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2-Keto-3-deoxygluconate-6P aldolase ofPseudomonas putida mediates exchange between hydrogen isotope at the methylene carbon of 2-ketobutyrate and water. This occurs with aK m of 20 mM, 100 times the corresponding value for pyruvate, and a Vmax approximating 1/710 that of KDPG cleavage. Ketobutyrate is competitive with both pyruvate and 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate-6P for the enzyme. In addition, there is no evidence for C-C synthesis between ketobutyrate andd-glyceraldehyde-3P. A comparison of relativeV/K values for hydrogen exchange shows pyruvate to be 17,600 times better as a substrate than ketobutyrate. The detritiation of [3-3H]ketobutyrate is stereochemically random. In addition, the reaction proceeds with ak H/k T isotope effect of 15.3, consistent with C-H bond turnover being rate-determining. The E-ketobutyrate complex is reductively trapped, inactivating the enzyme. Reductive inactivation kinetics of E-ketobutyrate compared to E-pyruvate suggests more of the complex may be partitioned to ketimine in the ketobutyrate case than in the pyruvate case. A mechanism is considered in which ketobutyrate is bound as a ketimine in an orientation such that the active site acid/basic group cannot mediate catalytic ketimine/eneamine interconversion. Thus, exchange would result from hydrogen ionization at C-3′ of the ketimine, a slow spontaneous step compared to overall complex turnover. This noncatalyzed deprotonation would explain dissymmetry in exchange, the poorV/K compared to pyruvate, and a large tritium isotope effect.  相似文献   
Porolithon is one of the most ecologically important genera of tropical and subtropical crustose (non-geniculate) coralline algae growing abundantly along the shallow margins of coral reefs and functioning to cement reef frameworks. Thalli of branched, fruticose Porolithon specimens from the Indo-Pacific Ocean traditionally have been called P. gardineri, while massive, columnar forms have been called P. craspedium. Sequence comparisons of the rbcL gene both from type specimens of P. gardineri and P. craspedium and from field-collected specimens demonstrate that neither species is present in east Australia and instead resolve into four unique genetic lineages. Porolithon howensis sp. nov. forms columnar protuberances and loosely attached margins and occurs predominantly at Lord Howe Island; P. lobulatum sp. nov. has fruticose to clavate forms and free margins that are lobed and occurs in the Coral Sea and on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR); P. parvulum sp. nov. has short (<2 cm), unbranched protuberances and attached margins and is restricted to the central and southern GBR; and P. pinnaculum sp. nov. has a mountain-like, columnar morphology and occurs on oceanic Coral Sea reefs. A rbcL gene sequence of the isotype of P. castellum demonstrates it is a different species from other columnar species. In addition to the diagnostic rbcL and psbA marker sequences, the four new species may be distinguished by a combination of features including thallus growth form, margin shape (attached or unattached), and medullary system (coaxial or plumose). Porolithon species, because of their ecological importance and sensitivity to ocean acidification, need urgent documentation of their taxonomic diversity.  相似文献   
The Arctic is faced with rapid climatic changes, but in some areas, drastic changes in the abundance of herbivores represent an even greater agent of change. Increasing goose populations, especially midcontinent lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens), have led to an extensive loss of vegetation in terrestrial habitats in the Arctic through heavy grazing and destructive foraging. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of geese on the freshwater systems in their Arctic breeding grounds. We sampled the water chemistry of lakes and ponds across a major goose breeding area in the Eastern Canadian Arctic and compared results to samples taken 13 years earlier to determine whether the changes in water chemistry, if evident, were consistent with effects of geese or of climate. Our results suggest that nutrient loadings have increased while most other parameters associated with the underlying geology and hydrology of the region have stayed in a similar range as a decade ago. The most significant changes were linked to nitrogen and phosphorus; phosphorus concentrations doubled between 2001/2002 and 2015, with the highest levels and greatest changes observed for wetlands inside versus outside of goose breeding areas. Our results suggest that geese are most strongly affecting nutrient loads in freshwaters inside breeding areas, which show evidence of ornithological eutrophication. Nutrient changes of this magnitude, especially in typically oligotrophic Arctic lakes, can have profound consequences on ecosystem structure and function and demonstrate how burgeoning waterfowl populations can act as a vector of rapid environmental change in Arctic freshwaters.  相似文献   
