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Saccharomonospora viridis (Schuurmans et al. 1956) Nonomurea and Ohara 1971 is the type species of the genus Saccharomonospora which belongs to the family Pseudonocardiaceae. S. viridis is of interest because it is a Gram-negative organism classified among the usually Gram-positive actinomycetes. Members of the species are frequently found in hot compost and hay, and its spores can cause farmer's lung disease, bagassosis, and humidifier fever. Strains of the species S. viridis have been found to metabolize the xenobiotic pentachlorophenol (PCP). The strain described in this study has been isolated from peat-bog in Ireland. Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence, and annotation. This is the first complete genome sequence of the family Pseudonocardiaceae, and the 4,308,349 bp long single replicon genome with its 3906 protein-coding and 64 RNA genes is part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   
The small leucine-rich repeat proteins, fibromodulin and osteoadherin, have N-terminal extensions with a variable number of O-sulfated tyrosine residues. This modification combined with a number of aspartic and glutamic acid residues results in a highly negatively charged domain of less than 30 amino acids. We hypothesized that this domain shares functional properties with heparin regarding binding to proteins and polypeptides containing clusters of basic amino acids. Two other family members, PRELP and chondroadherin, have distinctly different clusters of basic amino acids in their N and C termini, respectively, and PRELP is known to bind to heparin via this domain. Another heparin-binding protein is the cytokine Oncostatin M, with a different cluster of basic amino acids in its C terminus. We used polypeptides representing these basic domains in solid phase assays and demonstrate interactions with the negatively charged N-terminal domain of fibromodulin and full-length osteoadherin. The tyrosine sulfate domains also bound heparin-binding proteins such as basic fibroblast growth factor-2, thrombospondin I, MMP13, the NC4 domain of collagen IX, and interleukin-10. Fibronectin with large heparin-binding domains did not bind, neither did CILP containing a heparin-binding thrombospondin type I motif without clustered basic amino acids. Affinity depends on the number and position of the sulfated tyrosine residues shown by different binding properties of 10-kDa fragments subfractionated by ion-exchange chromatography. These interactions may sequester growth factors, cytokines, and matrix metalloproteinases in the extracellular matrix as well as contribute to its organization.The integrity of the extracellular matrix depends on a multitude of interactions between molecular constituents leading to the formation of major macromolecular assemblies important for tissue functions. A major component in most types of extracellular matrix is the network of fibrillar structures primarily composed of collagen I in fibrous tissues and bone, whereas cartilage contains the similar collagen II.These collagen fibrils contain a number of associated molecules, often bound to their surface. One such molecule is the distinct collagen IX, containing three triple helical domains each surrounded by non-triple helical domains. Another set of molecules binding to triple helical collagen is the members of the small leucine-rich repeat protein family, such as fibromodulin (1), lumican (2), decorin (3), biglycan (4), PRELP (5), chondroadherin (6), and possibly osteoadherin. The typical LRR3 protein contains 10–11 repeats of some 25 amino acids with leucine residues at conserved locations. This domain represents a common denominator for the family and contains structures providing for interaction with, e.g. triple helical collagen (79). The LRR proteins contain an extension at either the N- or C-terminal end or, in a few cases, at both ends. These extensions may contribute to a second function exemplified by PRELP, where the N-terminal with a stretch of clustered arginine residues provides binding to heparin/heparan sulfate containing optimally five or more disaccharides with three sulfate groups each (10). In decorin and biglycan, the N-terminal extension have substituents of glycosaminoglycan chains of dermatan/chondroitin sulfate that can contribute to collagen binding (11) as well as provide putative self interactions with a similar chain on another molecule. In particular, it has been shown that decorin and biglycan will bind via their protein core to the N-terminal globular domain of collagen VI (4) and direct the formation of the collagen VI-beaded filament network, provided that the glycosaminoglycan chains are intact.There are a number of proteins known to interact with heparin. Whereas heparin is not present in the extracellular matrix, these proteins may bind to stretches within the heparan sulfate chains enriched in disaccharides having high sulfate content. The heparan sulfate is found particularly as a component of cell surface proteoglycans such as glypicans (12) and syndecans (13) and of the extracellular matrix proteoglycans perlecan (14) and agrin (15). Important ligands for these chains are growth factors exemplified by members of the FGF family. Other molecules that bind to heparan sulfate include fibronectin, having two such domains with molecular weights of around 20,000 (16). Also several members of the metalloproteinase family contain heparin-binding motifs as do many cytokines.The most common heparin-binding sequence contains clusters of basic amino acids, often with additional proline residues. PRELP and chondroadherin as well as the other proteins mentioned represent examples having such sequences. A different type of motif, first found in thrombospondin I, contains consecutive repeats of a WXZ sequence, where the tryptophan may be mannosylated (17, 18). This is referred to as the thrombospondin type I motif heparin-binding structure. Thrombospondin I in addition contains a heparin-binding basic cluster of amino acids (19). CILP on the other hand only contains the thrombospondin type 1 motif. These domains can bind to heparin with high affinity, an interaction that can be disrupted by high salt.A very different type of extension is found in the N-terminal part of fibromodulin and osteoadherin. These proteins contain a number of tyrosine residues, which may and often do, carry a sulfate group. Thus, fibromodulin contains up to nine such residues and osteoadherin as many as eight, where six are located in the N-terminal and two in the C-terminal extension (20). Any given preparation contains molecules within the same species with a range of levels of O-sulfate-substituted tyrosine. The functional significances of these domains have been unknown. We now show that these domains can mimic heparin in several interactions.  