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Features of the reproductive axis in the genetically hypogonadal, obese mouse (genotype, ob/ob) were examined at 5-8 months of age and compared with those of wild-type litter mates. Hypothalamic concentrations of dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine were normal. Those of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, noradrenaline and LH-RH were raised. LH-RH was biologically active. Pituitary concentration of LH was normal, but that of FSH was raised. Serum concentrations of LH and FSH, compared with those of wild-type animals, were normal and low, respectively. Gonad and accessory sex organs weights were reduced. These findings suggest that the release of FSH but not LH is defective in the ob/ob mouse. Preliminary in-vitro experiments indicated that the pituitary gland responded normally or even supernormally towards LH-RH in its release of LH. The defect in the reproductive axis of the obese mouse may be due to inadequate release of LH-RH although an insensitivity of the pituitary gland towards LH-RH in its release of FSH cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
Aspects of membrane stucture and functions were studied in ethidium bromide resistant cells. Submitochondrial particles were solubilized and electrophoresed. The gel patterns, representing mitochondiral membrane proteins, demonstrated qualitative and quantitative alterations in mitochondrial preparations derived from virus-transformed cells and ethidium bromide resistant cells as compared to the control cells. The plasma membrane glycoproteins were labelled by the sodium borohydride method. The glycoporteins were released with Triton X-100 and electrophoresed. Fluorograms of the gels demonstratred some marked differences between the ethidium bromide resistant cells and their parental strain. The observed alterations in the membrane glycoproteins did not result in altered glucose transport properties or in the elution patterns of plasma membrane glycopeptides as analyzed by Sephadex G-50 chromatography. Dye uptake and binding studies with intact parental and drug resistant cells and their isolated mitochondria demonstrated no alteration of the membrane permeability or the number of binding sites for ethidium bromide. Similar results were also obtained with a cyanine dye. This latter finding was significant in that it permitted one to exclude dye exclusion as a mechanism for ethidium bromide resistance.  相似文献   
The flights of free and tethered Locusta migratoria were followed from initiation with a high-speed film camera. A longer sequence of wing-beat cycles can thus be correlated unequivocally with the animals's movement in time and space. In both flight situations the locusts start with approximately the same instantaneous wing-beat frequency. During the early flight phase free-flying animals increase their wing-beat frequency, whereas for tethered locusts this parameter remains constant or even decreases. The general flight pattern is similar in juvenile and mature locusts; the juveniles however, fly with alower wing-beat frequency and flight speed. The differences in the wing-beat frequencies for both flight performances are discussed with respect to differences in the sensory inputs to the flight motor centre.  相似文献   
The use in the literature of statistics and measures derived for the measurement and the analysis of inbreeding from data on gene frequency diversity and applied to data on surname diversity is discussed. To overcome the difficulties encountered with this approach, a simple mathematical model for analysing isonymy data is proposed. Finally some further measures of surname diversity are given based on measures developed for gene diversity analysis and for community diversity analysis in ecology.  相似文献   
Cycloheximide, colchicine, tunicamycin, glucagon, dibutyryl-3′–5′-cyclic AMP, dexamethasone and hydrocortisone had no effect on the lipoprotein lipase activity associated with rat cardiac muscle cells incubated in vitro. However, the steroid hormones and inhibitors affected profoundly the appearance of extracellular enzyme during the incubations. The pattern of effects, was consistent with lipoprotein lipase being a normal secretory product of heart muscle cells.  相似文献   
The sites of analgesic action of the mu agonist morphine and the purported kappa agonist ethylketazocine (EKC) were compared. Using local drug injections and parenteral administration of drugs to spinalized rats, our data support a predominantly spinal site of action for EKC and a major supraspinal action for morphine in antinociceptive tests. This spinal analgesic action of EKC was dose dependent and naloxone reversible indicating opiate receptor involvement. The possibility that EKC activates a spinal kappa receptor population is under further study.  相似文献   
