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Thirty isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci, pv. angulata (pathogens on tobacco), pv. coronafaciens, and pv. striafaciens (pathogens on oats) were examined for plasmid DNAs. The strains were obtained from plants throughout the world, some over 50 years ago. Of the 22 tobacco pathogens, 16 contain predominantly one type of plasmid, the pJP27.00 type. The remaining six tobacco-specific strains do not harbor detectable plasmids. The oat pathogens contain one, two, or three plasmids. DNA homology studies indicate that the plasmid DNAs are highly conserved. More importantly, the plasmids harbored by strains isolated from one host plant are conserved most stringently; e.g., the plasmids from the tobacco pathogens are, with one exception, indistinguishable by restriction endonuclease digestion and Southern hybridization. There is also extensive homology among plasmids indigenous to the oat-specific P. syringae pv. coronafaciens and pv. striafaciens strains.  相似文献   
Several studies have suggested ERBB3/HER3 may be a useful prognostic marker for colorectal cancer. Tumours with an intestinal stem cell signature have also been shown to be more aggressive. Here, we investigate whether ERBB3 is associated with intestinal stem cell markers in colorectal cancer and if cancer stem cells within tumours are marked by expression of ERBB3. Expression of ERBB3 and intestinal stem cell markers (LGR5, EPHB2, CD44s and CD44v6) was assessed by qRT-PCR in primary colorectal tumours (stages 0 to IV) and matched normal tissues from 53 patients. The localisation of ERBB3, EPHB2 and KI-67 within tumours was investigated using co-immunofluorescence. Expression of ERBB3 and intestinal stem cell markers were significantly elevated in adenomas and colorectal tumours compared to normal tissue. Positive correlations were found between ERBB3 and intestinal stem cell markers. However, co-immunofluorescence analysis showed that ERBB3 and EPHB2 marked specific cell populations that were mutually exclusive within tumours with distinct proliferative potentials, the majority of ERBB3+ve cells being non-proliferative. This pattern resembles cellular organisation within normal colonic epithelium where EPHB2 labelled proliferative cells reside at the crypt base and ERBB3+ve cells mark differentiated cells at the top of crypts. Our results show that ERBB3 and intestinal stem cell markers correlate in colorectal cancers. ERBB3 localises to differentiated cell populations within tumours that are non-proliferative and distinct from cancer stem cells. These data support the concept that tumours contain discrete stem, proliferative and differentiation compartments similar to that present in normal crypts.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli strains that cause disease outside the intestine are known as extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) and include human uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC). Regardless of host of origin, ExPEC strains share many traits. It has been suggested that these commonalities may enable APEC to cause disease in humans. Here, we begin to test the hypothesis that certain APEC strains possess potential to cause human urinary tract infection through virulence genotyping of 1,000 APEC and UPEC strains, generation of the first complete genomic sequence of an APEC (APEC O1:K1:H7) strain, and comparison of this genome to all available human ExPEC genomic sequences. The genomes of APEC O1 and three human UPEC strains were found to be remarkably similar, with only 4.5% of APEC O1's genome not found in other sequenced ExPEC genomes. Also, use of multilocus sequence typing showed that some of the sequenced human ExPEC strains were more like APEC O1 than other human ExPEC strains. This work provides evidence that at least some human and avian ExPEC strains are highly similar to one another, and it supports the possibility that a food-borne link between some APEC and UPEC strains exists. Future studies are necessary to assess the ability of APEC to overcome the hurdles necessary for such a food-borne transmission, and epidemiological studies are required to confirm that such a phenomenon actually occurs.  相似文献   
The Kv-like (potassium voltage-dependent) K+ channels at the plasma membrane, including the inward-rectifying KAT1 K+ channel of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), are important targets for manipulating K+ homeostasis in plants. Gating modification, especially, has been identified as a promising means by which to engineer plants with improved characteristics in mineral and water use. Understanding plant K+ channel gating poses several challenges, despite many similarities to that of mammalian Kv and Shaker channel models. We have used site-directed mutagenesis to explore residues that are thought to form two electrostatic countercharge centers on either side of a conserved phenylalanine (Phe) residue within the S2 and S3 α-helices of the voltage sensor domain (VSD) of Kv channels. Consistent with molecular dynamic simulations of KAT1, we show that the voltage dependence of the channel gate is highly sensitive to manipulations affecting these residues. Mutations of the central Phe residue favored the closed KAT1 channel, whereas mutations affecting the