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Meloidogyne hapla Race A (meiotic, n=17) females have 17 synaptonemal complexes (SC). The karyotype length is constant throughout pachytene, although nuclear volume increases as pachytene progresses. Each SC has at least one region in which two pairs of lateral elements run parallel to each other for a distance of 1–2 m, thus forming a double SC (dSC). Decondensed chromatin regions (DCR) occur along some SCs and represent 5% of the length of the karyotype. The DCRs may be the location of the sex-determining chromatin. Spermatocytes from males of the same meiotic parthenogenetic race (A) have SCs and cylindrical granular complexes (CGC) while males and females from a mitotic (3n=45) parthenogenetic race (B) lack such structures. The CGCs may contribute precursors necessary for the formation of SCs.  相似文献   
Medical audit and continuing medical education (CME) are now the mainstays of quality assurance in hospitals. Audits should address problems that have serious consequences for patients if proper treatment is not given. The single most important step is the selection of essential or scientific criteria that relate process to outcomes. CME does less than commonly believed to improve care. Today, quality assurance increasingly means a near-guarantee to every patient of appropriate treatment and fewest possible complications. Maintenance of the public trust rests on a firm commitment of the medical staff and board to this principle, implemented through an organized program of quality assurance. Under these conditions, medical audit and CME can effectively improve care by improving physician performance.  相似文献   
The effects of CO2 elevation on the dynamics of fine root (FR) mass and ectomycorrhizal (EM) mass and colonization were studied in situ in a Florida scrub oak system over four years of postfire regeneration. Soil cores were taken at five dates and sorted to assess the standing crop of ectomycorrhizal and fine roots. We used ingrowth bags to estimate the effects of elevated CO2 on production of EM roots and fine roots. Elevated CO2 tended to increase EM colonization frequency but did not affect EM mass nor FR mass in soil cores (standing mass). However, elevated CO2 strongly increased EM mass and FR mass in ingrowth bags (production), but it did not affect the EM colonization frequency therein. An increase in belowground production with unchanged biomass indicates that elevated CO2 may stimulate root turnover. The CO2-stimulated increase of belowground production was initially larger than that of aboveground production. The oaks may allocate a larger portion of resources to root/mycorrhizal production in this system in elevated rather than ambient CO2.  相似文献   
In floodplain ponds with low piscivore abundance, both endemic Midgley's gudgeons, Hypseleotris sp. 5, and exotic mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, showed significant ontogenetic variation in the use of food and space. Small gudgeons were generally associated with surface and benthic habitats, then restricted their distribution to benthic habitats at a size of approximately 24mm (standard length). The ontogenetic variation in mosquitofish habitat use was less discrete, and could be described as a tendency for larger individuals to be associated with the bottom of the littoral macrophyte beds than with the surface of the macrophyte beds or surface of the limnetic zone. Small gudgeons exhibited high spatial overlap with mosquitofish within the surface habitats of the ponds. All size-class/species comparisons showed significant partitioning of food resources, however, the diets of small gudgeons and mosquitofish were very similar. Therefore, juvenile gudgeons may have to pass through a similar spatial and trophic niche to introduced mosquitofish before recruiting to the adult stage. Possible mechanisms driving the ontogenetic variation in gudgeon and mosquitofish habitat use are discussed. This paper demonstrates that ontogenetic niche shifts at fine spatial scales can affect our interpretation of interactions between native and introduced fishes.  相似文献   

A second ecological survey of the Waikanae estuary, in the North Island of New Zealand, was carried out 30 years after the first (1941–1943), and was of similar duration. The observer for the first survey participated in the second, and the same methods were used. Brief accounts are given of the prevailing climate and geology, and of physical changes at the estuary. The effect of periodic storms and of the various encroachments by man is recorded; the latter appear to be particularly important. The vegetation of the estuary is described. Records of beach patrols and of other ornithologists supplement the authors' observations on the bird life. The numbers of birds recorded in the two surveys are compared by analyses of variance. Changes in the flora deduced from aerial photographs spanning the two surveys and from notes and photographs are related to man-induced disturbance, natural physical changes, and natural succession. The total of 79 bird species recorded at the estuary and in its immediate vicinity compares favourably with the 60 species recorded during the first survey. The increase of nearly one-third is due to such factors as the appearance of new Australian bird species, the information provided by the beach patrols, and the extension of sand-flat habitat. In terms of numbers observed, 10 bird species have increased, 11 remain unchanged, and 8 have declined. The distribution of birds is considered in relation to nine areas of habitat: the beach and open sea; open dunes at the beach front; river and sand flats; unfixed and fixed dunes; saltmarsh; grassed fields; and lakelets. The most species (29) were recorded on sand flats and the least (7) on unfixed dunes. Periodic rechannelling of the river mouth has led to expansion of the sand flats as a habitat for waders and some other shore birds, but other man-induced developments, such as housing, are threatening the present ecological balance of the estuary. Use of the area for recreation and for wildlife study is increasing, and we consider that action by conservation authorities is urgently required.  相似文献   
As a first step towards the preparation of a functional biomolecule, a chemical synthesis of the collagenous domain of adiponectin is described. The 76 residue polypeptide (without post-translational modifications) could be assembled efficiently from smaller unprotected peptides using two native chemical ligation reactions followed by a reductive desulfurisation step. In turn, the polypeptides were synthesised in high purity by microwave enhanced solid phase synthesis.  相似文献   
We discuss the origin of life in terms of an RNA World scenario in which the creation of autocatalytic sequences is the key step. Our computational models illustrate that life arises by a rare stochastic event that occurs due to spatially localized concentration fluctuations. This allows the chemical system to jump from a non-living state with very low ribozyme concentration to a living state that is controlled by ribozymes. Once the living state is established locally, it can spread deterministically through the rest of the system. These are generic features also possessed by more complex models with a greater degree of chemical realism.  相似文献   
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