In this work, we re-evaluated long-standing conjectures as to the source of the exceptionally large compliance of the bladder wall. Whereas these conjectures were based on indirect measures of loading mechanisms, in this work we take advantage of advances in bioimaging to directly assess collagen fibers and wall architecture during biaxial loading. A custom biaxial mechanical testing system compatible with multiphoton microscopy was used to directly measure the layer-dependent collagen fiber recruitment in bladder tissue from 9 male Fischer rats (4 adult and 5 aged). As for other soft tissues, the bladder loading curve was exponential in shape and could be divided into toe, transition and high stress regimes. The relationship between collagen recruitment and loading curves was evaluated in the context of the inner (lamina propria) and outer (detrusor smooth muscle) layers. The large extensibility of the bladder was found to be possible due to folds in the wall (rugae) that provide a mechanism for low resistance flattening without any discernible recruitment of collagen fibers throughout the toe regime. For more extensible bladders, as the loading extended into the transition regime, a gradual coordinated recruitment of collagen fibers between the lamina propria layer and detrusor smooth muscle layer was found. A second important finding was that wall extensibility could be lost by premature recruitment of collagen in the outer wall that cut short the toe region. This change was correlated with age. This work provides, for the first time, a mechanistic understanding of the role of collagen recruitment in determining bladder extensibility and capacitance.  相似文献   
Genetic characterization of Barilius barna, an economically important freshwater fish in the Indian scenario, is unexplored in the sub-Himalayan Dooars region of West Bengal, India. This study is the first attempt to characterize the genetic architecture of Barilius barna from the Teesta river of this region. We have studied loci polymorphism, genetic diversity, Shannon’s information index and the measure of evenness in the two populations of this river through ten RAPD and seven ISSR primer-based PCR amplifications. The result showed 89.52 and 82.21% polymorphisms in RAPD and ISSR amplification respectively. The Nei’s genetic diversity and Shannon’s information index varied from 0.172 ± 0.189SD to 0.293 ± 0.164SD and 0.265 ± 0.268SD to 0.445 ± 0.220SD respectively, which indicated low level of genetic variation. AMOVA revealed significant level of variance within the population and gene flow between the populations. Low levels of genetic variation and moderate to high levels of genetic relatedness were found in the studied populations. Expectedly, the populations were genetically not very distant from each other, as evident from the Nei’s unbiased measure of genetic distance and identity. As the species is commercially important and the region is located in the sub-Himalayan region, the management and proper rehabilitation of this ichthyofauna in the wild is urgently required. Our results may serve as a guideline for adopting such management decisions.  相似文献   
BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of MOSFET dosimeter in measuring eye dose during 2D MV portal imaging for setup verification in radiotherapy.Materials and methodsThe in-vivo dose measurements were performed by placing the dosimeters over the eyes of 30 brain patients during the acquisition of portal images in linear accelerator by delivering 1 MU with the field sizes of 10 × 10 cm2 and 15 × 15 cm2.ResultsThe mean doses received by the left and right eyes of 10 out of 30 patients when both eyes were completely inside the anterior portal field were found to be 2.56 ± 0.2 cGy and 2.75 ± 0.2, respectively. Similarly, for next 10 patients out of the same 30 patients the mean doses to left and right eyes when