countercharge centers favored the open channel. Modeling of the macroscopic current kinetics also highlighted a substantial difference between the two sets of mutations. We interpret these findings in the context of the effects on hydration of amino acid residues within the VSD and with an inherent bias of the VSD, when hydrated around a central Phe residue, to the closed state of the channel.Plant cells utilize the potassium ion (K+) to maintain hydrostatic (turgor) pressure, to drive irreversible cell expansion for growth, and to facilitate reversible changes in cell volume during stomatal movements. Potassium uptake and its circulation throughout the plant relies both on high-affinity, H+-coupled K+ transport (Quintero and Blatt, 1997; Rubio et al., 2008) and on K+ channels to facilitate K+ ion transfer across cell membranes. Uptake via K+ channels is thought to be responsible for roughly 50% of the total K+ content of the plant under most field conditions (Spalding et al., 1999; Rubio et al., 2008; Amtmann and Blatt, 2009). K+ channels confer on the membranes of virtually every tissue distinct K+ conductances and regulatory characteristics (Véry and Sentenac, 2003; Dreyer and Blatt, 2009). Their characteristics are thus of interest for engineering directed to manipulating K+ flux in many aspects of plant growth and cellular homeostasis. The control of K+ channel gating has been identified as the most promising target for the genetic engineering of stomatal responsiveness (Lawson and Blatt, 2014; Wang et al., 2014a), based on the recent development of quantitative systems models of guard cell transport and metabolism (Chen et al., 2012b; Hills et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2012). By contrast, modifying the expression and, most likely, the population of native K+ channels at the membrane was found to have no substantial effect on stomatal physiology (Wang et al., 2014b).The Kv-like K+ channels of the plant plasma membrane (Pilot et al., 2003; Dreyer and Blatt, 2009) share a number of structural features with the Kv superfamily of K+ channels characterized in animals and Drosophila melanogaster (Papazian et al., 1987; Pongs et al., 1988). The functional channels assemble from four homologous subunits and surround a central transmembrane pore that forms the permeation pathway (Daram et al., 1997). Each subunit comprises six transmembrane α-helices, designated S1 to S6, and both N and C termini are situated on the cytosolic side of the membrane (Uozumi et al., 1998). The pore or P loop between the S5 and S6 α-helices incorporates a short α-helical stretch and the highly conserved amino acid sequence TxGYGD, which forms a selectivity filter for K+ (Uozumi et al., 1995; Becker et al., 1996; Nakamura et al., 1997). The carbonyl oxygen atoms of these residues in all four K+ channel subunits face inward to form coordination sites for K+ ions between them (Doyle et al., 1998; Jiang et al., 2003; Kuo et al., 2003; Long et al., 2005) and a multiple-ion pore (Thiel and Blatt, 1991) such that K+ ions pass through the selectivity filter as if in free solution. The plant channels are also sensitive to a class of neurotoxins that exhibit high specificity in binding around the mouth of the channel pore (Obermeyer et al., 1994).These K+ channels also share a common gating mechanism. Within each subunit, the first four α-helices form a quasiindependent unit, the voltage sensor domain (VSD), with the S4 α-helix incorporating positively charged (Arg or Lys) residues regularly positioned across the lipid bilayer and transmembrane electric field. Voltage displaces the S4 α-helix within the membrane and couples rotation of the S5 and S6 α-helices lining the pore, thereby opening or closing the channel (Sigworth, 2003; Dreyer and Blatt, 2009). For outward-rectifying channels, such as the mammalian Kv1.2 and the D. melanogaster Shaker K+ channels, an inside-positive electric field drives the positively charged, S4 α-helix outward (the up position), which draws on the S4-S5 linker to open the pore. This simple expedient of a lever and string secures current flow in one direction by favoring opening at positive, but not negative, voltages. This same model applies to the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) Kv-like K+ channels, including outward rectifiers that exhibit sensitivity to external K+ concentration (Blatt, 1988; Blatt and Gradmann, 1997; Johansson et al., 2006), and it serves equally in the gating of inward-rectifying K+ channels such as KAT1, which gates open at negative voltages (Dreyer and Blatt, 2009).Studies of KAT1 gating (Latorre et al., 2003; Lai et al., 2005) have indicated that the S4 α-helix of the channel most likely undergoes very similar conformational changes with voltage as those of the mammalian and Shaker K+ channels. These findings conform with the present understanding of the evolution of VSD structure (Palovcak et al., 2014) and the view of a common functional dynamic to its molecular design. It is likely, therefore, that a similar electrostatic network occurs in KAT1 to stabilize the VSD. Crucially, however, experimental evidence in support of such a network has yet to surface. Electrostatic countercharges and the hydration of amino acid side chains between the α-helices within the VSDs of mammalian and Shaker K+ channel models are