokaryote assemblages that we argue should be considered in wide-scale SO ecosystem microbial modelling.  相似文献   
Crosslinking of membrane skeletal proteins such as spectrin by oxidation of their SH-groups can be provoked by treatment of intact erythrocytes with diamide. Shortly after exposure of human erythrocytes to diamide and despite the transverse destabilization of the lipid bilayer that was observed in these cells (Franck, P.F.H., Op den Kamp, J.A.F., Roelofsen, B. and Van Deenen, L.L.M. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 857, 127-130), no abnormalities could be detected regarding the asymmetric distribution of the phospholipids when probed by either the prothrombinase assay or brief exposure of the cells to a modified phospholipase A2 with enhanced membrane penetrating capacity. This asymmetry appeared to undergo dramatic changes however, when the ATP content of the cytosol had decreased to less than 10% of its original level during prolonged incubation of the treated cells. These observations indicate that the initial maintenance of phospholipid asymmetry in diamide-treated erythrocytes can be solely ascribed to the action of the ATP-dependent aminophospholipid translocase. This view is supported by experiments involving radiolabeled phospholipids of which trace amounts had been inserted into the outer membrane leaflet of diamide-treated red cells and which still showed a preferential translocation of both aminophospholipids in favour of the inner monolayer, be it that the efficiency of the translocase was found to be impaired when compared to control cells.  相似文献   
Analyses of the fatty acid composition of the outer and inner pools of sphingomyelin in the human erythrocyte membrane revealed significant differences in molecular species composition of these two pools. The sphingomyelin in the inner monolayer, representing 15–20% of the total sphingomyelin content of this membrane, is characterized by a relatively high content (73%) of fatty acids, which have less than 20 carbon atoms, whereas these account for only 31% of the total fatty acids in the sphingomyelin in the outer leaflet. On the other hand, the ratio saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the two pools is similar. Significant differences are also observed for the fatty acid composition of the sphingomyelin in human serum when compared to that in the outer monolayer of the corresponding red cell. These results are interpreted to indicate an (almost) complete absence of transbilayer movements of sphingomyelin molecules in the human erythrocyte membrane, whereas an exchange of this phospholipid between the red cell membrane and serum is either virtually absent, or affects only a minor fraction of the sphingomyelin in the outer membrane layer.  相似文献   
Western boundary currents (WBCs) redistribute heat and oligotrophic seawater from the tropics to temperate latitudes, with several displaying substantial climate change‐driven intensification over the last century. Strengthening WBCs have been implicated in the poleward range expansion of marine macroflora and fauna, however, the impacts on the structure and function of temperate microbial communities are largely unknown. Here we show that the major subtropical WBC of the South Pacific Ocean, the East Australian Current (EAC), transports microbial assemblages that maintain tropical and oligotrophic (k‐strategist) signatures, to seasonally displace more copiotrophic (r‐strategist) temperate microbial populations within temperate latitudes of the Tasman Sea. We identified specific characteristics of EAC microbial assemblages compared with non‐EAC assemblages, including strain transitions within the SAR11 clade, enrichment of Prochlorococcus, predicted smaller genome sizes and shifts in the importance of several functional genes, including those associated with cyanobacterial photosynthesis, secondary metabolism and fatty acid and lipid transport. At a temperate time‐series site in the Tasman Sea, we observed significant reductions in standing stocks of total carbon and chlorophyll a, and a shift towards smaller phytoplankton and carnivorous copepods, associated with the seasonal impact of the EAC microbial assemblage. In light of the substantial shifts in microbial assemblage structure and function associated with the EAC, we conclude that climate‐driven expansions of WBCs will expand the range of tropical oligotrophic microbes, and potentially profoundly impact the trophic status of temperate waters.  相似文献   
Tryptic peptides of the ribosomal proteins S11, L9 and L29 were separated by reversed phase chromatography under conditions which enabled direct micro-sequencing with the 4-(dimethylamino)azobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate/phenylisothiocyanate double coupling method [Chang, Brauer, Wittmann-Liebold (1978) FEBS Lett. 93, 205-214]. The peptides were separated on a RP-18 column employing volatile buffers at pH 2.0, 4.1 and 7.8. Depending on the different chromatographic behaviour of the peptide mixture, the elution gradient was optimised for each hydrolysate using 20 micrograms of the hydrolysed protein. Preparative separations were made with 150-250 micrograms. At least 80% of the peptides could be isolated by these techniques and used for direct micro-sequencing without further purification or desalting. The results show that the high-performance liquid chromatographic method employed allows easy isolation and sequencing with minute amounts of peptides.  相似文献   
