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The enzyme activity of ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (RuBisCO) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) was measured in four species of marine benthic diatoms isolated from subtidal sediments of Graveline Bayou, Mississippi. Enzyme activities were measured in cultures of Amphora micrometra Giffen, A. tenerrima Aleem and Hustedt, Nitzschia fontifuga Cholnoky, and Nitzschia vermicularis Grunow that were grown at light levels supporting μmax and at light-limiting irradiances. All four species exhibited similar RuBisCO: PEP ratios (range = 1–1.8) at μmax the lowest ratio (0.4) was observed in A. micrometra. Reduced light levels increased PEPC relative to that measured at μmax in two species. Two-dimensional paper chromatography was used to determine the first products of carbon fixation in A. micrometra After a 15 s incorporation period, the first product of photosynthetic carbon fixation was 3-phosphoglycerate even though this alga had a PEPC activity that was three times higher than that of RuBisCO. After 30 s, over 50% of the recovered radioactivity was still in this compound. Stable carbon isotope analyses of a mixture of the four pennate diatoms also suggest the predominant carbon fixation pathway in these benthic diatoms was similar to C3 plants.  相似文献   
The effects of long term exposure to suboptimal growth temperature on the photosynthetic apparatus of Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were investigated using carbon fixation rate versus irradiance curves and the variable fluorescence induction method. Carbon fixation rates per unite chlorophyll a at saturating (pBm) and subsaturating (αB) irradiances were 55% and 39% lower, respectively, at 12° C than at 20° C. Chlorophyll a quotas and the spectrally averaged in vivo absorption cross section normalized to chlorophyll a (a*) were not significantly different at these two temperatures. Analysis of the fluorescence kinetics revealed 1) no significant variations of the amount of PSII photoactive reaction centers per unit chlorophyll a, 2) a 14% decrease of the PSII quantum yield(+) and 3) a 29% decrease of the energy transfer efficiency between the light harvesting chlorophyll a pigment bed and the PSII reaction centers. The decrease in energy transfer efficiency between the antennae and the PSII reaction centers at 12° C was interpreted as a mechanism to avoid photoinhibition.  相似文献   
The levels of GA1, 3-epiGA1 and GA8 in genotypes Le, le and led of Pisum sativum L. were determined by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM) after feeds of [3H, 13C]-GA20 to each genotype. The levels of endogenous and [13C]-labelled metabolites were determined by reverse isotope dilution with unlabelled GA1, 3-epiGA1 and GA8. The results demonstrate a quantitative relationship between the level of GA1 and the extent of elongation both on a per plant and a per g fresh weight basis. These results are consistent with previous findings in peas and other species possessing a predominant early 13-hydroxylation pathway for GA biosynthesis.
The levels of 3-epiGA1 also decreased in the genotypic sequence Le, le, led although not as rapidly as for the level of GA1. This may suggest that the alleles at the le locus also influence the formation of 3-epiGA1.  相似文献   
The two-layered, fibrillar cell wall of Mougeotia C. Agardh sp. consisted of 63.6% non-cellulosic carbohydrates and 13.4% cellulose. The orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the native cell wall agrees with the multinet growth hypothesis, which has been employed to explain the shift in microfibril orientation from transverse (inner wall) toward axial (outer wall). Monosaccharide analysis of isolated cell walls revealed the presence of ten sugars with glucose, xylose and galactose most abundant. Methylation analysis of the acid-modified, 1 N NaOH insoluble residue fraction showed that it was composed almost exclusively of 4-linked glucose, confirming the presence of cellulose. The major hemicellulosic carbohydrate was semi-purified by DEAE Sephacel (Cl?) anion-exchange chromatography of the hot 1 N NaOH soluble fraction. This hemicellulose was a xylan consisting of a 4-xylosyl backbone and 2,4-xylosyl branch points. The major hot water soluble neutral polysaccharide was identified as a 3-linked galactan. Mougeotia cell wall composition is similar to that of (Charophyceae) and has homologies with vascular plant cell walls. Our observations support transtructural evidence which suggests that members of the Charophyceae represent the phylogenetic line that gave rise to vascular plants. Therefore, the primary cell walls of vascular plants many have evolved directly from structures typical of the filamentous green algal cell walls found in the Charophyceae.  相似文献   
The effect of steady-state nitrogen limitation on photo-synthetic characteristics and growth efficiency was examined in the marine haptophyte Isochrysis galbana Green. Nitrate limited chemostats were maintained at nine dilution rates, ranging from 0.18-0.96 d?1, under continuous irradiance levels of 175 μmole quanta·m?2·s?1, an irradiance level which saturated photosynthesis at all growth rates. Nitrogen limitation led to an overall reduction in pigmentation and a decrease in the cellular concentration of reaction centers; however, the optical absorption cross section, normalized to Chl a, increased. Moreover, Chl c/a ratios were higher in nitrogen-limited cells: the change in Chl c/a ratios were correlated with an increase in the functional size of Photosystem II. Both light saturated photosynthetic rates normalized per cell and specific respiratory losses were positively linearly correlated with growth rate. Light saturated photosynthetic rates normalized to Chl a remained relatively insensitive to the rate of nitrogen supply. The minimum quantum requirement for gross photosynthetic oxygen evolution increased from 12.4 to 17.0 quanta/O2. At the growth irradiance, the quantum requirement increased 88%, from 19.9 to 37.5 quauta/O2 Photosynthesis/respiration ratios remained relatively constant at dilution rates greater than 35% of the maximum relative growth rate. Consequently, net growth efficiency, defined as the ratio of the specific growth rate, μ, to specific gross photosynthesis, P, also remained relatively constant over this range of growth rates averaging 85 ± 3%.  相似文献   