important for the latch-like stabilization of the so-called down and up states of these channels (Tao et al., 2010; Pless et al., 2011). Nonetheless, some studies (Gajdanowicz et al., 2009; Riedelsberger et al., 2010) have pointed to subtle differences in the structure of KAT1 that relate to the VSD.We have explored the electrostatic network of the KAT1 VSD through site-directed mutagenesis to manipulate the voltage dependence of KAT1, combining these studies with molecular dynamic simulations previously shown to accommodate the plant VSDs and their hydration during gating transitions (Gajdanowicz et al., 2009; Garcia-Mata et al., 2010). We report here that gating of KAT1 is sensitive to manipulations affecting a set of electrostatic charge transfer centers. These findings conform in large measure to the mammalian and Shaker models. However, virtually all manipulations affecting a highly conserved, central Phe favor the up state of the VSD and the closed KAT1 channel, whereas mutations affecting the electrostatic networks on either side of this Phe favor the down state of the VSD and the open channel. These and additional observations suggest that hydration within the VSD is a major determinant of KAT1 gating.  相似文献   
Hypolipidaemic drugs and industrial plasticizers such as di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, which cause proliferation of hepatic peroxisomes, also cause an increase in an 80000-mol.wt. polypeptide in the liver of rats and mice. This polypeptide has been designated as PPA-80 (PPA, for peroxisome-proliferation-associated; 80 for 80000mol.wt.). The polypeptide PPA-80 was purified to over 90% purity from livers of rats treated with the peroxisome proliferators Wy-14,643, nafenopin, tibric acid and clofibrate by a single-step preparative sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoretic procedure. The antibodies raised against the PPA-80 polypeptide isolated from livers of rats treated with Wy-14,643 cross-reacted with polypeptide PPA-80 purified from the livers of rats treated with Wy-14,643, as well as from the livers of rats treated with nafenopin, tibric acid and clofibrate. The anti-(polypeptide PPA-80) antibodies did not cross-react with catalase, a marker enzyme for peroxisomes, or with NADPH–cytochrome P-450 reductase, which has the same approximate mol.wt., 80000. The intensity of immunoprecipitin bands formed with microsomal, large-particle and postnuclear fractions from livers of animals pretreated with peroxisome proliferators was significantly greater compared with equal amounts of protein from corresponding fractions obtained from control animals, suggesting that these agents all enhance the synthesis of the same 80000-mol.wt. polypeptide. Although the polypeptide PPA-80 was increased in the postnuclear, large-particle and microsomal fractions of livers of rats pretreated with peroxisome proliferators, the relative abundance of this peptide in the peroxisome-rich light-mitochondrial fraction and its lack in highly purified mitochondrial fractions suggest the localization of this polypeptide in peroxisomes and/or microsomal fraction. Additional studies are needed to establish unequivocally the subcellular localization of the polypeptide PPA-80 and to ascertain if this polypeptide is identical with the multi-functional protein displaying enoyl-CoA hydratase and β-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activities that was purified by Osumi & Hashimoto [(1979) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 89, 580–584].  相似文献   
Differential introgression of mitochondrial vs. nuclear DNA generates discordant patterns of geographic variation and can promote population divergence and speciation. We examined a potential case of mitochondrial introgression leading to two perpendicular axes of differentiation. The Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis, a widespread Australian bird, shows a deep mitochondrial split that is perpendicular to north–south nuclear DNA and plumage colour differentiation. We propose a scenario to explain this pattern: (i) first, both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes differentiated in concert during north–south population divergence; (ii) later, their histories disconnected after two mitochondrial introgression events resulting in a deep mitochondrial split perpendicular to the nuclear DNA structure. We explored this scenario by coalescent modelling of ten mitochondrial genes and 400 nuclear DNA loci. Initial mitochondrial and nuclear genome divergences were estimated to have occurred in the early Pleistocene, consistent with the proposed scenario. Subsequent climatic transitions may have driven later mitochondrial introgression. We consider neutral introgression unlikely and instead propose that the evidence is more consistent with adaptive mitochondrial introgression and selection against incompatible mitochondrial‐nuclear combinations. This likely generated an axis of coastal‐inland mitochondrial differentiation in the face of nuclear gene flow, perpendicular to the initial north–south axis of differentiation (reflected in genomewide nuclear DNA and colour variation).  相似文献   