Hydrogenase expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can be artificially induced by anaerobic adaptation or is naturally established under sulphur deprivation. In comparison to anaerobic adaptation, sulphur-deprived algal cultures show considerably higher expression rates of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase (HydA1) and develop a 25-fold higher in vitro hydrogenase activity. Based on this efficient induction principle we have established a novel purification protocol for the isolation of HydA1 that can also be used for other green algae. From an eight liter C. reinhardtii culture 0.52 mg HydA1 with a specific activity of 741 μmol H2 min− 1 mg− 1 was isolated. Similar amounts were also purified from Chlorococcum submarinum and Chlamydomonas moewusii. The extraordinarily large yields of protein allowed a spectroscopic characterization of the active site of these smallest [FeFe]-hydrogenases for the first time. An initial analysis by EPR spectroscopy shows characteristic axial EPR signals of the CO inhibited forms that are typical for the Hox-CO state of the active site from [FeFe]-hydrogenases. However, deviations in the g-tensor components have been observed that indicate distinct differences in the electronic structure between the various hydrogenases. At cryogenic temperatures, light-induced changes in the EPR spectra were observed and are interpreted as a photodissociation of the inhibiting CO ligand.  相似文献   
The activities of glycogen phosphorylases a and b from the body wall musculature of the marine worm Arenicola marina (Annelida, Polychaeta) were determined after various periods of anoxia. Already under normoxic conditions one third of the total activity was produced from the a form. During anoxia the ratio of both forms as well as the total activity did not change. The activity of soluble phosphorylase kinase was comparatively low in this tissue 4.3 +/- 1.2 nmol . min-1 . (g wet wt.)-1; the fast twitching tail muscle of shrimps, e.g., had a 10-fold higher phosphorylase kinase activity, whereas phosphorylase activities in both tissues were about the same 2.3 +/- 0.5 mumol . min-1 . (g wet wt.)-1. Glycogen phosphorylase b was purified from the body wall tissue of the marine worm in one step by 5'-AMP-Sepharose resulting in a single protein band in SDS-PAGE. This preparation was accepted as substrate by the phosphorylase kinase from rabbit muscle but a complete phosphorylation could not be achieved. The molecular mass of native phosphorylase was approximately 216 kDa, that of subunits 95 kDa indicating that the enzyme exists as a dimer. There were no isozymes in this preparation, the RF-value (0.17) of the single band in PAGE ranged between those of the isozymes from mice hearts. The activities of phosphorylases b and a were similarly dependent on pH and temperature but differed drastically in the affinities to phosphate and AMP. In presence of 1 mM AMP the app. Km of phosphorylase a for phosphate was 16 mM, that of phosphorylase b above 100 mM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A Rhodobacter capsulatus reporter strain, carrying a constitutively expressed nifA gene and a nifH-lacZ gene fusion, was used for random transposon Tn5 mutagenesis to search for genes required for the NtrC-independent ammonium repression of NifA activity. A mutation in hvrA, which is known to be involved in low-light activation of the photosynthetic apparatus, released both ammonium and oxygen control of nifH expression in this reporter strain, demonstrating a regulatory link of nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis via HvrA. In addition, a significant increase in bacteriochlorophyll a (BChla) content was found in cells under nitrogen-fixing conditions. HvrA was not involved in this up-regulation of BChla. Instead, the presence of active nitrogenase seemed to be sufficient for this process, since no increase in BChla content was observed in different nif mutants.  相似文献   
The non-specific phospholipid transfer protein purified from bovine liver has been used to modify the phospholipid content and phospholipid composition of the membrane of intact human erythrocytes. Apart from an exchange of phosphatidylcholine between the red cell and PC-containing vesicles, the protein appeared to facilitate net transfer of phosphatidylcholine from the donor vesicles to the erythrocyte and sphingomyelin transfer in the opposite direction. Phosphatidylcholine transfer was accompanied by an equivalent transfer (on a molar basis) of cholesterol. An increase in phosphatidylcholine content in the erythrocyte membrane from 90 to 282 nmol per 100 microliters packed cells was observed. Phospholipase C treatment of modified cells showed that all of the phosphatidylcholine which was transferred to the erythrocyte was incorporated in the lipid bilayer. The nonspecific lipid transfer protein used here appeared to be a suitable tool to modify lipid content and composition of the erythrocyte membrane, and possible applications of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   
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