Summary A total of 59 new temperature sensitive cdc mutants are described which grow normally at 25°C but become blocked at DNA replication or mitosis when incubated at 36°C. Thirtynine of the mutants are altered in cdc genes which have been identified previously. The remaining 20 mutants define 10 new cdc genes. These have been characterised physiologically, and 6 of the genes (cdc 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24) were found to be required for DNA replication, 2 for mitosis (cdc 27, 28), and 2 (cdc 18, 19), could not be unambigously assigned to either DNA replication or mitosis but were definitely required for one or the other.Three genes, the previously identified cdc 10, and cdc 20, 22 are likely to be required for the initiation of DNA replication. Mutants in two genes, cdc 17, 24 undergo bulk DNA synthesis at 36°C, but this DNA is defective. In the case of cdc 17 the defect is in the ligation of Okazaki fragments. cdc 23 is required for bulk DNA synthesis, whilst cdc 21 may possibly be required for the initiation of a particular sub-set of replicons.A previously isolated mutant cdc 13.117 is also further described. This mutant becomes blocked in the middle of mitosis with apparently condensed chromosomes.  相似文献   
A highly tumorigenic subdiploid cell line, BP6T, derived in our laboratory from Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells, is amenable to studies of somatic mutation in vitro. Cellular and biochemical characterization of clonally derived BP6T cells resistant to 6-thioguanine (TGr) or ouabain (Ouar) demonstrated these mutants to be similar qualitatively to mutants of SHE cells characterized previously (Barrett et al., 1978). BP6T TGr mutants resistant to 6-thioguanine are cross-resistant to 8-azaguanine, lack HPRT activity, exhibit a low frequency of reversion and arise spontaneously at a rate of 5 × 10−7 mutants per cell per generation. BP6T Ouar mutants were shown to be highly resistant to ouabain-mediated inhibition of 86Rb influx, indicating an alteration in the Na+/K+ ATPase. These studies on the BP6T cell line provide the experimental basis for a comparative study of the mutagenic responses of normal, diploid SHE cells versus those of related, but transformed aneuploid cells. Highly synchronized cultures of these 2 cells were mutagenized by pulse treatment with BrdU during different periods of S phase, followed immediately by near-UV irradiation. The induced mutation frequencies so obtained provided information about the temporal order of replication of genes encoding HPRT and Na+/K+ ATPase in both SHE and BP6T cells. The temporal pattern of replication of Na+/K+ ATPase gene loci is similar in both cell types, but the temporal order of replication of the HPRT gene is significantly different between SHE and BP6T cells (mid-late S phase, versus early S phase, resp.). This observed difference emphasizes the caution required in the study of mutagenesis and DNA replication using transformed, aneuploid cells under the assumption that the underlying mechanisms are the same for normal, diploid cells.  相似文献   
Uptake of Rb+ from a complete nutrient solution with 2.0 mM Rb+ was studied in roots of spring wheat seedlings ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Svenno) with different K+ levels. The relationship between Rb+ uptake and concentration of K+ in the roots indicated a negative feedback mechanism operating through allosteric control. The Rb+ uptake process in root cells was divided into two steps: (1) binding of the ion in the free space, and (ii) transmembrane transport into the cytoplasm. Metabolic and non-metabolic components of uptake were separated by addition of the metabolic inhibitor 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) to the nutrient solution. It is suggested that metabolic Rb+ uptake requires energy in two uptake steps (for binding to the carrier entity in the free space and for transmembrane transport) or in one step only (for transmembrane transport), dependent on the K+ status of the roots. The change from metabolic to non-metabolic binding in the free space is accomplished by changing the conformational state of the carrier (slow/fast transitions). There may be a hysteretic effect on metabolic Rb+ uptake through a slow transition between carrier states. This is superimposed on the negative cooperativity, strengthening further cooperativity at intermediate K+ levels in the roots. Non-metabolic Rb+ uptake probably consists of two components, a carrier-mediated (facilitated diffusion) and a parallel diffusive component.  相似文献   
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