相似文献   
A great majority of genetic markers discovered in recent genome-wide association studies have small effect sizes, and they explain only a small fraction of the genetic contribution to the diseases. How many more variants can we expect to discover and what study sizes are needed? We derive the connection between the cumulative risk of the SNP variants to the latent genetic risk model and heritability of the disease. We determine the sample size required for case-control studies in order to achieve a certain expected number of discoveries in a collection of most significant SNPs. Assuming similar allele frequencies and effect sizes of the currently validated SNPs, complex phenotypes such as type-2 diabetes would need approximately 800 variants to explain its 40% heritability. Much smaller numbers of variants are needed if we assume rare-variants but higher penetrance models. We estimate that up to 50,000 cases and an equal number of controls are needed to discover 800 common low-penetrant variants among the top 5000 SNPs. Under common and rare low-penetrance models, the very large studies required to discover the numerous variants are probably at the limit of practical feasibility. Under rare-variant with medium- to high-penetrance models (odds-ratios between 1.6 and 4.0), studies comparable in size to many existing studies are adequate provided the genotyping technology can interrogate more and rarer variants.  相似文献   
Specifying synaptic partners and regulating synaptic numbers are at least partly activity-dependent processes during visual map formation in all systems investigated to date . In Drosophila, six photoreceptors that view the same point in visual space have to be sorted into synaptic modules called cartridges in order to form a visuotopically correct map . Synapse numbers per photoreceptor terminal and cartridge are both precisely regulated . However, it is unknown whether an activity-dependent mechanism or a genetically encoded developmental program regulates synapse numbers. We performed a large-scale quantitative ultrastructural analysis of photoreceptor synapses in mutants affecting the generation of electrical potentials (norpA, trp;trpl), neurotransmitter release (hdc, syt), vesicle endocytosis (synj), the trafficking of specific guidance molecules during photoreceptor targeting (sec15), a specific guidance receptor required for visual map formation (Dlar), and 57 other novel synaptic mutants affecting 43 genes. Remarkably, in all these mutants, individual photoreceptors form the correct number of synapses per presynaptic terminal independently of cartridge composition. Hence, our data show that each photoreceptor forms a precise and constant number of afferent synapses independently of neuronal activity and partner accuracy. Our data suggest cell-autonomous control of synapse numbers as part of a developmental program of activity-independent steps that lead to a "hard-wired" visual map in the fly brain.  相似文献   
This study is the first phytochemical investigation of Selaginella sellowii and demonstrates the antileishmanial activity of the hydroethanolic extract from this plant (SSHE), as well as of the biflavonoids amentoflavone and robustaflavone, isolated from this species. The effects of these substances were evaluated on intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, an aetiological agent of American cutaneous leishmaniasis. SSHE was highly active against intracellular amastigotes [the half maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) = 20.2 µg/mL]. Fractionation of the extract led to the isolation of the two bioflavonoids with the highest activity: amentoflavone, which was about 200 times more active (IC50 = 0.1 μg/mL) and less cytotoxic than SSHE (IC50 = 2.2 and 3 μg/mL, respectively on NIH/3T3 and J774.A1 cells), with a high selectivity index (SI) (22 and 30), robustaflavone, which was also active against L. amazonensis (IC50 = 2.8 µg/mL), but more cytotoxic, with IC50 = 25.5 µg/mL (SI = 9.1) on NIH/3T3 cells and IC50 = 3.1 µg/mL (SI = 1.1) on J774.A1 cells. The production of nitric oxide (NO) was lower in cells treated with amentoflavone (suggesting that NO does not contribute to the leishmanicidal mechanism in this case), while NO release was higher after treatment with robustaflavone. S. sellowii may be a potential source of biflavonoids that could provide promising compounds for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis.  相似文献   
Chlamydia psittaci is a highly prevalent avian pathogen and the cause of a potentially lethal zoonosis, causing life-threatening pneumonia in humans. We report the genome sequences of C. psittaci 6BC, the prototype strain of the species, and C. psittaci Cal10, a widely used laboratory strain.  相似文献   
Chlamydia pecorum is an obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen that causes diverse disease in a wide variety of economically important mammals. We report the finished complete genome sequence of C. pecorum E58, the type strain for the species.  相似文献   
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