both eyes were completely out of the anterior portal fields were found to be 0.13 ± 0.02 cGy and 0.17 ± 0.02 cGy, respectively. The mean doses to ipsilateral and contralateral eye for the last 10 patients when one eye was inside the anterior portal field were found to be 3.28 ± 0.2 cGy and 0.36 ± 0.1 cGy, respectively.ConclusionThe promising results obtained during 2D MV portal imaging using MOSFET have shown that this dosimeter is well suitable for assessing low doses during imaging thereby enabling to optimize the imaging procedure using the dosimetric data obtained. In addition, the documentation of the dose received by the patient during imaging procedure is possible with the help of an in-built software in conjunction with the MOSFET reader module.  相似文献   
Herbivory is a highly sophisticated feeding behavior that requires abilities of plant defense suppression, phytochemical detoxification, and plant macromolecule digestion. For plant‐sucking insects, salivary glands (SGs) play important roles in herbivory by secreting and injecting proteins into plant tissues to facilitate feeding. Little is known on how insects evolved secretory SG proteins for such specialized functions. Here, we investigated the composition and evolution of secretory SG proteins in the brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) and identified a group of secretory SG phospholipase C (PLC) genes with highest sequence similarity to the bacterial homologs. Further analyses demonstrated that they were most closely related to PLCs of Xenorhabdus, a genus of Gammaproteobacteria living in symbiosis with insect‐parasitizing nematodes. These suggested that H. halys might acquire these PLCs from Xenorhabdus through the mechanism of horizontal gene transfer (HGT), likely mediated by a nematode during its parasitizing an insect host. We also showed that the original HGT event was followed by gene duplication and expansion, leading to functional diversification of the bacterial‐origin PLC genes in H. halys. Thus, this study suggested that an herbivore might enhance adaptation through gaining genes from an endosymbiont of its parasite in the tripartite parasitic and symbiotic interactions.  相似文献   
Summary Efflux of36Cl from frog sartorius muscles equilibrated in two depolarizing solutions was measured. Cl efflux consists of a component present at low pH and a pH-dependent component which increases as external pH increases.For temperatures between 0 and 20°C, the measured activation energy is 7.5 kcal/mol for Cl efflux at pH 5 and 12.6 kcal/mol for the pH-dependent Cl efflux. The pH-dependent Cl efflux can be described by the relationu=1/(1+10n(pK a -pH)), whereu is the Cl efflux increment obtained on stepping from pH 5 to the test pH, normalized with respect to the increment obtained on stepping from pH 5 to 8.5 or 9.0. For muscles equilibrated in solutions containing 150mm KCl plus 120mm NaCl (internal potential about –15 mV), the apparent pK a is 6.5 at both 0 and 20°C, andn=2.5 for 0°C and 1.5 for 20°C. For muscles equilibrated in solutions containing 7.5mm KCl plus 120mm NaCl (internal potential about –65 mV), the apparent pK a at 0°C is 6.9 andn is 1.5. The voltage dependence of the apparent pK a suggests that the critical pH-sensitive moiety producing the pH-dependent Cl efflux is sensitive to the membrane electric field, while the insensitivity to temperature suggests that the apparent heat of ionization of this moiety is zero. The fact thatn is greater than 1 suggests that cooperativity between pH-sensitive moieties is involved in determining the Cl efflux increment on raising external pH.The histidine-modifying reagent diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) applied at pH 6 reduces the pH-dependent Cl efflux according to the relation, efflux=exp(–k·[DEPC]·t), wheret is the exposure time (min) to DEPC at a prepared initial concentration of [DEPC] (mm). At 17°C,k –1=188mm·min. For temperatures between 10 and 23°C,k has an apparent Q10 of 2.5. The Cl efflux inhibitor SCN at a concentration of 20mm substantially retards the reduction of the pH-dependent Cl efflux by DEPC. The findings that the apparent pK a is 6.5 in depolarized muscles, that DEPC eliminates the pH-dependent Cl efflux, and that this action is retarded by SCN supports the notion that protonation of histidine groups associated with Cl channels is the controlling reaction for the pH-dependent Cl efflux.  相似文献   
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