In the midwestern United States the Daphnia pulex complex consists of a mosaic of sexual and asexual populations, providing a useful model system for studying the evolutionary forces underlying the maintenance of sex. One asexual and two sexual populations were surveyed for genetic variation for isozymes, mitochondrial DNA, and life-history characters. While the sexual populations exhibited substantial levels of genetic variance for fitness characters, no variation was detected in the asexual population at any level. However, a parallel survey among asexual clones derived from other ponds revealed large amounts of quantitative variation among clones, even among those with the same molecular profile. As a group, the asexuals are more variable for life histories than are the sexual populations. The molecular data indicate a relatively recent origin for the extant asexual D. pulex. The polyphyletic origin of these clones, combined with their microevolutionary potential, provides an explanation for their broad geographic distribution. The distribution of sex in the complex cannot be explained with the standard models that assume an invariant asexual population in reproductive isolation from the parental species. Although the frequency of asexuality may be driven by the spread of a sex-limited meiosis suppressor through sexual populations, the complete displacement of sexuality may be prevented by ecological distinctions between the two classes of individuals. On average, the asexuals are larger but produce smaller clutches than the sexuals.  相似文献   
The low incidence of intraspecific combat in territorial systems has traditionally been accounted for by theories that emphasize the bio-energetic advantages or the diminished risk of injury of threat display posture when compared with combat. Recently, however, it has been suggested that territory-holding passerines engaging in highly aggressive defensive behaviour are likely to pay a cost in terms of reduced vigilance for avian predators. To examine this further, two defensive options (combat and threat display) were evoked and observed in territorial European Robins Erithacus rubecula , in both winter and summer. It was found that Robins that engaged in combat during simulated territorial intrusion were significantly slower to react to a stuffed Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus , than those eliciting threat display. Therefore, the decreased vigilance in escalated fighting may result in higher vulnerability to predation, and this might help, in part, to explain why threat display is favoured over direct combat. Moreover, the mean time to evade the predator was significantly longer in summer than in winter in threat-displaying Robins. In addition to this finding, a clear difference in the type of behaviour adopted between the seasons was observed, with lower incidence of combatative response during the winter months. This difference in response to the appearance of a predator is discussed in relation to reduced levels of safe cover, a reduction in the availability of alternative prey during the winter months and to seasonal fluctuations in plasma androgen levels.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider several variations of the following basic tiling problem: given a sequence of real numbers with two size-bound parameters, we want to find a set of tiles of maximum total weight such that each tiles satisfies the size bounds. A solution to this problem is important to a number of computational biology applications such as selecting genomic DNA fragments for PCR-based amplicon microarrays and performing homology searches with long sequence queries. Our goal is to design efficient algorithms with linear or near-linear time and space in the normal range of parameter values for these problems. For this purpose, we first discuss the solution to a basic online interval maximum problem via a sliding-window approach and show how to use this solution in a nontrivial manner for many of the tiling problems introduced. We also discuss NP-hardness results and approximation algorithms for generalizing our basic tiling problem to higher dimensions. Finally, computational results from applying our tiling algorithms to genomic sequences of five model eukaryotes are reported.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of the reactions of representative dipeptides (Gly2, Gly-Ala), oligopeptides (Gly3, Gly4) and the polypeptide (poly-Gly)n) in solution and clay suspensions at 85 degrees C were investigated. The reaction products and their yields were analysed and determined by means of HPLC. Interestingly, hydrolysis, where water molecules act as the reactant, was not the main reaction, even for oligopeptides. Formation of cyclic dipeptides prevailed in the reactions of dimers as well as oligopeptides. The breakdown of oligopeptide molecules proceeded via an intramolecular cyclization reaction. For example, the reaction of Gly3 led to the formation of equal amounts of cyclic dipeptide, c(Gly)2 and Gly. The presence of clay (montmorillonite) significantly increased yields in the reactions of dipeptides but it did not have much effect on the reactions of oligopeptides. However, an opposite effect of clay, protection of poly(Gly)n against decomposition, was proven.  相似文献   
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