Lactococcus lactis DPC4275 is a bacteriocin-producing transconjugant of the industrial starter strain DPC4268. Strain DPC4275 was generated through conjugal transfer by mating DPC4268 with L. lactis MG1363 containing the 60-kb plasmid pMRC01, which encodes the genetic determinants for the lantibiotic lacticin 3147 and for a phage resistance mechanism of the abortive infection type. The many significant applications of this strain prompted a genetic analysis of its apparently unstable bacteriocin-producing phenotype. Increased levels of lacticin 3147 produced by DPC4275 were associated with the appearance of an 80-kb plasmid, designated pMRC02, which was derived from DNA originating from pMRC01 (60 kb) and a resident DPC4268 proteinase plasmid, pMT60 (60 kb). Indeed, pMRC02 was shown to be derived from the insertion of a 17-kb fragment of pMRC01, encompassing the lacticin 3147 operon, into pMT60. The presence of pMRC02 at a high copy number was found to correlate with increased levels of lacticin 3147 in DPC4275 compared to the wild-type containing pMRC01. Subsequent transfer of pMRC02 into the plasmid-free strain MG1363 by electroporation allowed a direct phenotypic comparison with pMRC01, also studied in the MG1363 background. Plasmid pMRC02 displayed phage resistance similar to that by pMRC01, although it was less potent, as demonstrated by a larger plaque size for phage c2 infection of MG1363(pMRC02). While this locus is flanked by IS946 elements, the sequencing of pMT60-pMRC01 junction sites established that this event was unlikely to be insertion sequence mediated and most probably occurred by homologous recombination followed by deletion of most of pMRC01. This was not a random occurrence, as nine other transconjugants investigated were found to have the same junction sites. Such derivatives of commercial strains producing increased levels of bacteriocin could be exploited as protection cultures for food applications.  相似文献   
Activation of the P2X(7) receptor by extracellular nucleotides modulates multiple immune functions, including inflammatory mediator production, membrane fusion events, and apoptosis. Previous studies have revealed that the C terminus of this multimeric cation channel possesses a lipid-interaction motif that has been proposed to regulate receptor function. This domain is homologous to the LPS binding region of the LPS binding protein, and we demonstrated that two basic residues (Arg(578), Lys(579)) within this motif are essential for LPS binding to P2X(7) in vitro. Because P2X(7) can influence LPS action, and because lipid interaction motifs modulate the trafficking of other ion channel-linked receptors, we hypothesized that this motif of P2X(7) is critical for receptor function and trafficking. In these studies we mutated Arg(578) and Lys(579) of P2X(7), and the expression profile, channel activity, and pore formation of the mutant were characterized in transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells. In contrast with the wild-type receptor, the P2X(7)-R578E/K579E mutant fails to demonstrate surface immunoreactivity despite normal levels of total protein expression. This effect on the mutant receptor is unlikely to result from widespread defects in protein folding, because surface localization, determined using conformation-specific Abs, can be restored by growing the cells at 25 degrees C, conditions that slow receptor recycling. Despite surface expression at reduced temperatures, at 25 degrees C the P2X(7)-R578E/K579E mutant still exhibits greatly reduced sodium, potassium, and calcium channel activity when compared with the wild-type receptor, and cannot induce pore formation. These data suggest that the lipid interaction motif of the P2X(7) C terminus controls receptor trafficking and modulates channel activity.  相似文献   


The development of CRISPR genome editing has transformed biomedical research. Most applications reported thus far rely upon the Cas9 protein from Streptococcus pyogenes SF370 (SpyCas9). With many RNA guides, wildtype SpyCas9 can induce significant levels of unintended mutations at near-cognate sites, necessitating substantial efforts toward the development of strategies to minimize off-target activity. Although the genome-editing potential of thousands of other Cas9 orthologs remains largely untapped, it is not known how many will require similarly extensive engineering to achieve single-site accuracy within large genomes. In addition to its off-targeting propensity, SpyCas9 is encoded by a relatively large open reading frame, limiting its utility in applications that require size-restricted delivery strategies such as adeno-associated virus vectors. In contrast, some genome-editing-validated Cas9 orthologs are considerably smaller and therefore better suited for viral delivery.


Here we show that wildtype NmeCas9, when programmed with guide sequences of the natural length of 24 nucleotides, exhibits a nearly complete absence of unintended editing in human cells, even when targeting sites that are prone to off-target activity with wildtype SpyCas9. We also validate at least six variant protospacer adjacent motifs (PAMs), in addition to the preferred consensus PAM (5′-N4GATT-3′), for NmeCas9 genome editing in human cells.


Our results show that NmeCas9 is a naturally high-fidelity genome-editing enzyme and suggest that additional Cas9 orthologs may prove to exhibit similarly high accuracy, even without extensive engineering.
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